For those of you who know anything about me, you know I'm not a drinker of alcoholic beverages.
But when in Rome (or more accurately, Florence) where it's legal and when your drinking friends really want to see you inebriated, well, who am I to say no?
We actually started out pretty early, bought some vodka and Fanta and watched How to Train Your Dragon 2. I had quite a bit of that before we left but didn't feel much different. (Actually, when we were in Rome I did have a few glasses of wine but still didn't really feel any different). Anyway, they're making fun of me like "Ah you must feel tipsy at least" and I just took another drink from the harmless-looking juice bottle and I'm like:
Anyway, we went to the Hard Rock café but then *awkward* some of the faculty from our school showed up so we skedaddled. Too bad, cuz I wanted to get a T-shirt.
Anyway, we found a small Irish tap and hung out there for a while. I learnes how to take a shot of tequila and lime, and it really wasn't terrible. We met a nice Italian named Marco who hung out with us for a while. He showed us a neat Disco (club) but we didn't stay long because we've got a midnight curfew and didn't want to get locked out. I felt sufficietly intoxicated and fell asleep almost immediately.
And now I feel poisoned. Not terribly sick, but just kind of... Ew, like I can still feel it in my system. Remind me not to be an alcoholic.
Also, Marco facebooked me and asked me out to dinner. I turned him down, politely.
But when in Rome (or more accurately, Florence) where it's legal and when your drinking friends really want to see you inebriated, well, who am I to say no?
We actually started out pretty early, bought some vodka and Fanta and watched How to Train Your Dragon 2. I had quite a bit of that before we left but didn't feel much different. (Actually, when we were in Rome I did have a few glasses of wine but still didn't really feel any different). Anyway, they're making fun of me like "Ah you must feel tipsy at least" and I just took another drink from the harmless-looking juice bottle and I'm like:

Anyway, we went to the Hard Rock café but then *awkward* some of the faculty from our school showed up so we skedaddled. Too bad, cuz I wanted to get a T-shirt.
Anyway, we found a small Irish tap and hung out there for a while. I learnes how to take a shot of tequila and lime, and it really wasn't terrible. We met a nice Italian named Marco who hung out with us for a while. He showed us a neat Disco (club) but we didn't stay long because we've got a midnight curfew and didn't want to get locked out. I felt sufficietly intoxicated and fell asleep almost immediately.
And now I feel poisoned. Not terribly sick, but just kind of... Ew, like I can still feel it in my system. Remind me not to be an alcoholic.
Also, Marco facebooked me and asked me out to dinner. I turned him down, politely.