TwistedSun said Appearance – Very similar to humans, Atrendils are usually of a slender and fast built, higher than most races, with practically always a light skin and hairs, which in particular range from a pure white, to a silver or dark-grey one. Interesting how similar are Atrendil faces one to another, making sometimes highly difficult for foreign people to distinguish persons – thing that doesn’t happen to Taldrills or Atrendils themselves -.
Physcially lean, tall, with a light complexion and light skin. As well as all of this being pretty fairly homogeneous between members of their race, except perhaps with some changes in hair color between some overall goofy colors. Even your picture makes them out to look like perpetual saiyans with leathery bug wings. Per wings:
TwistedSun said Most of Atrendils are moreover blessed after the teens with beautiful furry wings, usually of the same color of the hairs, remains of the once feathered wings of the first Atrendils.
You did say it an explicitly mention the "beauty" of it. The only way this could get any worse if they were still capable of flight.
They come across as being a race of Edward Cullen's with wings. Something someone might expect from legend to come down and woo a race's women and steal them off to some place their men would declare horrible. In a world where the writing is sure to be defined by politics carrying their own ugliness, then they don't fit.
Per magic: it's a rather abstract and poorly defined concept within the fantasy world, and if it was said "allowed but not over-powered" then we run into a case of what's the limit between acceptable and over-powering spells. Can someone cast magic missile infinitely and it's OK? Do they need to go to the level of the fire-storm summoned at the Battle of the Wraiths in the Witcher 2 franchise?
Magic can be too arbitrarily played and too often carries the risk of being a magical fix-all for ailments and problems a characters will face that would be much more interestingly challenged in traditional means then someone casting hocus pocus or magic missile can clear it all out? It's more fit for table-top RPGs, in that way no one has battalions of spell casters running around de-summoning cities.