Away GMs: Aweena, and Free Faller
Interest Check
Google Doc

Someone said we should write these things down – said the world needs to know who we are after all we’ve done. After all we’ve been through and all we’ve sacrificed. I guess the heroes in the history books of our youth don’t really matter as much anymore. Not after all of this. We forget too easily the faces we didn’t look at long enough and the stories that mattered only at the time. The people, the places, the events that helped shape what became of us… they need to be known.
So, welcome to Hell. There are no red men with horns, wings and pitchforks dancing amidst flames here. There’s not many men left at all, I imagine. But, there’s us. And we’re still here.
- The Author
So, welcome to Hell. There are no red men with horns, wings and pitchforks dancing amidst flames here. There’s not many men left at all, I imagine. But, there’s us. And we’re still here.
- The Author
Apocalyptica Book
pg. 0 ... Introduction
I. Havens & Maps
pg. 1 … Florida
pg. 2 … Evergreen
pg. 3 … Augusta
pg. 4 … Chico
pg. 5 … Reno
pg. 6 … Bismarck
pg. 7 … Colorado Springs
pg. 8 … Mackinac
pg. 9 ... Topeka
II. Threats
pg. 10 … Infected
pg. 11 … Zombies
pg. 12 … Berserker
pg. 13 … Titans
pg. 14 ... Shepherds
pg. 15 ... Legion
pg. 16... 1007th
pg. 17 ... Condemned
pg. 18 ... Recorded Conflicts
III. People of Apocalyptica

FLORIDA______________________________________________________________________________pg. 1
EVERGREEN COLLEGE__________________________________________________________________pg. 2
AUGUSTA______________________________________________________________________________pg. 3
CHICO_________________________________________________________________________________pg. 4
RENO_________________________________________________________________________________pg. 5
BISMARCK_____________________________________________________________________________pg. 6
COLORADO SPRINGS____________________________________________________________________pg. 7
MACKINAC_____________________________________________________________________________pg. 8
TOPEKA_______________________________________________________________________________pg. 9

INFECTED_____________________________________________________________________________pg. 10
ZOMBIES_____________________________________________________________________________pg. 11
BERSERKER STRAIN____________________________________________________________________pg. 12
TITAN STRAIN__________________________________________________________________________pg. 13
LEGION_______________________________________________________________________________pg. 14
1007th________________________________________________________________________________pg. 15
THE SHEPHERDS_______________________________________________________________________pg. 16
CONDEMNED__________________________________________________________________________pg. 17
Siege of Evergreen, Evergreen College Haven, October 2020
The Evergreen Haven, a stable and strong community was faced against the Legion for control of the land. While the haven had many defensive strategies in place, the combination of undead and Legion proved too much. A deal made in the background by a few offered salvation. The 1007th repelled the Legion on behalf of Evergreen. The Siege ended within a day, resulting in Evergreen Haven falling under complete 1007th control.
Rumors of Immunity, Chico Haven, November 2020
Rumors of a potential immunity spread within the Chico Haven after eyewitness reports claimed guards had discovered multiple bite wounds covering a young child's body. Inside sources of the hospital where the child had been kept claimed the child was perfectly conscious and coherent with no indication of illness, despite clarification the child displayed minor traits of infection. Two weeks after the rumors began, the child had been removed from the Haven and brought to an unknown location. Since then, there has been no other information regarding the situation.

For information on the stories of Apocalyptica's survivors, please see "The People of Apocalyptica".
- The Author
CS Format
Appearance: Picture and a bit of description, including height and things unable to be told by just the picture.
NO rocket launchers, landmines or other heavy military weapons. Molotovs, homemade things are allowed.
Can be assigned or can figure out on your own. Usually a bit of food, some water, spare clothes, a few odds and ends, useful things. Keep in mind that ounces turn into pounds at the end of the day. No human pack mules! However, you'd be surprised what you can haul around especially with creative packing.
Bio/Narrative:((Tell us about yourself, spin me a tale about how you came to this sorry state of affairs. Anything good or bad we should know about you? What about family, what you did, what you were good at, and/or bad at. What’s been going on since the world crumbled, and how you deal with it all might be good, but… try not to overshare. We’ve all got problems.))
Current Location
Active Player- Character(s)
Fallenreaper -Abigail
Tearstone - "DJ"
Jazzy-Allison, Brick, and Tony
Zombiedude101- Coltrane
Interested Players with Character Approval Pending