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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluSpyReturns


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Made in collaboration with BluSpyReturns and Bluebe123
History and Legends:

Year Gormhahte(In basic terms), the planet, Arlos, was said to be created by a spirit of an unknown name. Even the current Agnostic races believe in this, but they do not believe it was a divine force of any kind. Then came the star of the odd world, Uuhklok, the first star. It was green. Then as years passed on, in the 130th year (in basic terms) life began to spread. Water, plants, and the first two races. Peckliir, and Yuclok. The Yuclok were a angellic, light race, the peckliir, the exact oposite. Soon after, they say the spirit came once again, creating the first two divines, Eliir and Morluuk. Morluuk glowed red, at all times. Eliir glowed green. The Yuclok and Peckliir were surprised on what they were seeing. As years passed by, year 165, the, the Yuclok and Peckliir invented the first language, "Mehkhiirluk" the ancient language was odd, "Hello" was "Eerho." Goodbye was "Luukho." The world was very peaceful back then, the Yuclok and Peckliir were friendly races... As time flew, by the time it was 262, the Peckliir grew in anger. The Yuclok wanted to ruin their land, or so they say. So they acted in violence. Slashing the Yuclok speaksman down, yelling, "Yuoolok sie ehlo?! Dyis orue oloane. Luukho! Luukho!" that resulted in the first war of the year 262. The way was called "Eoluk Frus Li." which was believed to mean, "The War on Land." The war went on for 20 years, till 282. The war then ended, the Peckliir faced defeat. Their weaponry weren't strong enough to fight the old Yuclok's magic. 10 years later, the Peckliir discovered a powerful ore, as the mined through the volcanic, rocky, fields, they named the ore "Yelonra", it was a yellow and red ore. The red surrounded the yellow, which was just a circle, dot, or odd shape in the middle. They used it to craft swords and advanced weaponry. When the year 423 passed, in the meantime, the Yuclok's were training their magic for battles. They were suspicious; they thought the Peckliir would attack once again. So they trained in the arts of healing and destructive magic. Since the Yuclok were a peaceful race, the destructive magic wasn't powerful. Then the Peckliir military came to the Yuclok's white castle on the grass field, screaming, "Upieo zete yuur." so the Yuclok replied, by opening their castle's doors, as the Peckliir grabbed their weapons, unsheathing them. They declared war on the next day, and walked back to their dark castle. The Peckliir were prepared, with their newly evented crossbows and advanced Yelonra swords. As the next day came, the Yuclok and Pekliir all went to a plain, grass field. They stood their guard, the Peckliir on the right, the Yuclok on the left. The Peckliir unsheathed their weapons, the archers of the Peckliir stood in the back, with their crossbows. The Yuclok were already, but barely, prepared. They began to charge at each other, fighting in the war. This was known, as the final war between the Yuclok and the Peckliir, it was named, "Yelonra's War", translated by a elder Peckliir. As they fought, the Peckliir were about to win, as the archers took out most of the Yuclok's soldiers. The armies were the entire races of the Yuclok, while the Peckliir laughed, legend has it, the Yuclok got together and started an ancient spell using their old God's powers, creating a new race that would be born on the 564. As the Yuclok were said to finsish the spell, the Peckliir finished them off. On the year 568, the Hundeer were born. On the year 521, the Chameron's were born. The current year being 752.

Felohkaniir: (Peckliir) This was the ancient fort by the Peckliir built in the year 135... When they discovered Yelonra ore, they rebuilt the walls using that as fortification. The largest occupation is the military and miners.

Woodrow: (Hundeer) Woodrow is the town of the Hundeer, Bards and Archers (guards and military) are ususally the largest occupations in Woodrow, Woodrow was built in the year 594. With the finest inns, at the lowest price. All races welcome to the inns.

Fort Chameron: (Chameron) This is a mine, but also a fort full of homes in a southern desert named "Red Reptillian Desert". It is the capital for the Chameron race. Most of the population there work in the mine, the largest mine in all of Arlos.

Yellowstone: This town was built by a Chameron of the name "Tisk-Tok-Pomle." and Yellowstone welcomes all races, and all occupations. Even the Peckliir are allowed. This is a successful fort, for all races. Over 5 normal inns, 4 general stores, 10 smiths, and 153 houses, 13 available for sale. If a military attacks Yellowstone, they will be breaking Arlos world law.

Swamp Greenluk: (Grommel & Bottlairs) This is Swamp Greenluk, where Grommel and Bottlairs are welcome. Chameron's can come to sell their wares, Eliir born Peckliirs can sell their wares, too, and just visit sometimes. It's near the south-east swamp. The inns are just above 'normal'.

Riverside Creek: (All) Come here and rest at the quickstop inn, order food, and have a good night. Talk with the farmers if you wish, and see the town.

Adful: (Chameron) One of the second largest mines in Arlos, and, has a great inn. Only for the price of 60 gold.

Bukluu: (Feckliir): One of the best places to find Yelonra ore, but the Feckliir that own this place won't lry any other race inside.

Moonlight falls: (All) This is where you will find the best inn for only 174 gold that's made by a Hundeer named Hulen the Fool.

Shadow Siblings:
This is full of all races, excluding Peckliir.
Huundeer, Grommel, Chameron's, Bottlairs, all together. Marauders who don't see people differently from their race, they fight for money. But they stay secret, they make sure no one finds their hideout deep in the jungle, hidden by trees. Anyone who is found coming will either join or die and be mugged. They kill for money, in groups. They're not afraid to fight other factions; even if it means it'll wipe out their own faction. They always seemed to come back after they were supposed to be "dead", but they have their own God, Lady Misoha. Known to be a rare Peckliir crossed with a Yuclok breed, an angellic and bat like race. She guided them even after they were dead, legend has it, to bring back the Shadow Siblings after destruction. Pure Peckliir's aren't allowed into the faction, it would disrespect Lady Misoha. Their armor is red, painted steel. Their faces usually have war paint on them, three different types, a dragon claw, a blue (what looks like a) Chameron, and a blue skull.

Brotherhood of Arms:
This faction is a faction of Elite smiths who also train daily with their weapons that they make, of course, they sell them too. This faction helps the military, and some are even part of the military. They invented the first crossbow. Any race can join, even the Peckliir, since they are elite in the arts of fire, they can make a good Yelonra blade. (made up ore, if you're wondering, but one of the rarest and strongest.)

(have anymore faction ideas? Feel free to give an idea, we may add it.)

Race Name: Chameron (Kah-meere-ohn)

Appearance: Dark red skin but feels like a human being, no scales, lizard head, lizard tail. Generally weak. Naturally 5'5, usually around 5'2.

Religion: Jull-Isk. A religion where they worship the sun; if a baby is born at night, it'll be female, at day, it'll be male. At midnight, exactly, a Chameron will be born with rare, blue skin (resembling their star, Jull). These Chamerons are rare. The sun resembles light and hope for peace. During their history they were a disliked race, hundreds of years ago. The star, Jull, is their God. According to their religion, Jull shows no respect nor disrespect, so neither do the Chameron. Most of their religion is unknown. Not much more can be said about the mysterious religion. The language used for the rest of it was invented by the Chameron's, here's the first mysterious sentence, "Jihaho, lokoko, flolfohai, qaqa, zizi, louiei. Sozo, louhoa." there is much more written in the book. These were the last words in the book: "Lonoqaqa, sizi fola qoqow, lokhikhik. Sizozosi, fal'hiikoko! Fal'hiikoko! Fal'hiikoko!"

Likes: Crafting, desert mines as homes, and finally making huge, yet amazing statues.

Dislikes: Swamps(due to their human like skin, and no disease resistance), battles, and the ancient Serpentese (ancient powerful dragon-like snake).

Habitat: Deserts, for their mining needs. Rarely, grasslands when they decide to have a "vacation".

Skills: Smithing, and crafting in generally. They can make a good living selling their wares to other races. They're good in the art of sneaking. This helps them in battle, including on how short they are.

Culture: They live in mines, as said, they usually only mine. And that's usually the only jobs they get. Some races just like using them. They have a great community, all-in-all, easy to make friends in their homes. They enjoy any type of meal, unless it involves cannibalism. They usually eat Komateh Lagon Stew. (Yellow Rabbit Stew)

Other: They have a rough, weird, lizard like accent. But they can squeak if they wanted too.

Race Name: Grommel (Guh-rohm-ell)

Appearence: Giant, lumbering frog-tortise looking bipedial beasts. They have a bumpy shell, frog legs, and turtle-limb-like arms. They have tough, brownish-green skin. About 7 to 8 feet tall.

Religion: Nul-Hik-Hai is the religions name, that revolves around a ancient race, the Yuclok. That race believed two races will arise, the 'Grommel' and the 'Bottlair'. The Yuclok fought many wars for peace, but all failed. Then came the last war they ever fought, against the Peckliir. The Peckliir were fighting the Yuclok because they were gonna bring light to the Peckliir's land, where it was supposed to be dark. Before the Peckliir won, the Yuclok used their old God's powers to use their life-forces together, to create the two races. There came, Jull, the second star. As the first star, Uuhklok faded away from existance. Then born; then the Grommel and Bottlair' were born. Not much more is known, due to the ancient language that the Peckliir decide not to translate. What is the secrets to this religion?

Likes: The Bottlairs, swimming/being in water, having a temperate temperature.

Dislikes: The Hundeer, being too hot or dry, being too cold, The Peckliir

Habitat: Temperate forests, ponds, swamps, and springs.

Skills: Swimming, battle, hand-to-hand combat, architecture and construction, lumberjacking.

Culture: They typically live in communities with Bottlairs near swamps, hot springs, ponds, or in temperate forests. Their meals typically include Fish and Grommbulb stew and Bottlegrass salads. Marriages between Grommel and Bottlairs are fairly common.

Other: They have an intimidating, reptillian growl, but aren't necessarily mean or savage.

Race Name: Bottlair (Bot-lair)

Appearence: Tiny, petite humanoids with butterfly wings and attenae. They have fair skin , any color of hair or wings, and rarely are albino. They are around 4-5 feet tall.

Religion: Nul-Hik-Hai is the religions name, that revolves around a ancient race, the Yuclok. That race believed two races will arise, the 'Grommel' and the 'Bottlair'. The Yuclok fought many wars for peace, but all failed. Then came the last war they ever fought, against the Peckliir. The Peckliir were fighting the Yuclok because they were gonna bring light to the Peckliir's land, where it was supposed to be dark. Before the Peckliir won, the Yuclok used their old God's powers to use their life-forces together, to create the two races. There came, Jull, the second star. As the first star, Uuhklok faded away from existance. Then born; then the Grommel and Bottlair' were born. Not much more is known, due to the ancient language that the Peckliir decide not to translate. What is the secrets to this religion?

Likes: The Grommel, being in "pretty" places,

Dislikes: The Hundeer, the Bottlair, very powerful gusts of wind,+

Skills: Flight, dexterity, better magic, glassblowing

Culture: They typically live in communities with Grommel near swamps, hot springs, ponds, or in temperate forests.

Other: They have a pitched, buzzing voice

Race Name: Hundeer (Huu-en-deere)

Appearance: Dear like head, with sharp, long antlers. No matter the gender, have brown fur. Rarely golden fur. Usually 5'8, naturally 6'.

Religion: An Agnostic race. They're not much more too it.

Likes: Creating songs, peaceful tunes mostly. They enjoy solitude.

Dislikes: The Grommel (due to their lumberjacking), and very (and I mean VERY.) loud areas.

Skills: Archery, being bards, and plays.

Culture: They live in small towns in the forests usually, they're known for their great inn-services and songs. Generally peaceful, in engaged battle, they're strong. They typically become friends with almost any race. They are a vegetarian race(due to the laws that say they can't eat meat). They created the first instruments.

Other: They have a scottish-like accent, deeper then usual.

Race Name: Peckliir (Pe-ehck-leere)

Appearance: They have a have a weird body. Barely human like, always slightly bent, they look a bit freaky, and have red wings and red fur, but dark, dark red skin. Bat-human like.

Religion: They worship the two moons, Eliir and Morluuk. They hate light, generally, and the religion has no known name. When born when Eliir is higher then Morluuk, they're shorter, typically, 5'1. When Morluuk, the larger moon, is higher then Eliir, they're taller, typically, 5'8. Not much more is known about it, they say Eliir is the God of hope, and Morluuk is the God of destruction. Not much more is known, due to the ancient religion that the Peckliir decide not to translate. What is the secrets to the religion?

Likes: Flying, night, and typically very hot, rocky, dark areas, and the Grommel.

Dislikes: Light areas, the light (but they will still roam at day, just won't fly) and Bottlair.

Skills: Using their claws in combat, flying around, stealth, and 'scaring' enemies half to death.

Culture: They live in very hot, rocky, areas, typically around lava. They also like going in swamps, and living/camping there. They're not too nice, but they're nice to other things they like. They natural eat Yumprot Stew. (Grey Bat & Veggie soup)

Other: They have a very deep, rough, accent, that typically freaks out other races.


Race: (Races generally have the same appearance, just note when they were born if they're Peckliir or Chamerons.)

Age: (No race can live past 124.)



Other: (If I missed anything important)

Faction: (Optional)
Rules: 1. Be "nice"/"likable" OOC
2. No godmodding
3. No ERP
4. No Mary Sues
5. Be serious, but don't be like "I'LL KILL YA FOR TAKING MY CAKE" 24/7. Be silly (if your character is, for some reason, silly. I would suggest the "Chameron" race for that, any would work, though, but please make at least one other character that may be silly. heh, you don't have to have a silly character, though)
6. You cannot claim to be a higher-up of anything unless it's an IC lie.
7. PTK is enforced to kill. Too lazy to go OOC and ask for PTK? Then imply you want to be killed IC.
8. Don't go around slaughtering everything, this is a mix of civil and combat. -Bluebe123's rules.

I wanted it to be slightly silly, too. Not anything too, too, too, too, too, too, too, too, too *5 hours later* serious. But I also wanted it serious. ergh.

-Nation-Fantasy-Civil-War RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bluebe123


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Yay we finished it without BS!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bluebe123


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

This comment is now moot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluSpyReturns


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bluebe123


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Also, anyone want to think of something for the Bottlairs? They need more quriks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bluebe123


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bluebe123


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Finally, we get noticed.

Any suggestions?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NobleArchangel


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

One suggestion is maybe span the years out. Make the world feel a little older. 752 years isn't that long at all. Maybe have a race the predated the Peckliir and the Yuclok.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bluebe123


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

NobleArchangel said
One suggestion is maybe span the years out. Make the world feel a little older. 752 years isn't that long at all. Maybe have a race the predated the Peckliir and the Yuclok.

Don't the Gods predate the Pecklirr and Yuclok?

Yeah, 752 would be pre-medieval... Unless it's a newer calender/system... (Think, BC to AD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NobleArchangel


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Bluebe123 said
Don't the Gods predate the Pecklirr and Yuclok?Yeah, 752 would be pre-medieval... Unless it's a newer calender/system... (Think, BC to AD)

True, true.

I have to ask, where did you guys get the inspiration for the world for this RP?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bluebe123


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

NobleArchangel said
True, true. I have to ask, where did you guys get the inspiration for the world for this RP?

The original idea was mine, actually. I wanted to make an RP and BluSpy did, too. I'm not good at making lore like she is, so she made the lore, town, Chameron, Peckliir, Hundeer races, and religion for the Bottlair and Grommel.

jk it was acid (Sarcasm)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluSpyReturns


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NobleArchangel said
True, true. I have to ask, where did you guys get the inspiration for the world for this RP?

Well, of course, Acid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluSpyReturns


Member Offline since relaunch

Good morning bump.
And a reply revolving around years; it is, in fact, a new calender system.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Balthazar


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

after a brief skim, and a complete skip of the race section, my question is what is the plot? What is the story line and what am I to gain here? If it is up there somewhere I do apologise for my laziness and please be kind enough to point out because fantasy tickles my fancy
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