Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PlantEater
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PlantEater Eat Your Greens!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm interested in making a Fatenen character if possible. I would probably play one of the less represented races, the same for the class. I'll try and get CS up either later today or tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firewombat


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Kids, right? At least out of all the things the little guy could've gotten his hands on, Paracetamol is not the worst I could think of. I swear, I'm terrified by the thought that it could be me in a few years. >.>

Regardless, on the topic of the RP itself, I think a forum's limitations make themselves pretty apparent, if we have to do two separate storylines for two separate factions. That, at least in my mind complicates things a lot more than necessary. Really that only ever works in long-winded fiction like the Wheel of Time, or perhaps even better as an example - Song of Ice and Fire.

I'm of the belief that trying to replicate that will most likely just get us lost in a sea of characters and I don't think we want that. Since the first character, the OP's is sided with the Resistance, obviously the rest gravitate toward that side.

Mind you, we do have sleeper agents and people who aren't sworn to either faction so, here's my proposal:

Think of the two factions like two different roads. Like a crucial turning point in a Role Playing Game where you have to pick between two mutually exclusive choices.

Edhil Resistance branches off one way and closes off the Fatanen Rule path.

Fatanen Rule branches off another way and closes off the Edhil Resistance path.

Naturally, on the whole the party will be considered as sided with one, or the other, but sleeper agents, double-crossings, and people who are along for the ride for their own reasons and aren't really for one side or another are still a possibility and can still shape the outcome. Naturally, that all depends on how much freedom and impact we will have on the eventual end of this leg of the journey.

At any rate I think this is much more easily manageable than each of us making two characters and controlling them separately (but I'm usually not for making more than one character in the first place, so maybe that's just me).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haha, you've got me all wrong. I did not mean that everyone had to make 2 characters or everyone had to read both sides, just stick to the side your character is on.

Only spies or when information gets by/something drastic happens, we get to have a glimpse of the other side and our characters can react to that information.

But since this is a wildly unpopular opinion, I shall say no more. OnwaRd then!

edIt: I just wanted to asure you Tm, that we (I) aren't in anyway disatisfied with anything in this rp at all - even with all the suggestions! They are just suggestions (very light ones), not improvements. More "what Ifs" than "we shoulds". In case you thought an Idea might help. :)

The rp is still excellent! and also, welcome planteater!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firewombat


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I'm more so against the notion that we should be aware of anything going on on the other side of things.

For example: Assassins come after Ajani. Out of the blue, no foreshadowing, our game master didn't tip me (the player) off.

Say Ajani survives - now that leaves both me and the character with a new, and interesting goal. It gets me thinking about the choices I had Ajani make in the past - which one led to this event? How did they find her? Who hired them and why?

If I don't know any of these things, I don't risk metagaming, and it leaves an interesting mystery, crafted just for me, that I'll have to direct the character through.

I -may- be missing your point entirely here, but I'm used to a very DnD-esque way of doing things, where I only know as much as the Dungeon Master tells me. Like you said though, we're just riffing on possibilities and ''what ifs'' and whatnot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Trivia


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I believe that the point 71342 was trying to make was simply that, since there will be two groups of individuals heading out for the bracelet of Lim separately, it might be easier to organize posts by separating them into two threads. I agree that it would, if this site was ordered differently. That and the fact that they will, likely, eventually meet up, makes it difficult to justify starting with two threads and then cross-posting when scenarios call for it. Not a bad idea, just difficult on this forum where hundreds of other threads are in the mix.

I also think that having both groups posting in one thread should not result in any metagaming. It might make separating writer knowledge from character knowledge difficult, but it shouldn't be impossible. And having one thread should still allow random assassins (just as example :) ) to slide their sneaky way mysteriously from the woodwork.

Hope I'm understanding everything while trying to clear up that misunderstanding :)

Also, will get an app up soon's I get this pesky assignment out of the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yes, that was the point I was trying to make Trivia. I have issues making things clear XD. I appreciate your input. :)

But, alas, it's not something everyone will agree with so we should drop the topic quickly I guess. Change of suBject? :> I play yugioh!

I know it's childish and all but the people I hang out with are into it, somehow. So I just get a deck, set a table and start pwning them every now and then. My fighting style is extremely trap heavy but is held back by my lack of heavy hItting monsters. Ratio of 3 to 4 traps per monster, some monsters are even traps themselves! Needless to say, my deck is very red/puRp in colour (traps aRe reddish cards). Guess it reflects my personality, patient and lazy. :3

What geekish, hidden pleasures do you all have?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

How does one play Yugioh? I never really understood the concept.... >.> Not that I tried too hard, admittedly. :P

I hope your son's doing allright still, Rosalind!

And hiya, Planteater, nice to have you on board. :)

I'm still going to write out those limits at some point, I really need to work on actually getting them typed up... :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm glad that you asked, my young nemaisare. *cue sinister laugh*

Basically you both start with a set amount of HP, you have 5 monster card zones and 5 spell/trap cards (+1 field card) zones to defend yourself with. You can normal summon a monster once per turn, though there like aRe a bazillion ways to bypass this if you're into the summoning style. But you can use or set as many traps and spells till the zone limit per turn.

Now try to get each other to 0 Hp or deckout! (something I take a million years to do but inevitably do) :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Huh, that sounds both simple and complicated. Effort, oh em gee. :P I must brain for that! *coughs*

It's not really a geekish or hidden pleasure, but I like children's books. Especially ones with nice illustrations. They're a different level of writing, simple without being simplistic, always have a nice message(well, they do try), and the art is always either humourous or impressive. I also just like books in general. I'm a bibliophile. :P I like collecting them. I like reading them. I like staring at them... >.>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Never thought that or thought of It that way but now that I think about it, children's books do seem to walk that fine line of sophisticated and simple. I should Read more of them! :D.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Never thought that or thought of It that way but now that I think about it, children's books do seem to walk that fine line of sophisticated and simple. I should Read more of them! :D.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thought Manifest

Thought Manifest

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Rosalind, it's fine. Kids take up a lot of time and sanity. I may not have a first-hand understanding, but believe me when I say I get it.

PlantEater, looking forward to seeing your character.

With the two sides starting separately but eventually crossing paths, the separate thread idea can't work seamlessly. I think Trivia explained it the best, and I still think that's how we should play it out. I understand there are concerns about knowing too much about what the other side is doing, so I'll make sure to always clearly label the PoV of each post/part of a post I make. I would appreciate it if others with characters on opposing sides would do the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thought Manifest

Thought Manifest

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Double post...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm having the noon to practice aRcheRy tml and then I'll be helping out my pRevious school with this years tutorIals, this means I will be having almost no time to post these 2 days.

Thought I'd let you know in advance. :) I'll be back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firewombat


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In the end it may just be me being worse at getting someone's point than someone making the point. No need to be evasive, though, I think it's healthy to discuss how we're going to do this whole thing and that everybody says how they'd rather do it. Obviously, I got my own preferences, but I'll gladly budge from them if need be, I really wouldn't mind doing something a bit more complicated.

If we were going to do something like have two different parties going toward the same goal - really it would be as simple as creating the other thread, and having everybody Subscribe to it, as well as this one. It would only take switching between the two and read and type in both.

Regardless, speaking of nerds/geeks/whatever, I think it's clear, since we all like to Role Play - that we all apply. Aside from this though, I obviously play video games (as made clear in my signature, I even record myself playing them - clear sign of narcissism), as well as a lot of D&D whenever I get the chance. I also know way too much about Magic: The Gathering than I should, given that I don't even play MTG.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Trivia


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I agree that it would be that easy, but would rather have things easily in one place, because the site isn't the most reliable sometimes. But yeah, it really comes down to personal preference. I think TM's request to keep the split clear should work lovelily... That is now a word.

EDIT: And done my assignment!!! So now I just have work work and getting ready to go home for the holidays to steal me away from making my 'little lady' Yay!!
Also, geek and nerd activities, I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about... >_>
Actually, I'm not very exciting in that regard. Kind of boring... Nem!! What do I do that could fall into this category? There must be something; it's a worthwhile category.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I was half expecting wombat to scream: I'm not a geek, I pump iron. No geeks do that! DO YOU EVEN LIFT!?

Maybe that's ajani speaking. :/

And to trivia: What does making "my little ladies" mean? Sounds like a nerdy game with toys.

Rosalind said
So sorry for the delay. My 15 month old decided to swallow a paracetemol so I am watching him like a hawk. I swear he has aged me since turning one.

This is a little late, but if it's any consolation; keeping your children off drugs is the first step to being a good mother. You are well on your way!

May this cheer you up. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Trivia


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My little lady being the character I have planned for this lovely plot. I put it in quotations because she is not little, or much of a lady by past and current standards...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Firewombat


Member Offline since relaunch

I do lift in my spare time, gotta stay swole. Ajani lifts more than me, granted, but I keep in shape, though I don't do it with the same dedication that I play video games with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thought Manifest

Thought Manifest

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I sent everyone a PM. If you did not receive a PM, let me know and I will send it to you.
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