The Gods, they are angry. They are fed up with man thinking they are the most powerful. They are tired of Kings who rule the land as they themselves should. Their anger finally showed, meeting together on Mount Olympus they held a council on whether or not to declare war upon the children of Man. All agreed except Hermes, Dionysus, and Hephaestus. Thinking they would not have any backlash from the rest of the Olympians they left. Though the rest of them would not allow Man to have any allies from the gods. They hunted down Dionysus slaying him while he was in a drunken stupor, and laying his body at the bottom of poseidon’s sea where now a endless whirlpool resides. They hunted down Hephaestus, but he had already done all he could to avenge his death that he knew was coming. He created hundreds of weapons for man to wield that could slay gods. Hermes took them to deliver them to the Kings of man even as he heard Hephaestus cries of Despair at the hands of his own wife. Though even as Hermes moved to bring these weapons he was struck a mortal blow by Athena. Hermes landed in the hall of little known king by the name of Sophokles who ruled a land. The weapons were taking from Hermes as he told the King of the God’s plans and what the weapons Hephaestus had made were capable of.
King Sophokles was bother by this information and had a hard time believing it, though when the Olympians began gathering armies of most loyal sons of man, those who still worshipped them fervently. It was at this point that he sent messages to the other states, telling them that only combined could they hold back the hordes of monsters and men the Gods had released. He knew though that this would only hold back their demise, that fighting back with armies was not in fact a way to victory. So he sent messengers for hundreds of miles around seeking out Champions of man and those Demi Gods who had turned against their deity parents. He wants these champions to take the battle to the Olympians themselves, to use the weapons made by Hephaestus to kill them. He offers great gifts for those that side with him in this upcoming war, though that should not be the only reason. Should the Olympians take over the world then all of mankind will be their slaves.
This roleplay will focus on a group of characters who are basically on a mission to assassinate the Olympian Gods who are still alive. There will be perils and many enemies to fight along the way. Romance, action, death will all take part of the RP so if you prefer your characters to have plot armor you are coming to the wrong RP. This is not a anime RP, so I’d prefer it if you didn’t come into the RP with that mindset. This will be bronze age era tech only. So no katanas, claymores, guns, crossbows etc. Let’s stic, to spears, tridents, gladius, bows, slings things of that nature.
If you’re interested please post below. I’ll get a OOC going as quick as possible as soon as I have about five players. Men and women are BOTH welcome. Though remember this RP will not be for the faint of hear as there will be a good bit of violence in the plot, you are after all fighting against not only men, and Olympians, but all kinds of beastly monsters that will look for nothing better than to eat your entrails.
Now lets see some interest.