Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cairomaru


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I would like to thank everyone personally for the support of me playing that game, because SWEET JESUS AM I GOING TO NEED IT.

Oh and for thyra's thing, if sion could be the bosley, that would be awesome lol. (P.S. lemme know if any character's side arc story is completed, cuz i got to make chieves for'em and i wont know if its actually complete or not.)

I'm pretty sure we'll all be fine during our trek, we're the dream team after all! All we got to do is...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hmmm. What sort of issue does Urzoth have that could be addressed with a sidequest? Crippling anxiety? Low self-confidence in social situations? Near-fanatical loyalty to friends that dips into self-destructiveness to make up for her perceived failings to defend them? A total lack of knowledge on how to deal with emotional or mental problems in a constructive, non-violent way? Clearly all of these issues have only one unfailing solution:

Ladies' Night.

(Hide your breakable furniture, people of Falkreath)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltaire


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Curses! I'm sorry guys, Ive just been too damn busy to get a good post together this week. Just move on and I'll catch up when I can.

Extra apologies to you rpg101, Blade and Valsiore's heart to heart will come another day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rpg101


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Voltaire said
Curses! I'm sorry guys, Ive just been too damn busy to get a good post together this week. Just move on and I'll catch up when I can.Extra apologies to you rpg101, Blade and Valsiore's heart to heart will come another day.

As someone who is dealing with finals next week, I completely understand. Fear not, one day Valsiore will heal the injuries of the great lizard.

And probably be subtly racist to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hmmmm. Seems everybody is busy or creatively exhausted. I've played this fun little character game thing with both Witty and Dervs, which is entertaining and also helps flesh out your character more (we all know characters' personalities are not fully defined by their character sheet). I've got a couple of good questions lined up, maybe others can add more to keep the circulation of the OOC going between posts.

1. Your character has come upon an incredibly powerful weapon/wearable item that seems like it was tailored specifically for them. However, before finding it, they found a notice from a poor family claiming the item as a lost family heirloom. They could offer no reward other than gratitude and a sizable portion of the gold they'd made from selling their harvest, maybe 50 Septims. The heirloom itself is well worth much more.

2. Your character has been hired, or picked up a bounty, to clear out a den of bandits and show the Jarl/Count the chief's distinctive ring for reward. Upon entering the den, you discover that the chief has convinced teenagers and children, orphans, to fight for him, and they are fanatical but very weak fighters. They could easily slow you down enough to let the chief escape into hiding if you do not mow them down, and if you sprint past them to go for the chief there is a chance they could flank you while you fight him.

3. Your character is wandering down the streets of Windhelm at night when a drunkard stumbles out of a nearby tavern, clearly smashed. He collides headfirst into you, and spills his ale all over your clothing. He barely acknowledges you, does not apologize, and prepares to continue lumbering on with his chortling, obnoxious drinking companions in tow.

4. A very noisy beggar in the Imperial City has been sitting in the Market District the past few days, crying out to any passerby about his aching leg or starving wife. A guard has been stationed in the same area as him, keeping a watchful eye for the opportunity to drag him off and cease his begging. Your character is browsing the Market District when you come upon the beggar, who resumes his usual moaning, and finally the guard approaches you, whether or not you have given money to the beggar, and whispers, "That man has been here for days, but I can't arrest him because all he's doing is making noise. I'll give you the gold he's made today if you give me an excuse to drag him off, say he hit you or something. You'll be doing the public a favor."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltaire


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I like this.

1: Depends on the context of the situation in which the weapon was found. If it's laying on the side of the road or something then Blade would likely give it back, but if he finds it in a cave full of giant spiders and zombies he's gonna call bullshit and keep it.

2: Blade would give the children a chance to surrender, but if they don't they're going down. Though if they're really that weak he should have no trouble dispatching them with non lethal blows.

3: Blade walks away. He doesn't kill people over spilt drinks... unless the other guy starts it.

4: Blade- "I don't give a shit about the public."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This looks interesting. I'll do that, partly to prove I'm still here...

1. The easiest one to answer in this case - Reigenleif would likely do a little bit of research into the item first, determine its powers, history and generally sate her curiosity as much as possible without damaging it... Then depending on what she finds, she would either give it back and be happy with whatever reward they give, or if it seemed particularly interesting, she might even pay them, possibly with gold, possibly with something she determined equal value, for the privilege of studying it... If it really is that powerful, its highly unlikely she would give it to them without a comprehensive study - which may very well prove they are not the rightful owners, at which point she'd bluntly inform them of their being mistaken. Once she had studied it she would probably hold onto it until she could file it away in the college of Winterhold's collection.

2. A hard one for Reigenleif, she would have a lot of trouble hurting kids, no matter how fanatical. She would most likely use defensive magic to hold them off and either retreat to come up with a new approach or (maybe even abandoning it if not particularly invested in the mission) or if she really believed in the mission, attempting to rush past them and risk being flanked. She is fairly confidant in her ability to hold off unskilled opponents with a few well placed spells.

3. Basically a constant of living in Nord cities... She would most likely ignore him and keep going. she might even have an alteration spell specifically to help clean her clothes come to think of it. If she herself were drunk, and the hangers on were particularly rude, it might be a different story. She is not above a sudden, flashy display of magic to humble random drunks, hopefully without causing too much of an incident... She has been known to loose a little control of the precise strength of her spells when drunk after all...

4. She would likely have given the poor man gold earlier - gold isn't a very valuable thing for her, she only keeps what she needs to buy supplies generally. Truth is fairly important to her however, and I think it would have to be fairly extreme irritation before she would lie to get the man arrested, even if a guard asked her. Not to mention she generally feels very out of place in cities, and keeps to herself quite a bit when there, so she may very well pretend the guard had not said anything to her. If she was feeling bold that day she might tell him to find someone else to do his dirty work for him before moving on quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dusk
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Dusk Bloop

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ooooo yes please.

1. Unless her situation direly calls for it, Elayna would rather rely on her own skill than that of an enchanted item, because items can be lost or broken. Learned skills can never be taken from you. So, even if it's seemingly made just for her, enhancing alchemy or magic, she'd be fine with returning the item. However, she would ask for proof, family stories or the history of the item before she handed it over. If the supposed owners are in fact lying, then she most likely would sell it. Quality reagents are expensive, after all.

2. Elayna would turn around right then and there. Money isn't so important to her that she'd stoop to harming children, no matter how brainwashed. If she were to employ some method of administering sleep or paralysis poisons, then maybe she'd not be so disturbed, but that would imply slicing the kids with her dagger or hitting them with a dart (Hm...are blowguns even a thing? Maybe in Akavir or something...NOW I'M CURIOUS). Even then, she would be out of poisons to deal with the chief by the time she got to him. Big chief with large sword versus tiny alchemist with a dagger and ice magic could be bad if she's already worn out. In short, she'd drop the job as soon as she knew, even though it'd mean leaving criminals running about. Someone with more of a stomach will hopefully pick up the job.

3. Living in the Imperial City, she has had to deal with drunk noblemen looking for a hook-up in the taverns several times. With those, she normally just popped back home, cooked up something terrible (say, something akin to slightly diluted Ipecac), and the next night, if they showed their face again and happened to keep up the same act, she'd use her womanly charms to get close enough to spike the drink (tell them it's a very rare brew from some province or another) and scuttle on out of there before the fun began. Same would apply here. Elayna does not like drunkards at all, so she's not above a slow and methodical (non-lethal) revenge to teach them a lesson.

4. This is something she'd have dealt with on a daily basis. If she noticed a chronic beggar, she would try to get them on their feet, maybe going around and using her connections in the city (a perfume saleswoman and a medicinal alchemist tends to be popular with a few of the city breadwinners) to try and find him work. If that doesn't work out, then she would give him a few Septims, food, and a vial or two of medicine that she made (can't rightfully give her own store's stock away) to tide him over, if she was sure he truly needed it and simply wasn't extorting the public. Elayna wouldn't lie just so people can be comfortable or less annoyed, especially if it took a man's freedom.

(P.S. working on a little something with Nyx)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cairomaru


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I like this! ok....

1.) Probably... he'd look at the heirloom, look at the family, think and remember that if it was an heirloom of his own family's and some stranger found it, they would K.O.S. Since they are poor after all he'd feel less bad about giving it back and take the gratitude with a bit of regret doing so.

2.) Blankly stare, complain that this situation WOULD happen to him, and attempt to pacify the kids. If he's unable to quick enough or at all, run immediately in the opposite direction and pretend the scenario never happened.

3.) Fury spell on drunkard, invisibility spell on self, hide behind something and watch. All the while doing this in revenge.

4.) Attempt to get more of a reward from the guard. After all what if the beggar only has chump change on him?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 20 days ago

I love these things! :D Also, I'm going to get working on a post tonight. Probably won't be long, but I do feel like I need to make myself known again. Been slackin'.


1. Your character has come upon an incredibly powerful weapon/wearable item that seems like it was tailored specifically for them. However, before finding it, they found a notice from a poor family claiming the item as a lost family heirloom. They could offer no reward other than gratitude and a sizable portion of the gold they'd made from selling their harvest, maybe 50 Septims. The heirloom itself is well worth much more.

I'm not about to go out of my way to return a trinket to people who should have held closer vigil on something they claim was so important. They cannot seriously expect people to act with good intentions when this is not a world with heroes. Everyone serves their own interests, it's just the way things are. The item has no real value to me, but it may prove useful. Better it be in the hands of someone it can help than collecting dust on a bookshelf.

2. Your character has been hired, or picked up a bounty, to clear out a den of bandits and show the Jarl/Count the chief's distinctive ring for reward. Upon entering the den, you discover that the chief has convinced teenagers and children, orphans, to fight for him, and they are fanatical but very weak fighters. They could easily slow you down enough to let the chief escape into hiding if you do not mow them down, and if you sprint past them to go for the chief there is a chance they could flank you while you fight him.

Anyone who doesn't believe youth are capable of making their own choices are naive. If any hinder me, I will dispatch any that come between me and my goal. It is a measure of mercy, killing these fanatics who accost me. Being used by a bandit group is a quick way to an early death, or worse. There's no difference between a child and a man who wields a sword, save for how strong he can swing it. Never hesitate if you must act.

3. Your character is wandering down the streets of Windhelm at night when a drunkard stumbles out of a nearby tavern, clearly smashed. He collides headfirst into you, and spills his ale all over your clothing. He barely acknowledges you, does not apologize, and prepares to continue lumbering on with his chortling, obnoxious drinking companions in tow.

An irritation, but the man is out of his wits and clearly not being malevolent. A night of merriment should not end in violence, especially since Windhelm is not a place that is welcoming for outsiders such as myself. It is best to keep a low profile and not draw attention to myself. Clothes can be cleaned, risking being beaten senseless in the street and carted off to jail is not worth a lapse of judgement.

4. A very noisy beggar in the Imperial City has been sitting in the Market District the past few days, crying out to any passerby about his aching leg or starving wife. A guard has been stationed in the same area as him, keeping a watchful eye for the opportunity to drag him off and cease his begging. Your character is browsing the Market District when you come upon the beggar, who resumes his usual moaning, and finally the guard approaches you, whether or not you have given money to the beggar, and whispers, "That man has been here for days, but I can't arrest him because all he's doing is making noise. I'll give you the gold he's made today if you give me an excuse to drag him off, say he hit you or something. You'll be doing the public a favor."

It is not my concern, either way. I would find the guard detestable for his corruption, and the beggar is simply doing what he must to be noticed. There are better ways to get coin that do not require worthlessly moping in the streets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltaire


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You know, I think Marassa and Blade would make great friends.

You know, if she wasn't such a bitch I mean.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 20 days ago

Voltaire said
You know, I think Marassa and Blade would make great friends. You know, if she wasn't such a bitch I mean.:p

She was a total bitch to Sevari when they first met, and she ended up falling in love with him. ;D

Once she gets to know people and they prove to be more than idiots, she can be quite agreeable.

Oh! Post is up!

Posted without comment.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cairomaru


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltaire


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dervish said
She was a total bitch to Sevari when they first met, and she ended up falling in love with him. ;D

So I guess that means she'll fall for Blade next then huh? I mean it's only natural, what with Sevari not really being an option she needs to fill that void with someone. And they share so many interests. Maintaining their armor. Being assholes. Cutting people in half with really big swords. They were practically made for each other.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 20 days ago

Naw. She's not into leather-skinned things that have more teeth than her and can breathe underwater. Never trust something that doesn't need to come up for air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rpg101


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

1. Your character has come upon an incredibly powerful weapon/wearable item that seems like it was tailored specifically for them. However, before finding it, they found a notice from a poor family claiming the item as a lost family heirloom. They could offer no reward other than gratitude and a sizable portion of the gold they'd made from selling their harvest, maybe 50 Septims. The heirloom itself is well worth much more.

Valsiore would have two viable options here. If the piece is useful to Valsiore, such as a weapon with tremendous power, or an item with an extremely handy enchantment, then he keeps it. Where else would he conveniently find such a useful piece of equipment with little drawback to taking it? However if it isn't much use to him, he'll have it appraised. A wandering mage doesn't have much coin to his name, so if the merchant that's appraising the equipment says it's worth quite a large sum, well, Valsiore has just found a new way to retire. Anything that isn't substantial however, will see the piece returned to its rightful owners, free of charge. Valsiore has had a family, once, and knows just how important heirlooms are, especially once that family is gone.

2. Your character has been hired, or picked up a bounty, to clear out a den of bandits and show the Jarl/Count the chief's distinctive ring for reward. Upon entering the den, you discover that the chief has convinced teenagers and children, orphans, to fight for him, and they are fanatical but very weak fighters. They could easily slow you down enough to let the chief escape into hiding if you do not mow them down, and if you sprint past them to go for the chief there is a chance they could flank you while you fight him.

A simple solution. The children are fanatical, and believe their chief is akin to a demigod, if not a deity. All you have to do is break them of that belief, and the one thing that shatters belief in anything is fear. A more kindhearted mage or wizard may try for a bit of illusion magic, but they may be too loyal to be broken by a simple charm spell or by false images, and every minute spent trying to fool them into fear is a minute the chief can use to get away. The answer is simple. Pick one of them to make an example of, the best choice would be the strongest one, or the most fanatical, the one that charges first and the other's look to for advice and action. Kill him. Slowly, painfully. A simple fireball to the face won't do. Lightning has to burn him to crisp, his skin has to be charred, his limbs must become burdened with an intense weight so he is paralyzed, then he has to scream while you cut him apart.

The children will abandoned their weapons soon after. If not, well, they at least will receive a quicker death. The clock is ticking for Valsiore after all.

3. Your character is wandering down the streets of Windhelm at night when a drunkard stumbles out of a nearby tavern, clearly smashed. He collides headfirst into you, and spills his ale all over your clothing. He barely acknowledges you, does not apologize, and prepares to continue lumbering on with his chortling, obnoxious drinking companions in tow.

Every man has enjoyed his fair share of drinks and spilled a cup or two on someone. Valsiore spent a few years of his life pursuing such noble occupations, and he wouldn't begrudge the Nord for having a bit of fun. An apology would have been nice, but he can easily find a way to work the wetness out, after all, his robe has seen much worse liquid than a bit of ale.

4. A very noisy beggar in the Imperial City has been sitting in the Market District the past few days, crying out to any passerby about his aching leg or starving wife. A guard has been stationed in the same area as him, keeping a watchful eye for the opportunity to drag him off and cease his begging. Your character is browsing the Market District when you come upon the beggar, who resumes his usual moaning, and finally the guard approaches you, whether or not you have given money to the beggar, and whispers, "That man has been here for days, but I can't arrest him because all he's doing is making noise. I'll give you the gold he's made today if you give me an excuse to drag him off, say he hit you or something. You'll be doing the public a favor."

Valsiore knows what its like to be without a home or future, and for that alone he'd refuse the offer from the guard. But he also knows what its like to earn a living and spit defiance in the face of overwhelming odds. He'd drop a handful of septims in front of the man, tell him the guard is looking for an excuse to drag him to jail, and to stop being such a disgrace to himself and his family. He's an Imperial, and if he has any hope to live a life that doesn't see him dead in a ditch, stabbed by some other jealous beggar, he needs to find a better occupation.

In other news!

Dervish said
Naw. She's not into leather-skinned things that have more teeth than her and can breathe underwater. Never trust something that doesn't need to come up for air.

The possibilities to make this into a joke are endless!

I shall also look into writing a post tomorrow when I'm doing the late shift at work. Also, my brain right now is shot from reviewing most of the poetry and essays I covered in my British Lit class. Someone send me Monster Energy and caffeine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltaire


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dervish said
Naw. She's not into leather-skinned things that have more teeth than her and can breathe underwater. Never trust something that doesn't need to come up for air.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Dervish said
Naw. She's not into leather-skinned things that have more teeth than her and can breathe underwater. Never trust something that doesn't need to come up for air.

Marassa's theme song

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cairomaru


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

D'aww looks like Blade'll be rejected XD

and you should just change that to Marassa, Thyra, and Urzoth's group theme. Actually, scratch that. It's probably the theme for the ladies in our RP altogether

Finally got dragon age, and my team is bull, sera, and vivienne. I do NOT regret this hilarious decision of a team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dervish said
Naw. She's not into leather-skinned things that have more teeth than her and can breathe underwater. Never trust something that doesn't need to come up for air.

Dervs, you've ruined Marassa/Slaughterfish for me. RIP OTP :'(
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