Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"And so they fell, like arrow-stricken birds, from their thrones. The world around them turned to ash, and the skies themselves red with despair." - Aenir Hol-Walker, Second king of Alda-Run'Loth.

Welcome to The Verdict of Amenor. This roleplay will be high fantasy and based around a society of elves fighting back an imperialistic human invasion. The elves living on the continent in which this roleplay takes place have never encountered anything from outside of their own lands and, until now, believed themselves and the other inhabitants of the island to be the only living beings. I will do a breakdown of everything you need to know for this roleplay below. I would also like to make a note that if you have any input I would love to hear it, I think a roleplay is much better when the playerbase helps shape it.

Before I get started I believe this will be a helpful point of reference when you're reading the histories and other such things.

Map of the Game World. (Credit goes to Harbringer for photoshopping it into an Elvish style font and classic looking map.)

The Great Cities and Other Areas

The Character Sheet

Age: (Over 10,000 needs permission)


Combat Type:
Arms/Armor: (Mages cans till have swords and other things, remember your catalyst doesn't have to be your weapon)

Character Bio:

===Mage Only Below This Line===

Catalyst Description:

Familiar: (If summoner)

Magic Proficiency:

Accepted Character Sheets

Harbringer: Eltharion Tevinter

TheBigJon: Caildir Dimaethor

Psychomachy: Iorelle Reour'noe


(I will update this post as needed)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esper


Member Offline since relaunch


Name: Whitefeather
Age: 300


Combat Type:
Arms/Armor: (Mages cans till have swords and other things, remember your catalyst doesn't have to be your weapon)

Character Bio:

===Mage Only Below This Line===

Catalyst Description:

Familiar: (If summoner)

Magic Proficiency:

(I will update this post as needed)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Reserving spot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evangelyne
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Evangelyne Lauzurus Founder

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I will get working on a CS right away. OOC have exceeded my expectation already so I'm pretty pumped for this RP!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thanks I'm glad you like it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

For the record I'll probably update the map before IC goes up. The geography will remain similar enough that you won't have to worry about history or backstories being changed or anything, I might just make it look prettier since this one is kinda... Yuck.

EDIT: Also, if you want to give your character a super rad theme song and put it at the top of your CS I'm cool with that. I like theme songs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hope you don't mind me jumping in even though I didn't post in the interest check. Was at university when I saw this and was scheduled to be elbow deep in a sea urchin tank 10 minutes later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah its cool man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eltharion Tevinter

Age: (Over 10,000 needs permission)
4100 Cycles


6'2" in height with a slim build in accordance with the rigors of being a pathfinder, Eltharion's face is almost constantly twisted into a grimace or frown. His skin is the red colour of leaves in fall, while his wild mane of golden hair, usually tied back into a ponytail, is reminiscent of spring, colonies of moss growing in its mass and tinting it green. Almost always shrouded in a cloak made of seemingly eternal leaves, very few people actually know or even remember his face, especially as he usually pulls a black cloth over his nose and mouth to hide himself, only his purple eyes shining through. His arms are long and muscular under the thin grey bodysuit he wears. His hands are encased in tight-fitting leather gloves while hardened vambraces protect his wrists. A green robe is worn over the rest of his bodysuit while a series of lether belt criss cross along his chest. His legs are encased in toughened leather greaves and steel poleyns, his fitted hide boots making up the rest of his armor.

Combat Type:

Aedin's Kiss: Named after an ancient god of decay and death, this bow has already taken many lives since its use in the Marching Days. Accurate, powerful and sturdy, the ancient wooden bow seems to have an insatiable thirst for blood, guiding its arrows to its targets with malicious intent. Made of ornate, polished wood and decorated with golden gilding which has since been rubbed off from both age and a pragmatic view of life, it is notched and worn with use. Its main feature is not its aesthetic beauty however. With a special mechanism and thrust, the two arms of the bow split in half and form four arms. This particular form takes much more power to draw back, but once it is, the arrows it fires are stronger, faster and more accurate, often piercing through its initial target. However, given the velocity at which the arrow must travel, the regular ones Eltharion uses often break apart in flight, meaning that he must use special ammunition once he switches to this mode.

Survival knife: All pathfinders carry around a simple serrated dagger made to cut through vines and particularly persistant ivy. This, however, can be easily repurposed for the purpose of close quarters defence.

Leather armour: Eltharion makes heavy use of leather armour due to its light weight and relative versatility. His chestplate is made up of various leather belts, which allow him unparalleled maneouvrability, but, as is the nature of such an armour, is full of chinks and gaps for weapons to strike. Mostly to guard against slashes more than stabs, the armour is designed more for movement than protection. These belts do have a second fundtion though, allowing the pathfinder to store several bottles and pouches, containing rations, water, poisons and tinctures for those long journeys. While his chest, arms, hands and legs are protected, his waist is relatively open which, while allowing for movement, makes him quite fragile.

Cloak of Seasons: A cloak used for infiltration operations and general camoflage, the Cloak of Seasons was designed by a Masothi settler who excelled at hunting. Imblued with magical properties, the cloak will adapt to the general foliage of the surrounding area, though the process may take several hours to turn into a workable state.

Aelthanion: A hawk which Eltharion has tamed, Aelthanion acts as the elf's eyes in the sky, running recon and striking unexpectedly. The two share an amiable relationship and an inseparable bond.

Character Bio:
Cold, blunt and dutiful would be three words most elves would use to describe Eltharion. Taking his duties to the Great Tree of Harinus perhaps a bit too seriously, the elf seeks to prevent any harm from occuring to it, whether through force or other means. However, as he is employed as a pathfinder, the elf is still known as a respectable member of society. One of the few Mithrelians which often descend to the ground, Eltharion makes frequent forays into the thickets of Hol-Vollum to check for anything out of the ordinary. Merchants, children and people led astray by Will-o-the-Wisps, particuarly loud imp groups and even the occassional bandit have fallen under his purview once he spots them, although most of the time these are sorted out without the need for violence.

His devation to the Great Tree may not be misplaced however. When he was younger, Eltharion was a sickly child. Prone to bouts of poor health and weakness, he was often holed up inside of his treetop home for weeks at a time. All throughout this time, however, he could see the Great Tree through his window. Everyday he was sick, he would stare out the hole in their home and gaze at the magnificent tree. Some nights it sparked like newly settled dew, while others it would stand firm against the pounding wind. One day, he decided to appeal to the tree, to ask it to heal his sickness and watch over him. The next day, nothing. But Eltharion kept hoping, asking, praying, until one day, it finally happened. A checkup from the local healer revealed that his body was slowly getting better, in a very miraculous fashion. He couldn't believe what was happening, and yet it was happening in front of his own eyes. He was healing.

Mere days later, Eltharion became as healthy as the next child and, while he received a late start to life, worked much more dilligently than his peers, achieving what he could not have experience through study. He hunted by studying animal patterns. He learned herbalism by studying under the healer. He learned the history and of the Marching Years drom their archivist. There was not a day when he would remain still. A few centuries later, Eltharion was considered an upstanding member of society, but while his practical skills were not to be questioned, his socail skills were. Because he was not there to form the bonds with his peers early on, he found himself forever an outsider. while they were friends, he was never really their 'Friend'. They came to him for advice, but not as a friend, but as a member of society. And so, with little recourse, he immersed himself in his work and his devotion to the Great Tree, who he saw as having cured his illness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I don't know if you entirely understood my opening post.

Let me start by saying two things, first, I have to deny this app. Second, I still like your character. Most of the problem comes from the fact that you invented a new school of magic. I would like to see you go back and fix this so I'll give you a breakdown of what needs to be changed, like I said I like your character and I think this came primarily from misunderstanding so take none of this personally.

The magic - magic is not ran via mana pool like your CS implied. There was an ancient artifact known as the obelisk which channeled energy between the world of the living and the world of the dead, this energy was manipulated via the use of catalysts. When te obelisk was destroyed these catalysts retained some of the energy that they channeled and thus can be used today, however no new catalysts can be made since they won't have the energy from the obelisk inside of them. The school of magic you created would not be possible due to the way magic works in this world and in addition to that I posted a list of all available schools of magic that a character can pursue without the presence of the obelisk in the world.

The Bloody Marshes - I don't know where on the map you planned on this being but I didn't put it there and you didn't run the idea by me first so at this point unless you discuss it with me this area is not canon.

The order - I would be okay with characters creating orders such as this but once again if it's not mentioned in the lore then it should be run by me first.

Magic proficiency - I can understand this one being confusing I didn't specify properly. Your proficiency is not your skill level it is the school in which you are primarily going to be practicing.

As I said I love the character and I love player input, however it needs to be run by me first. If you want to play this character then all of the above stuff needs to either be changed or discussed with me. The school of magic you created however is not going to happen because I'd have to change the very aspects that make this worlds magic what it is in order for it to work.

Also, I love the catalyst I'm glad you got creative with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I know what you mean, which was why I was already starting to tweak various things. I made that thing and then I was like...huh...things need to be redone to fit into the canon, Pardon me while I continue to tweak away. And by tweak I mean make a less...complicated character. For now he'll go on the backburner for some other far off RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psychomachy


Member Offline since relaunch

The beginnings on a CS, WIP

Name: Iorelle Reour'noe
Age: 246
Race: Mithreli


Combat Type:
Arms/Armor: (Mages cans till have swords and other things, remember your catalyst doesn't have to be your weapon)

Character Bio:

===Mage Only Below This Line===

Catalyst Description:

Familiar: (If summoner)

Magic Proficiency: Summoner
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Harbringer, your new CS looks excellent I'm happy to accept you. I'm glad you remained creative with the work you put into it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I think I will drop a PM to you later about a character idea that just keeps churning in my mind since I read your introduction-post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Go for it.

I will be doing some work on the OOC so it may look a little bit janky for a while but don't worry everything will be in order soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Man, everyones so...young compared to my character XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Right that's what I'm saying I was expecting everyone to be like 3,000 years old man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBigJon
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TheBigJon yung $$$

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

CS Moved
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBigJon
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TheBigJon yung $$$

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

By the way, I can't see the map. Any way for me to fix this?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It's okay if you join but I think I might lock applications after this since I don't want it to get too big.

As for the map here's a different image URL tell me if it works.

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