Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheFreeman


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The game could be Mature/18+ or not. I'm open to both. Note Now, by crossover I mean a game where either more than one fandom are mixed into a single game. This could be the two, maybe more, worlds are blended t make a new setting. It could be a game where a character or an aspect of a setting are moved over to another. Want characters from House of Cards to deal with subversive vampires? We can do that. Are you looking for a game where Spiderman comes to the rescue of Felicity Smoak? That works. How about a game where Eddard Stark is rescued from his dismal fate by She-Hulk or she saves Robert and his rebellion at the Red Wedding? Screw it, it all works. I'm fine playing the character in a new setting or you can take that role if it pleases you. It's all gravy. I want to play these games over PM, but threads and E-Mail are valid options if that's where you would prefer to play. I post two to three paragraphs for my opening and tend to match my partner from there on. I love adding interesting Npc's to the game and would be grateful to have a partner that would do the same. Genre Noir Mystery Fantasy- Both standard and modern. Sci-Fi- Star Wars to Cyberpunk Adventure Action Comedy Horror- Mostly pulpy stuff like Cthulhu and I adore Silent Hill. Political Drama- From Game of Thrones to House of Cards. Romance History -Mostly because I love Asian period flicks. Slice of Life Characters I would like to play. DC Comics – I can do New 52 or before. Superman Tim Drake Shazam/Captain Marvel Kyle Rayner Bart Allen Superboy Deadshot Constantine Vril Dox Vic Sage Captain Cold Static Thom Kallor Soranik Natu Cassandra Cain Power Girl Cyclone - Maxine Hunkel Huntress Zatanna Livewire Sinestro Black Adam Marvel Comics – Standard or Ultimate. Richard Rider Patriot Spider-Man – Peter, Miles or even Doc Ock.(Spock) Daredevil Iron Fist Frank Castle Cyclops Doctor Doom Reed Richards Task Master Dr. Strange Ghost Rider Deadpool Surge She-Hulk Songbird Namor Misc. Comics Invincible Yorick Brown Games John Shepard Max Payne Jason Brody Vaas Darth Revan Solid Snake Adam Jensen Raiden Jane Shepard Lara Croft Joel Ellis Wei Shen Number 47 Hawke - M or F Alistair Television/Movies Barry Allen Oliver Queen Roy Harper Fox Mulder Dean Winchester Bruce Banner Steve Rogers John Wick Eddard Stark Jon Snow Books Harry Dresden David Wong John “Cheese”- Yeah, I had to look up his last name. Logen Ninefingers Gorgon The Mighty Dragon Sandman Slim- Note, I am currently on Kill City Blues. Stealth Anime/Manga Shinichi Izumi Kamishiro Yuu Edward Elric Roy Mustang Spike Spiegel Yeah, that's a short list. If you are interested send me a PM with a character you would like me to play, a plot idea or some genres and tropes that you like and we'll come up with something together. Ideas Idea One “It's been years since I've heard the sound of thunder.” The speaker was a pale young man whose black hair was in a buzz cut. He was lean and not in particularly healthy kind. “When they found out who I was they made me wear a collar that gave me shock whenever I tried to talk.” Tenderly he rubbed his neck where this scar lines could be seen going all the way around. “I mean, at least there was lightning, but it's been years since I've heard thunder.” William Joseph "Billy" Batson was thirteen years old when he was charged with the murder of Dudley H. Dudley , his guardian. The neighbors had heard the pair arguing and in the course of the investigation the murder weapon had been found with Billy's prints all over the knife. When none of his super hero allies could find anything to prove the boy innocent the League decided that it was best if the justice system was aware of what the boy was capable of. It hadn't been a unanimous decision and had disagreed with letting the boy go to prison, but the majority had their way. So, he was locked away in Bell Reve, Fawcett City didn't have the resources to deal with a super human, with a collar around his neck to keep him from transforming. The game would start with Billy's release after being proven innocent however many years later and where it goes from there really depends on what character the other person wants to play. It could be about the difficulties in trying to be one of the heroes again. Billy trying to live a normal life now that he's free and someone in his new life figures out who he is. Hell, this could be about a villain trying to convince him to lash out against those that let him rot behind bars. *This idea could be done with other other characters of various fandoms as well. Idea Two No one was ready for the undead plague when it struck. When news struck people assumed that the worlds superheroes would protect them. Instead they became the greatest threat this planet had ever faced. The most of the super powered individuals of the world were either infected or were devoured by their plague ridden allies. Where most zombies were unthinking creatures the former superheroes and supervillains some how kept their wits about them and played games with what pocket of survivors they could find in the following years. We will be playing surviving B-list characters, either heroes or villains, doing what they can to protect the survivor they have holed up with from the undead and the super powered monsters that scour the world for them. We could do this with either original or fandom characters. Idea Three How far would you go for revenge? A group of nomadic vampires have been living one big party for the last sixty years. They only embrace those that will aid in their pursuit of eternal pleasure. Often young and beautiful people that were drawn in with promises of living a life of pleasure for the rest of time. The fine print being that they had to become blood drinking monsters to be part of the party rather than just a party favor. Lately, they have been spending fewer and fewer nights in a single place. This coterie is on the run from a parent of one of their victims. They embraced this persons child or left them as a corpse to be found in the wreckage of a party spot. Either way this former parent is hunting the group with much more success than any before have had. Now, the spot of the hunter is open and I would be happy to play as them or another character. The other character could be the leader of this group of kindred or just one of it's members. Or the other character could be someone who was about to be a victim that was saved by the hunter. Hell, they could both be hunters working together punish the group for robbing them of their children. If you are a fan of Vampire, either Masquerade or Requiem, we could put the game in those settings and one of us could play a sherrif hunting the wild vampires down for their wanton creating of childer and sloppy feeding. Idea Four Superman is dead. He fell in Metropolis in battle against the monster known as Doomsday that nearly destroyed the city. Parallax has risen. The destruction of Coast City has driven Hal Jordan insane and the former Green Lantern has led a war against the Lantern Corp that has left destroyed except for a singe Guardian known as Ganthet. That Bat has been broken. The villain Bane has broken the hero Batman in both spirit and body leaving Gotham under his control. The world needs heroes, now more than ever. This could be a game about other heroes taking the lead in saving Gotham and protecting the world or it could be heroes from another world, such as Marvel. Hell, this could be about orignal heroes trying to save the word after three of it's greatest have fallen. I know, it's kind of vague. Idea Five This next idea is a spy vs. spy kind of game. Both of our characters work as spies and assassins for an organization with dubious ambitions. They are put together as partners to hunt down a traitor in the organization, but the kicker is, of course, that one of them is the traitor. For the sake of the 'rule of cool' they could be members of the organizations from Assassin's Creed or the traitor could be empowered by the Outsider à la Dishonored. It could even be both. I would be willing to play the loyal agent or the traitor in this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFreeman


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

And a bump.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFreeman


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

And I am back.
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