Welcome to Circle City. This circular hub of a dueling city has many a feature and location for aspiring Duelists and veterans alike, but perhaps its most notable feature is the local Duel Academy. It's run fairly similar to others; classes are divided up into Slifer Red, Ra Yellow, and Obelisk Blue depending on the duelist's skill. And of course, near the end of every semester, a school-wide tournament is held. All students are welcome to participate.
But that's small news compared to what's been going on for the last six years. See, six years ago marks the beginning of what's being called the Spirit World Collision. What this has caused is an increase in Duel Spirit population in the "real" world, and by effect, more and more duelists have been receiving Spirit Partners. In addition to this, the Spirit World Collision is making Duel Spirits "solid", visible and tangible to people who aren't even partners with the Spirit in question, in essence making them almost a full-blown part of this world. The Duel Spirits in question claim that their own world has been seeing more adverse effects (most notably the complete and utter distortion of time, space, and history), but what's causing it remains unknown, effectively meaning any way of making it stop is also unknown. It's also unknown if it will have any further effects on our world beyond an increase in Duel Spirit population, though there are mixed theories about what could happen next.
For what it's worth, you're a student at Circle City's Duel Academy, and you have a Spirit Partner. And, whether you need the extra credit offered to the winner, you're trying to win a bet, or you signed up just for fun, you're entered in this semester's tournament. This, however, is just the onset of much greater things to come...
This was initially a premise for a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic, but as the story in question has been moving at a snail's pace at best for the last few months (meaning pretty much since I started writing it), I figured it could be a good idea to set it up as an RP as well. Before people start arguing over who gets Shaddolls or Qliphags though, let me make one thing perfectly clear.
I'm a pretty reasonable and patient GM. However, top-tier decks will be shot down on sight. At best, they'll be walking away with crippling additions to the RP's banlist, so as to keep the game fair to lower-tier decks as well. At worst, I'll tell you to scrap it and try something else. I'll also be allowing custom cards (not for these top-tier decks, though) that players can create to amplify otherwise-useless decks so that they're at least playable, but I'm also limiting these per player since entire decks of custom cards can be a little overwhelming sometimes. More on these and other rules later when I have an actual list of rules up.
For now, assuming my "We're wrecking your meta decks" statement hasn't scared you away, feel free to express interest. At present, I'm looking for a small group of players (no more than six total) to boot the RP up with, but I won't mind expanding the group from time to time if the game demands it.
But that's small news compared to what's been going on for the last six years. See, six years ago marks the beginning of what's being called the Spirit World Collision. What this has caused is an increase in Duel Spirit population in the "real" world, and by effect, more and more duelists have been receiving Spirit Partners. In addition to this, the Spirit World Collision is making Duel Spirits "solid", visible and tangible to people who aren't even partners with the Spirit in question, in essence making them almost a full-blown part of this world. The Duel Spirits in question claim that their own world has been seeing more adverse effects (most notably the complete and utter distortion of time, space, and history), but what's causing it remains unknown, effectively meaning any way of making it stop is also unknown. It's also unknown if it will have any further effects on our world beyond an increase in Duel Spirit population, though there are mixed theories about what could happen next.
For what it's worth, you're a student at Circle City's Duel Academy, and you have a Spirit Partner. And, whether you need the extra credit offered to the winner, you're trying to win a bet, or you signed up just for fun, you're entered in this semester's tournament. This, however, is just the onset of much greater things to come...
This was initially a premise for a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic, but as the story in question has been moving at a snail's pace at best for the last few months (meaning pretty much since I started writing it), I figured it could be a good idea to set it up as an RP as well. Before people start arguing over who gets Shaddolls or Qliphags though, let me make one thing perfectly clear.
I'm a pretty reasonable and patient GM. However, top-tier decks will be shot down on sight. At best, they'll be walking away with crippling additions to the RP's banlist, so as to keep the game fair to lower-tier decks as well. At worst, I'll tell you to scrap it and try something else. I'll also be allowing custom cards (not for these top-tier decks, though) that players can create to amplify otherwise-useless decks so that they're at least playable, but I'm also limiting these per player since entire decks of custom cards can be a little overwhelming sometimes. More on these and other rules later when I have an actual list of rules up.
For now, assuming my "We're wrecking your meta decks" statement hasn't scared you away, feel free to express interest. At present, I'm looking for a small group of players (no more than six total) to boot the RP up with, but I won't mind expanding the group from time to time if the game demands it.