All accepted CS's are shown here.

Name: Diego Gomez
Age: 21
Personality: Before the House of Powers and Civil War, Diego was what many would have called an “all around nice guy.” Diego rarely got into fights with anyone, instead choosing to make friends with everyone that he could. He wasn’t the conventional popular jock that everyone likes to portray in movies; the former football lineman was actually just a well-liked, well-respected guy.
He attended all the parties, usually stepping up to DJ most of them, and still managed to get all his homework done on time, which always went well with the teachers. To Diego, life was too short to make any enemies of any kind, or to give anyone a reason to dislike him. He rarely ever got into fights, and when he did, it was to stand up for the little guy, or to back up a friend.
Since the House and the War, Diego really hasn’t been the same at all. There are still traces of him left; him standing up for his three other friends to the death, his natural intelligence (he isn’t a genius, but he never got below a B in any classes), and his willingness to at least try to
make friends among other supers. However, he’s become a faint glimpse of the old Diego. Everything that he is now isn’t him.
He’s cold, distant. He loathes those without powers, especially for putting his friends in harm’s way. He thinks himself, and the rest of his kind, superior. He doesn’t trust easily at all. Worst of all, he won’t even blink when he crushes the last breath out of a human.
Appearance: Diego stands at 6’ 0”, and weighs a good 200 pounds (most of which is actual muscle). He used to weigh a lot more, before the House of Powers incident when he was in high school, but years of experimentation and being on the run have affected him negatively there. Diego has brown eyes, tan skin, and has an athletic/muscular build, although it isn’t that noticeable through clothes like it used to be. Thanks to the experiments done to him in the House of Powers, Diego now has two large scars going up his arms. He also has a scar in his abdomen where he was shot during the take-down of the anti-powers government before the Civil War.
Although he used to love to be the best dressed, he has come to learn that that clothes is a luxury he cannot afford anymore. Because of this, he can be seen wearing anything from a plain old t-shirt and shorts, to a hoodie and jeans, and everything in between. Lastly, Diego is never seen without his sunglasses. It’s an older pair that he’s had since before the House, and he never loses sight of them.
Powers: Diego not only has the ability to fly, but is also able to copy other’s powers and use them as his own.
Weaknesses and limitations: Although he has two powers, he can only use one at a time. Diego also has to physically touch the person when he wants to copy their power, which in combat situations can be extremely difficult. Once Diego has copied a power, he only has the knowledge that the host has, which means that if he copies from someone who doesn’t know what to do with their power, neither will he, and he will have to train himself.
History: Life for Diego couldn’t have been better. He was one of the start players on his school’s football team, he was the life of every party, teachers loved him, parents loved him, you name it. He never thought that things could go south for him at all.
It was during a football game that weird things started to happen. During a play, Diego rushed forward and pushed back a defensive lineman, but instead of pushing him back, Diego and the other player went straight up. It wasn’t noticeable to the fans that they went too high to be normal, but it was noticeable for him, his team, and the opposing team. Not long after that, more things started happening; he would try to jump into a pool, and would end up at the middle before falling into the water, his jumps were a lot higher than normal, etc.
Finally, things got really noticeable when he and a group of friends went to the cliffs by the ocean to take the “leap of faith” (the high-dive height
jump from a cliff into the ocean). The whole group went at the same time, and all of them landed into the water…except Diego. He was left floating in the air.
The next thing Diego knew, he was shipped off to the House of Powers.
During his stay there, things were far from luxurious. They were experimented on day after day, just like animals. They were forced to stay within the confines of the house and were fed drugged food to make sure rebellion wasn’t a possibility. The only thing that made the place bearable were the friends Diego made; Allister, Julius, and Maribeth.
When they did eventually break out, Diego made sure that the place couldn’t capture anyone else ever again, and burned the place down with a pyro’s power he had copied.
Months later, the War broke out. The group, along with the help of a few other supers, were able to put an end to it, but not before Diego’s personality became twisted. He became merciless, killing anyone in the way. He also became too zealous, which ultimately led to him being shot in the abdomen from the enemy general.

Name: Lee
Alias: None
Age: Twenty Five
Gender: Male
Powers: Lee is able to draw power from literature, be it an artifact, weapon, special ability, or character. However, an incantation in the form of a haiku, written or stated, must be accomplished prior to the manifestation of this power.
Weakness and Limitations: The three weaknesses of Lee's ability is that it requires a haiku to access this, he may only make use of existing literature and those that he has read, and everything he summons possesses a time limit.
Skills: Aside from having an eidetic memory and being a skilled free runner, Lee possesses exceptional physical capabilities and is proficient in both armed and unarmed combat.
Personality: Lee cares little for others and follows his own moral code. He often speaks his mind regardless of his thoughts lack tact or not. Although rarely agitated, he is straightforward, is annoyed by many things, and is considered to be quite rude by many.
History: Lee was an orphan. His parents and siblings all died in a plane crash that he had miraculously survived at the age of three. He has no actual memories of his family, but all he knows of his past is that he was born in Japan. How he ended up in an orphanage in America was something Lee really didn't dig into.
As the years passed, a certain incident had occurred that drew the eyes of the government towards Lee. This was the death of four children along with the collapse of half of the orphanage. This event was unofficially tied to Lee as records dictated that he had immediately fled from the confines of the orphanage soon after the incident had taken place.
Having multiple encounters with the authorities during his youth, Lee called the streets of America his home. It wasn't until his powers grew greatly in intensity as he matured into an adult that he began to frequently travel from one state to another, to escape from the law for his escalating crimes. Since then, Lee has been on the run, occasionally popping up in headlines as natural disasters and blending in as a stern foreigner to the public. His rap sheet reveals that he had worked as a freelance hitman, consultant, and transporter to many organizations, regardless of being legal or not.
Others: Some random facts about Lee is, although unaware of this fact, he was born into a clan who worshiped Izanami, the Shinto goddess of creation and death. Despite no longer existing, they were said to have been able to speak to Izanami herself. She who would often grant their wishes in exchange for their unwavering and eternal fate. Other than that, Lee enjoys reading – usually mythology, fables, and stories of fantasy – and is fond of poetry. However, he tends to keep this to himself and avoids letting others no of this.

Name: Luke Lancaster
Alias: None
Age: Twenty Two
Personality: Most see Luke as a cool, calm, and collected individual. He usually portrays a laid back and carefree personality regardless of the situation. However, hidden behind this seemingly good-natured and cheerful disposition, is a cunning man. Unbeknownst to many, Luke is quite sly and somewhat of an opportunist, usually caring little for others unless he is able to make use of them as a means to an end. He has no problems in conversing and opening himself up to others as long as he is able to gain something in return.
Appearance: Luke stands at a height of about 6’1” and weighs approximately 160 pounds. He has long, ruffled, brownish blonde hair and light forest green eyes while his skin tone is relatively fair. He usually sports hoodies, bull caps and relatively loose clothing.
Powers: Luke is able to transform into any animal, as well as use their abilities, traits and appearance/physiology by rearranging his own DNA structure.
Weaknesses and Limitations: As of the present, Luke only has a limited selection of predetermined animal forms to take. He require a visual memory or genetic sample of target animal through touch or assimilation. When transformed, he is not able to speak in a human language and is not capable of combining several animal forms.
History: Luke Lancaster was the child of Lance and Louren Lancaster, being raised in New York City. His father was a petty crook who ended up serving a prison sentence, and even after the sentence was served, his father did not return to the family. That left Luke alone with his drug addicted mother, who he tried to take care of by resorting to thievery and picking pockets for some cash. Luckily for Luke, he had already discovered his abilities at an early age, thus making his “endeavors” a tad bit easier. Sadly, his mother soon died later on of an overdose and he was left alone with no family to turn to. Luke fended for himself just as he had taken care of his mother by continuing to live off the streets through the pockets of others.
However, this all ended in a single night. Luke came across an elderly man and based from his appearance, he looked to be someone who was well endowed in terms of wealth. For some reason, it seemed to he had wandered off from whatever extravagant soiree he was from. Seeing this as an opportunity that he couldn't pass up, Luke nonchalantly approached the elderly man as he attempted to empty his pockets. Unfortunately, things did not work out as expected; apparently, everything that had just happened was a well-devised plot. The man Luke had tried to steal from was actually a government official who was tasked to search for and capture Unnaturals. Upon realizing what was taking place, Luke knew that he had to flee the scene, but before he could, he was given an offer. In exchange for his freedom, not only will he be sheltered and given sufficient amounts of provision, he would also be trained and given an appropriate education. The only thing they would ask for in return was for him to work for the government. Given his current life, Luke had no reason to decline such an offer.
As the years passed, Luke lived as some sort of mercenary, tracking down other Unnaturals, giving them the same opportunity he was offered, capturing those who struggled to escape, and terminating the few others who rebelled.
After the Civil War, Luke's outlook on the life he was currently living soon changed. He was no longer the person he used to be several years ago. He realized that ever since he associated himself with the government, he was never truly free. He was a mere pawn who obediently took orders from those above him. However, this was no longer the case. Given the opportunity the Civil War had presented to him, Luke fled from the confines of the government and sought refuge alongside many other escapees and Unnaturals.
Other: Throughout the years spent under the guidance of the government, Luke was given sufficient training in both unarmed and armed combat and was well versed in knowledge regarding all fields of zoology and certain aspects of human anatomy and physiology. Luke remains a skilled thief and pick pocket and his other notable traits would include his eidetic memory, fondness for animals, and love for spicy food.

Name: Maribeth (Mari) Wilson
Alias: Mari for now?
Age: 21
Personality: Maribeth is a sweet girl who loves to help anyone that she comes in contact with. She's easy to talk to and likes to joke around to make tense situations seem easier. She has a soft spot for children and cares deeply about her friends. It doesn't take her long to get mad though, and once angered, it takes her a long time to calm down. Although it's not healthy to hold grudges, she can and will hold one until the end of time. Trust is something she tends to give to anyone. She thinks everyone is good until proven wrong, which can be her downfall at times. Although she has a bubbly personality, she is rather impatient.
Appearance: Maribeth is a petite girl, standing at about 5'2". She has long, brown hair that falls to the small of her back that turns blonde at the tips and blue eyes with fair skin. On her left forearm, she has a tattoo of a mermaid that cover most it.
Powers: Telekinesis. Maribeth has the power to lift things with her mind, as well as herself. After years of practice and hard experiences, she has nearly mastered it, but still has a few flaws. Anything from the size of a human and smaller she can lift with ease, as well as furniture. Anything bigger needs concentration and effort. If it's just one heavy object, she can do it without any problems, but if it were to be more than one heavy object, she will get a massive headache and if she keeps going her nose will start bleeding. Too much weight can cause anything from her passing out, internal bleeding, even death. She also has a latent ability of being able to hear thoughts. (She'll come to discover that later, but it won't be anything big. Just random thoughts here and there.)
Weaknesses and limitations: As said before, Maribeth can only lift rather small objects wit ease. Anything bigger than what was stated can cause headaches, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, internal bleeding, even death. The heavier the object, or the longer she has her ability sustained for, the more energy she burns. If lifting a car(s), she can tire in just a few minutes. If flying, she will tire within two or so hours. As for her latent power, that will never be able to be controlled. She will sporadically hear either every ones thoughts at once, or she will hear a select few or just one person at a time. In the future, only by utmost concentration will she be able to hear just one persons thoughts, but that's on a lucky day.
History: Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Maribeth led a pretty normal life. Through out elementary and middle school, nothing was out of the norm. It wasn't until the summer before her first year of high school that things began to get weird. Her mother and sister, according to her dad, died in a car crash. Not even during the 'funeral' was she allowed to see her mom and her sister. Things began to get even more strange as high school went on. She began to notice little things like paper clips and pencils or papers moving slightly whenever she was excited or happy. As the years went on, she ignored that little signs and continued with her sports until she graduated. That last year of high school would be the year she found out that she was different. When either angry or sad, anything near her would shoot off to the other side of the room. It never happened at school, since she controlled her emotions and thoughts there, but at home it would be different.
After receiving a full ride to a University near by, Maribeth began going to college, but she would sit at the back of her class. Her ability was beginning to get either stronger or more pronounced. People began noticing that she was rather off, unlike when she was in high school. She began to lose friends and people began to talk about her. She finally snapped when in class one day, the person sitting next to her made a rude comment that sent her anger through the roof. She stood up and the man went flying to the back of the room, crashing into the wall. Paper went flying everywhere and the desks moved several feet back. Startled by what she had just done, Maribeth ran out and went home, where she would find strange men standing at the door with her father. That's when she was take to the House of Powers. A place where horrible experiments were done to those who had abilities. She, along with several other teenagers and kids, were locked up in a building with nothing but white walls and floors and furniture. This is where she met the group that she would be spending most of her time with.
Not everyone was able to escape the House of Powers. Many dying at the hands of the scientists. From the horrible experiments done to her, even to this day, there are the faint traces of the scars on Maribeth's forehead that imply that they go around her head. She has scars on her legs, abdomen, and forearms as well. Faint, scars, but in her eyes they stick out like a flashing sign that says "Look at me".
Skills: Being skilled in handling weapons was a must after the group escaped from the House of Powers, as well as some hand-to-hand combat, although she is reluctant to use it. She is agile and can sneak into almost any place without being detected, as well as being able to take a hit from her years in Lacrosse and Roller Derby. Maribeth is also skilled in first aid and CPR.

Name: Sean Davis
Alias: None
Age: 22
Personality: Sean is an easygoing kind of guy he enjoys a good time when he gets to know people. He usually acts like a hardass around people and tries not to let people in on his life but usually ends up opening up at some point. He's a fairly outgoing person and not shy particularly shy, he'd rather tell something to someone's face rather than beat around the bush. This bluntness can lead to tense situations from time to time, but he'll be self deprecating if it helps the situation. Sean's biggest fault is that he's quick to trust people, usually he can tell the difference between a good liar and someone who is telling the truth but more often than not he'll make a bad choice in judgement.
Appearance: Sean is a fairly average looking man, just under six feet tall and an average weight with lightly tanned skin with a few tattoo's marking either arm a few on the shoulders and some on his wrists, the most prominent is a feather quill making an ellipsis. Dark brown eyes, somewhat sunken and perpetually tired looking on a lightly pock marked face. Black hair kept almost completely shaven, save for a short, flat mohawk.
Powers: Trade teleportation. Sean can teleport himself or any object he's holding with another one up to 50 feet away. The size and weight of the object and the distance determines the strain it puts on Sean.
Weaknesses and limitations: There is no limit inbetween the time he can teleport something or himself, it does however put a strain on his body to do so, the bigger the object the more exhausting it is to trade teleport it. In addition, teleporting himself tires him in relation to the object he traded places with and the distance traveled.
History: Sean Davis was born somewhere in the northern united states, his early life was uneventful albeit a little rough, growing up in a bad neighborhood. By the time Sean was 18 he'd run away from home, this was around the time Sean had realized his power, his parents didn't take to it as kindly as he would have hoped and were ready to disown him or give him away to the government. Sean lived with a friend for a few years, who was unaware of his powers as well, and one day he caught Sean in the act and his friend didn't seem to understand or was happy with Sean. He ran away yet again, for the next several years, as a war raged on around him and people like him were being killed or captured or worse he practiced his power as much as he could always in secret and helped out people who needed it be they empowered or not. He managed to avoid any serious trouble but came close more than once. Recently he'd caught wind of a group of Empowered banding together, and with that in mind, he'd decided it was time to fin a home again.
Other: Sean is a fan of music, of all kind and when not occupied by something can often be found enjoying a plethora of different albums and bands.

Name:Victor Faust
Alias: none
Personality: Brash and rough don't even beguin to explain it. He tends not to hold anything back as he is brutally honest, prefers to fight first and leave the questions to someone else. In the simplest form, he is an asshole. His compassion for the lives of others only extends to how much he needs them for his current goal. Not even his motives are fully understood as it seems to mostly be whatever he feels like.
height 6'2
weight 210
eye color: Dark brown
hair color Black
Sound wave manipulation. His is able to manipulate sound waves, meaning there frequency, amplitude as well has having the ability to detect sound waves. His entire body acts as a sort of transducer, allowing it to generate and receive sound waves. This allows him to hear through vibrations and feel the sound around him as well as read it. The weakness of his power is that he doesn't really understand it. He gets the basics of it but he pretty much just acts on instinct. Also because of the constant vibration of his cells he is slightly unstable and over extending himself can cause his body to start to fall apart a the cellular level.
Weaknesses and limitations:
Cellularly unstable
Over extending his power can cause sever internal injury
his powers can be cancled out if someone new his resident frequency
Faust was discovered at a relativity young age to have powers and was captured by the government. Like most he was given a choice, life imprisonment or become some kind of Unnatural hunter. He choose the latter, as he didn't really care about others as long as his own personal agenda was met. So he was soon getting trained by them to fight, to hunt down his own kind and sniff them out. For the most part it was everything he wanted. He was taught how to use his powers and how to fight and how to hunt and track people, he was even good at it.
The only real problem was his personality. He was uncontrollable, brash, violent, and even disregarded orders that he deemed pointless. This however didn't stop them from training him, seeing as soon as he was to be indoctrinated. This however was were real trouble started not only was he able to resist the attempts, he was even able to destroy equipment and as it seemed he wasn't as susceptible to such things as others. After awhile it was deemed that the cost was not worth the reward of the product, namely him. So they cut their losses and he was thrown into imprisonment to spend the remainder of his life, though Security washouts never lasted long as they are seen as traitors by the others.
Faust had to watch his back as they might as well of announced what he was as every inmate knew they were getting a security wash out. The fights started early, everyone seeing him as the enemy. But much to the surprise of the higher up, he didn't die, in fact he started to thrive as people started to fear him. The first few years were the worst, always having to watch over his shoulder and getting in a fight nearly every day. Though as he started into his third year things were starting to calm down and he was even gaining respect through out the prison.
With his new found respect people started to listen to him, fallow him and soon he was rallying every body up. He was even planning to break out. So he started a riot to overthrow the guards. This was one of the worst riots they had seen. After Millions of dollars in damage, several dozen deaths(on both sides) and three days of violence the riot was put down. Faust was deemed to dangerous to leave with the general populous and was thrown into the darkest cell where you forget what day light looks like. This was more literal then you might think. Three more years he sat in that dark hole, training and stewing in his own anger. He could hear everything that was going on, all the violence and cursed that he was trapped. Then it dawned on him, he could hear it, his powers were no longer being suppressed, the bells of freedom were ringing and they were ringing loud, very loud.
After his escape he used his skills to scrounge up work as a mercenary, going to the highest bidder and not really caring whose side he was on. Naturals, unnaturals, it didn't make a difference to him. Everybody was a potential employer, and everybody was a potential target.
He is a skilled fighter, having some training with weapons but preferring hand to hand, for the simple fact that it is funner. Besides that he is also a human lie detector since he is able to hear the change in peoples heart beats as well as-being a good tracker/detective ability at tracking people.

Name: Yolanda Grieg
Alias: N/A
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: Yolanda is average in height and slender in build with faint muscle definition. She has short hair that has been slicked back and dyed bleach blonde. Pale skinned. She has dark brown eyes, which in contrast with her skin, appear to be black. The pale skin of her back has been elaborately inked with the solid lines of a tattoo depicting a grotesque scene of demons and the Devil himself.
Powers: Yolanda has the ability of corpse manipulation. This isn't the ability of resurrection. The corpses are still corpses but are used as kind of puppets. This is inclusive of all corpses, human or animal.
Skills: Yolanda is skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She is agile. Yolanda is also quite skilled at persuasion; she falls back on this ability when physical violence is not an option.
Personality: Yolanda is a sly woman. Conniving and secretive, it's often difficult to tell what she is about to do. Despite this, however, she is loyal to those she feels are deserving. Once her loyalty has been secured, she is protective and fierce. Yolanda has a tendency to be sarcastic, dryly humorous and cynical but has the capacity to be kind and tender. Able to be extremely persuasive when need be. She has a touch of nihilism to her, due to her ability.
History: Yolanda Grieg was born in South Africa and as such has a South African accent. She lived with her parents and younger sister in a mundane kind of happiness in South Africa for fifteen years until her father was offered an overseas job that promised prosperity for her family. Her father accepted and they were moved to the US. The mundane happiness returned until Yolanda's power was discovered through the death of a small animal that she had tried to help. Her parents kept her secret for as long as they could. Refusing to turn herself in, Yolanda said goodbye to her family and her mundane happiness and fled.

Name: Diego Gomez
Age: 21
Personality: Before the House of Powers and Civil War, Diego was what many would have called an “all around nice guy.” Diego rarely got into fights with anyone, instead choosing to make friends with everyone that he could. He wasn’t the conventional popular jock that everyone likes to portray in movies; the former football lineman was actually just a well-liked, well-respected guy.
He attended all the parties, usually stepping up to DJ most of them, and still managed to get all his homework done on time, which always went well with the teachers. To Diego, life was too short to make any enemies of any kind, or to give anyone a reason to dislike him. He rarely ever got into fights, and when he did, it was to stand up for the little guy, or to back up a friend.
Since the House and the War, Diego really hasn’t been the same at all. There are still traces of him left; him standing up for his three other friends to the death, his natural intelligence (he isn’t a genius, but he never got below a B in any classes), and his willingness to at least try to
make friends among other supers. However, he’s become a faint glimpse of the old Diego. Everything that he is now isn’t him.
He’s cold, distant. He loathes those without powers, especially for putting his friends in harm’s way. He thinks himself, and the rest of his kind, superior. He doesn’t trust easily at all. Worst of all, he won’t even blink when he crushes the last breath out of a human.
Appearance: Diego stands at 6’ 0”, and weighs a good 200 pounds (most of which is actual muscle). He used to weigh a lot more, before the House of Powers incident when he was in high school, but years of experimentation and being on the run have affected him negatively there. Diego has brown eyes, tan skin, and has an athletic/muscular build, although it isn’t that noticeable through clothes like it used to be. Thanks to the experiments done to him in the House of Powers, Diego now has two large scars going up his arms. He also has a scar in his abdomen where he was shot during the take-down of the anti-powers government before the Civil War.
Although he used to love to be the best dressed, he has come to learn that that clothes is a luxury he cannot afford anymore. Because of this, he can be seen wearing anything from a plain old t-shirt and shorts, to a hoodie and jeans, and everything in between. Lastly, Diego is never seen without his sunglasses. It’s an older pair that he’s had since before the House, and he never loses sight of them.
Powers: Diego not only has the ability to fly, but is also able to copy other’s powers and use them as his own.
Weaknesses and limitations: Although he has two powers, he can only use one at a time. Diego also has to physically touch the person when he wants to copy their power, which in combat situations can be extremely difficult. Once Diego has copied a power, he only has the knowledge that the host has, which means that if he copies from someone who doesn’t know what to do with their power, neither will he, and he will have to train himself.
History: Life for Diego couldn’t have been better. He was one of the start players on his school’s football team, he was the life of every party, teachers loved him, parents loved him, you name it. He never thought that things could go south for him at all.
It was during a football game that weird things started to happen. During a play, Diego rushed forward and pushed back a defensive lineman, but instead of pushing him back, Diego and the other player went straight up. It wasn’t noticeable to the fans that they went too high to be normal, but it was noticeable for him, his team, and the opposing team. Not long after that, more things started happening; he would try to jump into a pool, and would end up at the middle before falling into the water, his jumps were a lot higher than normal, etc.
Finally, things got really noticeable when he and a group of friends went to the cliffs by the ocean to take the “leap of faith” (the high-dive height
jump from a cliff into the ocean). The whole group went at the same time, and all of them landed into the water…except Diego. He was left floating in the air.
The next thing Diego knew, he was shipped off to the House of Powers.
During his stay there, things were far from luxurious. They were experimented on day after day, just like animals. They were forced to stay within the confines of the house and were fed drugged food to make sure rebellion wasn’t a possibility. The only thing that made the place bearable were the friends Diego made; Allister, Julius, and Maribeth.
When they did eventually break out, Diego made sure that the place couldn’t capture anyone else ever again, and burned the place down with a pyro’s power he had copied.
Months later, the War broke out. The group, along with the help of a few other supers, were able to put an end to it, but not before Diego’s personality became twisted. He became merciless, killing anyone in the way. He also became too zealous, which ultimately led to him being shot in the abdomen from the enemy general.
Name: Gregor V. O'exalley.
Alias: He still goes by Gregor.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Gregor is a tall man, with a top heavy look to him. His shoulders seem broad, and his arms long. His face is heart shaped, his jaw line strong. Gregor is one to walk solemnly, with a down-turned head and vacant glaze. Though this is usually only due to his mind being elsewhere. Having a thriving imagination, he often escapes to it. His hair is night black and long, down to his earlobes. He has soft blue eyes that tell stories without words, and his lashes are long. Having some sort of a strong overbite he has two large teeth that are hard to ignore. His nose is long and flat, and his eyes shaped like almonds. Gregor is not an athlete, but he can run, practice makes perfect after all.
Powers: Gregor has the beck and call of ravens. He is able to call to him, ravens and crows, which he can communicate with. Useful for distractions, eye gouging, and spying.
Weaknesses: Birds, he needs the around to be useful. So far only crows and ravens seem to speak to him. He can't control a huge amount at one time, a flock at most if he tries. It takes more energy speaking with or commanding crows then it does to ask or talk normally, each word can drain, said or heard.
Skills: Gregor is a decent chef, and has picked up some survival skills along the way. When it comes to combat, Gregor is a fast mover, and fast thinker. Everything happens in a flash for him, so if he does good or bad, it's all up to luck.
Personality: Gregor is a kind soul. He enjoys laughing and usually has something snarky to say, but he never really means harm. He is the sort to stay quiet, then once he starts cracking jokes, it's like opening flood gates. Nervous in some ways, he is a careful person, sometimes being a bit too paranoid and stressing himself and others out. He doesn't deal well with stress, and often clams up during it, but is conscious of this and tries hard to combat it.
History: Gregor grew up in an average house, his relationship with his father was a little rocky, but they had their moments. Him and his mother got along well, supporting each other whenever needed. Gregor being an only child got a good amount of toys and the like when young, but his parents made sure not to spoil him. For a good while Gregor didn't really notice his powers, sure birds followed him around often, and his walk to school had a crow lining every fence-top. Once it came to surface (a little chat brought it on) Gregor's father felt he couldn't live in the same house as his mutant son. Being moved across the country to his aunts house, he lived with the single woman for nearly 10 years now. Gregor had left the house once the backlash against unnaturals rose, his aunt pleaded to hide him longer, but they both knew suspicions were high. Gregor is looking now for some allies to stay with, he has a good amount of supplies with him, and has traveled a good little ways from his aunts little house in the burbs.
Alias: He still goes by Gregor.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Gregor is a tall man, with a top heavy look to him. His shoulders seem broad, and his arms long. His face is heart shaped, his jaw line strong. Gregor is one to walk solemnly, with a down-turned head and vacant glaze. Though this is usually only due to his mind being elsewhere. Having a thriving imagination, he often escapes to it. His hair is night black and long, down to his earlobes. He has soft blue eyes that tell stories without words, and his lashes are long. Having some sort of a strong overbite he has two large teeth that are hard to ignore. His nose is long and flat, and his eyes shaped like almonds. Gregor is not an athlete, but he can run, practice makes perfect after all.
Powers: Gregor has the beck and call of ravens. He is able to call to him, ravens and crows, which he can communicate with. Useful for distractions, eye gouging, and spying.
Weaknesses: Birds, he needs the around to be useful. So far only crows and ravens seem to speak to him. He can't control a huge amount at one time, a flock at most if he tries. It takes more energy speaking with or commanding crows then it does to ask or talk normally, each word can drain, said or heard.
Skills: Gregor is a decent chef, and has picked up some survival skills along the way. When it comes to combat, Gregor is a fast mover, and fast thinker. Everything happens in a flash for him, so if he does good or bad, it's all up to luck.
Personality: Gregor is a kind soul. He enjoys laughing and usually has something snarky to say, but he never really means harm. He is the sort to stay quiet, then once he starts cracking jokes, it's like opening flood gates. Nervous in some ways, he is a careful person, sometimes being a bit too paranoid and stressing himself and others out. He doesn't deal well with stress, and often clams up during it, but is conscious of this and tries hard to combat it.
History: Gregor grew up in an average house, his relationship with his father was a little rocky, but they had their moments. Him and his mother got along well, supporting each other whenever needed. Gregor being an only child got a good amount of toys and the like when young, but his parents made sure not to spoil him. For a good while Gregor didn't really notice his powers, sure birds followed him around often, and his walk to school had a crow lining every fence-top. Once it came to surface (a little chat brought it on) Gregor's father felt he couldn't live in the same house as his mutant son. Being moved across the country to his aunts house, he lived with the single woman for nearly 10 years now. Gregor had left the house once the backlash against unnaturals rose, his aunt pleaded to hide him longer, but they both knew suspicions were high. Gregor is looking now for some allies to stay with, he has a good amount of supplies with him, and has traveled a good little ways from his aunts little house in the burbs.
Name: Jesse Maldonado
Jesse stands at five feet and eight inches tall, 130 pounds, and pink dyed hair. He’s Caucasian-Italian with blue eyes and smooth light skin. At first glance, Jesse doesn’t look too intimidating with his slender stature and feminine traits. However from gymnastics, his upper body is on par with that of an Olympic athlete and he’s one for keeping in shape and eating right. Most of his attire are clothes from Topman, Zarra, Forever 21, and other preppy stores. He tends to dress in the latest fashion and wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something outdated.

Density Manipulation – His altered DNA allows him to manipulate density of his body's molecular structure. By manipulating it, he can defy the laws of physics and change his molecular density without harm, allowing him to become completely intangible or impervious. And his genetically enhanced DNA maintains a distinct corporeal memory which enables Jesse to revert back to his original molecular structure at will. Jesse can also extend his density control onto other people/objects by touch.
Intangibility – Jesse can throw off the density of his own molecular structure making him intangible, thus he is able to pass through solid matter by passing his atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which he is moving. In this way he and the object through which he is passing can temporarily merge without interacting, and each is unharmed when Jesse has finished passing through the object. Jesse is able to damage and disrupt, displace, or delete tangible matter by phasing parts of one's body through it and un-phasing said body parts, or simply phasing through it. An example of this is phasing through an electrical system. The phasing would cause the system to malfunction. When used on living creatures, it can be potentially fatal.
Imperviousness – Jesse can condense his molecules, making his body as hard as diamonds – his tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. is extremely dense/solid, allowing them to withstand harmful strains on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, bullets, and changes in temperature. He also gains enhanced levels of strength and stamina, this is possible because of how hard his body has become, allowing him to resist tearing a muscle and/or their bones shattering easily.
Time Limit – Jesse has only 30 seconds before he has to revert back to avoid the risk that the effects from his powers will become permanent and kill him.
Jesse has been trained in gymnastics since the age of 5. His flexibility and agility allows him to do amazing feats which he combines with combat to make a very decent combatant. Although the latter wasn’t learned until him being an Empowered threatened to get him killed. Because of his abilities, he’s become good in stealth and thievery. Jesse is also great with computers and makes mean Italian food.
Jesse is a flamboyant, charismatic person. Although partaking in very illegal activities, he's a good person at heart, and is careful not to get any of his friends involved. He takes care of his loved ones, no matter what strange problems they have. He is suspicious and went through a lot in his life. He is the kind of guy with a dark sense of humor. Jesse may rake in cash doing things the cops frown upon, but that doesn't make him a bad person. He just knows how to have a good time, and he likes to make sure everyone else around him is having as much fun as he is. Though some people underestimate his toughness, but do not let the pink hair fool you. He's not afraid to stand up to anyone who mocks him. If you want to share your clothes and trade makeup tips with, then Jesse is your man. He's not exactly the perfect partner but his flamboyant personality will surely provide comic relief. There's never a dull moment when he's around. Because of his abilities, Jesse is also a very claustrophobic person and doesn't like to be confined anywhere.
Jesse grew up in the suburbs. He didn’t really have a hard life; others would see him as spoiled. However, he never acted as if he was above anyone. He’s always showed people the respect they gave him. At the age of 5, his mother put him in gymnastics as a hobby to keep him away from the hoodlums that roamed the neighborhood after school. Jesse became sort of a prodigy in his hobby, even qualifying for the Olympics when he was only a freshman in high school. High school was particularly eventful as that is the time most kids discover who they are as a person. He had always known he liked the same sex, but never really pursued it or acted on it. He came out of the closet at only 15. Most were supportive, others not so much. Since he lived in a relatively liberal environment, he was generally surrounded with a lot of positivity even dating a few times through school.
But most of his troubles began when he started developing his abilities. There were moments where he remembered falling asleep in bed and woke up on the first floor of his house right under where his room would be. Jesse soon found out he would phase through his bed and fall downstairs at night. He thought they were just falling dreams until he awoke mid fall and hit the floor. His parents wanted to get him helped but he refused, knowing not a lot of people could do this and he would probably be in some lab, tortured for the rest of his life. So he continued to live a normal life as much as he possibly could while still learning about what he could do behind closed doors. Soon Jesse graduated high school and went on to college to study Psychology. Then his life turned upside down.
Jesse came home one day to visit his family for holiday break when he found them dead on the floor. It turns out people had found out about him and came looking for him. Only to find Jesse not there, so they killed his parents so they wouldn’t say anything. Now the only thing he could do was run. He couldn’t go back to school. They probably knew he attended college by then. He called the cops, grabbed as much stuff as he could, and fled. Since then, Jesse has started doing illegal things like phasing into banks at night and stealing money, pick pocketing, taking money from ATM’s and doing gambling. He needed all the cash he could get if he was going to keep running. He just didn't know how long he had to keep running.
Jesse stands at five feet and eight inches tall, 130 pounds, and pink dyed hair. He’s Caucasian-Italian with blue eyes and smooth light skin. At first glance, Jesse doesn’t look too intimidating with his slender stature and feminine traits. However from gymnastics, his upper body is on par with that of an Olympic athlete and he’s one for keeping in shape and eating right. Most of his attire are clothes from Topman, Zarra, Forever 21, and other preppy stores. He tends to dress in the latest fashion and wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something outdated.

Density Manipulation – His altered DNA allows him to manipulate density of his body's molecular structure. By manipulating it, he can defy the laws of physics and change his molecular density without harm, allowing him to become completely intangible or impervious. And his genetically enhanced DNA maintains a distinct corporeal memory which enables Jesse to revert back to his original molecular structure at will. Jesse can also extend his density control onto other people/objects by touch.
Intangibility – Jesse can throw off the density of his own molecular structure making him intangible, thus he is able to pass through solid matter by passing his atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which he is moving. In this way he and the object through which he is passing can temporarily merge without interacting, and each is unharmed when Jesse has finished passing through the object. Jesse is able to damage and disrupt, displace, or delete tangible matter by phasing parts of one's body through it and un-phasing said body parts, or simply phasing through it. An example of this is phasing through an electrical system. The phasing would cause the system to malfunction. When used on living creatures, it can be potentially fatal.
Imperviousness – Jesse can condense his molecules, making his body as hard as diamonds – his tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. is extremely dense/solid, allowing them to withstand harmful strains on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, bullets, and changes in temperature. He also gains enhanced levels of strength and stamina, this is possible because of how hard his body has become, allowing him to resist tearing a muscle and/or their bones shattering easily.
Time Limit – Jesse has only 30 seconds before he has to revert back to avoid the risk that the effects from his powers will become permanent and kill him.
Jesse has been trained in gymnastics since the age of 5. His flexibility and agility allows him to do amazing feats which he combines with combat to make a very decent combatant. Although the latter wasn’t learned until him being an Empowered threatened to get him killed. Because of his abilities, he’s become good in stealth and thievery. Jesse is also great with computers and makes mean Italian food.
Jesse is a flamboyant, charismatic person. Although partaking in very illegal activities, he's a good person at heart, and is careful not to get any of his friends involved. He takes care of his loved ones, no matter what strange problems they have. He is suspicious and went through a lot in his life. He is the kind of guy with a dark sense of humor. Jesse may rake in cash doing things the cops frown upon, but that doesn't make him a bad person. He just knows how to have a good time, and he likes to make sure everyone else around him is having as much fun as he is. Though some people underestimate his toughness, but do not let the pink hair fool you. He's not afraid to stand up to anyone who mocks him. If you want to share your clothes and trade makeup tips with, then Jesse is your man. He's not exactly the perfect partner but his flamboyant personality will surely provide comic relief. There's never a dull moment when he's around. Because of his abilities, Jesse is also a very claustrophobic person and doesn't like to be confined anywhere.
Jesse grew up in the suburbs. He didn’t really have a hard life; others would see him as spoiled. However, he never acted as if he was above anyone. He’s always showed people the respect they gave him. At the age of 5, his mother put him in gymnastics as a hobby to keep him away from the hoodlums that roamed the neighborhood after school. Jesse became sort of a prodigy in his hobby, even qualifying for the Olympics when he was only a freshman in high school. High school was particularly eventful as that is the time most kids discover who they are as a person. He had always known he liked the same sex, but never really pursued it or acted on it. He came out of the closet at only 15. Most were supportive, others not so much. Since he lived in a relatively liberal environment, he was generally surrounded with a lot of positivity even dating a few times through school.
But most of his troubles began when he started developing his abilities. There were moments where he remembered falling asleep in bed and woke up on the first floor of his house right under where his room would be. Jesse soon found out he would phase through his bed and fall downstairs at night. He thought they were just falling dreams until he awoke mid fall and hit the floor. His parents wanted to get him helped but he refused, knowing not a lot of people could do this and he would probably be in some lab, tortured for the rest of his life. So he continued to live a normal life as much as he possibly could while still learning about what he could do behind closed doors. Soon Jesse graduated high school and went on to college to study Psychology. Then his life turned upside down.
Jesse came home one day to visit his family for holiday break when he found them dead on the floor. It turns out people had found out about him and came looking for him. Only to find Jesse not there, so they killed his parents so they wouldn’t say anything. Now the only thing he could do was run. He couldn’t go back to school. They probably knew he attended college by then. He called the cops, grabbed as much stuff as he could, and fled. Since then, Jesse has started doing illegal things like phasing into banks at night and stealing money, pick pocketing, taking money from ATM’s and doing gambling. He needed all the cash he could get if he was going to keep running. He just didn't know how long he had to keep running.
Name: Julius Ragnarson
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Julius stands at 5' 10" tall with an athletic build. He is scrawnier than he once was due to the torture conditions in the House of Powers and the diet one has while being on the run from nearly everyone. His muscle mass is beginning to return now that he has his sight back and is better able to engage in physical exercise and activity.
He is blond to the point his hair is nearly white, always carefully brushed into a slightly messy side parting due to his wavy hair which he keeps fastidiously short to be manageable. His eyes are a bright blue, both piercing and warm at the same time; understanding and all-knowing. He has a quick and gentle smile which his eyes sparkle in unison with although it is rare for him to laugh.
Generally, Julius prefers to wear plain, unstyled jeans, running shoes or smart-casual shoes which are also practical, and white polo shirts. His dedication to wearing plain clothes would not be remarkable for the fact he wears the same kind of outfit every day with occasional variance in the colour and make of his polo shirts (although always being of a light colour, usually of a blue variant when not completely white).
He has taken to carrying a pair of sunglasses at all times, from when he had no eyes, although he only wears them in bright, direct sunlight.
Powers: Manipulation of air currents (note: this is not the same as control over air. Julius can alter the movement of air and initiate movement as well but cannot produce air and has very limited ability in altering the state or components of air). He also has a higher muscle strength output than most but this ability is rapidly diminishing every time he uses it.
Skills: Julius is smart. Not your run-of-the-mill academic smart; anything he turns his hand to, Julius can pick it up very quickly. He's a natural strategist and has a good understanding of people and the human condition in general, however his usually kind heart prevents him from maximizing his potential for manipulation.
He also has some practiced skill at playing the piano.
Personality: Mild and reserved, Julius is very much what many expect of a Briton (even if this reputation is somewhat ill-deserved). Preferring to stand back and watch events before making a decision or getting involved, unless there is an element of danger, Julius can often seem to be a puppeteer or simply shy. He is defensive of his friends to a fault and cannot help but aid those in need; provided it doesn't endanger his friends (or himself if his capture/injury were to affect their safety).
Julius is the honourable sort and will take every burden upon himself rather than share it with others, rising to any challenge presented and never complaining openly about the difficulty of a task.
History: Accepted into every school he ever applied for, Julius was a star pupil in just about every field he applied himself to. He had a voracious thirst for knowledge, experience and skills which kept him busy at all times. Despite these successes, he only had a few friends but he considered them to be near-family in importance to him and the feeling was mutual.
Then Julius' mother died. She had been mentally ill all of Julius' life, often confusing him with someone called 'Bryan' and breaking down into a fit of hallucinations and self-harm. Shortly after his final exams she died from a brain hemorrhage leaving Julius alone with his abusive father. Julius' father reacted to any state of illness in his wife with violence towards Julius', blaming his son for any small issue or problem that presented itself; it was no wonder that Julius spent as much time as possible indulging in extra-curricular activities in order to stay away from home.
A week before he was to journey to Cambridge to begin his University education (having chosen the university over Oxford for it's more liberal leanings - he was accepted into both), Julius' father and uniformed men crashed into his room and drugged him into unconsciousness. Next thing he knew, Julius was awake in the House of Powers. There he met Diego, Maribeth, Allister and others.
Before breaking out, Julius' eyes were removed and he was shot in the leg leaving him with a permanent limp. He developed a secondary vision during his blindness using air movements as a sensor. In the proceeding months, Julius grew very close to Allister (and they picked up a stray yellow labrador puppy they named Caesar in jest) as she looked after him. During the months of pursuit: Diego and Julius clashed over their opposing thoughts on mercy, Julius' found he had a slightly older brother named Bryan who had been drugged into madness by their father, Julius accidentally killed his father in a scuffle with a knife and Bryan's eyes were surgically implanted into Julius giving him a small measure of his brother's secondary power of strength.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Julius stands at 5' 10" tall with an athletic build. He is scrawnier than he once was due to the torture conditions in the House of Powers and the diet one has while being on the run from nearly everyone. His muscle mass is beginning to return now that he has his sight back and is better able to engage in physical exercise and activity.
He is blond to the point his hair is nearly white, always carefully brushed into a slightly messy side parting due to his wavy hair which he keeps fastidiously short to be manageable. His eyes are a bright blue, both piercing and warm at the same time; understanding and all-knowing. He has a quick and gentle smile which his eyes sparkle in unison with although it is rare for him to laugh.
Generally, Julius prefers to wear plain, unstyled jeans, running shoes or smart-casual shoes which are also practical, and white polo shirts. His dedication to wearing plain clothes would not be remarkable for the fact he wears the same kind of outfit every day with occasional variance in the colour and make of his polo shirts (although always being of a light colour, usually of a blue variant when not completely white).
He has taken to carrying a pair of sunglasses at all times, from when he had no eyes, although he only wears them in bright, direct sunlight.
Powers: Manipulation of air currents (note: this is not the same as control over air. Julius can alter the movement of air and initiate movement as well but cannot produce air and has very limited ability in altering the state or components of air). He also has a higher muscle strength output than most but this ability is rapidly diminishing every time he uses it.
Skills: Julius is smart. Not your run-of-the-mill academic smart; anything he turns his hand to, Julius can pick it up very quickly. He's a natural strategist and has a good understanding of people and the human condition in general, however his usually kind heart prevents him from maximizing his potential for manipulation.
He also has some practiced skill at playing the piano.
Personality: Mild and reserved, Julius is very much what many expect of a Briton (even if this reputation is somewhat ill-deserved). Preferring to stand back and watch events before making a decision or getting involved, unless there is an element of danger, Julius can often seem to be a puppeteer or simply shy. He is defensive of his friends to a fault and cannot help but aid those in need; provided it doesn't endanger his friends (or himself if his capture/injury were to affect their safety).
Julius is the honourable sort and will take every burden upon himself rather than share it with others, rising to any challenge presented and never complaining openly about the difficulty of a task.
History: Accepted into every school he ever applied for, Julius was a star pupil in just about every field he applied himself to. He had a voracious thirst for knowledge, experience and skills which kept him busy at all times. Despite these successes, he only had a few friends but he considered them to be near-family in importance to him and the feeling was mutual.
Then Julius' mother died. She had been mentally ill all of Julius' life, often confusing him with someone called 'Bryan' and breaking down into a fit of hallucinations and self-harm. Shortly after his final exams she died from a brain hemorrhage leaving Julius alone with his abusive father. Julius' father reacted to any state of illness in his wife with violence towards Julius', blaming his son for any small issue or problem that presented itself; it was no wonder that Julius spent as much time as possible indulging in extra-curricular activities in order to stay away from home.
A week before he was to journey to Cambridge to begin his University education (having chosen the university over Oxford for it's more liberal leanings - he was accepted into both), Julius' father and uniformed men crashed into his room and drugged him into unconsciousness. Next thing he knew, Julius was awake in the House of Powers. There he met Diego, Maribeth, Allister and others.
Before breaking out, Julius' eyes were removed and he was shot in the leg leaving him with a permanent limp. He developed a secondary vision during his blindness using air movements as a sensor. In the proceeding months, Julius grew very close to Allister (and they picked up a stray yellow labrador puppy they named Caesar in jest) as she looked after him. During the months of pursuit: Diego and Julius clashed over their opposing thoughts on mercy, Julius' found he had a slightly older brother named Bryan who had been drugged into madness by their father, Julius accidentally killed his father in a scuffle with a knife and Bryan's eyes were surgically implanted into Julius giving him a small measure of his brother's secondary power of strength.

Name: Lee
Alias: None
Age: Twenty Five
Gender: Male
Powers: Lee is able to draw power from literature, be it an artifact, weapon, special ability, or character. However, an incantation in the form of a haiku, written or stated, must be accomplished prior to the manifestation of this power.
Weakness and Limitations: The three weaknesses of Lee's ability is that it requires a haiku to access this, he may only make use of existing literature and those that he has read, and everything he summons possesses a time limit.
Skills: Aside from having an eidetic memory and being a skilled free runner, Lee possesses exceptional physical capabilities and is proficient in both armed and unarmed combat.
Personality: Lee cares little for others and follows his own moral code. He often speaks his mind regardless of his thoughts lack tact or not. Although rarely agitated, he is straightforward, is annoyed by many things, and is considered to be quite rude by many.
History: Lee was an orphan. His parents and siblings all died in a plane crash that he had miraculously survived at the age of three. He has no actual memories of his family, but all he knows of his past is that he was born in Japan. How he ended up in an orphanage in America was something Lee really didn't dig into.
As the years passed, a certain incident had occurred that drew the eyes of the government towards Lee. This was the death of four children along with the collapse of half of the orphanage. This event was unofficially tied to Lee as records dictated that he had immediately fled from the confines of the orphanage soon after the incident had taken place.
Having multiple encounters with the authorities during his youth, Lee called the streets of America his home. It wasn't until his powers grew greatly in intensity as he matured into an adult that he began to frequently travel from one state to another, to escape from the law for his escalating crimes. Since then, Lee has been on the run, occasionally popping up in headlines as natural disasters and blending in as a stern foreigner to the public. His rap sheet reveals that he had worked as a freelance hitman, consultant, and transporter to many organizations, regardless of being legal or not.
Others: Some random facts about Lee is, although unaware of this fact, he was born into a clan who worshiped Izanami, the Shinto goddess of creation and death. Despite no longer existing, they were said to have been able to speak to Izanami herself. She who would often grant their wishes in exchange for their unwavering and eternal fate. Other than that, Lee enjoys reading – usually mythology, fables, and stories of fantasy – and is fond of poetry. However, he tends to keep this to himself and avoids letting others no of this.

Name: Luke Lancaster
Alias: None
Age: Twenty Two
Personality: Most see Luke as a cool, calm, and collected individual. He usually portrays a laid back and carefree personality regardless of the situation. However, hidden behind this seemingly good-natured and cheerful disposition, is a cunning man. Unbeknownst to many, Luke is quite sly and somewhat of an opportunist, usually caring little for others unless he is able to make use of them as a means to an end. He has no problems in conversing and opening himself up to others as long as he is able to gain something in return.
Appearance: Luke stands at a height of about 6’1” and weighs approximately 160 pounds. He has long, ruffled, brownish blonde hair and light forest green eyes while his skin tone is relatively fair. He usually sports hoodies, bull caps and relatively loose clothing.
Powers: Luke is able to transform into any animal, as well as use their abilities, traits and appearance/physiology by rearranging his own DNA structure.
Weaknesses and Limitations: As of the present, Luke only has a limited selection of predetermined animal forms to take. He require a visual memory or genetic sample of target animal through touch or assimilation. When transformed, he is not able to speak in a human language and is not capable of combining several animal forms.
History: Luke Lancaster was the child of Lance and Louren Lancaster, being raised in New York City. His father was a petty crook who ended up serving a prison sentence, and even after the sentence was served, his father did not return to the family. That left Luke alone with his drug addicted mother, who he tried to take care of by resorting to thievery and picking pockets for some cash. Luckily for Luke, he had already discovered his abilities at an early age, thus making his “endeavors” a tad bit easier. Sadly, his mother soon died later on of an overdose and he was left alone with no family to turn to. Luke fended for himself just as he had taken care of his mother by continuing to live off the streets through the pockets of others.
However, this all ended in a single night. Luke came across an elderly man and based from his appearance, he looked to be someone who was well endowed in terms of wealth. For some reason, it seemed to he had wandered off from whatever extravagant soiree he was from. Seeing this as an opportunity that he couldn't pass up, Luke nonchalantly approached the elderly man as he attempted to empty his pockets. Unfortunately, things did not work out as expected; apparently, everything that had just happened was a well-devised plot. The man Luke had tried to steal from was actually a government official who was tasked to search for and capture Unnaturals. Upon realizing what was taking place, Luke knew that he had to flee the scene, but before he could, he was given an offer. In exchange for his freedom, not only will he be sheltered and given sufficient amounts of provision, he would also be trained and given an appropriate education. The only thing they would ask for in return was for him to work for the government. Given his current life, Luke had no reason to decline such an offer.
As the years passed, Luke lived as some sort of mercenary, tracking down other Unnaturals, giving them the same opportunity he was offered, capturing those who struggled to escape, and terminating the few others who rebelled.
After the Civil War, Luke's outlook on the life he was currently living soon changed. He was no longer the person he used to be several years ago. He realized that ever since he associated himself with the government, he was never truly free. He was a mere pawn who obediently took orders from those above him. However, this was no longer the case. Given the opportunity the Civil War had presented to him, Luke fled from the confines of the government and sought refuge alongside many other escapees and Unnaturals.
Other: Throughout the years spent under the guidance of the government, Luke was given sufficient training in both unarmed and armed combat and was well versed in knowledge regarding all fields of zoology and certain aspects of human anatomy and physiology. Luke remains a skilled thief and pick pocket and his other notable traits would include his eidetic memory, fondness for animals, and love for spicy food.

Name: Maribeth (Mari) Wilson
Alias: Mari for now?
Age: 21
Personality: Maribeth is a sweet girl who loves to help anyone that she comes in contact with. She's easy to talk to and likes to joke around to make tense situations seem easier. She has a soft spot for children and cares deeply about her friends. It doesn't take her long to get mad though, and once angered, it takes her a long time to calm down. Although it's not healthy to hold grudges, she can and will hold one until the end of time. Trust is something she tends to give to anyone. She thinks everyone is good until proven wrong, which can be her downfall at times. Although she has a bubbly personality, she is rather impatient.
Appearance: Maribeth is a petite girl, standing at about 5'2". She has long, brown hair that falls to the small of her back that turns blonde at the tips and blue eyes with fair skin. On her left forearm, she has a tattoo of a mermaid that cover most it.
Powers: Telekinesis. Maribeth has the power to lift things with her mind, as well as herself. After years of practice and hard experiences, she has nearly mastered it, but still has a few flaws. Anything from the size of a human and smaller she can lift with ease, as well as furniture. Anything bigger needs concentration and effort. If it's just one heavy object, she can do it without any problems, but if it were to be more than one heavy object, she will get a massive headache and if she keeps going her nose will start bleeding. Too much weight can cause anything from her passing out, internal bleeding, even death. She also has a latent ability of being able to hear thoughts. (She'll come to discover that later, but it won't be anything big. Just random thoughts here and there.)
Weaknesses and limitations: As said before, Maribeth can only lift rather small objects wit ease. Anything bigger than what was stated can cause headaches, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, internal bleeding, even death. The heavier the object, or the longer she has her ability sustained for, the more energy she burns. If lifting a car(s), she can tire in just a few minutes. If flying, she will tire within two or so hours. As for her latent power, that will never be able to be controlled. She will sporadically hear either every ones thoughts at once, or she will hear a select few or just one person at a time. In the future, only by utmost concentration will she be able to hear just one persons thoughts, but that's on a lucky day.
History: Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Maribeth led a pretty normal life. Through out elementary and middle school, nothing was out of the norm. It wasn't until the summer before her first year of high school that things began to get weird. Her mother and sister, according to her dad, died in a car crash. Not even during the 'funeral' was she allowed to see her mom and her sister. Things began to get even more strange as high school went on. She began to notice little things like paper clips and pencils or papers moving slightly whenever she was excited or happy. As the years went on, she ignored that little signs and continued with her sports until she graduated. That last year of high school would be the year she found out that she was different. When either angry or sad, anything near her would shoot off to the other side of the room. It never happened at school, since she controlled her emotions and thoughts there, but at home it would be different.
After receiving a full ride to a University near by, Maribeth began going to college, but she would sit at the back of her class. Her ability was beginning to get either stronger or more pronounced. People began noticing that she was rather off, unlike when she was in high school. She began to lose friends and people began to talk about her. She finally snapped when in class one day, the person sitting next to her made a rude comment that sent her anger through the roof. She stood up and the man went flying to the back of the room, crashing into the wall. Paper went flying everywhere and the desks moved several feet back. Startled by what she had just done, Maribeth ran out and went home, where she would find strange men standing at the door with her father. That's when she was take to the House of Powers. A place where horrible experiments were done to those who had abilities. She, along with several other teenagers and kids, were locked up in a building with nothing but white walls and floors and furniture. This is where she met the group that she would be spending most of her time with.
Not everyone was able to escape the House of Powers. Many dying at the hands of the scientists. From the horrible experiments done to her, even to this day, there are the faint traces of the scars on Maribeth's forehead that imply that they go around her head. She has scars on her legs, abdomen, and forearms as well. Faint, scars, but in her eyes they stick out like a flashing sign that says "Look at me".
Skills: Being skilled in handling weapons was a must after the group escaped from the House of Powers, as well as some hand-to-hand combat, although she is reluctant to use it. She is agile and can sneak into almost any place without being detected, as well as being able to take a hit from her years in Lacrosse and Roller Derby. Maribeth is also skilled in first aid and CPR.
Image is WIP
Name: Miriam Christa Justus
Alias: "Stigma"
Age: 16
Personality: Miriam, partly due to her upbringing, is usually calm and relaxed, even under intense pressure and horrible situations. This attitude of hers is particularly for when she is around other people; she does her best to seem fine so that other people can relax in turn; only when she is safely out of sight does she breakdown - this is especially hard for her, because despite her normal attitude, she's still a young woman, and is nowhere near as strong as she wants others to believe. Her attitude when it comes to work is serious, methodological, organized and hardworking, but when working with others she has problems being straightforward because she doesn't want to step on anyone's toes. Miriam prefers preventing conflict rather than ending it.
She's also rather religious and conservative, and because she doesn't shove it in your face, she expects other people to be respectful in turn.
For Miriam, she considers her existence to be for the sake of helping other people; her own wishes count for nothing. Her natural (not to mention extreme) martyrdom applies to almost everyone, and she never turns away someone in need. She has deluded herself into thinking she is some sort of messiah. She knows that she cannot save anyone, even is she wants to.
Regardless of all these traits, however, Miriam does not in fact feel compelled to help other people for the sake of her ego or because of some sense of duty; she helps others because to her, it is simply the right thing to do. To ignore other in need is a sin above all others in her eyes, and she will have nothing of it.
Appearance: Long brown hair. During relaxation times, it's usually let loose, but when Miriam is at work she ties it into a single large braid. When going out, she wears it as a low pony tail. Miriam has olive colored skin and light brown eyes. She is short (4'9) and wishes she could grow more. Her clothes usually consist of black and white dresses, a symbol of morning. She only has a few colored clothes reserved for festive occasions. Her one piece of clothing that isn't a dress is a pair of shorts and a hoodie. She always wears a thin wooden rosary around her neck, and never takes it off, even while showering.
Powers: Her alias comes from her power of the same name: Stigma. The ability is in three forms. Self-Healing, Forced-Healing and Nursing.
Self-Healing is exactly as it sounds where Miriam recovers rapidly from injuries and sickness, however this is the slowest form. Forced-Healing is when she uses another persons health and 'transfers' it to herself, effectively switching their health status. The last form, 'Nursing' is the exact opposite of Forced-Healing as well as her fastest acting ability, where she transfers her own health to another person - this ability can be applied to multiple people.
Weaknesses and limitations: Skin contact is required for her ability to work. Self-Healing is the slowest acting of her abilities and can only work when she's at rest (asleep). Overuse of Nursing can kill her, especially so when applied to more than one person and when the injuries are grievous. Forced-Healing is not an instantaneous effect, so contact can be broken off.
History: Miriam was raised at a Christian orphanage, and grew up listening to stories about martyrs and sacrifice. More-so than the all the other kids at orphanage, Miriam was affected by these stories, and for years this was her way of living. It was unknown when her powers manifested, or how they came to be. Was it a mutation? A gift from God? Whatever the case, the people of her orphanage saw her ability - and that of many other kids in the orphanage - as a miracle. For awhile, she was happy, unhated and surrounded even by others like her. That was until the general consensus of what to do with so-called 'Unnaturals' flipped over to the other side of public opinion. The nuns of the orphanage tried their best to hide her and the others, but such abilities where impossible to hid for long.
Eventually, one of the people who had donated regularly to the orphanage discovered the 'Unnaturals' hidden within its walls. The government did a prompt and effective raid, and all the children (and some nuns) where brought to a certain facility . . .
After years of experiments and tortuous situations, they were finally broken out. The one's responsible for their salvation where surprisingly not others like them, but regular people who had worked with the orphanage, who had begged them for help. Some where even higher-ups in the government itself. The operation was successful at first, but it was only natural that they would be pursued. Soon, the jeep that they had escaped in was attacked.
Thankfully, all the occupants got out, but now the group was scattered. Miriam wandered around with two other companions, before circumstance split them apart. It has been three years since this happened, and only now does Miriam hear tell about a growing voice of opposition against the treatment of Unnaturals, and thinks perhaps that she can end her days of wandering about, and perhaps find her missing family - the ones that she was separated from the night their jeep was attacked.
Miriam is an avid reader of all kinds of books.
Her abilities aside, Miriam can also do regular first-aid.
Miriam is a good singer, and can go from contralto, to mezzo soprano, to a soprano robusto. She's also skilled at singing Coloratura Soprano's. The problem with her singing, however, is that though she regularly edits them, she only knows choir songs.
She likes playing in caves.
She has never cursed once. Not even an 'Oh my god!'
Goats freak the heaven out of her. This is because a lot of kids (who where amused by her religious zeal) that the goat was the symbol of the devil, and thus, the goat was an agent of Satan. She never got over it.
Name: Miriam Christa Justus
Alias: "Stigma"
Age: 16
Personality: Miriam, partly due to her upbringing, is usually calm and relaxed, even under intense pressure and horrible situations. This attitude of hers is particularly for when she is around other people; she does her best to seem fine so that other people can relax in turn; only when she is safely out of sight does she breakdown - this is especially hard for her, because despite her normal attitude, she's still a young woman, and is nowhere near as strong as she wants others to believe. Her attitude when it comes to work is serious, methodological, organized and hardworking, but when working with others she has problems being straightforward because she doesn't want to step on anyone's toes. Miriam prefers preventing conflict rather than ending it.
She's also rather religious and conservative, and because she doesn't shove it in your face, she expects other people to be respectful in turn.
For Miriam, she considers her existence to be for the sake of helping other people; her own wishes count for nothing. Her natural (not to mention extreme) martyrdom applies to almost everyone, and she never turns away someone in need. She has deluded herself into thinking she is some sort of messiah. She knows that she cannot save anyone, even is she wants to.
Regardless of all these traits, however, Miriam does not in fact feel compelled to help other people for the sake of her ego or because of some sense of duty; she helps others because to her, it is simply the right thing to do. To ignore other in need is a sin above all others in her eyes, and she will have nothing of it.
Appearance: Long brown hair. During relaxation times, it's usually let loose, but when Miriam is at work she ties it into a single large braid. When going out, she wears it as a low pony tail. Miriam has olive colored skin and light brown eyes. She is short (4'9) and wishes she could grow more. Her clothes usually consist of black and white dresses, a symbol of morning. She only has a few colored clothes reserved for festive occasions. Her one piece of clothing that isn't a dress is a pair of shorts and a hoodie. She always wears a thin wooden rosary around her neck, and never takes it off, even while showering.
Powers: Her alias comes from her power of the same name: Stigma. The ability is in three forms. Self-Healing, Forced-Healing and Nursing.
Self-Healing is exactly as it sounds where Miriam recovers rapidly from injuries and sickness, however this is the slowest form. Forced-Healing is when she uses another persons health and 'transfers' it to herself, effectively switching their health status. The last form, 'Nursing' is the exact opposite of Forced-Healing as well as her fastest acting ability, where she transfers her own health to another person - this ability can be applied to multiple people.
Weaknesses and limitations: Skin contact is required for her ability to work. Self-Healing is the slowest acting of her abilities and can only work when she's at rest (asleep). Overuse of Nursing can kill her, especially so when applied to more than one person and when the injuries are grievous. Forced-Healing is not an instantaneous effect, so contact can be broken off.
History: Miriam was raised at a Christian orphanage, and grew up listening to stories about martyrs and sacrifice. More-so than the all the other kids at orphanage, Miriam was affected by these stories, and for years this was her way of living. It was unknown when her powers manifested, or how they came to be. Was it a mutation? A gift from God? Whatever the case, the people of her orphanage saw her ability - and that of many other kids in the orphanage - as a miracle. For awhile, she was happy, unhated and surrounded even by others like her. That was until the general consensus of what to do with so-called 'Unnaturals' flipped over to the other side of public opinion. The nuns of the orphanage tried their best to hide her and the others, but such abilities where impossible to hid for long.
Eventually, one of the people who had donated regularly to the orphanage discovered the 'Unnaturals' hidden within its walls. The government did a prompt and effective raid, and all the children (and some nuns) where brought to a certain facility . . .
After years of experiments and tortuous situations, they were finally broken out. The one's responsible for their salvation where surprisingly not others like them, but regular people who had worked with the orphanage, who had begged them for help. Some where even higher-ups in the government itself. The operation was successful at first, but it was only natural that they would be pursued. Soon, the jeep that they had escaped in was attacked.
Thankfully, all the occupants got out, but now the group was scattered. Miriam wandered around with two other companions, before circumstance split them apart. It has been three years since this happened, and only now does Miriam hear tell about a growing voice of opposition against the treatment of Unnaturals, and thinks perhaps that she can end her days of wandering about, and perhaps find her missing family - the ones that she was separated from the night their jeep was attacked.
Miriam is an avid reader of all kinds of books.
Her abilities aside, Miriam can also do regular first-aid.
Miriam is a good singer, and can go from contralto, to mezzo soprano, to a soprano robusto. She's also skilled at singing Coloratura Soprano's. The problem with her singing, however, is that though she regularly edits them, she only knows choir songs.
She likes playing in caves.
She has never cursed once. Not even an 'Oh my god!'
Goats freak the heaven out of her. This is because a lot of kids (who where amused by her religious zeal) that the goat was the symbol of the devil, and thus, the goat was an agent of Satan. She never got over it.
Name: Nur-Ayya Moumis, however he asks people to call him Nur.
Age: 22
Alias: Ooze
Gender: Male
Powers: Can partially turn into, manipulate, and create mud.
Skills: Is somewhat fast, and has proficient driving skills.
Personality: Nur isn't usually a conflict-based man. He isn't shy, and is often rather nice to be around due to his kind and somewhat care-free attitude. He is rather more pacifistic than his peers and usually is not one to resort to violence whenever he can; although he isn't one to not strike back either. He simply tries to avoid conflict when possible, even if the result might be a bit better otherwise. Nur isn't great with anxiety and stress, and is usually doing what he can to displace and/or negate stress, even if his actions may not be the best ones to make in the long run.
History: Nur's childhood was that on the average man. The only thing people would notice about him was that he enjoyed the mud, although his neighbors weren't ones to shy away from it, it was only Nur who truly embraced the ground filth. As he grew into an adolescent, he began to slowly keep his love for the ground more of a secret. Although he wouldn't keep it hidden 'behind lock and key', he certainly didn't bring it up whenever people asked the dreaded question, 'Hey Nur,what do you like?' and variations of the phrase.
His high school life had no real incidents worth mentioning. He had two girlfriends throughout his years, and made quite a number of friends. But that was rather normal for the people he was around, he wasn't anything special there. Neither his grades, nor his attempts at football were noteworthy either. So these years passed him by and he didn't have many second thoughts. The most stressful situations he went through were finals, which he admitted had kicked him in the ass. However, after his years in high school were over did his life begin to take a turn.
A seemingly ordinary grant he had gotten during high school suddenly had a weird quirk. He needed to go to visit the creators themselves and discuss it with them. However, Nur thought nothing of it until the event itself occurred. When it did occur, he had no time at all to react to it at all! As soon as he had arrived, he had already been drugged and bagged. Forced into an institution he never knew existed over the span of one night.
Once Nur was part of the house of powers, his life was just like any other there. He spent five years in the facility until the breakout occured, and he was lucky enough to be around when it went down. However, Nur wasn't lucky enough to leave with a group. He snuck out by himself, and was not known to the group that organized it. Just like how he didn't know a scrap about them.
Weaknesses and limitations: Does not fully turn into mud and still has all of his vitals bellow the surface. The power is mostly utility, both its offensive and defensive properties are rather low. Mud is mud, can't block or strike much until it hardens. And for the most part the speed of the mud is dependent on the mass. The more mud he uses the slower he is to be able to form/control it.
Age: 22
Alias: Ooze
Gender: Male

Powers: Can partially turn into, manipulate, and create mud.
Skills: Is somewhat fast, and has proficient driving skills.
Personality: Nur isn't usually a conflict-based man. He isn't shy, and is often rather nice to be around due to his kind and somewhat care-free attitude. He is rather more pacifistic than his peers and usually is not one to resort to violence whenever he can; although he isn't one to not strike back either. He simply tries to avoid conflict when possible, even if the result might be a bit better otherwise. Nur isn't great with anxiety and stress, and is usually doing what he can to displace and/or negate stress, even if his actions may not be the best ones to make in the long run.
History: Nur's childhood was that on the average man. The only thing people would notice about him was that he enjoyed the mud, although his neighbors weren't ones to shy away from it, it was only Nur who truly embraced the ground filth. As he grew into an adolescent, he began to slowly keep his love for the ground more of a secret. Although he wouldn't keep it hidden 'behind lock and key', he certainly didn't bring it up whenever people asked the dreaded question, 'Hey Nur,what do you like?' and variations of the phrase.
His high school life had no real incidents worth mentioning. He had two girlfriends throughout his years, and made quite a number of friends. But that was rather normal for the people he was around, he wasn't anything special there. Neither his grades, nor his attempts at football were noteworthy either. So these years passed him by and he didn't have many second thoughts. The most stressful situations he went through were finals, which he admitted had kicked him in the ass. However, after his years in high school were over did his life begin to take a turn.
A seemingly ordinary grant he had gotten during high school suddenly had a weird quirk. He needed to go to visit the creators themselves and discuss it with them. However, Nur thought nothing of it until the event itself occurred. When it did occur, he had no time at all to react to it at all! As soon as he had arrived, he had already been drugged and bagged. Forced into an institution he never knew existed over the span of one night.
Once Nur was part of the house of powers, his life was just like any other there. He spent five years in the facility until the breakout occured, and he was lucky enough to be around when it went down. However, Nur wasn't lucky enough to leave with a group. He snuck out by himself, and was not known to the group that organized it. Just like how he didn't know a scrap about them.
Weaknesses and limitations: Does not fully turn into mud and still has all of his vitals bellow the surface. The power is mostly utility, both its offensive and defensive properties are rather low. Mud is mud, can't block or strike much until it hardens. And for the most part the speed of the mud is dependent on the mass. The more mud he uses the slower he is to be able to form/control it.

Name: Sean Davis
Alias: None
Age: 22
Personality: Sean is an easygoing kind of guy he enjoys a good time when he gets to know people. He usually acts like a hardass around people and tries not to let people in on his life but usually ends up opening up at some point. He's a fairly outgoing person and not shy particularly shy, he'd rather tell something to someone's face rather than beat around the bush. This bluntness can lead to tense situations from time to time, but he'll be self deprecating if it helps the situation. Sean's biggest fault is that he's quick to trust people, usually he can tell the difference between a good liar and someone who is telling the truth but more often than not he'll make a bad choice in judgement.
Appearance: Sean is a fairly average looking man, just under six feet tall and an average weight with lightly tanned skin with a few tattoo's marking either arm a few on the shoulders and some on his wrists, the most prominent is a feather quill making an ellipsis. Dark brown eyes, somewhat sunken and perpetually tired looking on a lightly pock marked face. Black hair kept almost completely shaven, save for a short, flat mohawk.
Powers: Trade teleportation. Sean can teleport himself or any object he's holding with another one up to 50 feet away. The size and weight of the object and the distance determines the strain it puts on Sean.
Weaknesses and limitations: There is no limit inbetween the time he can teleport something or himself, it does however put a strain on his body to do so, the bigger the object the more exhausting it is to trade teleport it. In addition, teleporting himself tires him in relation to the object he traded places with and the distance traveled.
History: Sean Davis was born somewhere in the northern united states, his early life was uneventful albeit a little rough, growing up in a bad neighborhood. By the time Sean was 18 he'd run away from home, this was around the time Sean had realized his power, his parents didn't take to it as kindly as he would have hoped and were ready to disown him or give him away to the government. Sean lived with a friend for a few years, who was unaware of his powers as well, and one day he caught Sean in the act and his friend didn't seem to understand or was happy with Sean. He ran away yet again, for the next several years, as a war raged on around him and people like him were being killed or captured or worse he practiced his power as much as he could always in secret and helped out people who needed it be they empowered or not. He managed to avoid any serious trouble but came close more than once. Recently he'd caught wind of a group of Empowered banding together, and with that in mind, he'd decided it was time to fin a home again.
Other: Sean is a fan of music, of all kind and when not occupied by something can often be found enjoying a plethora of different albums and bands.
Name: Timothy Aquinas
Alias: The Priest
Age: 24
”God wills it.”
If there is one trait defining of Timothy’s personality, it is his zeal. Already pious from the start, his superpowers have bolstered the strength of his faith, seeing his unique gifts as those coming from God. A devout Catholic, Timothy does his best to be kind, caring and thoughtful, though he will not suffer excessive offenses to his faith, and will mete out enlightenment on the ignorant either by preaching with unhindered passion or, in extreme cases, by the tip of the sword: a practice recent events have made him quite adept in.
The world, to him, requires renewal. There are many of the Gifted who misuse their powers not for the sake of their fellow man in service to God, but for the sake of their greed and other nearsighted lusts. If there is one prayer he would like to see granted, it is that all Gifted would come to their senses and use their newfound talents to better their fellow humans as siblings under the eyes of the Allfather, and that prosecution and exploitation of them by the governments of the world would stop.
Though he does not believe he has all the answers, he truly seeks to build a happy world. He has decided to do his part, however small, in achieving that goal. Whether he would make an impact small or large, it matters not, as long as he knew that he contributed somehow to the best of his abilities.
Flaw or not, he sees the world through the lenses of religion.
A bush of short, wavy hair, dark brown in color, sits atop his head, hugs the contours of his ears and threatens to spill out after the earlobe’s level. Perhaps half of his forehead is covered by his forward locks that hang over a lightly-pronounced brow having only moderately thick eyebrows, under which are eyes sporting irises of green. A relatively wide face and pale skin betray his British ancestry, and he bears likeness to the image of a rugged Irishman with a short growth of facial hair from just before his ears, going down to his chin, and even spilling onto his neck.
His grooming towards a life of religious devotion has not blessed Timothy with any particularly strong musculature. Days spent poring over texts have given him quite a ghostly complexion, too. He stands at a good 5’11” tall.
He still wears the uniform of the seminary: a pair of slacks and a long-sleeved shirt, both simple garments pitch-black in color, clothe his person. Leather shoes cover his feet, and he always has a backpack on him, bearing provisions like bottled water and food, as well as the essential Holy Bible.
-Divine Necromancy:
Timothy, at command, can summon the Holy Ghosts of martyrs who have died in the name of Christ. At most, he can call in four, and these ghosts are most often those who’ve taken part in the Crusades, owing to the number of people who participated in them, though their selection is random and those summoned can be from any time period and socio-economic status. Ghosts are able to maintain their form for about fifteen minutes before dissipating, and are actually rather solid despite their mild, blue-hued transparency. They are summoned wearing and bearing what they had the moment they had died.
Holy Ghosts are about twice as hardy as the average human: it takes twice as much force to shatter their bones, twice as much effort to cut their flesh, twice as much work to hurt them. There is no way to destroy a Holy Ghost before their time limit expires (or even unsummon one), but one may wound them enough that they are rendered incapable. They do not require organ systems to live or sense and nor do they feel any pain, so gouging their eyes out is pointless as they will still see you through ethereal means and they wouldn’t be incapacitated by agony. They cannot heal wounds on their own; Timothy must take mental effort to do so on their behalf.
Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality in the centuries of limbo after their deaths, and now know only to fight for God and Christ and to protect their summoner. Yet they still retain much of their intelligence, and anyone is able to converse with them, given that Timothy allows it. He particularly enjoys listening to their tales of how life was like so long ago.
Horses and other mounts cannot be summoned forth.
-Minor Restoration:
Timothy can heal small cuts and bruises.
-Spirit Call:
Timothy can converse with departed souls. Though their answers are quite cryptic and short, they are not impossible to understand. Wandering spirits are a good source of rudimentary intel.
Weaknesses and Limitations
-Divine Necromancy:
-To sustain a Holy Ghost is subconscious and done automatically by the soul but at the cost of the body. Strain is determined by the number of Holy Ghosts summoned. One still leaves Timothy with ample room to fight actively, two renders him less active and fatigued with worse aim, but three will force him to keep quiet and sit down, sweating and breathing heavily. Four knocks him unconscious with a mild chance of a heart attack. He cannot summon any more than that, as doing so is a conscious effort.
-The souls are picked out from the ether at random: Timothy might wish for a knight, but there is a chance he would get a mere peasant who died not wearing armor or wielding any weapons.
-Holy Ghosts will not return to the ether until their fifteen minutes on Earth have passed. Timothy will have to put up with the strain of maintaining the ones he has summoned until then.
-To heal a Holy Ghost requires Timothy to remain still, leaving him vulnerable, though the process should take no longer than twenty seconds: quite a large stretch of time when you’re fighting.
-Minor Restoration:
-Healing a paper cut is convenient indeed, but a bullet wound is beyond this power.
-Spirit Call:
-Answers are cryptic and at best can serve only as hints. Timothy asks a nearby soul if there are any government forces nearby. The soul replies that the cleaver is separated from the butcher’s hand, and so despairs at its lack of purpose. Is that a yes, and that there is a force present nearby, but it’s cut off from the chain of command?
History: Timothy was orphaned at the tender age of three in a very unfortunate car accident. He was taken into a Catholic orphanage, and it was there that piety was first aggressively fostered in him. Under the tutelage of diligent nuns, he became quite the devotee even at a young age. He enjoyed the Bible stories, all of them, those of David and Noah’s in particular. Often would he volunteer to assist the priest in clerical duties every Sunday. Needless to say that he was well-liked by his guardians. Avid reading of the Bible translated into good scholarly study habits in the future.
It was rather unfortunate that he was not adopted. Parents looked for infants and toddlers, and only a select few of his peers somehow won the lottery every time an interested couple walked into the premises. Thus he grew up as a ward of the Church, and he took its ideals to heart from elementary to highschool and beyond. In his early youth, he was very naive, and was quite shy until his powers began to show. Because of this, he was bullied. Still, he believed that one should love his enemy, and he graciously helped his bullies with their studies when asked. Thus he actually made allies and friends with them! Indeed, the teaches rang true!
His powers did not begin to manifest until early adolescence. While tending to graveyards, he would catch a whisper or two when he was a lone figure standing in the open field, and in his dreams, vibrant images of noble warriors doing battle with a looming shadow flashed time and time again. He would always remember these images after he had woken up, seldom forgetting them. The most overt manifestations would happen when he had time for himself, when he contemplated and meditated after he was taken in at the local seminary to undergo training for priesthood.
The whispers grew more in frequency in length, and the still images in his dreams became like a cinema while he slept. As he pursued his academic and clerical dreams, he also devoted time to studying the strange phenomena happening within himself, praying fervently and often as what his favorite priest had recommended after Timothy had confided to him. One night, he responded like he had many hundreds of times before to a ghostly whisper, and he was alarmed when he was met with an answer. Thus he made his first conversation with a departed soul, though cut short by the ethereal being’s refusal to answer shortly afterwards.
A peasant crusader was his first summon, unintentionally after a particularly bad nightmare in the perspective of the starving warrior who was slain by Saracens in the deserts of Arabia. When he awoke in cold sweat and uncharacteristic fatigue, Timothy found a ghostly man in armor standing over the foot of his bed that then disappeared after a few moments like switching off a lightbulb. To say that it terrified him was a huge understatement, but the religious contexts of all of this convinced him that these new powers were a gift from God above. And when he exchanged introductions with a Holy Ghost, also a Crusader like the last, his zeal unhealthily grew.
It takes eight years of education at a seminary before one is called to the Holy Orders to become a priest. Timothy could only complete several until the Civil War broke out, where Gifted fought Ungifted, and where brother slew brother. Thankfully, he had spent those years nurturing his gifts as he had become aware of them. Of course, he had kept them a secret until then, and the advising priest from before was none the wiser of Timothy’s true situation. He had escaped detection as one of the Empowered due to the convenience of the separation of church and state.
The War offered much opportunity in looting. It was such that Timothy acquired an M1911A1 from a gunstore whose one side collapsed, justifying his actions in that he would need it for when the time came that the government began to look for him. He had volunteered to become a relief worker for a local charity when the whole camp was screened and he and a couple of others were inevitably found out.
Killing his first came as a shock to him; the recoil of the pistol was hard against his untrained hands. But seeing a dead crusader impale another government soldier with his greatsword came as an even bigger shock; kevlar offered no protection against such a heavy blade. Seeing that Holy Ghost push forward, bleeding ethereal smoke from the all the bullets digging into its otherworldly flesh like it was nothing was yet more cause for him to pause. But the Ghost fell eventually, yet by then Timothy had already fled. The two other Empowered were not as lucky and were arrested, however.
Cursing himself for putting himself in such an overt position to be found, he laid low for a while, distressed at the fact that every civilian aid station was heavily guarded. No-one could get essential food and water unless they were thoroughly screened. In a wartorn nation, this was the reality of things. Seeing such suffering close hand, when an Empowered girl, no more than thirteen, was forcibly dragged away from her grieving parents, cuffed, and bodily hurled into the back of a van; and when an Empowered looter tore asunder an abandoned but largely intact bank and several people along with it just to get meaningless cash, Timothy was disgusted by it all.
The world needed to change. What hatred! They all lived in the Year of Our Lord and yet they acted like demons. Perhaps… this calls for a modern Crusade?
-He has a Colt M1911A1 in his possession. It is his primary and preferred tool for hurting others by himself.
Alias: The Priest
Age: 24
”God wills it.”
If there is one trait defining of Timothy’s personality, it is his zeal. Already pious from the start, his superpowers have bolstered the strength of his faith, seeing his unique gifts as those coming from God. A devout Catholic, Timothy does his best to be kind, caring and thoughtful, though he will not suffer excessive offenses to his faith, and will mete out enlightenment on the ignorant either by preaching with unhindered passion or, in extreme cases, by the tip of the sword: a practice recent events have made him quite adept in.
The world, to him, requires renewal. There are many of the Gifted who misuse their powers not for the sake of their fellow man in service to God, but for the sake of their greed and other nearsighted lusts. If there is one prayer he would like to see granted, it is that all Gifted would come to their senses and use their newfound talents to better their fellow humans as siblings under the eyes of the Allfather, and that prosecution and exploitation of them by the governments of the world would stop.
Though he does not believe he has all the answers, he truly seeks to build a happy world. He has decided to do his part, however small, in achieving that goal. Whether he would make an impact small or large, it matters not, as long as he knew that he contributed somehow to the best of his abilities.
Flaw or not, he sees the world through the lenses of religion.
A bush of short, wavy hair, dark brown in color, sits atop his head, hugs the contours of his ears and threatens to spill out after the earlobe’s level. Perhaps half of his forehead is covered by his forward locks that hang over a lightly-pronounced brow having only moderately thick eyebrows, under which are eyes sporting irises of green. A relatively wide face and pale skin betray his British ancestry, and he bears likeness to the image of a rugged Irishman with a short growth of facial hair from just before his ears, going down to his chin, and even spilling onto his neck.
His grooming towards a life of religious devotion has not blessed Timothy with any particularly strong musculature. Days spent poring over texts have given him quite a ghostly complexion, too. He stands at a good 5’11” tall.
He still wears the uniform of the seminary: a pair of slacks and a long-sleeved shirt, both simple garments pitch-black in color, clothe his person. Leather shoes cover his feet, and he always has a backpack on him, bearing provisions like bottled water and food, as well as the essential Holy Bible.
-Divine Necromancy:
Timothy, at command, can summon the Holy Ghosts of martyrs who have died in the name of Christ. At most, he can call in four, and these ghosts are most often those who’ve taken part in the Crusades, owing to the number of people who participated in them, though their selection is random and those summoned can be from any time period and socio-economic status. Ghosts are able to maintain their form for about fifteen minutes before dissipating, and are actually rather solid despite their mild, blue-hued transparency. They are summoned wearing and bearing what they had the moment they had died.
Holy Ghosts are about twice as hardy as the average human: it takes twice as much force to shatter their bones, twice as much effort to cut their flesh, twice as much work to hurt them. There is no way to destroy a Holy Ghost before their time limit expires (or even unsummon one), but one may wound them enough that they are rendered incapable. They do not require organ systems to live or sense and nor do they feel any pain, so gouging their eyes out is pointless as they will still see you through ethereal means and they wouldn’t be incapacitated by agony. They cannot heal wounds on their own; Timothy must take mental effort to do so on their behalf.
Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality in the centuries of limbo after their deaths, and now know only to fight for God and Christ and to protect their summoner. Yet they still retain much of their intelligence, and anyone is able to converse with them, given that Timothy allows it. He particularly enjoys listening to their tales of how life was like so long ago.
Horses and other mounts cannot be summoned forth.
-Minor Restoration:
Timothy can heal small cuts and bruises.
-Spirit Call:
Timothy can converse with departed souls. Though their answers are quite cryptic and short, they are not impossible to understand. Wandering spirits are a good source of rudimentary intel.
Weaknesses and Limitations
-Divine Necromancy:
-To sustain a Holy Ghost is subconscious and done automatically by the soul but at the cost of the body. Strain is determined by the number of Holy Ghosts summoned. One still leaves Timothy with ample room to fight actively, two renders him less active and fatigued with worse aim, but three will force him to keep quiet and sit down, sweating and breathing heavily. Four knocks him unconscious with a mild chance of a heart attack. He cannot summon any more than that, as doing so is a conscious effort.
-The souls are picked out from the ether at random: Timothy might wish for a knight, but there is a chance he would get a mere peasant who died not wearing armor or wielding any weapons.
-Holy Ghosts will not return to the ether until their fifteen minutes on Earth have passed. Timothy will have to put up with the strain of maintaining the ones he has summoned until then.
-To heal a Holy Ghost requires Timothy to remain still, leaving him vulnerable, though the process should take no longer than twenty seconds: quite a large stretch of time when you’re fighting.
-Minor Restoration:
-Healing a paper cut is convenient indeed, but a bullet wound is beyond this power.
-Spirit Call:
-Answers are cryptic and at best can serve only as hints. Timothy asks a nearby soul if there are any government forces nearby. The soul replies that the cleaver is separated from the butcher’s hand, and so despairs at its lack of purpose. Is that a yes, and that there is a force present nearby, but it’s cut off from the chain of command?
History: Timothy was orphaned at the tender age of three in a very unfortunate car accident. He was taken into a Catholic orphanage, and it was there that piety was first aggressively fostered in him. Under the tutelage of diligent nuns, he became quite the devotee even at a young age. He enjoyed the Bible stories, all of them, those of David and Noah’s in particular. Often would he volunteer to assist the priest in clerical duties every Sunday. Needless to say that he was well-liked by his guardians. Avid reading of the Bible translated into good scholarly study habits in the future.
It was rather unfortunate that he was not adopted. Parents looked for infants and toddlers, and only a select few of his peers somehow won the lottery every time an interested couple walked into the premises. Thus he grew up as a ward of the Church, and he took its ideals to heart from elementary to highschool and beyond. In his early youth, he was very naive, and was quite shy until his powers began to show. Because of this, he was bullied. Still, he believed that one should love his enemy, and he graciously helped his bullies with their studies when asked. Thus he actually made allies and friends with them! Indeed, the teaches rang true!
His powers did not begin to manifest until early adolescence. While tending to graveyards, he would catch a whisper or two when he was a lone figure standing in the open field, and in his dreams, vibrant images of noble warriors doing battle with a looming shadow flashed time and time again. He would always remember these images after he had woken up, seldom forgetting them. The most overt manifestations would happen when he had time for himself, when he contemplated and meditated after he was taken in at the local seminary to undergo training for priesthood.
The whispers grew more in frequency in length, and the still images in his dreams became like a cinema while he slept. As he pursued his academic and clerical dreams, he also devoted time to studying the strange phenomena happening within himself, praying fervently and often as what his favorite priest had recommended after Timothy had confided to him. One night, he responded like he had many hundreds of times before to a ghostly whisper, and he was alarmed when he was met with an answer. Thus he made his first conversation with a departed soul, though cut short by the ethereal being’s refusal to answer shortly afterwards.
A peasant crusader was his first summon, unintentionally after a particularly bad nightmare in the perspective of the starving warrior who was slain by Saracens in the deserts of Arabia. When he awoke in cold sweat and uncharacteristic fatigue, Timothy found a ghostly man in armor standing over the foot of his bed that then disappeared after a few moments like switching off a lightbulb. To say that it terrified him was a huge understatement, but the religious contexts of all of this convinced him that these new powers were a gift from God above. And when he exchanged introductions with a Holy Ghost, also a Crusader like the last, his zeal unhealthily grew.
It takes eight years of education at a seminary before one is called to the Holy Orders to become a priest. Timothy could only complete several until the Civil War broke out, where Gifted fought Ungifted, and where brother slew brother. Thankfully, he had spent those years nurturing his gifts as he had become aware of them. Of course, he had kept them a secret until then, and the advising priest from before was none the wiser of Timothy’s true situation. He had escaped detection as one of the Empowered due to the convenience of the separation of church and state.
The War offered much opportunity in looting. It was such that Timothy acquired an M1911A1 from a gunstore whose one side collapsed, justifying his actions in that he would need it for when the time came that the government began to look for him. He had volunteered to become a relief worker for a local charity when the whole camp was screened and he and a couple of others were inevitably found out.
Killing his first came as a shock to him; the recoil of the pistol was hard against his untrained hands. But seeing a dead crusader impale another government soldier with his greatsword came as an even bigger shock; kevlar offered no protection against such a heavy blade. Seeing that Holy Ghost push forward, bleeding ethereal smoke from the all the bullets digging into its otherworldly flesh like it was nothing was yet more cause for him to pause. But the Ghost fell eventually, yet by then Timothy had already fled. The two other Empowered were not as lucky and were arrested, however.
Cursing himself for putting himself in such an overt position to be found, he laid low for a while, distressed at the fact that every civilian aid station was heavily guarded. No-one could get essential food and water unless they were thoroughly screened. In a wartorn nation, this was the reality of things. Seeing such suffering close hand, when an Empowered girl, no more than thirteen, was forcibly dragged away from her grieving parents, cuffed, and bodily hurled into the back of a van; and when an Empowered looter tore asunder an abandoned but largely intact bank and several people along with it just to get meaningless cash, Timothy was disgusted by it all.
The world needed to change. What hatred! They all lived in the Year of Our Lord and yet they acted like demons. Perhaps… this calls for a modern Crusade?
-He has a Colt M1911A1 in his possession. It is his primary and preferred tool for hurting others by himself.

Name:Victor Faust
Alias: none
Personality: Brash and rough don't even beguin to explain it. He tends not to hold anything back as he is brutally honest, prefers to fight first and leave the questions to someone else. In the simplest form, he is an asshole. His compassion for the lives of others only extends to how much he needs them for his current goal. Not even his motives are fully understood as it seems to mostly be whatever he feels like.
height 6'2
weight 210
eye color: Dark brown
hair color Black
Sound wave manipulation. His is able to manipulate sound waves, meaning there frequency, amplitude as well has having the ability to detect sound waves. His entire body acts as a sort of transducer, allowing it to generate and receive sound waves. This allows him to hear through vibrations and feel the sound around him as well as read it. The weakness of his power is that he doesn't really understand it. He gets the basics of it but he pretty much just acts on instinct. Also because of the constant vibration of his cells he is slightly unstable and over extending himself can cause his body to start to fall apart a the cellular level.
Weaknesses and limitations:
Cellularly unstable
Over extending his power can cause sever internal injury
his powers can be cancled out if someone new his resident frequency
Faust was discovered at a relativity young age to have powers and was captured by the government. Like most he was given a choice, life imprisonment or become some kind of Unnatural hunter. He choose the latter, as he didn't really care about others as long as his own personal agenda was met. So he was soon getting trained by them to fight, to hunt down his own kind and sniff them out. For the most part it was everything he wanted. He was taught how to use his powers and how to fight and how to hunt and track people, he was even good at it.
The only real problem was his personality. He was uncontrollable, brash, violent, and even disregarded orders that he deemed pointless. This however didn't stop them from training him, seeing as soon as he was to be indoctrinated. This however was were real trouble started not only was he able to resist the attempts, he was even able to destroy equipment and as it seemed he wasn't as susceptible to such things as others. After awhile it was deemed that the cost was not worth the reward of the product, namely him. So they cut their losses and he was thrown into imprisonment to spend the remainder of his life, though Security washouts never lasted long as they are seen as traitors by the others.
Faust had to watch his back as they might as well of announced what he was as every inmate knew they were getting a security wash out. The fights started early, everyone seeing him as the enemy. But much to the surprise of the higher up, he didn't die, in fact he started to thrive as people started to fear him. The first few years were the worst, always having to watch over his shoulder and getting in a fight nearly every day. Though as he started into his third year things were starting to calm down and he was even gaining respect through out the prison.
With his new found respect people started to listen to him, fallow him and soon he was rallying every body up. He was even planning to break out. So he started a riot to overthrow the guards. This was one of the worst riots they had seen. After Millions of dollars in damage, several dozen deaths(on both sides) and three days of violence the riot was put down. Faust was deemed to dangerous to leave with the general populous and was thrown into the darkest cell where you forget what day light looks like. This was more literal then you might think. Three more years he sat in that dark hole, training and stewing in his own anger. He could hear everything that was going on, all the violence and cursed that he was trapped. Then it dawned on him, he could hear it, his powers were no longer being suppressed, the bells of freedom were ringing and they were ringing loud, very loud.
After his escape he used his skills to scrounge up work as a mercenary, going to the highest bidder and not really caring whose side he was on. Naturals, unnaturals, it didn't make a difference to him. Everybody was a potential employer, and everybody was a potential target.
He is a skilled fighter, having some training with weapons but preferring hand to hand, for the simple fact that it is funner. Besides that he is also a human lie detector since he is able to hear the change in peoples heart beats as well as-being a good tracker/detective ability at tracking people.

Name: Yolanda Grieg
Alias: N/A
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: Yolanda is average in height and slender in build with faint muscle definition. She has short hair that has been slicked back and dyed bleach blonde. Pale skinned. She has dark brown eyes, which in contrast with her skin, appear to be black. The pale skin of her back has been elaborately inked with the solid lines of a tattoo depicting a grotesque scene of demons and the Devil himself.
Powers: Yolanda has the ability of corpse manipulation. This isn't the ability of resurrection. The corpses are still corpses but are used as kind of puppets. This is inclusive of all corpses, human or animal.
Skills: Yolanda is skilled in hand-to-hand combat. She is agile. Yolanda is also quite skilled at persuasion; she falls back on this ability when physical violence is not an option.
Personality: Yolanda is a sly woman. Conniving and secretive, it's often difficult to tell what she is about to do. Despite this, however, she is loyal to those she feels are deserving. Once her loyalty has been secured, she is protective and fierce. Yolanda has a tendency to be sarcastic, dryly humorous and cynical but has the capacity to be kind and tender. Able to be extremely persuasive when need be. She has a touch of nihilism to her, due to her ability.
History: Yolanda Grieg was born in South Africa and as such has a South African accent. She lived with her parents and younger sister in a mundane kind of happiness in South Africa for fifteen years until her father was offered an overseas job that promised prosperity for her family. Her father accepted and they were moved to the US. The mundane happiness returned until Yolanda's power was discovered through the death of a small animal that she had tried to help. Her parents kept her secret for as long as they could. Refusing to turn herself in, Yolanda said goodbye to her family and her mundane happiness and fled.