Defacto has not posted in 6 days and Grey has apparently never came back from class
Defacto has not posted in 6 days and Grey has apparently never came back from class
Amalvi said
Actually I had ebolaI'm recovering right now, so they let me use a computer, maybe I'll post
Amalvi said
Actually I had ebolaI'm recovering right now, so they let me use a computer, maybe I'll post
Amalvi said
Calm down, doctor says I'm better nowstill, don't get surprised if I stop posting forever
Amalvi said
NoI got in contact with someone infected and I've been on quarantine for a while now.Since It got detected soon and I received preventive treatment I'm getting better, thanks to the medicine of this country.But who knows
Defacto said
Hello, I'm finally back. Sorry for my lack of involvement it was due to a problem in my notebook, in which I was unable to write anything. Is there any chances of my character return?Again, sorry.