First of all, this is my first roleplay to be hosted by me!

Second of all, this is a realistic battle-centered roleplay that I would like to have people think about what they do before they do it. For example, my character will be a dragon, slightly larger than a small car. If you have an expert swordsman, you will not win in a head-on fight. A dragon has fire, teeth, claw, and a thick hide. You'd hurt him, but he'd get you with a the tail or with wind from the wings, then he'd just squash you, bite you, etc. You'd have to be creative. Perhaps hide in a tree, and jump onto his neck, or hide in a hole and plunge a sword into his belly.

So, on to the roleplay itself

Medieval & Mythological Battle Arena!

This is a roleplay for those who like having battle-centered characters, and would like to fight them against myself or another player. Now, it's all one big area, so when everyone comes, just think of it as they 'spawned' in. Magical gods, let's say Greek since everybody knows them, bringing in mortals and smaller monsters so that they can all fight or team up against others. If people organize and try to escape, I may even let you fight a god!

So, here's some rules:

  1. Power- Your character MUST have limits. You cannot lift a giant sword, like in anime, nor can you take a bolt of lightning without at least being knocked down. For the sake of lengthy battles, let's say that there is a semi-fast regeneration. A bolt of lightning will not kill, but it will knock you down, stun you for 10 or so seconds,

  2. Godmode- Your character is yours, and everyone elses' character is their own. You control yours, they control theirs, and only if they let you can you control theirs.

  3. Metagame- Your character has flaws and weaknesses, and other characters have flaws and weaknesses. You will not know theirs by default, and they will not know yours. If you look at a dragon, a weakness is obvious: the belly is not covered in heavy scale. If you look closely, though, you may not realize that, say, he has a fear of water, or of darkness or caves.

  4. Powergame- Your character is not all-powerful. As with the Power rule, keep with your character within reasonable limits, besides the slight boost in durability. In humans, the older the slower, after about 35-40, dragons must be under the size of a large vehicle, and other creatures must also be within reasonable size. Gods and other powerful beings cannot be played as. Demigods can, but these demigods have minor powers; expect not to rely on demigod powers.

  5. GM's Word- As GM, my word is law. However, if enough people think I'm doing something wrong, feel free to tell me. Or spam me with PMs, I'll listen to that too.

  6. Standard rules- Standard roleplay rules apply.

  7. Characters- Make as many as you want, but no more than two of your own in the arena at one time

This probably won't start or anything, but anyone is welcome! I'll probably only have a few people in at one time if there is heavy fighting, and more people can join if things slow down. And if people begin teaming up with everyone else, a god or a representative may appear! Controlled by me, of course. I may also give different people rewards for killing another player. Kill a dragon- get a dragonbone sword. Kill a minotaur- get a strength boost. Kill a Fury- get ability to fly, perhaps. Etc etc.

Possible character races:
Minotaur [Male]
Small Phoenix
A Fury [Female]
Chewbacca [aka "Chewy"] [Comes with crossbow, non-laser]

Accepted Characters:

Queue for Fighting:
- AuRon the Silver [Wilson]

Actively Fighting:

Woo, it's finished. Let's see if anyone wants to fight!