Nation Location (see below)
Include any info that is important to natural resources, any naturally occurring disaster (hurricanes,typhoon etc) and any major landmarks(worlds tallest mountain, deepest lake etc)
Describe your government as briefly as possible. Democracy? Who's President? Constitutional Monarchy? Who's king? etc. Then tell me who really runs things. Maybe your president is the pawn of corporate interests. Maybe your monarch is a puppet for another government entirely. Maybe everything is exactly as it appears. It's up to you
Describe how STRONG your economy is. What makes the most money? Think manufacturing, natural resources, if you have a large country you probably have more than one source. Also name at least one major company based in your nation.
Describe the composition of your military. Do you have an air force/navy/army/special forces etc. Name any major generals. Any special weapons? Any weapons other nations are wary of? (nukes,gas etc) Without going into specifics tell me how strong your military is.
Culture and Society
What sorts of people inhabit your country? What do they hold in highest regard? Education? Technology? Beer? Are any religions prevalent that might influence national policy?
Foreign Policy
What is your nations stance on foreign matters? Interventionist? Isolationist? Give an example in recent history (aiding another nation in war, economic sanctions or whatever) Also include any allies or enemies.
Add any other sub-categories you need to describe your nation with. Maybe Domestic Policy?
Without code:
Nation Name
Culture and Society
Foreign Policy