Good practice -- streaming your studies can be very motivating. (All learning aside.)
Myyt is right about the side of the face showing. Right now you've drawn the main part of the face in straight profile -- we shouldn't be seeing the other side of her face at all from the angle you've got. (Which is a really small fix, fortunately.) If you wanted to turn the face slightly in view, then I'd grab some reference to help. (It never hurts to have reference.)
My biggest beef is that your colors look a bit muddy all along where your edges meet. I'm guessing you tried to blend out/blur your line work somehow, rather than truly painting it out. Either delete your line work (or put it on a really low opacity) or paint over it directly. Another great way to hide line work without losing the detail it contains is to lock the layer's opacity and simply color in the lines themselves with slightly darker versions of whatever colors that are near it. This will hide your lines, but still help you keep their detail. When you blend black/gray lines into your work it has the same effect as mixing your chosen colors with a black paint -- this dulls the colors and makes them look less lifelike to the eye.
I like the idea behind this piece. Keep up the good work.