Name: Theodore "Tiny Theo" Smith
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Role: Logical Loser
Likes: Reading, Writing, Debating, Hard Work, Quiet, Classical Music, Good Manners/Politeness, Authority Figures, Gaming, Teaching/tutoring others,
Dislikes: Rudeness, Noise, Laziness, Uneducated people, Sports, Bullies, Sick people, Misinformation, Confrontation
Personality: Theodore is a quiet, calm and reserved individual who tends to think before he acts. Hard-working and knowledgeable, Theodore values education above all else. Due to bullying experienced in his youth Theodore is often reluctant to speak his mind, and is often the one following rather than leading. A further result of bullying is that Theodore tries to include everyone in activities; he does not wish anyone to be isolated in the same manner he was. Theodore is polite at all times and even if he dislikes someone, he is unlikely to show it. The furthest he would go to insult someone would be a quick passive-aggressive quip muttered while nobody is around. This is similar to his view on conflict, as Theodore will go out of his way to avoid trouble with anyone. Furthermore Theodore loves to teach and hates ignorance; he would rather you came to him for help with something than live without knowledge. This comes across as arrogance at times, and can cause those around him to dislike him. Uncomfortable with intimacy, Theodore often uses his formal speech to distance himself emotionally from others.
Relationships: None to speak of. His parents passed away some years ago in a car accident, and he has no romantic involvement. The closest he has to a relationship is with his cat, Mr Jingles, who lives at home with him.
Biography: Theodore was raised by two loving parents, and had a fairly normal upbringing. Raised in England, Theodore grew up admiring his father, a well respected lawyer in the country. His mother was a nurse, and tended to mollycoddle Theodore; his father, a strict man, disapproved of this treatment. At the age of 11, Theodore was doing excellent academically, and seemed destined to follow in his father's footsteps. Unfortunately, it was during this time that Theodore's father decided to move to the US, to pursue a better paying job. The move was hard on Theodore, and he found it difficult to fit into his new school; he had abandoned everything and everyone he knew in England. With his strange accent and short height, Theodore soon became the target for relentless bullying. Too afraid to speak out, Theodore suffered in silence for years, and as a consequence of the anxiety brought on by bullying his grades dropped dramatically. His father became concerned at this and decided to move him to a smaller school, believing that the Theodore had fallen in with a bad crowd, and that this was the reason for his grades falling.
At this new school, the Rising Sun Reformatory School, Theodore was able to get on with his schoolwork due to the small size of the class. He tried to stay out of the other children's way to avoid getting bullied again, and tended to spend most of his time socialising with the teacher, Miss Deville. He tried to interact with some of the quieter pupils, such as Eugene and Mia, but this didn't last long, as when the others saw him hanging around with the "weird" ones of the group they mocked him; they began to call him "Tiny Theo" and Mia "giraffe" after they saw the two talking one day, thinking their height difference was hilarious. In his final years in the school Theodore stayed after school with Miss Deville to help tutor Jack, but he was never able to make much progress with the boy, and eventually stopped trying.
After leaving the school, Theodore followed in his father's footsteps, and pursued a career in the legal field. He became a respected prosecutor, and helped convict several high profile criminals; he liked to think he was help putting away the bullies. Over the years Theodore has grown more confident, although he still finds himself a bit of a social outcast and often ends up resorting to spending his nights alone reading, or playing games. When Theodore got the invite he was pleased to accept. However, he was not going back to see old school friends, but rather his favourite school teacher, who helped him on his way to success. He doubted any of the students would even remember the quiet kid at the back of the class.
Other Notes: His English accent has faded somewhat over the years, although slight traces of it can be heard when he speaks. He is also afraid of clowns.