Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Parker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Its the 20th of March, 2014. Overcast skies linger out of reach of the sprawling skyscrapers of Seadrift. It was the first day of spring, but to the residents of largest city in America, it felt like anything but. Men and women shuffled hurriedly past each other, stern looks on their face as if thinking they were more important than what was about to be discovered. As they stuffed into taxis and subways and buses, two men were working busily. Professor. J. Schurmann was a cold and often hostile German immigrant and his colleague Dr. Cassidy was his equally cold and hostile American counterpart. Both men worked at American University as professors of Biolody. Though the giant cash reward had already been claimed, these two men were unhappy with the end result of the Human Genome Project and were working on collecting and analyzing more and more genomes to fill out the data. Both professors had spent the last period of their lives wandering the busy streets, slums and suburbs of Seadrift attempting to find as many diverse volunteers to give up a piece of their genetic code as possible. This was their first day in the lab after many weeks of work in "the field" and they were both relieved. Their data would be compiled and their hard work would be rewarded within a few weeks of this day, but the significance of their data had not yet been stumbled on. Gene X had not yet been discovered.
Your story begins on March 20th, 2014. You are a resident of Seadrift, be you poor, rich or somewhere in between. You can be a hobo, a tourist, an average joe or the CEO of the world's largest company. At what point in your lives though, you all had the potential to do something great. Even if something held you back, you were all born great. In this roleplay you will be able to choose your personality, wealth, history and appearance, but although it is a Super-Hero roleplay, a mod will be choosing your power.

Now, I want these characters to be realistic. Off-shoots of animes will be shot down, as well as gods or demi-gods. Further on in your story if your character develops a god complex, or even if your character starts with that particular personality flaw, that's more than fine but I promise you nobody is perfect and neither is your character. The one area of this roleplay that might get a little silly is actually the powers. After you've made your character sheet, I'll post three superpower options from which you can choose one for your character. These will always range from "silly" to "semi-serious/semi-silly" to "I'm dead cold serious, motherfucker". This is to try and prevent boring powers like pyromancy that pop up in literally every roleplay with even an inkling of the supernatural or extraordinary. In addition to this, these powers will level up as we progress and the complete nature of your power might not be known to you right off the bat, just as it is unknown to your character. The pace of these level-ups are determined by me and the other mods. Ask for a level up and it will probably result in you getting one even later.
So without further ado:
The Rules
1. No anime characters.
2. No perfect characters.
3. Swearing's fine. Just keep it realistic, or at least humorous. Hell, just so I know you've read the rules, I want the first word of your post to be your favourite cuss. The more creative might even get some cooler choices.
4. Please feel free to post suggestions. This is all of our roleplay, but just keep in mind that I am the GM. Fisk has second most power as Co-GM.
5. You get three choices of powers. Don't ask for more.
6. Don't ask for level-ups.
7. Don't play for other characters.
8. Keep romance to a minimum.
9. Save some shit or blow shit up. Have fun, this is going to be a fun roleplay.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Um... "No anime characters"? Uh... What does that even mean?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Parker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Basically it means for appearance no manga or anime pictures and for description to keep the character grounded in reality a bit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kingdom


Member Offline since relaunch

You have my interest. Never seen a super-hero roleplay where the creator of a character doesn't have limitless opportunities, and I like that.

Name: Jeremy Shields
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Profession: Plays his instrument in subways and on streets in hopes people spare some change.
Social Network Status: N/A

Upbringing and History:
Jeremy Shields was born to a very wealthy set of parents, Horus and Monica Shields. Horus was the owner of a law firm, and Monica an owner of a high class restaurant in the city. As such, Jeremy lived a very comfortable life and never wanted for anything. Growing up he went to high class private schools and had personal tutors given to him, which resulted in him getting top grades in all of his classes; But those were just numbers to him. His real passion was music and his instruments. He played for museums, high class parties, and even for the local schools. After he finished his schooling, he joined a professional orchestra and made a good living off of the income.

However, the more Jeremy played the more arrogant he became. He bad mouthed his conductor, his fellow musicians, and even his own parents. He ignored any and all criticism given to him, and a few times threw punches at some of the critics. Word spread like wildfire when he was kicked out of the orchestra he had loved so dearly. He tried to join other groups, but none would have him. With a curse under his breath, he tried his parents to no avail. They wanted nothing to do with such a spiteful and vain being.

Jeremy was left with nothing that night, and soon found himself living on the streets after he could not afford his apartment rent. Most would think that he would have become humbled by the experience, but they would have been wrong. If anything, it made Jeremy all the worse. He learned very quickly that in order to scrape by in his new world, he would have to act cordial and pretend to be modest. All the while, as he pinched every penny and painted himself a ducky face, he schemed against those that cast him out.

Power: Sound Manipulation (It was a hard choice between this and option 1 for me, but going to have to go with this.)

Aaaand done. It's been a long time since I rp'd on forums, so excuse me if it is at all jumbled and confusing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

I... Don't get the first part at all, honestly. Especially since I feel really uncomfortable using photos of real people unless it's a crossover and I'm using a character from a live action series. I usually just draw my own characters, and I use a manga artstyle, so... Sorry for wasting your time, I guess.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Same for similar reasons and because the preferential treatment based on swearing thing seems too weird. Sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Sebastian Montague
Age: 32
Gender: M
Profession: Bar owner
Social Network Status: "Ladies free @ Bar None if you're with me ;)."
Upbringing and History: Sebastian was born in france but his parents moved to the U.S. when he was quite young. As a result, he was americanized and knew little french at all, which could be frustrating for him as a child when his mother went back and forth with his father in french. He wasn't rich, but he wasn't poor. His father worked in a quaint restaurant as a head chef and his mother took up the position of a french teacher at a local highschool quite well. His parents did squabble a lot but at the end of the day it seemed they loved each other with the amount of lamps they'd "accidentally break". Sebastian was never a straight A student not because he wasn't smart enough but because he was too lazy to put in the work. True to the stereotype of his heritage, he was a heartbreaker and a flirt, and put more time into getting into chicks pants than understanding geometry. He graduated high school with a 2.8 gpa, and gave college a little bit of a shot but it wasn't his scene. He didn't like being told what to do and he knew if he were going to do anything, it would be to own his own business. He talked to his father about it and then his mom who was reluctant about the idea especially given Sebastian's drive and focus. It took a year of convincing but she decided to continue to work at the high school for a couple years longer in order to give Sebastian the money to start up his own place. The following year, she and Mr. Montague had saved up the money for him to at least put a down payment on a place, and get the rest in order with the bank. After taking care of all that, Sebastian turned some foreclosed rinky dink place into the bar/lounge he could afford calling it "Bar None." Years later that decent bar became one of the nicest in the city, for hetero and homosexuals alike. Now he's thinking about expanding after all these years when a man of his age should be settling down (he's afraid of commitment).
Power: Beelzebub - His eyes take on a reddish tint and when suggesting something to someone they are more likely to do it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Parker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The swearing thing is very much a joke. There is no preferential treatment. I will literally probably just give first three powers I can think of in the appropriate categories.

Rin said
I... Don't get the first part at all, honestly. Especially since I feel really uncomfortable using photos of real people unless it's a crossover and I'm using a character from a live action series. I usually just draw my own characters, and I use a manga artstyle, so... Sorry for wasting your time, I guess.

If you're drawing your own character that's more than fine.

Lastly just to clarify, the "Social Network Status" is literally what the character's Facebook status or latest tweet might be on March 20 if they had Facebook or Twitter.

Rest of my Character Sheet to be finished later.

Name: Elias Crane
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Profession: Aspiring Musician/Grocery Clerk
Social Network Status: "Hey guys! Come check out Generic Burger at Bar None this Saturday!"
Appearance: Elias has dull hazel eyes that only rarely flash their tinge of green. His round, cherubic face makes him look much younger than the short brown stubble that grows on it. When he's happy, which is frequently, his dimples and toothy grin remind you of an 8 year old who finally gets to open their first Christmas present of the year. He wears his dirty blonde hair short underneath a torn and tattered green beanie. He's usually wearing dark jeans and a loose brown blazer over-top of a rotating cycle of different colored t-shirts, baggy enough that they hang a few inches over his waistline. This outfit only changes during the summer, when the blazer is sometimes left at home. Its only during this brief season where the half-sleeve tattoo of his favourite album is at all evident on his right arm. His short, stocky frame doesn't do him any favors with the ladies, but Elias' optimistic and bubbly personality helps characterize him as "the jolly fat guy" to most who know him.
Upbringing and History: Elias was the product of a deadbeat father and a very loving father. He was a bastard, but that never really mattered to him. He had always treated his mother as his only parent. He had never had and never longed for any kind of relationship with his father. His mother had been a professor at the local community college.as a Biology prof, but Elias had never shared his mother's love of the logical. He had attempted to attend American University, majoring in Biology just like his mother, but had dropped out after the first year. Since then, he had been living with his mother in their apartment, supplimenting his living expenses working full time at the grocer while he hopped from band to band hoping that the next one would finally be his big break. In his latest project, Generic Burger, he was the frontman, both the rhythm guitarist and singer and he was finally starting to get some publicity from the local paper. He was optimistic for his future, but he was still nowhere in the scheme of things.
Power: (To be given by mods.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Erranruin
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Erranruin Steward Loyalist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rules proof: Fuck me in the arse with a cactus

Name: Edward McNeill
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Profession: Police and Federal agent Negotiator, PHD in Psychology and Communication
Social Network Status: (he really doesnt go in for that kind of thing)

Upbringing and History: Edward was born on the isle of Skye off the coast of Scotland. His family wasnt poor as most people believe scots crofters are, in fact they were quite well off in comparison. But the family preferred rural island life to the bustle of the mainland and Edward grew up quietly and happily. It became obvious to his parents and his school that he had a good and inquisitive mind and he generally excelled in most things. He was excessively thoughtful of others though, keeping his own problems completely to himself and dealing with them that way as well. He very quickly decided he wanted a career in the police forces, however his parents were discouraging, considering it a waste of his mental capabilities. So with this in mind he instead pursued a degree in Criminal psychology in the University of St Andrews.

His undergraduate tutors recognised both his abilities as well as his wishes and very quickly recommended him a career in Police negotiation and, after some consideration and discussion with his family, he dedicated himself fully to this path. As a young adult he was charismatic and one of those people who seemed to have everything sorted in their life. People naturally gravitated towards him and throughout his university years he had a large friendship group. However he was bad at keeping friends close, being someone who always insisted he was alright and generally ignored his own mental well-being. So those who wished to know him better hit a wall and never got any further. For some it was easy to accept while for others it was aggravating and they usually drifted away. He finished university and entered a Police academy to continue his pursuit of his career, gaining firearm and combat experience along with a sturdier mindset and an even more hardened exterior. He was very good at empathy, it was discovered, very good at watching a person and understanding their motives and actions. His tutors allowed him special opportunities to meet with experienced negotiators and be present at police interrogations.

It was in Police academy that he met his wife Catelyn. She was a fiery and passionate person and basically swept him off his feet. They laughed together and were excited together and generally their romance was pretty average. She wanted to go to america after they had finished their training. Edward did not like the idea but he never properly expressed this, again putting his feelings aside for others. They Graduated both with merit and Edward said goodbye to his family before taking the flight to New York, his new wife having already bought a house for them in the city. Edward wasn't happy in the city, it was far too busy and loud for his taste. But again he never said anything and finally began his Career as a Police negotiator. The district department was very glad to have him and eagerly gave him the job. He didnt have a perfect record of success, no one did, but the large majorities of high risk situations he was put into ended well without many human casualties and this was definately what Edward enjoyed doing.

He had chosen his career well and this was the source of happiness in his life. This did mean however, that he spent less and less time at home. The couple had a daughter two years after their marriage, Allison, and Edward doted on her and loved every minute of fatherhood. He was a good father, except for his continuous absence. Gradually Catelyn and he began to drift apart, sometimes there were rows, sometimes there was silence, but mostly they just began to ignore each other. Eventually Edward finally expressed his hatred of the city and his misery at having been dragged halfway across the world from all his family and friends and how much he wrongfully blamed her for it. It was the end of their marriage, Catelyn horribly bitter at having been lied too and pushed away for so many years and Edward just tired. It was an amicable divorce in general and they determinedly tried to work out the best way for them to still raise Allison together. It was well thought out and Edward and Catelyn had as much of an equal involvement in her life as possible. Nothing was perfect but they all moved forward together. Edward still had to stay in New York, but this was something he had to do for his daughter and he accepted that completely, continuing to find happiness and enjoyment in his work.

Power: (To be given by mods.) Human Database - At first level when asking someone a question you can immediately tell if they are lying or telling the truth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Parker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Erranruin and Endrance, you guys have both been accepted. Check your PMs for power options.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Erranruin
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Erranruin Steward Loyalist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I kinda really want to know what would have happened with option 1 but nuu this fits my character better
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Erranruin
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Erranruin Steward Loyalist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is going to bother me forever now
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

lol! i had an inkling of what would be suggested and the option i chose was perfect so no regrets here :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Erranruin
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Erranruin Steward Loyalist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well option one was just so strange but I feel like it would have become something interesting and arrggghh *pounds the walls* I WANNA KNOW
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yoyo
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

You dildo-faced-ass-clown.
Name: Lina Bano
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Profession: Bellydancer-Exotic Dancer (Not a stripper)
Social Network Status: N/A

Upbringing and History: Lina's upbringing was relatively normal. Being an only child of a couple who owned the local bagel shop, she wasn't brought into much. Its not that she was spoiled and longed for a luxurious life, she simply craved something [i]more[/]. At an early age, she found her escape through dance. She loved everything about it. She loved the costumes. She loved moving to the beat of the drums of the strums of a guitar. She loved to make people speechless in awe as she moved....but with strict parents who insisted that she get a "real job", her escape would simply have to wait until after high school. After high school, Lina did not go to college. Instead, she moved out of her town and into Seadrift with all the hopes and ambition a young girl could have. Over the years, her simple busking on street corners in order to pay a month's rent in a dangerous part of Seadrift developed into something more. After busking came a time when she danced at a small restaurant on some slow moving street. It didn't pay much but it was enough to keep her from living in the bad parts of Seadrift. That ended when she was offered a job dancing in some five-star restaurant in the high-class part of Seadrift, where she continues to work. With an excellent pay and a more than generous amount of tips, she lives comfortably doing what she loves.
Power: Teleportation - At level 1, you can teleport to another area of the room with great focus.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ravenwoodwitch


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'd give the rules proof, but I can't think of anything creative XD
Er...Fire-Fang-Fuck Bucket? That's all I got.

Name: Isabelle Stanton.
Age: 26
Gender: Female.
Profession: Sales Clerk at Sam's CD's
Social Network Status: "Life Sucks; no seriously, I'm sucked dry."
Appearance: Isabelle's lanky for her age, almost like someone stretched her out. There's no muscle to speak of, but she's decent;y sized in her bust area, with an all over tan. She sports dark red hair (whether or not it's her natural color will just have to be left to your imagination), that's usually got black at the tips, with large, very round green eyes. Her wardrobe usually consists of the 80's Punk fashion, with the leather coats and skirts, chokers, biker gloves, and all the piercings up her ears. Her arm has a rose with barbed wire tattooed on it, and there's a peak of bird wings just over the top of her jeans.
Upbringing and History: A writer for a mother and a yuppie for a father, Isabelle has always found herself caught in the middle overt heir differences. It surprised her very little when they both decided to break-up (they never married),, but she was surprised when she caught her dad selling drugs on the side, and that her mother used to be his best customer. Apparently, she was hanging around as a means to pay him back. When she finally did, she picked up and left, and took their daughter with her. He never contacted them again, and Isabelle has held a grudge against most men ever since.

One thing that's always given her a sense of satisfaction was music. She's always harbored a deep love of Classic rock, specifically in the punk and grunge circuit. This love only intensified when she and her mother moved to Seadrift; you'll catch her frequenting the bars for Rolling Stones Karaoke. She got a job at a cheap CD store that pays alright, but is beyond boring and usually forces her to deal with all manor of teenagers (ugh), and a cantankerous manager.

Power: Musicamancer - At level 1, you begin to take on characteristics of music. When you listen to music your mood is immediately affected. The more aggressive the music is the more aggressive you become. You also are able to play any instrument to near mastery.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kyara


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm thinking of joining as Erranruin's character's daughter, do you have a limit on how young characters can be?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry, I won't be playing after all... :-(
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kyara


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Allison 'Allie' McNeill
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Profession: Student
Social Network Status: UGH If I have to look at one more equation I'm going to die :(
Appearance: 5ft 6, athletic build, dark brown wavy hair that reaches her waist when untied but normally worn tied up, blue eyes. Allie is plain but pretty.
Upbringing and History: Daughter of Edward and Catelyn McNeill, Allie grew up in Seadrift. Since her parents divorce when she was 4, she spends half her time with her loving, supportive and laid-back mother and half with her loving but interfering and pushy father. Driven by a desire to prove herself to her father, Allie works hard and does well at school, sports and sings in the choir. Her father also makes her work with private tutors. What little free time she has is spent writing, drawing, listening to music and on the computer. She is outgoing and confident, kind and has a good understanding of others, gets along well with most people but has no very close friends. Her father's constant interference has made her both stubborn and determined to prove she can be independent and mature. She is insecure about her lack of a specific talent or interest and worries about her future and her ability to form close relationships because of her parents' divorce.

Power: Blender - At level 1, when touching a person with a power, you absorb part of their genetic code learning a slightly weaker version of their superpower. You can only keep track of one power at a time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wicked Sweet said

i think your character is awesome!
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