Character sheet
Name: Fenris Laski
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: Human - Firen

Personality: Fenris is one part veteran soldier and one part religious devote. He is the proverbial hybrid of a scholar and a front-line soldier, always reciting chants from The Book of the Holy Light during his day to day life while still not suffering a bit for his lack of focus on the battlefield. After a battle is over, he can often be seen performing the Last Rite over the dying men before plunging his sword into their body. He will never betray the duty he has to his Goddess, and refuses to part with his belief even when the world becomes a most unholy place. He is, on the contrary from his religious beliefs, a very cunning person. Often times using his power as a Guardian to force people to adhere to his plan or to give up what they need. Even though he is young in his time with a Guardian, he still commands respect by the way of his sheer size and through his skills as a leader.
Though he has grown saddened as more and more of his comrades find themselves hearing their last rite from. The count of those he has lost keeps growing no matter how many dark beasts he sends back to the underworld.
Character type and traits: Guardian of the Light – Positive: Natural born leader, Religious Negative: Strict, Cunning
History: Fenris came to Feel la Den when he was just a boy. His father was a deserter, who traveled under the guise of religious pilgrimage, but secretly, he was running from his old lord. The family of three quickly learned very quickly that the religious might that was the Guardians of the Light and their Templar trainee's were not ones to forgive a deserter so easily. Fenris remembers very little of what happened in his first few weeks in the village outside the stronghold, but he remembers one event in particular. The first was when the Guardians passed judgment on his father. He was forced to watch as his fathers head was removed by the Axe of the executioner. The second was on the same day, when the Guardians took him from his mother and pressed him into the Knight training program.
He spent the next twelve years in training to become a deadly warrior, a skilled leader and above all else; an example of the gods in flesh. He became well versed in the holy scriptures, as well as the application of them. On his eighteenth birthday, he was a recruit no longer. He was given his Templar sword and armor and was selected to be one of the select few to began his training anew, this time towards becoming one of the Guardians of the Light. He spent five years roaming with such a Guardian, learning their ways and training his swordsmen ship even further. Eventually he passed the initiation and became a Guardian in his own right. His first task as a Guardian was to take up the mantle of a recruiter, and take a Templar under his wings and train them as he was trained, as was the ways of the Guardians.
Fate would have it that two years later, he and his Templar found themselves far away from the massacre that happened at the castle. His Templar recruit wanted to head back and face the darkness head on, but Fenris knew better. He knew the only way for it to reach the east was over the Bridge, and he knew that it would take them months to reach the destination. So, acting on his authority as a Guardian, Fenris began taking in as many recruits as he could. Bandits, thieves, farmers, rangers, iron foot and even merchants were conscripted. While they did not make for the most dedicated of recruits, the threat of the darkness and the prospects of them ever surviving it alone were not good.
He and his small militia now stand with the defenders by the Sky Bridge. Even as they get driven back, they still fight strong.
-Guardian Long Sword
-Guardian Plate Armor
-Small satchel of provisions; while it is not enough for sustained travel
-A pair of normal clothes for when he is not in armor.
Other: (He is the only recorded Guardian to survive; with every other one either dead at Feer la Den or killed along the way. As such many people look to him for spiritual guidance and assistance.)