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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Level 2 students

"You may use the notepad for anything that you want to. It is a handy tool to doodle in, make notes in and anything that you would use paper for. You are now on your own since Venus has not shown up." Lady Violetta spoke as she headed towards where the Level 1s were standing about.

Level 1 students

Lady Violetta smiled at the younger students then began her lecture.

"I am not sure where Venus is but I will start the class myself.
Plantology is the study of plants which should be obvious to each of you. In this class, you will learn how to plant each kind of plant in Lady Rosewoode's Potions Book. (( http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/TheCreator7/library/00-1%20Library/Potions%20Book%20by%20Lady%20Rosewoode?sort=3&page=1 )). We will be using just the first chapter this semester.

Herbal Healing is the part that belongs to both Plantology and Potions.

The Potions Class part will take the plants that you will grow and make them into suitable potions for healing.

Please open your PLTs to the folder labeled Potions by Lady Rosewoode.

We will study the first section of the book this session.

Each of you will be given a spot in the greenhouse to plant the seeds of these plants and 3 saplings. You will take care of these plants and be graded on how well they grow.

Please go inside and choose a plot in the greenhouse." Lady Violetta spoke as she opened the door.

(Actual book is here: http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/TheCreator7/library/00-1%20Library/Potions%20Book%20by%20Lady%20Rosewoode?sort=3&page=1 )

After the students had time to browse the folder, Lady Violetta came in with a cart.

"Each of you will take 1 tray of seeds. Each seed box will contain 1 type of seeds and is labeled on top as to what kind of seed it is. There is a small wipe off guide for each of you to keep and use. This guide will tell you how deep and how far apart to place the seeds. Each of you will have 10 seeds of the 11 kinds that we shall use for the first year. After that you will plant 3 saplings. The instructions will be in The Guide as well.

Your Plantology Score will depend on how well your seeds and saplings do. I have some solutions to make them grow faster. QuickGrow will hasten the growth but it also tend to make the plants and saplings less potent. We will not be using it because it makes the plants less potent. The only time that a person should use QuickGrow is in an emergency, during an epidemic of some sort or in a war which I hope not to have happen here.

Once these are grown half are harvested while the other half will be left to go to seed, you can practice making potions.. The planting will be a normal style of planting and tending which will take about 3 months to complete.

The Potions Part of the class will be learning all of the equipment that you will be using next semester.

((http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/TheCreator7/library/0-%20Lady%20Rosewoode/Lady%20Violetta/Plantologu%20and%20Potions%20%20Class?sort=3&page=1 ))

You will memorize all of the equipment on the chart in this book. " Lady Violetta spoke to the class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago


"See what I mean? You need to know the pathways to travel the pathways, Zane. Now you will pay up by teaching students for a time." the Creator spoke.

"Yes, Mother. I do believe that you won by knowing the paths. I bow to your superior knowledge of the pathways and accept my consequences. I shall teach for a time and share what I know." Zane bowed low in respect to her mother.

Lady Violetta looked from one The Creator to Zane then back to The Creator in complete surprise.

Roisin had gotten up and started to leave the area when she saw the two whirl winds approaching. She simply pointed at the whirlwinds approaching as she watched.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dante turned wen he saw two people to approach he watched them one was his favorite the creator last time Dante checked he didn't care much for him but there was nothing he could do at the moment he just leaned against the wall and watched the two of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ayaka saw the two people as well. One of them she recognized to be the Creator. The other though she had no idea. She decided to just watch them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yaneznayo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zack quickly read through the book. He could completely understand brewing something like the restorative tea, but some of the other things like that generosity tea it mentioned just didn't make sense to him. He couldn't think of many practical applications for it. Then there was that Hemorrhage tea. It sounded as if it would be an extremely horrible way to die. Feeling your heart struggle to pump while the rest of your body started shutting down from oxygen deprivation. He continued to read the book, absentmindedly taking a tray to the plot farthest from the entrance to the greenhouse. He also began to read the list of the types of plants, their planting specifications, how much water they needed, etc.
Aisling said
"See what I mean? You need to know the pathways to travel the pathways, Zane. Now you will pay up by teaching students for a time." the Creator spoke."Yes, Mother. I do believe that you won by knowing the paths. I bow to your superior knowledge of the pathways and accept my consequences. I shall teach for a time and share what I know." Zane bowed low in respect to her mother.Lady Violetta looked from one The Creator to Zane then back to The Creator in complete surprise.Roisin had gotten up and started to leave the area when she saw the two whirl winds approaching. She simply pointed at the whirlwinds approaching as she watched.

At this point, Zack had stopped being surprised at everything, but apparently this was somebody important because Lady Violetta was having a hard time figuring out what was going on. He glanced up from time to time, trying to see what was going on while going about his work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Excuse me, but you are interrupting my class and I really do not have time for any discussion at the moment. I have several AWOL teachers and I have 2 levels of students to watch over and plan lessons for.But since you are here and I overheard the part of Creator's speech that said something about Zane teaching which I DO need to know, I'll let you explain what is going on." Lady Violetta spoke with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face as well as a foot tapping impatiently.

"Violetta, I have brought Zane here to assist you in your Academy. She can be an excellent teacher if she wants to be. Or at least I believe that she could be if properly instructed and she is willing." Creator spoke to Lady Violetta with the last part thrown towards Zane.
"If there is any problems, let me know. Ta-ta!"
The Creator vanished in a mist of swirling sparkles.

"She does that to you as well?" Zane asked in astonishment as she sheathed her sword.

Violetta took her opportunity and vanished the sword to a lock box.
"Welcome aboard, Zane. I have vanished your sword to the lock box for the time being since you will have no use for it. I will allow you to keep an eye on Zack while he works on his planting and I will gather your equipment in the meantime." Violetta spoke softly.

Quickly Zane reached for her sword.
"Why you little thief! Give me back your sword immediately or else." she growled in her most menacing voice.

"Zane, that is totally not necessary. Plus you have no power over me because the Castle is Sentient. It will protect me plus it already has sensed your attitude towards me. Thusly your powers have been greatly diminished to a beginning students limit. Now I need to get busy. Oh yes! We use The Spiral Staircase to get from floor to floor here. Have one of the Level 2 students teach you how. I'll call you when I am ready for you to come to my office. " Lady Violetta step onto the pad where she spoke
"To the Main Floor, please."

Zane sighed in exasperation before she spoke.

"Very well, students. Everyone please gather around me and tell me your name and student level." Zane spoke.

Roisin went towards Zane but stood a few feet away from her being very unsure of this new 'teacher'.
"I am Roisin Orchid deForest and I am a Level 2 student here. What are we to call you?" Roisin spoke coldly to the newcomer.

Zane shuddered because of the coldness of Roisin's attitude.
"Thank you Roisin. Please turn off your coldness. I get your point. My full name is Ranger Druid Zane Rose deForest O'Shannashe. And yes I know that Violetta's full name is Lady Violetta Rose deForest. Let;s try to be civil to each other and learn how to get along, please. I think that Zane will suffice or Ranger Zane or Druid Zane or Ranger Druid Zane or any other combination as long as it is in it's proper order."

Rosin changed her attitude towards Zane slightly so that it was not so cold. She was a bit surprised that she could instill a cold feeling into an adult......... All that Roisin wanted to do was to get to an independent study so that she could open the newest equipment and personalize it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ayaka stayed back a little too unsure about Zane as well, seeing her attitude toward Lady Violetta. After hearing her speak to Roisin, though, Ayaka calmed down a little, but still didn't walk closer to Zane. "I'm Ayaka Rain and I'm also a level 2 student."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dante looked at the new teacher and wasn't very amused he just continued to design his staff and wand. The new teacher seemed unlikeable to least. But Dante had little time to deal with her though he was busy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Roisin looked towards Dante then to Zack.
"The guy over there is Dante and is Level 2 and the one left is Zack. He is Level 1 student. To use the Spiral Staircase, just ask for Main Floor after you step on the Magical Transfer Pad and remember to say please and thank you. We have an assignment and I think that I shall head downstairs to an Independent Study Lab Room so I can do some activating of my new equipment. Bye for now, Ranger Druid Zane. And good luck be to you. " she spoke calmly then left.
"To the Main Floor, please."

Zane looked about at the students and decided to work with Zack for the time being.
"What kind of plants are you planting today, Zack?" she spoke softly as she walked up behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yaneznayo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"There are quite a few of them... right now, I'm starting to plant the Ginseng. Could you possibly tell me how best to plant the seeds? I know it says so on the sheet, but I figure since you're a ranger and all you might have some real life experience with these plants. Maybe like some kind of communication with nature or something that could help make these grow with the most potency?"
He addressed the new teacher like a friend at first, then caught himself and shifted to a more formal tone. He was never one to feel awkward with new people, but seeing how she called Lady Violetta a thief right off the bat, he wasn't sure how to approach her. He decided to stay safe and go with respectful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Of course I can. I am familiar with Ginseng. I only hope that I know all of the plants here. Like the instructions say, plant that piece of root about 3 inches under the soil. I can communicate with plants I come from another planet. I have only arrived when you saw me. My owl's name is Archemedes XXVII and the dragon is NightThundar. Both are quite tame even if they say other wise. And they had better be on their best behavior for Lady Violetta may have something up her sleeves for misbehaving creatures." Zane spoke knowing full well that her 'friends' would object to her statement. And both did object but did nothing since they were unsure of their 'new home'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RpgKitten
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RpgKitten The Scarred

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chastity could feel things being very tense, it made her uncomfortable. She kind of saw some of herself in Zane, fiery, and a little hostile. And that made her want to distrust Zane, as she hadn't trusted herself, Chastity had been unpredictable even to her own self. she never knew when she would get in a burning rage about something, at least that's how it had been, she hoped it would be different now, but she was worried it wouldn't be. Suddenly she got a massive headache, completely out of the blue. She slumped down to her knees as she clutched her head. It was really bad, it went from nothing to incapacitating pain. "F**king h*ll." She mumbled as it started getting more intense, her ears rung, her vision blurred. "Augh!" It felt like someone was driving an Ice Pick into her head. But as quickly as it had come, it left after about 30 seconds. She still just sat there clutching her head, she was in shock from that horrific amount of pain. She had started sweating and tears had began flowing from her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ayaka decided to go find Lady Violetta still having to ask her about the whole wanting to learn to read auras thing. She planned to ask the headmistress about that and then go to the Independent Study room. After asking the staircase to take her to the main floor, she went off to look for the headmistress.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Zane noticed that one of the students who was in a corner was not looking too well.
"I'll be right back, Zack. Someone needs help."
She then hurried to the girl (Chasity) and spoke with out touching her,

"Are you ok? I am the new teacher here."

Lady Violetta was in her office getting things around for Zane's Orientation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ayaka figured she would check Lady Violetta's office first, so she went there. She knocked on her office door hoping she was in there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RpgKitten
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RpgKitten The Scarred

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chastity nodded lightly, "The pain is gone now, I don't know what happened." She stood up while rubbing the spot with the tip of her fingers where it had been throbbing just a moment before. She didn't understand how something could come and go so suddenly. She wondered if it had something to do with the demon locked inside her mind, but she had thought that Lady Violetta had put him in a place he couldn't do any harm to her. "That really f**king hurt so bad, I hope it's not going to happen again." But she was worried that it would, this might be something she would have to live with to keep him locked away. And if that's the case then that was just what she would have to do. She had never felt pain like that before, she used to get headaches when she was stressed, but they weren't anywhere near that bad and that was just when she was much younger, she hadn't had that many health problems of any caliber for a long time, she kind of grew out of being a little sickly. She awkwardly stretched out one hand to Zane. "Anyway, I'm Chastity. It's nice to, um, meet you." She wasn't usually this bad when first introducing herself, of course she usually made up for that by just being kind of an uncaring jerk to the person she was meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dante activated his eye when he heared one of the girls was in pain he looked over at her she wasn't in pain anymore just in shock, "What could she have done to hurt herself that bad without leaving a injury?" He thought to himself as he finished his designs. He turned towards the new teacher and the girl just inspecting them and their auras.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Lady Violetta in her office.
"Come in- the door is unlocked." Lady Violetta called out. She had everything that she needed for Zane's orientation. She had Mind Control next with both levels.......

Zane on the Roof Top speaking with Chasity

"I am glad that you are feeling better. Sometimes new students have problems settling into their magic. The body may not want to change. Please feel free to tell me or Lady Violetta if the pain is persistent. Which level are you, Chasity?" Zane took her hand and shook it.

Roisin in the Independent Lab .

Roisin closed the door and her Independent Lab Virtual Teacher 'woke' up.
*What are we studying?* it typed on the screen.
"I am working on the Note Pad. I need absolute quiet at the moment, please." Roisin spoke and Independent Lab Virtual Teacher who then shut itself down.
Rosin opened the box and began to program the Note Pad. Once she had all the verbal commands that she could think of programmed into the Note Pad, she began to use the note pad for designing her wand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ayaka walked at being told the door was unlocked. "Lady Violetta, would it be possible for Roisin and I to learn how to read auras?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Lady Violetta in her office speaking to Ayaka

"That is a possibility next semester. If you want to watch and see if you can see other people's auras, you may try to do so. If either of you are able to see someone else's aura, tell me and then I will do my best to make lesson plans for teaching the two of you how to read them. How does that sound?" Lady Violetta asked.
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