
Name: "Doctor" Charles Richardson
Age: 38
Rap Sheet:(Feel free to go as wild as you want here.)
Unknown - he has done all sorts of things but due to his job none of it is on record.
Bio/Personality: The mind of a man is a sensitive thing, many a catastrophe can push it over the edge, it can experience love, hate, friendship and everything else. what im trying to say is that its a amazing thing. now to couple that with the travesty we have faced in our lives here and we get a emotional train wreck. now this is where we meet our new friend here, Mr Charles "The Doctor" Richardson, a real nasty piece of work.
he was born into a dark Gray world or drugs, sex, murder and death. you know the places the city don't want you to see, where getting lost may cost you your wallet and few things beside that. he realises that he would have to look after himself at a young age when he finished secondary school with good qualifications and went to the police department when he was 18 but never forgot the streets he grew up on, the gangs, the fights and the deaths. he spent 7 strait years on the beat before bringing down a big case of 5 teens killed in a barn and got promoted to Narcotics for 2 years until he promoted to homicide where he spent 5 years cracking cases of cannibals and hopeless romantics. for the next 5 years he went deep undercover in Golden Acres as a all-round bad guy. he hates seeing kids sent to the slaughter but knows that when he brings down the king pins he will be free to leave and go back to his long boring life punching in and out.
Dirty Secret: has a thing about children and will never kill only wound them