Smiral said
that's the most ridiculous and frustrating mindset you can possibly have
You mean it's fusturating that my self-confidence isn't dictated/controlled by spam?
Ah... I know, must be hard for you guys not having a pawn to push around.

In all seriousness though, I find the fact that people think having the ability to not give in to everyone as ridiculous... :/
I mean really? Do you
honestly think it's better for one's confidence/self-worth to be dependent on others?
Or do you only find it frustrating because it's me who has this skill/mindset? And not say someone you get along with?
mdk said
Take a tip from grandpappy MDK. Lay off the debates for a while. I get into them because I care about whatever issue -- but then all people saw of me for a long time was 'look at this dude, all he does is rant about OT shit for hours.' That's not all I did, but how was anybody supposed to know better? People see the image we project, whether we mean to project it or not. And interderpbates tend to involve a lot of image-projection. So I laid back for a while and chilled out, and now I'm seen as less of a total cunt. I could write you a ten-page thesis on all the reasons I wasn't actually a cunt, but that's kind of the self-defeating. Just chill for a while. Chilling is good for you, and for some stupid reason people like you better afterwards.
That's what I have tried before, several times (and am currently doing in Iwaku).
But then the 'timer' for such a thing keeps getting reset because someone will barge into a completely un-debating thread, and then lose their cool out of no where. Essentially going "OMG Gwazi! Why start an argument!?", where even if all I was doing was having fun with the others they're accusation get's enough pull that people will jump on a wagon and see it as me being responsible for the argument.
At this point it honestly looks like it's far less of a "Gwazi is starting arguments" case and more of a "People want to believe Gwazi is starting an argument" scenario.