Name: Lillith Zhao
Age: 27
Gender/Sex: Female
Height: 5’5’’
Race: Human
All Seeing Eye: Lillith comes from an island directly north of the beautiful continent of Thialea. This island is isolated from most of the world, surviving on their own principles and self-sustaining way of life. They are loosely related to the common day’s Buiddhist Monks, everything in moderation and inner peace. Many people born to this society possess a special power, the power to see pressure points and magical workings of a human being. These special persons are deemed “Electus” or chosen and trained in the ways of Flowing Fists by seers who lose their eyesight in the previous years. During this training the chosen children are shown how to release their Chi into their enemy and forcefully shutting down their magical systems. This combative style does nothing more than combat magical enemies, evening out the fight and eventually overcoming them with mastered martial arts. This ability comes with a severe kickback of eyesight loss. Due to the nature of their philosophy, if a chosen child overused this magic they would go blind permanently, however in great moderation the eyesight would comeback without any signs of damage.
Background: Not much is known of the lady, however, there much knowledge of her homeland Nibelheim. The society of monks and pacifist is widely renowned as the most peaceful society Pandria has to offer. The society bases all life on three indisputable rules. Everything in moderation. Leading a moral life. And being aware of all thoughts and actions. Hand in hand with these rules are the noble truths each child learns throughout their life. The first is that life is suffering, nothing can deny this fact. The second is that suffering is caused by want, greed and aversion. The third is that suffering can be overcome and that true happiness exists for every single being. Under these rules and truths, all people of Nibelheim lead morally positive lives, including Lillith Zhao who happens to be on Furus for a journey of enlightenment.
Reason for Joining: Lillith wishes to join the caravan simply to have safe traveling home following the ending of her long pilgrimage.