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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

The March to Novgorod! -- Death to fascists!
The Sacred War.

IC info:

SOLDIER! Pack your bags and get ready to march! High command has seen fit to order us to liberate the city of Novgorod in Western Russia from fascist rule in the Leningrad-Novgorod offensive. Our unit, which is a part of the 54th Army, Volkhov-front, is tasked with the liberation of a small village in the vicinity of Novgorod. After that liberation, which should be a quick one given the strength of our unit compared to the enemies, we are to move on to Novgorod itself to lead the front charge.

Our total army strength is estimated to be 260 600 men according to the Soviet files, however these numbers are for the entire army, not our unit. Our own diviziya, or division is estimated to have around 12 000 men, but this would include our armored and airborne support troops. Our squad however is focussed primarily around infantry, with a few sub-squads within our squad. These would include riflemen, using the mainly the Mosin-nagant bolt action rifle, the assault squad, which would use any type of Submachine gun they were given, and supportive members which should be able to fit in either of those roles, such as the radioman, the medic and a underofficer. Besides that, we'll have a T-34-85 assigned to us, to personally support and help us where ever it's possible.

God bless comrades, and remember: za Rodinu! Za Stalina!

OOC info:

As of today your character will be part of Zaburdajev's squad, a veteran of the Red Army, who has seen his fair share of combat. He was involved in the invasion of Poland in unison with the Germans, however nobody would've seen it coming that Germany would attack their Eastern neighbours, with whom they had shared Poland at first. Your characters will be part of the offensive on Nym-storovje, a small idyllic city which has fallen to the German blitzkrieg. Stalin and his commanders have seen fit to order the retaking of this city, on the way from Leningrad to Novgorod. The characters can be either veterans from the preceding times (1939 to 1944, perhaps from the invasion of Poland) or can be fresh conscripts sent to the front with nothing more than a gun and some ammunition, to replace losses in the squad. There will also be a tank present: a T-34-85. This tank was efficiently the 'showcase' tank for Russian tanks -- when you think of a Russian world war 2 tank, this is the one.

This tank commander position has been taken by now, however positions will be available for within the tank (2 gunners, driver).
The T-34 has a pretty solid armament, a good engine that can produce a pretty high speed for a medium tank, and armor that reaches 90mm thickness. The engine is the V-2-34 V-12 dieselengine, which allows the tank to drive up to 55KM/h, but that's only for hardened roads or comparable terrain, as it doesn't do as well off-road. The cannon is the 85 mm ZiS-S-53 cannon, and it also has 2 DT machine guns (one mounted below on the chassis, next to the drivers sight, the other directly aside the turret) however these machine guns were also used by the infantry, so you shouldn't expect too much killing power.

There will be NPC's in the story as well -- Soviets/Germans that we meet during our assault who will play small roles. Think of a certain German commander that we find killed in the streets, or a Russian squad that we meet by chance who will asisst us doing task x or y. Also, tanks. For instance a KV-2 being contacted on the radio by the tank commander, who then assists us for a short time. In some time however I'll probably allow people to take over NPC's on the German side for fun, i.e if there's a specific sniper or an enemy tank, I'll let them be played by a person that's interested in doing so.

Either way I hope to have interested you enough to partake in this RP. If you are interested please fill out the character sheet and post it -- for ease, you can press 'view raw' in the top right corner of my post and see the raw BB codes of this post, from there on you can copy them. Za Stalina!

Please press 'view raw' in the top right corner, so you can literally copy and paste every piece of BB code below.

Katinka thanks you for your services, men.

Character list:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Full name:Peter Zhavkovich
Age: 18 (April 20th 1923)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Peter could be described as average, not to handsome and not to ugly either, standing in at 6 foot and a frame that reflects the farm work he used to do, his Light brown hair that could almost be described as blonde is cut to the grain, his blue gray eyes have a dreamy almost distant look to them like they are million miles away. He wears the conscript long coat and uniform but it's dirty and hasn't been cared for, it appears to be moth eaten
Personality:Peter is young and kind to everybody his happy go lucky attitude even appears to be infectious, but his inexperience makes him a little bit naive, it also appears his first few battles have driven him into a land of imagination within his head, the kid is cracked and it's beginning to show it's only a matter of time before hes entirely broken.
Brief history: Born in a small village in Georgia, to a farming family. Peter understood hardship and what it was like to work by the sweat of ones brow, but he loved it he wouldn't have it any other way he grew up on farm work for the first 17 years of his life, his father was conscripted, he was conscripted almost every boy and girl in his village was conscripted and sent to the front. His last promise to his mother and grandparents was he would return alive and bring glory to the family name.

His first battle was hell on earth, put into a green as grass regiment they were expected to charge German positions armed with little more than farm tools and a few assortment of rifles and guns. It was at that battle the regiments radioman was wounded knowing he was done for he called over Peter and in the process of bleeding out taught him how to use the radio. He expired just minutes after his little lecture, Peter took up his new job with gusto, but that didn't save his regiment from being all but wiped out the survivors being transferred into other regiments.

It was after that battle that Peter found himself in the 16th, he became their new radioman and learned further how to use the big ass thing that dominated his back. There he serves with the 16th ready to roll into Novgorod and into the fires of hell itself.
Role: Radioman
Expertise: Being a radioman, he hasn't killed anybody directly, but indirectly he's probably killed tons.
Weaponry: SVT-40 Carbine
Smoke grenades
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Full name: Artyom Vyacheslav Gavrilov
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Personality: Artyom is a true Communist at heart and firmly believes in the Communist ideology and therefor doesn't smoke, drink and doesn't participate in any religion. During his time at the front he has seen countless horrors and atrocities, which left him as a shadow of his former self. He can vividly remember how he saw his girlfriend being raped and tortured by the Germans, and when they discoverd their relation, they made him watch as they shot her. As a result of having witnessed many atrocties like this he has grown cold and emotionless, Over the years he has become merciless and gathers a sick feeling of enjoyment out of torturing captured German prisoners, he wants to hurt them like they hurt him and the people around him.

Despite being a leading figure in a platoon or squad of soldiers he prefers to distance himself from the group to not become to attached, he has seen many of his comrades fall in battle. A lot of them during the frontal wave attacks, that his superior officers orderd earlier in the war, something he was a part of many times. He however regards every Soviet soldier as important and treats them with respect, he would not use frontal assaults himself nor would he send his units into hopeless situations if there is another choice. He however, has little respect or patience for cowards and deserters. Anyone not following his orders or retreating without his approval can expect a beating or a bullet.

Brief history: Artyom was born on the 30th of April 1919 in the small village of Liski in the Voronezh Oblast. Not much is known about his early childhood but Soviet records show he joined the Young Pioneers at the age of 11 and that he continued to participate in the organisation untill he turned 15 after which he received a recommendation by his Young Pioneer group to join the Komsomol, which he did. Shortly after having joined the Komsomol, Artyom also joined the OSOAVIAKhIM. There he learned several skills, such as: marksmanship, horse riding, swimming, parachuting and he learned to operate radios. Eventually the OSOAVIAKhIM developed into a back-up military training organization. Artyom began taking advanced disciplines like tactics, topography and armament, in which he excelled. He eventually joined the Soviet Armed Forces in late 1940 and got assigned to the 6th Rifle Division that had been assigned to Brest Fortress. He made the fortress his home and he even met and got romantically involved with a girl during his stay. Unfortunately his young life got thrown into chaos with the start of operation Barbarossa.

The siege of Brest was one of the first battles of the war. The Germans were rutheless in their attacks on the fortress and killed many of the civillians residing there, the nature of warfare was harsh and desperate, often featuring massive frontal charges that Artyom voluntarely participated in. He remembers the Germans deployed various powerful guns, rocket mortars 15 cm Nebelwerfer 41 and resorted to flame throwers. The civilians inside the fortress tended the wounded, reloaded the machine-gun discs and belts with cartridges and even took up rifles to help defend the fortress. Children brought ammunition and food supplies from half-destroyed supply depots, scavenged weapons and watched enemy movements. He and the others defenders held out aslong as they could but were forced to surrender on the 29th of June. Artyom was taken as a prisoner of war along with hunderds of the other defenders of the fortress but managed to escape his captives and eventually linked up with the remnants of the 6th rifle division and continued to resist the German advance.

Artyom fought from Brest all the way to Voronzeh, the largest town in the Voronzeh Oblast, which was only a few kilometers away from his home town. Artyom experienced the loss of the city to the Germans in 1942, unlike many others from his division he evaded being captured but was forced to assume the role of Partisan, he continued to disrupt German operations in the Voronzeh oblast but avoided contact with his family so they would not be endangered. German punishments for Partisans were harsh, his family would be murderd along with him should they find him there. In 1943, during the time of the Russian counter-offensive. Artyom participated in the liberation of Voronzeh along with other Partisans and the actual Soviet Army. With the city firmly back in Soviet control Arytom was re-assigned and re-located to the Leningrad front. From there on out his record is unclear, he has been labeled as missing in action and is presumed dead after having lost contact with his unit in the winter of 1943.

Role: Starshina but currently fighting as a Partisan behind enemy lines.
Expertise: Raising morale, hand-to-hand combat, armed insurgency, camouflage, tracking, knows how to operate and accurately deploy both German and Russian made weaponry, topography, armament.
Weaponry: PPSH-41 submachine gun, 1 RGD-33 grenade, 1 RPG-40 anti-tank grenade, 3 F1 grenades, a German Stielhandgranate 24, a belt of 7.62 ammunition and 2 M1895 Nagant pistols.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Private Sergei Dmitry Volkov

18, October 1923, Assault

Full name:Sergei Dmitry Volkov
Personality:Sergei can be described as a timid and reluctant youth. He is mostly a pacifist and fighting this war was not his choice. He’s easy to intimidate and to control, often getting himself into a mess. He doesn’t talk much, unless called upon, and struggles to find spiritual meaning to his life and others.
Brief history: Sergei was born to Mikhail and Marika Volkov, in a small village in western Russia. He was the second born, out of four siblings. The Volkov family lived like many other families in their town - poorly off and financially struggling. Mikhail worked as a blacksmith while Marika was the stay at home mother type, sewing and hemming the clothing of the village people, to make a little extra money on the side. Once Sergei turned twelve, he was pulled out of school and was set to help his father and older brother run the blacksmith business. This instilled dedication and obedience in him, as well as a fear for his elders. At age sixteen, Sergei met and fell in love with girl named Dominika Pertrov. They were engaged a year and a half later.

Only days after his eighteenth birthday, Sergei received a conscription letter. He was the first of the Volkov family to be conscripted, as somehow his older brother had been over looked. Sergei was forced to leave his family, the blacksmith business, and Dominika behind and was sent off to a war he did not want to fight.
Expertise:Following orders through as they are given and close quarters combat. He is a good enough shot with a gun, but it isn’t his strongest feature
Weapons:PPSH-41, Tokarev TT pistol, three RG-33 anti - personnel type grenades
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

I am enjoying the somewhat diverse crew so far -- it's a good start I think.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Dimitri Gobachuvisi )

(22, November 1919, Tank Commander)

Full name: Dimitri Gobachuvisi
Age: 22
Gender: Male

The one pointing somewhere.


Dimitri, brutal and cold, as he with his own free will signed into the army to defend his motherland and to protect every brother and sister that believes in the glorious revolution that will one day either die out by the fascist plaging their country or liberate the fascist lands and bring honor and glory to the motherland and to the revolution which he believes in without a doubt on his mind, and would gladly die for the cause.

He sees the battlefield like a playground, like a chest bored, where pawns can be only used for to sacrifice for the bigger picture which he has already embraced that he will also be seen as that if he dies within his tank together with his crew.

The fact that he could die at any moment within his tank by an enemy Ap round also makes him have a feeling of brotherly love towards his fellow soldier, if the revolution didn't make him feel love for them this sudden chance of death would well anyone that has the same beliefs that he has will be treated this way. All the others that don't agree with his views will either know he doesn't like them or will feel it whenever he can see the window to do the finally strike to wound or kill this enemy to the revolution.

Brief history:

On his own free will Dimitri Gobachuvisi joined the army in these harsh times of war against the fascist pigs that have plagued the lands of his motherland, his family, his people. He had a smile on his face as he walked up to the signing man that will bring his destiny upon him, for him to join the red Army to serve and protect the USSR and his family. Going through the military school to be trained in the workings of the Soviet standard tank the T-34-85 that he will drive into the battlefield to either die a hero to the revolution as he had served his duty to protect the motherland or come out alive to keep fighting against the fascist pigs that plague the country, that is if he even completes with passing colors the test from the academy, which he had been quite lucky to be even accepted into with his crash course of how the tank worked, what to do if this or that problem would arise.

The young future to be Tank commander had nearly not been accepted into the ranks of the military school since he had woken up a little late than he had set his alarm on the clock to ring at, for him to get a bath and still have time for breakfast. He did have time for the bath that he took every two days but no breakfast. So running out of his little one roomed apartment he nearly also forgot to close the door of his little cozy home, but lucky remembered taking out his key he locked the door and went on his way down the stairs from the second floor and down to the ground to jump onto his bicycle only to arrive at the military school ten minutes before the entry exam began.

Which he passed thanks god. So the first two weeks went with studying the workings of the motor the T34 runs on, different parts on what to do if it broke down and pistol training on how to clean and shoot with it. As a week had gone by with him relaxing with taking and remembering the gun of his, go to school for the crash course that he would be using in a few hours since He would be going to the front then as a commander for reasons he really don't know. He has had quite fun this last week studying and memorizing each part while training his pistol masrksmenship at the target range at the school when he could, doing that from monday to friday as he used friday and Saturday to go out drinking with his fellow comrades at the school. sunday was used as a recover day from the hung over from the wild dinking of his but then monday came again, standing in front of the school early in the morning he got the okay to finally be drafted out into the battlefield.

Role: Tanker: Tank Commander
Expertise: The normal crash course of how the Tank works how the pistol should be cleaned and how to repair the Tank in case of break downs or any other failures that dosen't require a trained mecanic.

1x Tokarev TT-30, a handgun with two mags of ammo.
2x RG-42, fragmentation grenade.
1x binoculars
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Sven, not quite sure how you'd fit into our squad considering you're behind enemy lines.. we're supposed to RP a squad, not a bunch of lone wolves. You get that right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
Sven, not quite sure how you'd fit into our squad considering you're behind enemy lines.. we're supposed to RP a squad, not a bunch of lone wolves. You get that right?

I would appear once you assault the first town. Being a partisan and all, I would notice the assault going on and i'd come out of hiding and fight the Germans myself after which i'd join up with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

That sounds just about fair enough but I wanna keep the lone wolfing to a minimum, I guess you can understand why.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
That sounds just about fair enough but I wanna keep the lone wolfing to a minimum, I guess you can understand why.

I understand, yes. It was never my intention to carry on as a lone wolf. I was just going to enter the scene as a Partisan and join up with the rest of the squad. So don't worry about me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Good. That said your character has a lot of skills.. do you need that many to fill your role?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
Good. That said your character has a lot of skills.. do you need that many to fill your role?

Not really, no. It just fits in what was being taught in the organisation he was in when he was younger. I did not mean nor do I intend to be over powered or to god mode, as the host you can decide what or how many things you want me to get rid of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

In the end it's really just a bit of flavor to give your character some expertise in a few things. I was more thinking they'd relate to the role, like they're capable marksmen or something -- more general stuff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThePirapora


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Alright. Think we should start the IC? I have no real problems with any of these characters so I'm kinda good to go, just wish we had a radioman or medic before we started.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
Alright. Think we should start the IC? I have no real problems with any of these characters so I'm kinda good to go, just wish we had a radioman or medic before we started.

I believe someone asked for the position of Radioman in the interest check, and you can always make a post there about needing a medic. Perhaps one of the people here is willing to switch it up a little.

Edit: The first character posted in here wants to be the Radioman. But maybe you don't want to accept him?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Oops, I kinda forgot. Nah, he's fine. I think we can start soonish but I'll have to study my formal English lessons first cause I have my final exam tomorrow, after that I'll be free all day so I'll probably do it tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SvenO100


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Partisan said
Oops, I kinda forgot. Nah, he's fine. I think we can start soonish but I'll have to study my formal English lessons first cause I have my final exam tomorrow, after that I'll be free all day so I'll probably do it tomorrow.

Very well. Goodluck with your exam.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

I'm sure I'll pass, just not about what grade I'll pass with. :P
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