A screeching howl rings out through the night, a sickly ravenous call. It sends a sliver down your spine as you inch towards the camp fire, clutching that pickaxe like the Good Man's book, as if it could really save your life from the hungry beasts that prowl the plains. It's been a perpetual nightmare ever since your cargo transport crash landed on this god forsaken rock. You were just a simple miner back then. Now, you're a survivor.
The man across the fire, heaves in a slow breath. You've never seen his face, never gotten the pleasure of his name, or where he's from. He's been helping you along this hellish landscape, but you know that the man under that red muddy space suit would leave you behind in a second if you don't swing that weapon you coddle with the intent to kill. That slow draw becomes an abrupt exhalation as he grunts and shimmies closer to the flames and pulls his rifle into his lap.
"Lemurian, sounds like. Sentient and organized. Clever bastards. I discovered dem befo' I discovered you. I reckoned, since I noticed dey were intelligent, dat dey might be da peaceful type. Nod a chance patna."
He pulls up his right arm sleeve and reveals three large pink jags ascending up the length of his forearm.
"Bipedal. Agressive on sight. Reptilian. I fuckin hate reptiles." He spits and his disdain is clear to you. And the way he fingers the trigger- its like he's looking for some action. You take a moment to wonder how far he's plunged into the depths of madness, how much killing to survive will twist a man's soul like the rotted Devil himself in the Good Man's Book. "I've seen da fuggers wear armor on deir shouldas and wrists," his parlance reflects a southern upbringing, "I've even seen dem fuckin dance like hillbillies, I shit cha not patna."
Another hungry wail echoes throughout the canyon. You slide onto your side, eyeing the flames licking at the starry night sky. The burning iridescent twigs are all that's in your vision as the dancing fire begins to subdue you into a deep slumber. Your eyelids get heavy, and soon close. You only dream about the hot orange glow from the burning wood.
You're jolted awake by your companion, although the fire has been stamped out, and it's pitch black except for the bone pale moonlight spilling through columns of darkened clouds, illuminating the canyon walls.
"Ey kid, wakeup. Incomin critters," he holds out his hand with a pair of fuzzy dice in them, "Here. Found dis on our last search for da Ship. It'll help you out patna." You reach out and you tentatively pull the red fuzzy dice into your palm. Oddly enough, you instantly feel more... lucky. You stand up, your stance now becoming more confident. Or maybe you've just become used to the fight for survival. Maybe the fight is all you yearn for now. Either way. You still clutch that ragged pickaxe like it's the god-damned Goodman's Book.
It begins to Drizzle.
But the Monsoon is coming.
Alrighty. So this RP is going to be directly based off a game I'm currently obsessed with called- you guessed it- Risk of Rain. Although, playing the game won't be required to be familiar with what's going to go on here, because the game gives relatively little detail on any story or specifics, which makes it up for the grabs as far as inserting a storyline while keeping the basic elements of the game true in the RP. Here is a description of the game-
The game is set in the distant future, where space transportation is common. Space trains carry passengers and goods all across space. A particular space train, however, had some very special cargo. Through a series of unfortunate events, this space train gets shot out of orbit and crash lands on a mysterious planet.. with one survivor. Risk of Rain is a tough-as-nails action platformer with rogue-like elements created by Hopoo Games, a design team comprised of two students:
Basically, its going to be a sci-fi survival mystery RP in which I want to feature a combat system. I have't designed it yet, but I have a few ideas, rife with collectible items that are unique to the game. However, this is just an interest check to hopefully get some players. Looking for at least 3-4 to start, but definitely open to as many that want to play.
The RP will also feature the classes of the game with specific positions within the team, but this setup is tentative and definitely up for modification and change.
For now, let's just see who's interested.
Looking for active players willing to commit to collaboratively write a story. This Rp will follow Advanced guidelines.
Thank you for taking the time to look this over :P Enjoy.