Psht this site. I saw someone triple post on one thread today. e.e
Finally done! If there's anything I took too much liberty with just let me know. I wasn't sure how you wanted the familiars to work, so i kinda winged it. I have no problem with anything needing to be changed, really. ^.^
Name: Iorelle Reour'noe
Age: 246
Race: Mithreli
Appearance: Iorelle is quite a comely woman. Her sea-foam green skin, unblemished and tanned, glows healthily with its own brilliance in the sun. Ringlets of soft lavender hair, the same delicate color of her wide eyes, fall halfway down her back. Angular features including slightly slanted eyes grace her face. Her mouth forms a slight pout, although it's rarely seen without being pulled into a pleasant smile. A spattering of freckles can be seen along the bridge of her nose. She stands tall at 5'9" with willowy limbs and thin protruding bones. She normally wears her green leather armor and bracers, as well as black leggings, black boots, and some sort of blouse worn under her leather tunic. A belt, hung with sundry pouches, wraps around her slim waist and holds her shortsword.
Leather tunic
Leather bracers
Combat Type: Spellsword (or "Nature's Duet" as she calls it at times)
The graceful Mithreli can handle her blade well enough to be called proficient with it. However, she also makes use of a magic relic she acquired in her past: the Circlet of Seasons. Iorelle fights alongside a summoned creature when combat gets serious(or, she will). Iorelle has an animal companion that has evolved into her familiar, Crythis. Crythis is always beside Iorelle and follows her into battle. The powers, attributes, and vitality of her summoned companions vary greatly.
Magic Proficiency: Summoner
Iorelle has had much practice with her catalyst and her specific uses for it. However, most of her uses of the item to summon creatures were for creatures that were small and docile. Part of her magic is that used to control the animal. The larger and more violent/malcontent the animal is the harder it is to control. When she has a summoned creature active, Iorelle retains a magical mental and physical connection with the animal. She cannot sense it as efficiently or deeply as her familiar but she knows how the animal feels and what it's thinking, and has influence over its actions. Her experience has brought her challenges, but Crythis is one of the largest things she's summoned.
Arms/Armor: She wields a steel shortsword of medium-quality make which she has had for many years. It has no unique qualities, although she has lovingly named it Ryn. The blade rests at her right hip, as she is left-handed. Her main piece of armor is a leather tunic dyed green with matching bracers; her lower attire is not particularly armor. She wears a cloak when the weather deems necessary. The most eye-catching thing on her person is an elegant circlet.
Catalyst Description: A magical conduit given to her by her scholarly mentor, the Circlet of Seasons is a delicate-looking piece of jewelry that rest on Iorelle's forehead. Its appearance morphs and changes with the seasons. The metal of the Circlet is warm with a life-like pulse.
Personality: A pleasant and congenial person, her most common look is an endearing smile. She is kind and gregarious; she'll talk and listen to a companion whenever they or she should need. Along with her happy attitude comes an easy sense of humor and an ability to accept the fact that other's have opinions different than her own. Iorelle is easy to get along with and normally brings out the best in people. However, her understanding nature hides a more brutal sense of morality. Iorelle believes in balance; predators must exist to encourage the constant adaptation of prey, meaning she believes in competition, survival of the fittest, and can often downplay significant negative events as just the low points on her karmic record. One must take the bad with the good.
Character Bio: Iorelle Reour'noe was born to a lower-class family in a small village far away from Mithreal. It lay east of the great city on the out-skirts of Hol'Vollom. The village comprised of one enormous hollow tree, with the entire village being based out of that tree. Hel'Vernuum, or Vernuum's Tree ((if that's alright GM, its not that important)) was named for the family that lived at the very base of the establishment. Iorelle's family lived high in the tree in a less than desirable position. The hollowed interior that allowed the Elves to inhabit the trees are small toward the top, and her family had to travel down the length of almost the entire tree to get to do even simple trading. Her mother worked in a tavern as a server and her father was an unskilled laborer who found work where he could.
Iorelle was an inquisitive, intelligent child, but her curiosity always made her look like a mischievous child. In her youth she spent much time trying to get into the forest proper to explore and study the many animals she found so interesting. Although not very dangerous so close to a substantial population, the wilderness is not a safe place for a small child. She spent just as much time being dragged home as exploring the forest floor. The small family had little money or possessions and her parents were too often tired of the girl's antics to have much patience with her. She was never very close with her parents and preferred going to the library to read scientific novels and articles on various exotic and rare animals than spending time at home.
As she entered adolescence Iorelle met a traveling professor who had come out to venture into Hol'Vollom. His troupe had been attacked by bandits and discovered by passing hunters from Hel'Vernuum. After joinging forces and driving the raiders back (the natives having recognized the raiders' dress and motive) the hunters led him and his group back to the village. Iorelle was there watching when the disheveled group had been brought in. Due to a serious wound on one of their own, the visitors had decided to stay at Hel'Vernuum while he recovered. Upon hearing the news Iorelle wanted to meet the professor. She eventually did, after an unsuccessful caper to get money to buy a room at the inn he was staying, and the professor took warmly to the curious and courageous child.
When Profession Wassenolf had passed through, he had been one his way to study some of the animals that inhabited the deeper regions of Hol'Vollom. He had a penchant for toads and frogs and was going specifically to find a particular type of frog that froze itself solid over the winter. Many of the village-folk advised them not to travel in such harsh conditions but it hadn't mattered: they missed the time frame of the frog's freezing period due to their comrade's injury. After much debate over funds and other such matters, they were offered a place at the inn for the next year if the group would make themselves useful to the innkeeper and other patrons of the community.
Iorelle was more than thrilled. Day in and day out she was at the professor's side, asking about his adventures here, what discoveries he had made there, or what the people were like in this corner of the world. There was never enough time in the day to answer all of her questions and after the next sunrise her head would again be filled with completely different inquiries. By the time the expedition rolled around again, Iorelle had expected to tag along. Unfortunately, she was too young, and was left behind. The girl understood but was still disappointed. They came back at the end of the next spring, laden with samples and observation logs bound for the college in Mithreal. The young woman was prepared to say her goodbyes, but to her surprise his time away made the professor think about the girl and miss her. He asked her to return with him to the college and study under him.
Despite her unquenchable curiosity she didn't take well to prolonged lessons. After a few months he enrolled the girl in simple combat classes to help curb some of her rambunctious energy. As time went on, it was clear to the professor that the life of a scholar did not yet fit this young woman. Having grown to love and cherish her, he believed that the girl was destined for something. And so, he gave her own of his most prized possessions: the Circlet of Seasons. He gave the girl as much training as he could with it, as well as employed his intellectual comrades to aid in her arcane training as well. The girls indomitable will excelled in the use.
Over time, Wassenolf realized her potential. He began to send her off to obscure places to find and observe animals, and then return to the college and summon them for further study. This is how Iorelle has spent much of her life thus far. She has gone on several non-work related trips, but she enjoys her assignments and the people she works with and is typically in Mithreal.
Crythis, who is Iorelle's familiar and animal companion, is a Jaguarundi or eyra cat. Crythis is larger than average for his species thanks to the attentive care of his master. He has a lithe 33 inch long body with a 24 inch long tail. At the shoulders he is about 16 inches tall. The cat weighs a little less than 30 lbs. His fur is a rusty red and he has bright green eyes. The cat follows his elven companion along faithfully and without hesitation. The cat fights alongside her using his claws, teeth, and agility. His status as Iorelle's familiar gives them a supernatural bond. Iorelle can use the eyra as a sensual-conduit, meaning she can can see, hear, feel, smell, and even taste as Crythis does if she so chose to, and can take control of his body to do simple tasks. She can also cast spells through the cat, though the nature of her arcane ability makes it so that isn't always useful. Crythis gains a supernatural intelligence for his species thanks to the link.