There was a small bookshop that was placed between a gadget store and a clothing store. Actually, the bookshop was there before the gadget or the clothing store, but nobody really paid any mind until there were more localized businesses in the area. Rumors spread around that this bookshop was terrifying. Mysterious things happened there, people vanished, books flew off of shelves at random, and some people even say that book characters will come to life. Though, that only kept a few people away, there were still customers that came in daily. College students found the bookstore great for cheap textbooks, and others took advantage of being able to order any books that weren’t held at the shop for a cheap price.
The bookstore wasn’t all that big, and it was actually quite cramped when walking through the bookshelves. There was only a wide enough space in between the shelves to allow one person to slip through. The portion that wasn’t so cramped was the area next to the large window that allowed anyone to peek inside the bookstore. The window also had the name of the bookshop, ‘Black’s Books’ written on it in golden letters. There was a table placed in front of the window that displayed the new books that had just come in, along with a few signs for sales that were going on within the shop. Next to the table were two very comfortable chairs where people could sit and enjoy a book for a while, if they could handle the atmosphere of the shop.
The owner of the bookstore, Benjamin Black, wasn’t exactly a normal person. As far as everyone that walked into the shop was concerned, he was actually quite odd. The man didn’t seem to make friends with anyone and almost seemed to discourage people from walking into the bookstore in the first place. The tall, lanky man sat behind the counter everyday from open to close. The only time he moved was to kick out people who were being too noisy or to organize the bookshelves and clean up the shop a bit. Otherwise, the man was behind the counter reading his books, only getting up when it was closing time to lock the doors, turn the lights off, and head up the stairs behind the counter that lead to a two bedroom apartment ant Benjamin had all to himself.
Benjamin wasn't much of a happy person, actually he had a habit of glaring at almost everyone at least once during the day. He was doing just that. In front of his face was one of the books from the shop that he was in the middle of reading, but his sharp, green eyes weren't even on the page anymore. Instead, his eyes were on a customer that was wandering around the shop. It wasn't like the customer was actually doing anything to deserve to be glared at, nor did the customer even notice that they had attracted some unwanted attention. It wasn't like Benjamin even meant to be glaring at the customer, the man was just there to buy a book that he obviously wanted to find all on his own. It was more like Benjamin just had this tendency to glare at people when he was in deep thought.
"Sir?" A young voice came from behind the book.
Benjamin quickly came back to the real world and looked back at his book. He sat the book down and was met with a young child placing a picture book on the counter. Benjamin looked around for the parent for this child and noticed one trailing behind, not paying much attention to the child up front. "Sir, can I buy this book?" The young girl asked. The store owner looked at the small picture book and then glanced at the back of the book for the price. He wasn't really sure this child even had money on her, but he didn't really care if she did or not. it wasn't an expensive book and it wasn't like he couldn't just pay for the book himself. He did get enough money coming in from the college text books he sold cheap, and from his regular customers that came in every week to see if there's anything good to read.
"Here, why don't you just take it?" Benjamin slid the book back to the young girl, "But, only this one. All the others you have to pay for." The young girl grinned and nodded as she skipped back over to her mother with her new book. Explaining how she didn't have to pay for it at all. The store owner ran a hand through his shaggy black hair that was probably just getting a bit too long as it was starting to get into his eyes. He looked around the small quiet shop, seeing if there was anything wrong with the place. Most of the space was taken up by shelves that had such a particular organization to it so everyone could find what they were looking for rather easily. Benjamin hated it when someone messed with his organization, for many reasons but his main reason was finding the books easily himself.
The bookstore wasn’t all that big, and it was actually quite cramped when walking through the bookshelves. There was only a wide enough space in between the shelves to allow one person to slip through. The portion that wasn’t so cramped was the area next to the large window that allowed anyone to peek inside the bookstore. The window also had the name of the bookshop, ‘Black’s Books’ written on it in golden letters. There was a table placed in front of the window that displayed the new books that had just come in, along with a few signs for sales that were going on within the shop. Next to the table were two very comfortable chairs where people could sit and enjoy a book for a while, if they could handle the atmosphere of the shop.
The owner of the bookstore, Benjamin Black, wasn’t exactly a normal person. As far as everyone that walked into the shop was concerned, he was actually quite odd. The man didn’t seem to make friends with anyone and almost seemed to discourage people from walking into the bookstore in the first place. The tall, lanky man sat behind the counter everyday from open to close. The only time he moved was to kick out people who were being too noisy or to organize the bookshelves and clean up the shop a bit. Otherwise, the man was behind the counter reading his books, only getting up when it was closing time to lock the doors, turn the lights off, and head up the stairs behind the counter that lead to a two bedroom apartment ant Benjamin had all to himself.
Benjamin wasn't much of a happy person, actually he had a habit of glaring at almost everyone at least once during the day. He was doing just that. In front of his face was one of the books from the shop that he was in the middle of reading, but his sharp, green eyes weren't even on the page anymore. Instead, his eyes were on a customer that was wandering around the shop. It wasn't like the customer was actually doing anything to deserve to be glared at, nor did the customer even notice that they had attracted some unwanted attention. It wasn't like Benjamin even meant to be glaring at the customer, the man was just there to buy a book that he obviously wanted to find all on his own. It was more like Benjamin just had this tendency to glare at people when he was in deep thought.
"Sir?" A young voice came from behind the book.
Benjamin quickly came back to the real world and looked back at his book. He sat the book down and was met with a young child placing a picture book on the counter. Benjamin looked around for the parent for this child and noticed one trailing behind, not paying much attention to the child up front. "Sir, can I buy this book?" The young girl asked. The store owner looked at the small picture book and then glanced at the back of the book for the price. He wasn't really sure this child even had money on her, but he didn't really care if she did or not. it wasn't an expensive book and it wasn't like he couldn't just pay for the book himself. He did get enough money coming in from the college text books he sold cheap, and from his regular customers that came in every week to see if there's anything good to read.
"Here, why don't you just take it?" Benjamin slid the book back to the young girl, "But, only this one. All the others you have to pay for." The young girl grinned and nodded as she skipped back over to her mother with her new book. Explaining how she didn't have to pay for it at all. The store owner ran a hand through his shaggy black hair that was probably just getting a bit too long as it was starting to get into his eyes. He looked around the small quiet shop, seeing if there was anything wrong with the place. Most of the space was taken up by shelves that had such a particular organization to it so everyone could find what they were looking for rather easily. Benjamin hated it when someone messed with his organization, for many reasons but his main reason was finding the books easily himself.