Welcome to Costa city, the city with thebiggest scienific and mages population in the world.
In the beginning religion was the answer to everything, people belived in it without questioning, religions rules the world until the Scientific revolution at the end of the Renaissance. Science become as important as religion and now in the 2015 scientifics and mages fight to see what is better.
-Mages: Religious people, they can use "magic". This magic can not be explained, it is suppoused to come from a god/goddess.
-Scientifics: People who have spend their lives studying the universe, they have powers "skill" just as mages but this powers can be scientificaly explained.
(Appearence anime)
Scientific or Mage:
Religion Info(only mages):
-no killing eeach other without permission
-what i say goes-
-thanks for joining