Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

between 10 meters and 100 meters. up to you really as i wasn't clear, but he's far enough to be out of immediate danger
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

drallinix you have till the end of the day to post or you will be skipped
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bushidoxisamu2

bushidoxisamu2 Underdog Shido

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Is there room for one more?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

There is indeed.

Also, it's your post Drall. Or whoever's after Drall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bushidoxisamu2

bushidoxisamu2 Underdog Shido

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Just looking with an interesting character to fight

Is this ok?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

i can't see any major issues with it right now. Schradinger? anything you would like to mention?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A couple things actually, I'm glad you asked. Though they aren't all about the character.

Firstly: Arty never raised his arm. He just left it where it was behind his back and opened it, since it was already pointed at you. There wouldn't be that much warning.

Secondly: Lith has no energy absorbing properties, and if it's still in second form it also has armor running up your arm. That's going to conduct all of the electricity straight through your body on its way to the ground. Even if you managed to plant one end in the ground and still get the other in position to block, a significant portion would still go through you.

Now on to the character.

Demonic Presence: How strong are the tentacles? And 20 meters is over 60 feet. That could hit almost all of us at once. I'd be comfortable with something less than 5 meters across. Perhaps each tentacle can generate enough spikes for one square meter, giving you 8 square meters (a 12 foot by 12 foot square) if all of them are used. I'd also like to know the range of this ability.

Demon Wings: Being as fast as a fighter jet puts him at over mach 2. Mach 1 is kind of the unofficial limit for intermediate characters, but unless he has some way to propel himself in addition to just his wings, he'd never even get close to that speed. A peregrine falcon (the fastest known winged creature) has a highest recorded speed of 242 mph, and that's in a straight dive, not level flight.

Pure Dark: I'm unclear as to what the first portion of this is supposed to do.

Unholy Sacrifice: I think this one should probably have a 2:1 enhancement ratio, given how powerful Alex already is. So if he gave up his inhuman speed, he would only gain an equivalent half of what he gave up back as strength.

Natural Adaptation: If this means he can copy anyone else's abilities, I'm going to have to say no to it. Suddenly gaining the ability to control lightning after watching Arty do it would put him way outside the bounds of OP when combined with his already very potent abilities.

Prowess of a Demon: First off, 50 tons per arm is enough to crush every single one of our characters with one blow, including Vordak's, whose only abilities are his physical power, speed, and durability. The strength is going to have to be massively nerfed if you want to keep all his other abilities, probably in the range of 1 ton baseline (total, not per arm, though he can go higher with his unholy sacrifice). Secondly, having senses so perfectly attuned that they let him avoid any attack is blatantly OP. If this is the level he's at after all his power has been lost, he soars well into high tier and way past any characters here.

Shadow Puppets: How durable are they and how many can he make at once?

Weaknesses: Just a general note about how attacks or defenses that generate a lot of light should probably weaken his shadow manipulation abilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

i'll fix the first part about his arm moving, i wrote most of it late at night so i was kinda expecting to have to fix it a little, surprised that's all i missed.

but with lith, the four swords all have the energy absorption/redirection as it is a quality of the metal they are made of, the armoring, core, every second 'ring' (the ones between these are wood) and all of the cutting teeth on the lances length are still this same metal the original blade was made of. the only one of the swords that loses this ability in second form is the last one as the entire weapon becomes fire rather than metal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ah, I guess I missed that in the CS. Though if you're dead set on fixing more, there's also the issue of Max knowing exactly where the lightning was going to be and getting the sword in place fast enough to block it... ;)

Also the fact that it was a charged attack, and you just ignored it with a zero-prep defense. That's kind of a no-no.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

it wasn't really a no prep defense, lith isn't that small as a lance and it was already in place as a defense the post before. the movement mentioned would have been less than an inch which goes along with the time he had to block, already fully aware he was facing an electric enemy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It would have been a lot more movement than an inch. Arty arced the lightning up and then down toward his head, not in a straight line. Lightning very rarely travels in a straight line, and Arty's wasnt using the predictable route. putting the lance directly between Arty's hand and your head wouldnt have blocked the lightning, and even with the mention of readying for defense, there's still more prep behind my bolt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

lith is 8 feet long, so to holding it between the two people defensively would have the grip and armored arm raised higher and in front of his face since he doesn't need line-of-sight to see. and with the ready defense and large amount of surface area that is set up to combat energy attacks it would have a better capability to deal with the charge, and with the tip against the ground it would take less effort to divert it down than to absorb it making it even easier to avoid damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A) You never said Lith was stuck in the ground. You said it was being held defensively, which implies a position more or less parallel with the ground, so as to cover as many vital areas as possible and still retain mobility in case of an attack from an unexpected angle.

B) The only part of Lith that has been stated to have a larger than normal surface area would be the head, which wouldn't be anywhere near your face. The rest is assumed to be the width of a standard polearm and the coverage of more or less normal plate armor, since nothing else was specified.

C) As I said before, the bolt was not fired straight. It was fired up, then arced down toward his head. Holding Lith in front of the face would do nothing to impede the attack. He would have to be holding it at an angle above his head, otherwise the bolt wouldn't strike Lith.

D) He has no reason to suspect the attack would come from above instead of any other direction, so holding it in front of his face (as you said he was doing) would be the most logical position since it provides the best coverage possible.

5) Even if Lith did manage to be placed in the correct position to intercept the bolt, it still wouldn't be stuck in the ground and the ability to completely negate an attack that has been prepared for three posts with a defense that has been prepared for two is only achievable by a character a tier above the one he's fighting. Unless you're suddenly promoting your character to high tier, you do need to take damage even if the bolt is intercepted by Lith. Not full damage, but not exactly a pittance either.

6) All of this is assuming that we're using a rule-set similar to the one used in the previous attempts at a multiverse (which I assume we are since we adopted that tier system).

Addendum to B) Upon re-reading the CS, Lith is stated to be an eight foot lance, so we can assume that the dimensions would remain proportional to a standard lance meaning that the thickest point (just in front of the grip) is no more than 6 inches across, not nearly enough to intercept the bolt when held in front of the face. That's also assuming a jousting lance rather than a battle one.

Last edit, I promise. :P I apologize in advance if I start to sound high and mighty or something, and I don't mean any of it like that. I just kind of turn into spock when I go into debate mode.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

okay, sorry i'm late but i had a crap day yesterday and didn't really want to put any of that into this. on that note.....

sorry if this sounds rude but what idiot would hold something as heavy as lith would be parallel to the ground with one arm without holding it at it's center of balance? that would put excess strain on his arm and leave him vulnerable to the types of attack he's expecting. the best positioning for what he has would be;
kneeling down with lith in his right arm, using lith's guard to protect his arm, the head on the ground in on his left and in front of him. holding geth in his right, armored arm to protect his right. like this he can move lith to defend most of his body from above, the left and the front with minor protection on his right which is supplemented by his right arm. but due to me not thinking clearly when posting i didn't include all that and at any rate lith would be placed with the tip in the ground to reduce strain on the fighter.

second, while size wise lith isn't that large the surface area of it is roughly twice what it appears due to the 'petal' blades (which i keep calling petals due to each being about the same size as a standard rose petal) that cover the entire surface and overlap, also counting the small gaps between the rings that allow them to spin. giving the entire thing as a whole a very large surface area.

this one i have to call into question. looking at your sheet you only mention that he discharges the electricity, not that he can control the path it takes meaning that really his attacks shouldn't be able to arc in the manner you mentioned. with how you put his ability it can only be interpenetrated as he can launch bolts of electricity but he can only fire it in a direct path. meaning that while it doesn't follow a straight line is you were to you could draw a straight line through the path it took like a graph. you made no mention of being able to control electricity, only generate it, so really as soon as it has left your body it would be nothing more than an aimed lightning bolt and therefor unable to pull off the precise hit you're saying he's using.

another note about his lightning, both his ability to charge it fully while still fighting normally, and it's base power that you stated is "capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains" mixed with your fighters ability to use it as an essentially unblockable/undodgable attack comes across as op in my opinion. as seen when you one hit killed the only opponent you actually killed. your charge has little to no effect on your character where a normal charge attack has some kind of drawback while it is charging, despite this you have displayed him being able to use even advanced moves such as the sword without and drawback while charging your bolt. the only noted drawback being that he can't use the hand he's charging with which can be avoided since he doesn't have to use a hand to charge.

this one is covered in the first bit, since he knew he was against an electric enemy he covered as much as he could, expecting an attack coming from just his opponents general direction.

and sorry for this one, but it's my interpretation of the power you're using. with that said the power you've described comes across as something that you're not going to let me come away from alive if i do take any of the damage from it. after all this was the description you used for an attack against another character, that has less charge than this one.
" A white-hot bolt of lightning thundered from his palm straight at the grenadier's face, potent enough to burn a hole clean through a modern tank, along with setting the entire crew ablaze from sheer electrical current. The sound and light alone were twice that of a flash-bang grenade"
with that kind of power and you saying that i should be taking more than a little of the force. when, with the kind of power you've described 'a little' damage would be the loss of the arm holding lith and severe internal scaring and damage leaving my fighter crippled and basically dead.

all it sounds like you're arguing is that i take the drawn out version of you saying 'nope you're dead cos i fired in your general direction'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

okay, sorry i'm late but i had a crap day yesterday and didn't really want to put any of that into this. on that note.....

sorry if this sounds rude but what idiot would hold something as heavy as lith would be parallel to the ground with one arm without holding it at it's center of balance? that would put excess strain on his arm and leave him vulnerable to the types of attack he's expecting. the best positioning for what he has would be;
kneeling down with lith in his right arm, using lith's guard to protect his arm, the head on the ground in on his left and in front of him. holding geth in his right, armored arm to protect his right. like this he can move lith to defend most of his body from above, the left and the front with minor protection on his right which is supplemented by his right arm. but due to me not thinking clearly when posting i didn't include all that and at any rate lith would be placed with the tip in the ground to reduce strain on the fighter.

second, while size wise lith isn't that large the surface area of it is roughly twice what it appears due to the 'petal' blades (which i keep calling petals due to each being about the same size as a standard rose petal) that cover the entire surface and overlap, also counting the small gaps between the rings that allow them to spin. giving the entire thing as a whole a very large surface area.

this one i have to call into question. looking at your sheet you only mention that he discharges the electricity, not that he can control the path it takes meaning that really his attacks shouldn't be able to arc in the manner you mentioned. with how you put his ability it can only be interpenetrated as he can launch bolts of electricity but he can only fire it in a direct path. meaning that while it doesn't follow a straight line is you were to you could draw a straight line through the path it took like a graph. you made no mention of being able to control electricity, only generate it, so really as soon as it has left your body it would be nothing more than an aimed lightning bolt and therefor unable to pull off the precise hit you're saying he's using.

another note about his lightning, both his ability to charge it fully while still fighting normally, and it's base power that you stated is "capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains" mixed with your fighters ability to use it as an essentially unblockable/undodgable attack comes across as op in my opinion. as seen when you one hit killed the only opponent you actually killed. your charge has little to no effect on your character where a normal charge attack has some kind of drawback while it is charging, despite this you have displayed him being able to use even advanced moves such as the sword without and drawback while charging your bolt. the only noted drawback being that he can't use the hand he's charging with which can be avoided since he doesn't have to use a hand to charge.

this one is covered in the first bit, since he knew he was against an electric enemy he covered as much as he could, expecting an attack coming from just his opponents general direction.

and sorry for this one, but it's my interpretation of the power you're using. with that said the power you've described comes across as something that you're not going to let me come away from alive if i do take any of the damage from it. after all this was the description you used for an attack against another character, that has less charge than this one.
" A white-hot bolt of lightning thundered from his palm straight at the grenadier's face, potent enough to burn a hole clean through a modern tank, along with setting the entire crew ablaze from sheer electrical current. The sound and light alone were twice that of a flash-bang grenade"
with that kind of power and you saying that i should be taking more than a little of the force. when, with the kind of power you've described 'a little' damage would be the loss of the arm holding lith and severe internal scaring and damage leaving my fighter crippled and basically dead.

all it sounds like you're arguing is that i take the drawn out version of you saying 'nope you're dead cos i fired in your general direction'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

okay, sorry i'm late but i had a crap day yesterday and didn't really want to put any of that into this. on that note.....

sorry if this sounds rude but what idiot would hold something as heavy as lith would be parallel to the ground with one arm without holding it at it's center of balance? that would put excess strain on his arm and leave him vulnerable to the types of attack he's expecting. the best positioning for what he has would be;
kneeling down with lith in his right arm, using lith's guard to protect his arm, the head on the ground in on his left and in front of him. holding geth in his right, armored arm to protect his right. like this he can move lith to defend most of his body from above, the left and the front with minor protection on his right which is supplemented by his right arm. but due to me not thinking clearly when posting i didn't include all that and at any rate lith would be placed with the tip in the ground to reduce strain on the fighter.

second, while size wise lith isn't that large the surface area of it is roughly twice what it appears due to the 'petal' blades (which i keep calling petals due to each being about the same size as a standard rose petal) that cover the entire surface and overlap, also counting the small gaps between the rings that allow them to spin. giving the entire thing as a whole a very large surface area.

this one i have to call into question. looking at your sheet you only mention that he discharges the electricity, not that he can control the path it takes meaning that really his attacks shouldn't be able to arc in the manner you mentioned. with how you put his ability it can only be interpenetrated as he can launch bolts of electricity but he can only fire it in a direct path. meaning that while it doesn't follow a straight line is you were to you could draw a straight line through the path it took like a graph. you made no mention of being able to control electricity, only generate it, so really as soon as it has left your body it would be nothing more than an aimed lightning bolt and therefor unable to pull off the precise hit you're saying he's using.

another note about his lightning, both his ability to charge it fully while still fighting normally, and it's base power that you stated is "capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains" mixed with your fighters ability to use it as an essentially unblockable/undodgable attack comes across as op in my opinion. as seen when you one hit killed the only opponent you actually killed. your charge has little to no effect on your character where a normal charge attack has some kind of drawback while it is charging, despite this you have displayed him being able to use even advanced moves such as the sword without and drawback while charging your bolt. the only noted drawback being that he can't use the hand he's charging with which can be avoided since he doesn't have to use a hand to charge.

this one is covered in the first bit, since he knew he was against an electric enemy he covered as much as he could, expecting an attack coming from just his opponents general direction.

and sorry for this one, but it's my interpretation of the power you're using. with that said the power you've described comes across as something that you're not going to let me come away from alive if i do take any of the damage from it. after all this was the description you used for an attack against another character, that has less charge than this one.
" A white-hot bolt of lightning thundered from his palm straight at the grenadier's face, potent enough to burn a hole clean through a modern tank, along with setting the entire crew ablaze from sheer electrical current. The sound and light alone were twice that of a flash-bang grenade"
with that kind of power and you saying that i should be taking more than a little of the force. when, with the kind of power you've described 'a little' damage would be the loss of the arm holding lith and severe internal scaring and damage leaving my fighter crippled and basically dead.

all it sounds like you're arguing is that i take the drawn out version of you saying 'nope you're dead cos i fired in your general direction'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

okay, sorry i'm late but i had a crap day yesterday and didn't really want to put any of that into this. on that note.....

sorry if this sounds rude but what idiot would hold something as heavy as lith would be parallel to the ground with one arm without holding it at it's center of balance? that would put excess strain on his arm and leave him vulnerable to the types of attack he's expecting. the best positioning for what he has would be;
kneeling down with lith in his right arm, using lith's guard to protect his arm, the head on the ground in on his left and in front of him. holding geth in his right, armored arm to protect his right. like this he can move lith to defend most of his body from above, the left and the front with minor protection on his right which is supplemented by his right arm. but due to me not thinking clearly when posting i didn't include all that and at any rate lith would be placed with the tip in the ground to reduce strain on the fighter.

second, while size wise lith isn't that large the surface area of it is roughly twice what it appears due to the 'petal' blades (which i keep calling petals due to each being about the same size as a standard rose petal) that cover the entire surface and overlap, also counting the small gaps between the rings that allow them to spin. giving the entire thing as a whole a very large surface area.

this one i have to call into question. looking at your sheet you only mention that he discharges the electricity, not that he can control the path it takes meaning that really his attacks shouldn't be able to arc in the manner you mentioned. with how you put his ability it can only be interpenetrated as he can launch bolts of electricity but he can only fire it in a direct path. meaning that while it doesn't follow a straight line is you were to you could draw a straight line through the path it took like a graph. you made no mention of being able to control electricity, only generate it, so really as soon as it has left your body it would be nothing more than an aimed lightning bolt and therefor unable to pull off the precise hit you're saying he's using.

another note about his lightning, both his ability to charge it fully while still fighting normally, and it's base power that you stated is "capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains" mixed with your fighters ability to use it as an essentially unblockable/undodgable attack comes across as op in my opinion. as seen when you one hit killed the only opponent you actually killed. your charge has little to no effect on your character where a normal charge attack has some kind of drawback while it is charging, despite this you have displayed him being able to use even advanced moves such as the sword without and drawback while charging your bolt. the only noted drawback being that he can't use the hand he's charging with which can be avoided since he doesn't have to use a hand to charge.

this one is covered in the first bit, since he knew he was against an electric enemy he covered as much as he could, expecting an attack coming from just his opponents general direction.

and sorry for this one, but it's my interpretation of the power you're using. with that said the power you've described comes across as something that you're not going to let me come away from alive if i do take any of the damage from it. after all this was the description you used for an attack against another character, that has less charge than this one.
" A white-hot bolt of lightning thundered from his palm straight at the grenadier's face, potent enough to burn a hole clean through a modern tank, along with setting the entire crew ablaze from sheer electrical current. The sound and light alone were twice that of a flash-bang grenade"
with that kind of power and you saying that i should be taking more than a little of the force. when, with the kind of power you've described 'a little' damage would be the loss of the arm holding lith and severe internal scaring and damage leaving my fighter crippled and basically dead.

all it sounds like you're arguing is that i take the drawn out version of you saying 'nope you're dead cos i fired in your general direction'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

okay, sorry i'm late but i had a crap day yesterday and didn't really want to put any of that into this. on that note.....

sorry if this sounds rude but what idiot would hold something as heavy as lith would be parallel to the ground with one arm without holding it at it's center of balance? that would put excess strain on his arm and leave him vulnerable to the types of attack he's expecting. the best positioning for what he has would be;
kneeling down with lith in his right arm, using lith's guard to protect his arm, the head on the ground in on his left and in front of him. holding geth in his right, armored arm to protect his right. like this he can move lith to defend most of his body from above, the left and the front with minor protection on his right which is supplemented by his right arm. but due to me not thinking clearly when posting i didn't include all that and at any rate lith would be placed with the tip in the ground to reduce strain on the fighter.

second, while size wise lith isn't that large the surface area of it is roughly twice what it appears due to the 'petal' blades (which i keep calling petals due to each being about the same size as a standard rose petal) that cover the entire surface and overlap, also counting the small gaps between the rings that allow them to spin. giving the entire thing as a whole a very large surface area.

this one i have to call into question. looking at your sheet you only mention that he discharges the electricity, not that he can control the path it takes meaning that really his attacks shouldn't be able to arc in the manner you mentioned. with how you put his ability it can only be interpenetrated as he can launch bolts of electricity but he can only fire it in a direct path. meaning that while it doesn't follow a straight line is you were to you could draw a straight line through the path it took like a graph. you made no mention of being able to control electricity, only generate it, so really as soon as it has left your body it would be nothing more than an aimed lightning bolt and therefor unable to pull off the precise hit you're saying he's using.

another note about his lightning, both his ability to charge it fully while still fighting normally, and it's base power that you stated is "capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains" mixed with your fighters ability to use it as an essentially unblockable/undodgable attack comes across as op in my opinion. as seen when you one hit killed the only opponent you actually killed. your charge has little to no effect on your character where a normal charge attack has some kind of drawback while it is charging, despite this you have displayed him being able to use even advanced moves such as the sword without and drawback while charging your bolt. the only noted drawback being that he can't use the hand he's charging with which can be avoided since he doesn't have to use a hand to charge.

this one is covered in the first bit, since he knew he was against an electric enemy he covered as much as he could, expecting an attack coming from just his opponents general direction.

and sorry for this one, but it's my interpretation of the power you're using. with that said the power you've described comes across as something that you're not going to let me come away from alive if i do take any of the damage from it. after all this was the description you used for an attack against another character, that has less charge than this one.
" A white-hot bolt of lightning thundered from his palm straight at the grenadier's face, potent enough to burn a hole clean through a modern tank, along with setting the entire crew ablaze from sheer electrical current. The sound and light alone were twice that of a flash-bang grenade"
with that kind of power and you saying that i should be taking more than a little of the force. when, with the kind of power you've described 'a little' damage would be the loss of the arm holding lith and severe internal scaring and damage leaving my fighter crippled and basically dead.

all it sounds like you're arguing is that i take the drawn out version of you saying 'nope you're dead cos i fired in your general direction'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Max Shadow

Max Shadow

Member Offline since relaunch

okay, sorry i'm late but i had a crap day yesterday and didn't really want to put any of that into this. on that note.....

sorry if this sounds rude but what idiot would hold something as heavy as lith would be parallel to the ground with one arm without holding it at it's center of balance? that would put excess strain on his arm and leave him vulnerable to the types of attack he's expecting. the best positioning for what he has would be;
kneeling down with lith in his right arm, using lith's guard to protect his arm, the head on the ground in on his left and in front of him. holding geth in his right, armored arm to protect his right. like this he can move lith to defend most of his body from above, the left and the front with minor protection on his right which is supplemented by his right arm. but due to me not thinking clearly when posting i didn't include all that and at any rate lith would be placed with the tip in the ground to reduce strain on the fighter.

second, while size wise lith isn't that large the surface area of it is roughly twice what it appears due to the 'petal' blades (which i keep calling petals due to each being about the same size as a standard rose petal) that cover the entire surface and overlap, also counting the small gaps between the rings that allow them to spin. giving the entire thing as a whole a very large surface area.

this one i have to call into question. looking at your sheet you only mention that he discharges the electricity, not that he can control the path it takes meaning that really his attacks shouldn't be able to arc in the manner you mentioned. with how you put his ability it can only be interpenetrated as he can launch bolts of electricity but he can only fire it in a direct path. meaning that while it doesn't follow a straight line is you were to you could draw a straight line through the path it took like a graph. you made no mention of being able to control electricity, only generate it, so really as soon as it has left your body it would be nothing more than an aimed lightning bolt and therefor unable to pull off the precise hit you're saying he's using.

another note about his lightning, both his ability to charge it fully while still fighting normally, and it's base power that you stated is "capable of outright killing a human, leaving burn marks and smoke rising from their remains" mixed with your fighters ability to use it as an essentially unblockable/undodgable attack comes across as op in my opinion. as seen when you one hit killed the only opponent you actually killed. your charge has little to no effect on your character where a normal charge attack has some kind of drawback while it is charging, despite this you have displayed him being able to use even advanced moves such as the sword without and drawback while charging your bolt. the only noted drawback being that he can't use the hand he's charging with which can be avoided since he doesn't have to use a hand to charge.

this one is covered in the first bit, since he knew he was against an electric enemy he covered as much as he could, expecting an attack coming from just his opponents general direction.

and sorry for this one, but it's my interpretation of the power you're using. with that said the power you've described comes across as something that you're not going to let me come away from alive if i do take any of the damage from it. after all this was the description you used for an attack against another character, that has less charge than this one.
" A white-hot bolt of lightning thundered from his palm straight at the grenadier's face, potent enough to burn a hole clean through a modern tank, along with setting the entire crew ablaze from sheer electrical current. The sound and light alone were twice that of a flash-bang grenade"
with that kind of power and you saying that i should be taking more than a little of the force. when, with the kind of power you've described 'a little' damage would be the loss of the arm holding lith and severe internal scaring and damage leaving my fighter crippled and basically dead.

all it sounds like you're arguing is that i take the drawn out version of you saying 'nope you're dead cos i fired in your general direction'
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