Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sleepy


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At the Edge of an Empire

The fangs of winter have released themselves from the Akras Valley, a desolate frontier of the Valtish Kingdom. The snows have finally melted in the spring sun, swelling the rivers and blooming the flowers once again. Birds chirp amongst the forest of pines and seeds are planted for the coming summer's harvest.

The town of Nelhm, the only settlement in the Valley has woken from its winter slumber. Hunters have began the spring hunt for the wild stags and boars, the alchemist now travels out to collect herbs and minerals, the constables patrol with less layers and a bounce to their step, and the bards now sing songs of warmth and happiness. Indeed, even though the village is many days travel from the nearest city, on the most remote frontier of the Kingdom, the spring's magic has empowered these people.

But there is a menace lurking in the pines, high in the crags and bluffs of the surrounding mountains. Bandits, outlaws, brigands- ex-soldiers and mercenaries, escaped convicts and lowlifes who have banded together into a single bloodthirsy clan, intending to loot, pillage, murder, and torture. With the humble village of Nelhm being the only settlement for miles and miles, they clan has set their eyes on its idyllic homes and farms.

The bandit clan cannot just walk into the town and claim it as their own, however. The people there are hardy folk, many of their own retired soldiers and veterans, not to mention the strong presence of guards and the Church Marshall. If they are to make Nelhm their own, they must rely cunning and strategy, and they must do it before the arrival of next winter, if they hope to survive in this harsh frontier. Equally, the oblivious people of Nelhm must remain strong when the Clan descends upon their homes, or they may not survive until the winter, or even through it.


In short, this is a character driven faction RP- a small clan of Bandits versus a small village set in a Dark Fantasy universe of my own creation (which I have taken to calling the Fragmenting of an Empire Mythos, based on my previously failed RP on these forums some time back). The fantasy is gritty and realistic, with magic being very, very rare. Rules on magic are going to be highly regulated and limited- I don't want a bunch of super powered mages running around in this RP.

You can play any character you like, in either group (bandits or townsfolk). The town will need a Mayor, a guard captain, a blacksmith, and innkeeper, a priest, an alchemist, and any other profession you can dream up. The bandits will need a strong leader and unique characters. I encourage creative characters- don't want to see any Ned Starks.

Be aware that your characters can and will die, or possibly even be tortured. I expect solid communication between Rpers here concerning such things. Remember- the objective is to create a story, and have fun while doing it. If players become hostile towards one another for whatever reason, I will address and attempt to resolve the situation in the fairest way possible. If hostilities continue I will not hesitate to remove the players in question.

This is the OOC thread. Sheets will follow an application process, and characters will be accepted based on how well written and realistic the character is. You may now submit your character sheets, either by posting here or Pmin' me.

On Character Sheets

The Character Sheet format is as follows. All fields listed are required information, though you may add addition fields if you so desire.

Ethnicity (see Ethnicity section):
Physical Description:

Rank/Role(ie Blacksmith, Innkeeper, torturer, raider, etc):



On Ethnicity

There are a handful of different cultures in the Fragmenting of an Empire Mythos; if any of you were in the original Fragmenting of an Empire RP, these may be familiar to you. Any of them could be inhabiting the little village of Nelhm or taking up arms with the bandits, though since the RP takes place in the Kingdom of Valtakunda, most of the people will be Valtish, or from surrounding kingdoms. It may be a bit limiting, but for the sake of realism, this must be taken into considering when creating characters.

Ethnicity (organized from most likely to appear to least likely to appear):
Valtish: Often blonde haired and blue eyed, the Valtish are most like the real world Finnish culture. Tall and fair haired, the Valtish people are less war-like than their Northern brothers, instead favoring the arts and culture over battle. The majority of Valtakunda (the kingdom the RP takes place) is of Valtish origin (wow, imagine that!).

Borkish: Hailing from the warm and fertile land of Borkstvo just south of the frigid Valtakunda, the Borkish are most like the real world Russian culture. Strong, tall, and stereotypically cruel, the Borkish are renowned for their brutality, both on and off the battlefield. Often broad shouldered, brown hair, brown eyes.

Cellish: The Cellish hail from the high forests and bluffs of Celland, just west of Valtakunda. The Cellish are most like the real world Irish culture, and have a history stepped in paganism and artistic rituals, often making their kind targets of the church. It is said that there is no better bowman than a Cell.

Rethyan: Based primarily on ye olde Greek and Latin (with a bit of spanish thrown in the mix), the Rethyans are river-folk who live amid a thick temperate rainforest just east of Valtakunda. Once the seat of the Pontentate Empire (and presently the seat of the Creationist Religion that still unites all the kingdoms), Rethyans are known to hold themselves over other ethnicity due to their “royal” background. Those who hail from the city know a very posh and metropolitan lifestyle, while those with a rural upbrining know a harsh life of forestry and survival.

Frankish: Hailing from the foggy marshes and pines south of Ayreth, the Frankish are a prudent lot, based on a mash up of real world French and German culture. The Franks are known to be even more pompous and prudent than their Rethyan neighbors; they drink honor and pride like it's water, and wine even more. Great Architects and mathematicians come from Frankmark, and the Kingdom is dotted with infallible citadels and castles, often considered the nation's icon.

Northmen: Based on the typical Scandinavian cultures, the Northmen are tall, mean, and love war. Grouped together in a collection of ever changing kingdoms, the Northmen also make fantastic sailors and traders, and can be found as far south as Estradee and Borkstvo.

Estradian: Based on the real world Italian culture, Estradians are often depicted as wealthy traders and nobility, owning rich vineyards and industries. Truth is, after the bloody civil war twenty years back, the Estradian Kingdom is in total ruin, most moving away from their nearly demolished home.

Kizari: The people of Ki'Zar (which literally translates to The Land of the Warrior) are an exotic group to the Valtish. Coming from the vast deserts and savannas to the far east, the Kizari are a ragtag conglomeration of cultures that are best represented by real world Arabic, Turkish, Hindu, and Asian nations. Not much is known about the Kizari, except they hail from a brutal Theocracy, and are not often seen outside of their home.

Disclaimer: I am by no means forcing your character into a box with these ethnicities. Just because Northmen typically like war doesn’t mean you can't make a Northman who loves to dance, pick flowers, and preach peace. Be who you wanna be.

On Recent Events

Roughly twenty years ago, the mighty Pontentate Empire sundered, the Kingdoms of Ayreth, Valtakunda, Frankmark, Borkstvo, Celland, Handel, and Estradee gaining independence in the bloodiest civil war seen in generations. Every corner of the Empire was engulfed in war, and to the older citizens of the kingdom, this terrible event is still a fresh memory.

Valtakunda itself just survived a vicious war of succession less than two years ago. The two feuding dynasties battled one another in every corner of the Kingdom (save the remote frontier of the Arkas Valley), levying a large portion of the male populace into their armies and hiring many companies of mercenaries that still call the land home, but as bandits instead of soldiers. Many commoners are expressing discontent in the land after the horrible war that took the lives from many sons and fathers, and many speak of dark tides on the horizon.


Coming soon!

On Magic

Magic in the Mythos is very realistic and very limited. It is based mainly on physics- in order to make a ball of fire, you need to gather the appropriate amount of heat, and once you get a fire going, it will act just like a fire, and you're liable to catch yourself ablaze just as much as you are your opponent. Mages (called Abominations and hunted like animals by the Church) must rely more on wit and intellect than their powers to survive and thrive.

In addition, magic can be used in different ways to achieve different things. I have taken the liberty to divide magic into distinct fields of study. Unless your character has been hardcore trained, they are likely to only be an apprentice in a single field (assuming they know any at all). It is a very difficult and painful talent to master, so keep that in mind when making characters.

Additionally, if you can think of clever new types of magic, let me know and I'll see if its metaphysically feasible.

Fields of Magic:
Evocation: The most basic and common form of magic, Evocation is about drawing energy (heat, electricity, kinetic, emotional), and turning it into different forms of energy used to hurt and kill enemies. Basic fire, lightning, and psychic strikes fall into this category. Heat can also be drawn out of an opponent, freezing them, as well as a countless number of other nasty things.

Summoning: Spirits and Demons are not just myth. Beyond the mortal world there is a world of spirits, separated by a thin veil. If proper psychic energy is applied, this Veil can be torn, and a spirit can be invited in and enslaved to preform the summoner's will. Some spirits are very weak, while others are very strong. In addition, Demons and Fae that wander the spirit world may enter the mortal world from such tears in the Veil, and are much harder to enslave with psychic will. Every time a player summons a spirit, there will be a small chance that a rather unfriendly creature will appear instead, based on a virtual d100 I have. Summon with discretion.

Necromancy: Necromancers take the Summoner's ability a step further- binding summoned spirits to corpses. The corpses can be collected or created by the necromancer, the stronger the better (though the vessels must be organic, ie, flesh or plant matter). Additionally, Necromancers pride themselves on being able to traverse the realm of the dead, using the Underworld as a means of quick transportation.

Illusions: Psychic energy can be pumped into imagination to create illusions- holograms and look, smell, sound, feel, and taste real, but can do no real physical harm to a person. Doing so requires much focus and imagination, however. An illusionist can also create dreams for the sleeping.

Alchemy: While not actually magic, Alchemy is an advanced field of chemistry learned within the ancient ruins that dot the Empire. The ruins, home to a dead race known as The Forgers, held many powerful and advanced formulas that have been translated by Chemists. These Alchemists can create potent chemicals- acid that eats through metal, light-rods, Alchemical Fire (when this liquid has contact with air, it ignites), and Frozen Lightning (when this material shatters, in releases a strong electrical current). Very dangerous practice, as well as esoteric.

Mechanism: A mechanist is much like a Necromancer, but whereas the Necromancer requires organic vessels for his minions, the Mechanist must have a mechanical vessel known as a Construct. No one knows how Mechanists power their machine minions, as they keep it a close-lipped secret among their kind.

Disclaimer: Not many people will know magic. Most don't have the aptitude for it. A lot of accomplished Mages are completely insane or die from the physical stress of the art.

On Random Events

Random events will occur in the RP, based on my own judgment and a bit of randomness using a d100. It could be anything from a random character falling ill, to a building catching fire, to a circus arriving in town. I know I will have a Royal Collector come into town to collect taxes and tithes from the village, so keep that in mind.

On Makin' Stuff Up

The Mythos was designed for people to make up their own events, places, and peoples. Please, use the full creative liberty that I have granted you (without breaking the small snippets of lore I have posted here). As you guys develop the war of succession mentioned in the earlier section, as well as other events, as well as the town's history, I will update the thread with that information. Go nuts, so long as you maintain the realism.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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PhoenixWhite Debonair Bird

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Hmmm... What level of tech did you have in mind? I'm getting a fairly steampunkish feel myself (admittedly from the machinists) but see mostly a medieval/fantasy esque setting, so I have no idea where to place it xD

Just askin' cos I have this... idea in mind and it's suddenly relevant xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sleepy


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PhoenixWhite said
Hmmm... What level of tech did you have in mind? I'm getting a fairly steampunkish feel myself (admittedly from the machinists) but see mostly a medieval/fantasy esque setting, so I have no idea where to place it xDJust askin' cos I have this inkeeper idea in mind and it's suddenly relevant xD

Low fantasy. Tech that would be about in say, 1100 AD. The Mechanists pull their tech from the Forgers, who were a bit more advanced, to say the least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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PhoenixWhite Debonair Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Makes sense- thanks!

I'm going to try and give some basic flesh to the civil war with my charrie's little backstory i decided to write up-- i won't put any real depth to it, just give a few names and such.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

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Just a thought, but you might want to put an 'Age' section in your CS outline. I'm going to be working on the innkeeper over the next few days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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PhoenixWhite Debonair Bird

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Just say so if I went w a a a y off-scope or anything, or stepped on anyone's toes, or-or..or...anything really xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

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He looks young for thirty three lol. Handsome, but young XP

EDIT: Also, do you care if I name the inn, Sleepy? I was planning on calling it the Laughing Geezer in honor of my character's father.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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PhoenixWhite Debonair Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

XD yeah, I found the image after making everything else up-- I should lower the age down just a tad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sleepy


Member Offline since relaunch

Well by golly I forgot to include the history section on the character sheets. Whoopsie daisy. Thank goodness for the edit button.

Sheet looks good, Pheonix! Smith the smith is accepted. I would like to let other players get their hands in on the pie that is the recent war, however, if anyone has the desire to.

And the Laughing Geezer is a damn fine name, I must admit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sleepy


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Nice sheet, Gronthor. The character is accepted, but his role as the leader of the bandit clan is not [yet]. I would like to let other players have a chance to apply for the leader.

20 members in the bandit clan seems a fair number, also. Any apposed to the figure?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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PhoenixWhite Debonair Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hmm... I see no problem with 20 as a minimum for banditry xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Works for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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PhoenixWhite Debonair Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I've got a bandito in mind already myself-- but need to focus on schoolwork, so i'll be off-on-ish for about two or so days
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sleepy


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Most will have to be NPCs- it would be unwise to have 20 players in the RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

How many people are you interested in having in this RP, Sleepy? I'm just curious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((Ignore this post.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sleepy said
Nice sheet, Gronthor. The character is accepted, but his role as the leader of the bandit clan is not [yet]. I would like to let other players have a chance to apply for the leader.20 members in the bandit clan seems a fair number, also. Any apposed to the figure?

That's why I made him the leader of a bandit clan as opposed to the leader of all the bandit clans who have their sights set on Nehlm. If you give the okay for him to become the overall bandit leader, I can have him gradually prove to other clans that he has the know-how to organize a full-scale bandit raid. If not, he stays the leader of his small group, taking orders from whatever leader you choose. I'm amenable either way.

Also, I intended for the 20 guys under my command to be NPCs, unless anyone wants to be one of them. I was under the impression that there were going to be far more than 20 bandits running around Nehlm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sleepy


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@ Lexicon: The ideal number would be around ten of fifteen, I think. I'll be willing to accept more or less, however.

Sheet lookin' good so far. I look forward to some awful poetry.

@Grothnor: I was planning on having only a single group of bandits. If enough people would like to have multiple groups of bandits, then I will fold, but until then, I would like to keep as just one group, for simplicity's sake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay, I think a lot of my misunderstanding comes from my assumptions about the number of townsfolk and bandits in this RP. I read 'town' in the description (and missed 'village') and assumed it to mean several hundred people living there (as opposed to a village's few dozens), therefore meaning that for the bandits to fully threaten to take the town, they would number +100.

To (hopefully) clear this up, how many people live in and around Nehlm and how many bandits did you plan on there being? I may have to adjust the numbers of my NPC followers accordingly to make Kareth definitively a minor commander.
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