Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1st December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor
Ronan Findley

The sound of rustling papers and a mug being placed down on the desk with a heavy, tired hand was all that escaped the quiet parlour in Aldenberg Manor, the plush chairs all vacant except for one. Ronan's good leg was twitching uncontrollably, in equal parts due to exhaustion and frustration; from one too many all-nighters, pouring over maps of Death Eater mansions but mostly the frightening lack of information on the Dark Lord's activities.

For the past few weeks, all was silent when it came to Voldemort, and that was more worrisome than anything else. Thankfully – which was a rather morbid thing to even think of – the now-vast ranks of his followers were as prolific as ever in their killing and hunting and general evil. Twelve Muggleborns attacked. Five killed. Five sent to Azkaban. The other two...

Well, they'd disappeared. They were beyond the reach of The Ashes, but certainly not the first to vanish – one there, three elsewhere... it was maddening, like a jigsaw puzzle he couldn't fit together. The thought of them itched at the back of his mind, the mystery an almost painful annoyance – not because he was worried for their lives, but the why of it confused him.

After peering out the large window at the sunset, he nodded to himself. While he forced himself to his feet and limped over to the door with the help of his cane, he opened it with a wave of his wand and hollered, “Meeting's starting in five!” to whoever might have been nearby. Everyone else? He hoped they'd get there on time. Ronan slowly made his way back to his seat at the round table, rubbing at his forehead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMaster99
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TheMaster99 Benevolent Cyberpunk

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

1st December, 1999 - Cunningham Residence
Luther Cunningham

"Lilly McKinley, please rise," boomed the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot - Lucius Malfoy, also Minister of Magic. The witch in question rose from her seat in the center of the room. Lilly wore a prisoner’s attire; she had previously been in Muggle clothing, but they were taken from her when the Death Eaters had captured her. She is rather small, only 5’4” (1.6 m), and the Death Eaters didn’t care to give her properly fitting clothing, so the sleeves went well past her hands; the pants were far too long, forcing her to pull them up or else trip over them when walking. Overall, the impression one got from her was of a frightened child, and in a way thats exactly what she was. She was anything but a child however, having finished her seventh year at Hogwarts a full ten years prior.

Everyone in the room stared intently at the Chief Warlock, waiting for what they all knew would inevitably come next. “Ms. McKinley, you are charged with failure to register with the Muggleborn Registration Committee, in addition to evasion from the Ministry of Magic in relation to this charge. The Wizengamot has found you guilty of both charges, and consequently have sentenced you to a lifetime stay in Azkaban,” announced Malfoy. Lilly sank to her knees. “No!” she cried. “Please, don’t send me to Azkaban! It’s not my fault my parents are Muggles!” A wave of laughter erupted from the Wizengamot, as they looked down at this pathetic display.

Meanwhile, a man struggled against two guards at the entrance to the room. “Let me through! That’s my sister!” pleaded Luther Cunningham, although he knew it was useless. He had failed his sister, and now she would spend the rest of her life in Azkaban, and there was nothing he could do about it. He attempted to shout out to her, but she couldn’t hear him. “LUTHER! LUTHER!” she cried, wishfully hoping that he could do something - anything - but to no avail. “LUTHER!”

Luther woke with a start. There was a banging on the door. “Luther! Get up you fool! Or are you still too miserable about your pathetic little sister to perform your duties?” the voice said with a chilling laugh. Luther sighed. He glanced at the picture in the open locket on his table, and a beaming, laughing Lilly returned his gaze. He closed the locket and put on his robe, stuffing the locket inside, as the banging on his door continued. “Quit breaking my door down, I’m coming!” he demanded angrily as he walked to the door and opened it. A greatly amused Bellatrix Lestrange pushed her way past him even before the door had been fully opened. “Well at least you answered this time; perhaps you’re finally getting over it?” she laughed. With a look at Luther’s unamused face, she went on, “Perhaps not. Anyways, we’ve located another Muggleborn that thought they could hide from us. William Keiper. Avid supporter of those filthy Ashes. The Dark Lord expects you to join the raid. Be there at noon, and not a minute after.” “And If the Dark Lord finds that I am absent?” Luther prodded, although he already knew what the reply would be. “Oh, but you won’t be absent, Luther!” Lestrange exclaimed, clearly enjoying every bit of this encounter. “We both already know that. See you then, my poor, miserable, heartbroken friend!” With a final laugh, she made her leave, and a disgruntled Luther sat back down on his bed.

Some ideas work themselves out over the course of weeks, while others spring to life in an instant, just begging to be executed. The idea that sprang from Luther’s head as he sat on his bed was of the latter kind. The Ashes! That’s it! I don’t have to work with the sick people that ruined Lilly’s life, I can join the Ashes and help end the Dark Lord’s reign! He leapt up in a hurry, grabbing his wand and making for the door, his mind racing all the while. Surely they could use a spy. Why wouldn’t they? They could use all the help they can get! As he opened the door, he paused. “But how to make them trust me?” Luther pondered. Why should the only people remaining to oppose the Death Eaters trust someone they think is their enemy? Instantly he knew the answer to his problem. I’ll go warn Keiper of the danger he’s in. Surely then they’ll have reason enough to trust me! What’s that witch’s name… Jia Shang? That’s it! Supposedly she has a cell phone - whatever that is - and every Muggleborn around can contact her with it. In return for saving him, surely I can persuade Keiper to pass on a message? Fair enough repayment, I’d say, for saving him from a life in Azkaban! Luther strode out the door, closing it behind him, with renewed resolve in his heart. I’ll make them pay for what they did, Lilly!

Later that day, Bellatrix, with a small gathering of Death Eaters behind her, blew open the door and rushed into William Keiper’s cottage. A moment later, the assembled Death Eaters heard her scream, ”WHERE IS HE?!” The Death Eaters rushed into the cottage, and Bellatrix yelled at them to spread out and search the entire premises. “Search every room! Every corner! He MUST be here!” Luther smiled to himself and looked Southeast, where he knew that Mr. Keiper was already several hundred miles away with a cousin in Germany. “Let’s just hope he held his end of the deal,” Luther thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

1st December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor Grounds
David Howell

It was cold. It shouldn’t have been any great surprise, being December, but David’s teeth nonetheless chattered. It probably had something to do with the fact he was wearing shorts out, despite the light dusting of frost that had been greeting the English mornings for the whole of the past fortnight. He didn’t own any proper trousers - he found them repressive, and, frankly, had no idea where he might procure a pair nowadays anyway. It was cold, though. Perhaps next year, he would re-think the trousers thing: looking down, he noticed that his exposed ankles, clearly visible over the tops of his shoes, were tinged with a dull grey-blue.

The grounds of Aldenberg Manor were curiously still. There was something eerily impossible about the sterility of the environment. He wasn’t sure, but he suspected it had something to do with the magical protections on the manor and its grounds. It was just as well: it was very flat land, especially around the lake, and the sweeping winds one might expect would have driven anybody indoors, proper trousers or no. Even inside, the manor was oddly unnatural. David’s experience of magical manors was, naturally, rather limited, and he only had his time at Hogwarts with which to compare it. Even Hogwarts, for all its spires and dwarfing massiveness, had a quirky backward warmth to it. Aldenberg Manor, despite being smaller and theoretically cosier, felt devoid of something by comparison. It didn’t help that those things that make a house a home had been utterly removed for reasons of security, and the blank spots where portraits had resided up until the past few years gave the place a cold, empty air that couldn’t quite be remedied by a fireplace or people.

David preferred it in the grounds. Apart from anything else, he couldn’t be seen outside.

His target, or subject, was a tree. Every once in a while, if he could stomach it, he would face up to the old Sycamore, wand in hand. Everybody had to practice, and David was painfully aware that he had to practice more than most. He raised his wand, and muttered the incantation under his breath:


A pale red jet of light threw itself out of the tip of his wand and into one of the tree’s branches, with a distinct but unimpressive cracking sound. The branch fell from the tree with a crunch and a dull rustle in the frosted grass. Excited, he hopped over to it and rolled it over with his foot. It was a clean break, exactly as pla- oh. The bottom half was anything but a clean break: it looked like a bear had torn it off the tree directly. Presumably, he’d sliced through most of it, and gravity had done the rest. That wasn’t good enough. He couldn’t rely on gravity to keep him alive.

With a heavy heart, he stepped back to have another go, he raised his wand, and- a bell rung from the manor. Turning instantly, he began to trudge to the building, shivering slightly. It really was very cold.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

1st December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor Grounds
Kyle McCarthy

Kyle was cold, but he had on thick winter robes and a warming charm kept the coldest fingers of the winter away from him. Charms had never been Kyle's strong point, but he had of course spent his years at Hogwarts knowing that when he finished he'd be diving head first into a war. He considered himself lucky, even then, that he had finished school. Kyle pushed that thought from his mind and went back to what he was doing. What he always did when he had time, and that was stand outside on a small island in the middle of a lake and practice surviving.

He bent over and looked at the spell book, one he had nicked from a Death Eater years before. The spells ranged from terrifying to only slightly disturbing. Kyle couldn't figure out why he could never get the spells to quite work for him. He had even used Siobhan's wand once, and that had produced awful results, albeit better than anything he had done with his own wand. For the umpteenth time Kyle wondered if there was in fact something wrong with himself. He was an excellent jinxer and hexer, and while his Charms were weak they were better than this nonsense. His protego and patronous were extremely powerful. He could even turn into a Panther, but there was this range of spells that he just couldn't cast.

Kyle prepared himself mentally followed the moves carefully and was about to cast when a bell rang across the grounds. A meeting. He sighed, waved his wand and the practice stuff returned to it's storage place. The book he slid into a pocket in his cloak, but the cloak showed no signs of having any such book with it's folds. Once at the manor Kyle went straight to the Dinning room. He gave a greeting to those already inside the room before taking his usual seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Ashes - she couldn't have come up with a more appropriate name for this collection of castoffs. Whoever had come up with the name had intended to evoke imagery of the Phoenix arising from it, but all she could see was a last ember, the glow all but faded. This war was all but over, and The Dark Lord had won. There were times Jia wanted them to call it quits just so she could have a drink.

She slammed her fist into the bag, twisted into a kick that set it to swinging. She wasn't much of a fighter in hand to hand, but keeping options open was important. Plus she didn't know many better ways to work off this black depression other than reducing a Death Eater to ashes. A smirk tugged at her lips as her mind came back to the word, maybe that was what they were really trying to evoke. Maybe Voldemort would win, but they'd make sure all he reigned over was ashes.

That was what she wanted, anyway. She had a feeling her fellows weren't on the same page as her in that department. Aldenburg - the thought sent a surge of anger through her, which became a quick one-two strike on the bag's center - was only a little better than the Slytherin scum she'd known in school, trading overt hatred for this faux-Victorian aristocratic condescension. Working with the man was bad, living with him was worse, and having to be grateful for using his house just about turned her stomach.

Although...a chuckle came out of her, and she lowered her hands. There was a certain comedy in him being in a position where he had to work with her. If he made her angry, she must make him apoplectic. She peeled off her gloves and stepped away from the bag before drawing her wand and flicking it, envisioning the result. A moment later the heavy bag had turned back into a creepy, dead oak tree. She flicked her eyes at her watch and grimaced - meeting, wonderful.

"Tergeo." She tapped her wand to her t-shirt and jeans, the sweat flowing out of them and leaving her dry. She strapped her wand holster back onto her shoulder, then pulled her denim jacket over it. Practicality of a bulky robe in combat aside, she had developed something of a fondness for making sure that Aldenburg remembered that he was working with a mudblood, and wearing muggle clothes was just another part of that. Jia turned and headed for the house, her seething anger subsiding as she pulled her cold, focused detachment to the fore. Petty acts of irritation against an asshole colleague aside, it was time to work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1st of December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor
Siobhan MacFusty

The manor's library, grand and perfectly clean though it was, still felt dusty. Just sitting at one of the long benches reminiscent of her school years made her nose itch, and the musty, leather-bound tome of 'Hogwarts: A History' turned every second breath into a wheeze.

Or, it could've been a seasonal cold clogging up her sinuses and making her eyes water. Either way, it didn't lessen her dislike for every inch of Aldenberg Manor. Not all purebloods needed fancy furniture and decadent decorations to show their power, and Siobhan knew that first hand. The expensive, extensive collection of literature was better than Clan MacFusty's had been, no doubt about that, but she would take her old ramshackle mansion any day.

The bookmark, a ribbon of the four House colours, had been placed on the page for Rowena Ravenclaw, presumably by Ronan – perhaps even before Dumbledore had died. Outlined in black ink (and she was sure Albert would throw a fit if he knew) was the founder's diadem and the note beside it read, 'Voldemort has this.'

Something about the Horcruxes, then. Her 'boss' – even though The Ashes operated under a disguise of equality – had informed everyone about them and yet equally kept them a huge secret until they were obtainable. If Siobhan were to guess, it was because of the ominous lack of information on the items, disheartening for the months of work the previous search team had put in before their untimely demise. She closed the book before she could think too much on it, leaving it out on the desk as she turned to walk towards the parlour with perfect timing.

A bell rang, but she didn't need it. Punctuality was key. If McGonagall had been around in her thoughts to hear that, the older witch would've torn her hat off in glee. Siobhan had always been late to her classes, but when it came to meetings about survival, she tended to be a bit more serious. Wandering into the room with a jaunty wave at Ronan, she took a seat next to Kyle, caring very little if it was meant for someone else or not.

“Hey, you,” she greeted cheerfully, adjusting the wand tucked behind her ear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMaster99
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TheMaster99 Benevolent Cyberpunk

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

1st December, 1999 - Approximate Location of Aldenberg Manor
Luther Cunningham

Luther began to lose hope that he would ever find one - it was rather silly, really, to expect the Ashes to use such an insecure method of communication as an owl. But how else would he ever be able to get his letter in? A Patronus certainly wouldn't work, as he hasn't the slightest clue of where to send it. Nor would the Floo Network, or his own owl. No, only an owl that has been given the Secret could ever deliver a message to Aldenberg Manor. But where on Earth would he find one of them?

Just then, Luther sees movement out of the corner of his eye. Could it be? Yes! An owl just appeared out of thin air, surely it must be the Ashes' owl! And what luck, he's heading straight towards me! Luther waited until the owl was right above him, not taking any risk lest he misses and scares it away. Luther drew his wand.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

He waited for a moment, then another. Did he miss? Another moment. Success! The bird began to drop out of the sky.

"Arresto Momentum!"

Just before the owl became fresh fertilizer, it came to a stop and gently floated to the ground. Luther walked over to it and crouched down. "Sorry pal, but I need you to deliver a letter to the Ashes. Think you can do that for me?" Luther comforted. "Finite," he murmured, and the owl got up, again able to move. It pecked Luther, glaring angrily, then held up its foot expectantly. Luther tied the letter to the owl with a piece of string, and as soon as he finished the owl flapped away. Luther watched until it disappeared behind the wards, then he stood up. Visualizing Tottenham Court Road, Luther took a few steps and Disapparated. Curiously, not a single Muggle noticed the man that had just appeared amongst them out of thin air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

1st of December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor
Kyle McCarthy

Kyle had stood when Siobhan, and any other woman, came into the room. He may believe them as equals, but he was a guest in Albert's manor and had no desire to threaten the generosity of the man. Kyle gave Siobhan a warm smile, and a hello. She was the only he ever gave a warm smile to. For the most part Kyle was too serious for that, but Siobhan was all of his childhood, his innocent days, the time when the biggest fear was a bad grade. Even then there was the danger looming of Voldemort, but he was a distant threat then. Siobhan was a warm reminder of a life lost, of a potential future however minute the chances of that future was. For Kyle Siobhan was his cause.

Kyle wondered what this meeting would give them. Probably nothing, just like the previous meetings. Nothing but bad news. He remembered a saying "No news is good news" and how much of a lie that was. To hear no news was hearing someone else failed to report in, another person dead and gone. Kyle waited for the hammer to drop. To hear another name, another family gone. It didn't even matter who the people were anymore, they were dead, maybe even killed by his own family. His own sister behind the wand. His smile disappeared. He was glad Siobhan sat next to him, her warmth reminded him of those still living, those they still fought for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

1st December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor
Albert Aldenberg

“Meeting’s starting at five!”

Aldenberg looked up from The Daily Prophet. It was all propaganda and trash nowadays, of course, but it was always worth knowing what propaganda and trash were being circulated. That, and the crossword. Even in these dark times, the sanctity of a good crossword could not be tarnished.

He folded the newspaper, and placed it on the coffee table in front of him. Dusting himself down, he stood up and walked to the window to survey the grounds. The sun was just beginning to set, and he could just about make out McCarthy on the duelling strip in the lake, and, a little way way, the David muggle was doing his own practice. Well, he wasn’t an actual muggle, of course, but one couldn’t just call him a ‘Mudblood’.

There was no way they had heard Ronan’s call, all the way outside. There was, naturally, a proper way of doing things that had been (as usual) disregarded, and so, with something of a huff, Aldenberg pulled the lever at the top of the stairs on the way to the dining room: a great bell in a very small tower atop the manor began to ring out. Meetings were important - why else have them? Therefore, it was vital that everybody attend, and, ideally, punctually. It was something of a shame he couldn’t punish the sin of tardiness with detention here, as he was renowned for as a Professor at Hogwarts.

In the dining room, he greeted Ronan with a curt nod, and took a seat next to him. They did not speak: often, there was no need and, presently, there was nothing to discuss. Whatever Ronan’s news was would not be a secret, and therefore it would come out in good time. In the silence, he looked at his pocket-watch. Not late, but not necessarily early either.

They trundled in, one after another. McCarthy was first, and then the gentlemen stood for Siobahn (with the exception of Ronan, whose condition excused him). More modern communities perhaps didn’t bother with the formalities, but Aldenberg was keen that the manor, his home, upheld them - or, as many of those traditions that he could drag with him.

One of those traditions, and one that he did not feel should be especially beyond their order, was not traipsing mud into the dining room. Aldenberg’s face, normally stony and unmoving behind a well-kept but thick beard, flashed irritation as David trudged in. The boy’s skin was basically grey from the cold.

“Excuse me,” said Aldenberg to the table, as an apology, and then again, to David, as an instruction. He marched the muggle boy outside.

“It is December.”

“It definitely is,” replied David, in his normal jokey tone, undermined by a slightly weak smile - it did nothing to soften Aldenberg’s gaze.

“Look at your fingers: you are almost frozen.”

“It’s not so-”

“Please go to your chamber, get some dry clothes, light a fire and warm up. Quickly,” a thought occurred to him, “Can you light a fire?”

“Yeah, I can light a fire.”

“Good man. Don’t worry; we won’t start without you.”

“Uh, thanks.”

“Quick, then,” he said, pointing the boy in the direction of the east wing, and, as he scurried off, called after him, “Incendio, remember.”

When Aldenberg retook his seat at the table, those present may have spotted a gentle but irritable shake of his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jia entered, schooling her features into a neutral expression. Personal feelings aside this was important, so she just took her seat in silence, momentarily locking gazes with each member of the Ashes as she entered and as the few others followed. She had never gained the sense of noble camaraderie with these men and women that she had with the Order. None of them inspired her or had her admiration, just a grudging respect, and she suspected they felt more or less the same about her.

"Aldenburg." She acknowledged their host with a curt nod.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Doused


Member Offline since relaunch

Tanya inhaled and let the cold air flow through her until her bones felt thoroughly chilled. She then exhaled with a small shiver and looked around the garden. The weather was perfect outside, and she intended to enjoy every moment of it, unless something better came along of course. That's how Tanya had always lived her life; always moving forward, never looking back. Moment to moment. For instance, one moment she had been running from death eaters, and the next she was a member of the Ashes. Deep down she knew it wasn't always the most responsible way to live, but it certainly kept things interesting. And now she was here, outside of a fancy mansion attempting to practice her jinxes. If it were up Tanya, she'd be back inside exploring every nook and cranny of the building's endless rooms, but it would probably be easier without the all-seeing Aldenberg staring her down.

Squatting down in front of a manicured hedge, Tanya rolled up the sleeves of her robe and pulled her wand out from her jeans. She'd start with something basic. Tanya pointed her wand at the hedge.
The hedge remained still. Confused, Tanya looked at her wand and then back at the hedge. Why was nothing happening? She began inspecting her wand when movement and a soft rustle of branches caught her attention. Tanya slowly looked back up and found that her spell had worked after all. Crawling up from behind the hedge was a caterpillar now the size of a small dog. The insect had a pale yellow color to it with black spots on top and short bristly hairs sticking out all over.
"Well, that answers that," she said with a satisfied smirk. "Now. Do I let you run free good sir?"
The caterpillar blinked its beady eyes and started to crawl away from her.
"Hey! Where are you g-" A loud bell interrupted her and she instinctively snapped her head towards the noise. Turning back, she found herself staring at an empty hedge. "Oh boy." Tanya stood up and circled the hedge and then spotted it skittering off the path and out of sight. She started to follow it, but a second thought stopped her. This could be interesting later on.

With that, Tanya slipped her wand back into her pocket and meandered back to the mansion as though nothing had happened. The meeting hadn't quite yet started, but it seemed she was the last to arrive, which of course suited her just fine. She entered the room and gave a small wave and a "hiya everyone" to no one in particular. Without waiting for a response, she plopped down in a chair as close to the door as she could find and began bouncing her leg unconsciously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1st December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor
Ronan Findley

Reclining slightly in his seat, Ronan surveyed the room. “Is everyone here?” He tucked a few errant strands of hair behind his ear, jabbing his wand at the door carelessly to shut it. “It matters little, either way – I'm sure anyone who hasn't gotten here yet will hear it from one of us.”

“The 1st of December – a grim anniversary, I'm sure you know. A year since the fall of Albus Dumbledore... and with it, the break-up of the Order.” He rifled through the papers on his desk absently, eyes flickering towards Jia for a few moments. “Those with fond memories of our sister organisation will be pleased to know their work was not in vain, and we have confirmed the locations and natures of three Horcruxes through notes they have left behind.”

“The first of them–”

A loud thump could be heard on the other side of the large, ornate windows and Ronan's hand instinctively jumped toward his wand; however, he only stalked over to it, opened the curtains and peered at the interruption; a small black owl, a note firmly attached to its leg. Dazed, it pecked at the glass, begging to be let in.

“You going to let it in, Ronan?” he heard Siobhan ask – one of those people who wanted to save all the little creatures of the world. Most healers were, save the ones in Voldemort's employ.

Leaning over, careful not to lose is balance, he nudged the window open and picked it up, holding it at arm's length as he peeled off the note. Skimming through it, his eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion, but he read it aloud to the audience dutifully:

It would be best for me not to disclose my name here, as it may easily be intercepted. All that you need to know however, is that I am a high-ranking Death Eater and I wish to join your cause. I don't expect that any of you will trust me, but Mr. Keiper certainly must have, or else you wouldn't have been expecting this letter...

Ronan trailed off for a moment, eyebrow quirked, before continuing,

If you choose to hear what I have to say, I will be at the Luchino Caffe on Tottenham Court Road in London at three hours past midnight. Coffee (if you so fancy) is on me. Bring as many members as you'd like if you doubt my intentions, I have no plans for anything but conversation.

Crossing his arms, Ronan limped back over to the table, putting down the note. “Well, that doesn't sound suspicious at all,” he said sarcastically. “It seems like we have more pressing issues to attend to than the Horcruxes, strange as it may seem to say that. Opinions on this anonymous 'friend' of ours?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Really." Jia said, her voice dry as sand. She ran the implications over in her mind, and she liked little of it.

"Owl communication needs to stop. It's not secure. That letter could have contained any number of curses or traps. I've said this before and I'll likely say it again." She drew out the small, battered flip-top device and set it on the table. "Get a fucking cell phone!"

Wizardry communications were ludicrous, and their ignorance of or refusal to adapt to modern technology was more than merely inconvenient, it was deadly. "Who, in the name of God, sent the owl? The Fidelius Charm is not an impervious defense! None of you are children, use your heads." She let out her breath, her eyes blazing. A moment later she was ice again. "Aldenburg Manor is compromised. Even if this one is in earnest he was able to find and intercept our owl. We need to abandon this base."

She let the hang in the air for a moment. "As for the traitor, it's an opportunity we can't pass up. We have to do this. I'll make contact, my being a member of the Ashes is public knowledge." She'd made sure of that. "The rest of us should lay a trap. Those of you who aren't well known stake out the location early, make sure there's not a bomb or pack of dementors. The rest hold back as reinforcements."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jig
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Jig plagiarist / extraordinaire

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

1st December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor
Albert Aldenberg

“Excuse me, Jia,” Aldenberg’s voice was slow, and measured, although he stunned the room by speaking so soon into a meeting. His English accent was almost perfect, but a few tonal oddities made him sound simultaneously calm and a little alien. Nevertheless, just behind his beard, a face could be seen that appeared to be sucking on a lemon, instead of its usual stoic frown, “But I’m afraid that this is a Lohengrine Black. Nobody has been communicating outside the official channels with this little chap - Siobhan, would you let him back out, please? Thank you. Lohengrine Blacks are native to these very grounds: they are naturally attracted to the magical history of this place. I expect this one strayed a little too far. This is not a common occurrence, in my experience.”

The door opened: a sheepish David entered with a hurried “excuse me” and took a seat, bringing with him a faint smell of burnt leather. Albert didn’t ask, beyond welcoming him into the room.

“You must remember, my lady, that this manor is protected by numerous enchantments to detect and block magical threats, supervised by all of us. In addition, everybody in this room is equipped with a sneakoscope,” he turned to the room, reminded of previous discussions of a similar nature and of a previous life as a teacher of the incorrigible, “that they have been instructed to keep on their persons at all times. The manor is secure, and, if we take no risks, so are we.

“This telephone,” he continued, saying the term a little unsteadily, “Is a risk. I think I explained to you that the manor does not cooperate with muggle technology - like Hogwarts,” he added, helpfully, to illustrate his point. He picked up and dwarfed the phone with one large hand, gingerly using the other to pry open its screen. With one glance at its unnatural, blue-tinged light, he snapped the thing shut and half-placed, half-dropped it on the table, “We cannot rely on it, and your friends,” he smiled at Tanya and David, without actually opening the floor to them, “Seem to get by without the merits of the telephone, such as they are. Shall we drop this for now?

“As for the letter itself,” Apparently, Aldenberg had indeed decided to drop the matter for now, “This is foolishness. We cannot simply meet an unidentified enemy agent at a location of their choosing on the assumption that there is no ambush waiting for us. Opportunity though it might be, there will be other opportunities. If we meet our anonymous friend, whose letter I note we have not been expecting to my knowledge, there may well be no further opportunities of any kind.”

He paused. He didn’t remember ever having spoken so much at a meeting, but, then, he didn’t remember the last time he had heard a suggestion quite so preposterous.

“As I recall, we were called for a meeting,” he turned to Ronan, “I would suggest that we continue as planned.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMaster99
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TheMaster99 Benevolent Cyberpunk

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

2nd December, 1999 - Luchino Cafe, Tottenham Court Road, London
Luther Cunningham

Luther heard Big Ben chiming the midnight bells in the distance as he entered the cafe where he would soon be meeting a representative of the Ashes - who, he suspected, wouldn’t have any intentions of speaking to him on friendly terms. No, he would likely have a wand in his face immediately. What about the Muggles that are in here, however? Although most wizards aren’t likely to care about the Statute of Secrecy given the state of things, but Luther would rather avoid any breach of the wizarding world’s most important law where possible. But the key question is how? Of course! I’ll just Confund them; if no Muggles are present, no Muggles will witness anything undesirable.

Luther drew his wand, and as the Muggles began to notice, he aimed at each one in turn and murmured, ”Confundo.”

One by one, the Muggles began to pass Luther, mumbling excuses as they do so. “Oh dear, I’m going to be late for work!” he heard the barista say as she rushed by, leaving the espresso maker running. Luther chuckled, and with a flick of his wand, a cup floated under the flowing stream, and with another flick he turned the machine off and drew the cup towards him. Luther took a sip as he sat down, and returned his wand to his pocket.

It was only midnight of course, and Luther had said for them to be there at three. He had a feeling, however, that they would come early, either to scope the place out first or to be waiting for me before I even arrive - Hell, thats what I’d do - so he probably wouldn’t be waiting three hours. Nevertheless, he would definitely be waiting for a while. Good thing I have this coffee to keep me awake, he thought as he took another sip of his drink, and settled down in his booth for a long wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jia sighed to herself and pulled her phone back, sliding it back into her pocket. Aldenburg wasn't entirely wrong, the manor got horrible reception, but she'd take poor communications over easily intercepted communications any day, and the Owl Problem was still a problem even if no one had sent it. "Your reliance on the Fidelius charm will be our undoing, Aldenburg. He Who Must Not Be Named knows elements of magic that you and I have never even dreamed of, and has access to every horror and wonder they ever concealed within the Department of Mysteries. Secrecy is a far greater tool for our defense than any charm. The Death Eaters breached Grimmauld Place," She paused a moment, images of that terrible battle momentarily flashing through her mind. "Which had every protection as this base and more, wards raised by Dumbledore himself."

She held up a hand to forestall his retort. "But more importantly, I assume -nothing-, Aldenburg. I intend to take every precaution imaginable with this meeting, but the possibility of gaining an agent within the Death Eaters is one we cannot pass up. Unless you plan to offer your services to the Dark Lord - an approach I doubt would have much success - we have no other possibilities for gaining an operative."

Jia paused a moment, drawing her wand and tapping it into her glass. "Aguamenti." She took a quick drink, then continued. "There are a number of boltholes I have arranged around Britain that we can use for interrogating this Death Eater. They're under the basic array of wards. I go in wand drawn, order the Death Eater to submit to a full-body bind, and then I'll apparate him to my apartment in Glasgow for a proper interrogation. If he doesn't cooperate I'll kill him." She paused a moment. "All in favor of exploiting this opportunity rather than letting it pass us by?" She raised a hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1st December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor
Siobhan MacFusty

Gently, Siobhan ruffled the feathers of the dazed owl and set it out the window on its way, rolling her eyes. Sometimes, she believed that the Ashes and the Order were just opposite sides of the spectrum, neither of them right. While Dumbledore's pacifistic ways hadn't always worked, neither did she feel the uncompromising violence of the new organisation was any better.

“Aye... but... My vote is we investigate the claim of this supposed turncoat, as peacefully as possible,” she said, closing the window again and then the curtains before returning to her seat beside Kyle. “We go to this Tottenham Road, we secure the area... I could even take some of our emergency portkeys if necessary. The Death Eaters are far from stealthy. If there's too many of them for us to take out, I guarantee we'd know about it.”

Staring at Ronan, Siobhan nodded to herself. “I say we don't enter with our – ah, guns-a-blazing?” After a slight pause over the Muggle saying, she continued, “We ask him his name. We chat, if not over important, top secret business, we show him that we're interested in an agent – Merlin knows it's been too long since we've had any fresh information on the Dark Lord's whereabouts. Then, we offer to take him to one of Jia's 'boltholes', and discuss matters further there.”

Ronan chimed in quickly, “I would like the location of the safehouse beforehand, so I can be present for the... discussion.” He tugged absently at his collar, stretching out his almost-immobile leg. The Floo would not be a fun experience. “More importantly, however, killing him on the spot for non-compliance would be worthless. Depending on whether we agree on going or not – I personally am for it – if he refuses to accompany you to Glasgow after a peaceful 'chat', you should bind and capture him. We want information, not a corpse.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

1st December, 1999 - Aldenberg Manor
Kyle McCarthy

Kyle didn’t answer right away. He hated to say it but he agreed with Albert, but going into what could easily be a trap was something he didn’t like the idea of. Then again having a source of information from inside the Death Eaters was unbelievably valuable and turning down the opportunity was tantamount to handing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named the world.

For what Kyle believed He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had already won. The only group fighting him was a small group of extremists hiding in an old manor. To think they had a chance against the greatest wizard of all time was comedic, Kyle didn’t smile though. They needed someone. Jia was right. More than Albert was. Siobhan wanted to go to and Kyle could not let Siobhan go by herself.

“We have to go.” Kyle raised his hand. Albert only said, “You have my opinion.”

“It’s too important if this is a legitimate reach out, and if it’s not like Ronan says we might still get information. I’ll take some of Delight’s polyjuice and do some recon. I’m too well known amongst the death eaters. If I spot spies around the place I’ll try to take them out too. More than one Death Eater is better than none.” They could go over plans all day if they wanted, but if Kyle wanted to get an early look at the cafe he needed to get going as soon as possible. Kyle didn’t think it necessary to say that he agreed with Siobhan and try to do it as peacefully as possible. Everyone there knew he’d agree with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMaster99
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TheMaster99 Benevolent Cyberpunk

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

1st December, 1999 - Aldenberg Manor
Eric Friedman

As Eric walked into the manor, he looked at the sky and sighed. He knew the meeting had already begun - he spent too much time talking to his Ministry insiders. He entered the meeting room ready to apologize for his tardiness, and he heard Kyle saying something about drinking Polyjuice and doing recon; for what, he didn’t know. “Sorry I’m late, I was meeting with my insiders,” he apologized to Ronan. Turning to Kyle, he added, “Care to fill me in?” as he walked to his seat and sat down next to him.

After he was brought up to speed, Eric looked down at the table for a moment as he thought it over. Albert did have a point. We have no idea who this person is, and we would be meeting him at a location of his choosing. It is very reasonable to suspect that this is a trap, and if it were to be one, we’d be walking right into it - Jia was beyond persuading otherwise on the matter, and both Kyle and Siobhan would be going as long as the other was. However, Jia is right. There is no doubt that if we don’t meet this man, we won’t get another chance to gain an agent so close to the Dark Lord. And Siobhan was right even more so than Jia. The man invited us to conversation, not to force him to comply with us, or else be killed. He’d likely appreciate the fact that we are open to having a conversation with him, as opposed to just dragging him off to some secret location where we can interrogate him. Eric nodded to himself, his decision made.

“I agree with Siobhan,” he said slowly, looking up. “He must be high up the ranks if he’s concerned about his identity being revealed. The Death Eaters don’t even know the names of the low-ranking members, so he’d have no reason to be afraid to give his name… not that he’d be any use to us in that case, anyways.” Eric paused, looking around at everyone in attendance, before continuing: “I will go with Jia to talk to this supposed ‘friend’. He says he wishes to have a chat, so a chat we shall have. Not only will I be able to offer a friendly chat to him more so than Jia - no offense, Ms. Shang - but I can Obliviate all the Muggles in the cafe. Nobody will ever know about our meeting besides us.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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