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Member Seen 11 mos ago

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I'll write up a CS for Chris, even though I could just link his wiki page. I have free time. May do Chef Hatchet too. Name: Chris McLean (Pronounced McLane) Age: Presumably late 20s-early 30s Appearance: Motivation: Chris's sole motivations on the show are to torment the kids as much as possible while keeping it legal, and to get his paycheck. This is to be expected, if anyone knows the guy well enough, they'd all agree. Backstory: Chris has been featured in many movies and shows- namely reality shows. He's won several awards for Best Reality Show Host at the Jemmy Awards, and continues to be incredibly popular in pop culture- something that probably continues to inflate his already massive ego. He has also been in a boyband once before, but he's done an excellent job of keeping that under wraps. Only the creepiest of stalker fans probably know about it today, since the band was a massive failure. Personality: Chris is a full-blown narcissist. He'd probably be the next best replacement for Narcissus himself in the old myth. He generally creates challenges and other things with the themes being about him. In the second season of the show, the marshamallows at the bonfire were replaced by Gilded Chris Rewards at a ceremony of the same namesake. He also enjoys torturing the kids as much as he can, always staying on the fence between breaking the law and not. He tends to underspend on challenges, which further adds to the danger for the campers, but increases his own paycheck. Chris gets incredibly upset when he is interrupted- most of the time. He tends to use interruptions to lead into his next topic of discussion in most instances- a valuable skill for reality show hosts. He may also surprise you later on with a few quirks in his personality. Misc: Chris is afraid of his show being cancelled, ergo not getting any more paychecks from it. He is also afraid of lawsuits, in situations where lawsuits are actually threatening. This is not common though, as the lengthy novel-thick contract he made all the campers sign covers almost every front.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Renée Windsor Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Renée looks somewhat older than she actually is, a life dedicated to maintaining and preening her appearance helping her to seem mature and much more responsible than she actually is. Her hair is golden and silky to the touch, always carefully brushed and made into one style or another. Her eyes are a sparkling emerald colour, always enhanced almost perfectly by smoky eye makeup. She wears pristine clothing, usually not practical and always slightly too revealing (not that she’d agree!). All in all she is a very attractive girl and knows it, maintaining and enhancing her natural beauty as much as she can. Motivation: What motivation other than $100,000 would you need? I suppose fame would be a close second for Renée, her desire to live a life in the lap of luxury high on her wish list. Since she has not yet found a man wealthy enough to maintain her desired lifestyle she has entered the contest with the hopes of being able to win the prize money and make her own way in the world. Backstory: Renée grew up in a small seaside town in the United Kingdom, finishing school at 15 before traveling with a few of her friends to numerous locations around the world, all paid for by her parents. It was all going perfectly until they suddenly decided their daughter wasn’t achieving anything by her own merit, before promptly ‘cutting her off’ – financially speaking. Fortunately she had always suspected this day would come, having slowly siphoned off enough money into an account of her own which she now lives off. But with the balance rapidly plummeting time is running out for her to find another way to survive. Personality: To the casual observer Renée is sweet and innocent, a perfectly polite and kind young woman, but that isn’t quite the whole story. She is actually manipulative and self-centred, caring little for anyone or anything that doesn’t fall within her interests, though still young it doesn’t look so good for Renée in terms of becoming a whole and balanced individual before it’s too late. Misc: Renée is scared of quite a few things, poverty, hard work, failure – basically anything that is contrary to the lifestyle she believes she deserves. She is determined to win the competition by any means, legitimately or not – despite knowing that she may have to do quite a few things outside of her comfort zone to even come remotely close. ------------------------------ Name: Toqir Fogg Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Toqir has a somewhat unkempt appearance, his hair constantly messy and his clothing generally scruffy. He has a friendly face and a grin or smirk is never far from his features which compliments his strong jawline. He has blue eyes, brown hair and is somewhat tall and lanky, though not excessively so, his skin tone is somewhat naturally tanned giving him all in all a rather positive appearance considering the lack of effort he puts into his looks. Motivation: He original applied to be a contestant for a joke, not realising that there would actually be a chance that’d he’d be accepted. Now he just figures that he may as well try his hardest to win, the prize money of course being quite a tempting amount that would make a difference in anyone’s life. Aside from the money he also thinks that it could be quite the experience, so either way win or lose he is determined to have a good time. Backstory: Toqir is the ‘IT director’ to a small independent company, which in reality is just him and his friends attempt to make their way in the world by selling and buying advertising space to companies and individuals. He actually isn’t an expert with IT systems, but he is a little bit of a wiz and enthusiast, and anything else he needs to know he can just learn on the job (he is a product of the google generation – generally googling any question he has). Personality: Generally he is quite relaxed and laid back, always staying within his comfort zone when possible. He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but has quite a sense of humour and a decent work eithic – if something needs to be done then it’ll get done eventually. That being said he is a little bit of a minimalist and truly he is a little lazy, through with the right incentives he can be motivated appropriately. He has a habit of giving up when things get difficult, and avoiding serious issues with humour. Misc: Toqir is generally willing to try anything at least once, though he doesn’t appreciate being taken outside of his comfort zone – something he is sure will happy many times on the show. He has a fear of heights and a deep water, having managed to avoid these two things almost completely for most of his life. He also smokes plants. ----------------- Name: Delilah Green Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Delilah is fairly short, though not excessively so she is generally one of the shorter people in any room. Her left eye is a light blue with her right being brown, having what’s known as complete heterochromia. Her naturally straight hair is a gently amber colour, usually tied back into a ponytail for practicality. She has often been told she has a very ‘cute’ face with an almost innocent look always spread across her features. Motivation: Delilah wants to come out of her shell a little more, as well as possibly learning to be a bit more assertive and impulsive. The prize money would be great too, but she doesn’t really think she’ll actually win – not that it will stop her from trying as hard as she can. She also hopes to make some friends whilst she is there. Backstory: What is there to say, she grew up in a small rural community as a part of a small family. Both her parents are quiet and gentle people and she has picked up many of their traits. Finishing school she stayed at home to help around the farm being an animal lover through and through, though her parents loved this they often spoke to her about spreading her wings and doing something big that she really cares about. It was hard to tell them that she was perfectly happy where she was, but over time has come to understand what they mean and is now starting to try new things and expand her circle. Personality: Soft, gentle and a generally calm and very caring person Delilah is a little withdrawn and definitely shy at times. Generally happy and very calm as well as a bit of a pushover she will go with whatever the majority of people want most of the time. That being said she is trying to change and become more independent and bold, but it has yet to be seen if she will be able to go through with her plans. Misc: Lover of animals, music and gardening amongst other things. Generally anything tied to farm living she is more than happy to do. She has quite a few fears that have yet to be discovered seeing as she has lived a very sheltered life, though already quite a few things get to her. Things like uncomfortable situations or horrible people mostly, but surely Chris McLean will help her find out just what else she is really scared of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Chef Hatchet Age: ? Gender: Male Appearance: Motivation: He has none. He enjoys seeing the campers get tortured to a degree less than that of Chris, and he enjoys having a paying job. Other than that, he has no motivation. Backstory: No one knows what his life story is. The only things that anyone can gather are that he went to culinary school (maybe) and that he was once in the military. Personality: Chef is as mean as a drill sergeant. Odds are, he was one. He tends to scare campers with his incredibly infuriated facial expressions. He also couldn't care less about the quality of the food he makes. As such, unless it is a special occasion, campers' meals are barely edible, if they can be considered edible at all. He'll also help Chris run challenges from time to time. Misc.: Chef has no fears. Not ones to speak of anyways. He's hardcore and stone cold. He can be made uncomfortable, though, but even that is hard to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ploxerdon
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Ploxerdon Of The Shadows

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Dan Bourne Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Motivation: Free 100.000 Dollars? Dan is in. He doesn't care about any risks or whatever, he just is here to make a quick buck. And hey, its always better than his life on the streets, right? Backstory: Dan Bourne has always been a troublesome kid, and once he turned 18, his parents kicked him out of his house. The first thing he did after that was go to the liquid store, and waste all his money there. Dan Bourne is living on the streets nowadays, and doesn't care about anybody or anything, including his own health. When he was offered to join this program, he couldn't refuse. Worst case scenario, he is stuck on an island with some idiots and free food. Thats better than what he is used to. Best case scenario? 100k dollars in the bank, that will probably get him some quality weed to smoke. Personality: Dan doesn't care about anybody or anyone, making him lazy as it gets. If he had the choice to walk a mile, or not eat for a day, he wouldn't eat. Worn clothes, bad attitude, he got it all. If he were to die, he wouldn't even care. Misc: Him not caring about anything has it ups and downs. He doesn't really fear anything, but he is too lazy to do anything. He has nothing to lose either, so he won't take any risks either. Name: Johny Johnson Age:17 Gender: Male Appearance: Motivation: Johny Johnson really likes fame, so he wants to stay in the competition as long as possible. He couldn't care more or less about the money, he wipes his ass with 100k dollars. Backstory: Johny came from a rich family, and never had to work for anything, making him lack skills in basically every aspect that there is. His parents live in a mansion, and he is used to being spoiled all the time. When he heard about this program, he immediately signed up, as it was a nice way to obtain some fame. Personality: Johny's ego is huge, as he thinks he is number 1, and that he outclasses each and everybody on the island. Besides being cocky, he is spoiled, and would rather not make his hands dirty. Misc: The fact that he misspelled his own name on his chest when getting it tattooed proofs that he is an idiot. His only redeeming quality is that he is quite good at acting, which might help him out. He refuses to get his hands dirty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

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Name: Ned DeRosario Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Motivation: Ned never was able to prove himself to anyone outside of his vast knowledge of many various subjects. He's out to beat everyone on the island by outwitting the competition, and demonstrating his superior mind on international television. Backstory: Ned has always been a shut in. Never once left his house when he didn't absolutely have to, he always preferred to stay inside and absorb all the information he could- off the internet and from books. He was also always picked on for being rather scrawny and unkempt, but it never even bothered his ego once. Personality: Ned is your stereotypical nerd. He knows all sorts of odd and random things that most people would deem useless information. But he's proud to demonstrate such knowledge when opportunity knocks. This most likely comes from his antisocial background, and as such he never learned when to keep his mouth shut. He's a pretty nice guy for a know it all, though, and is well aware of what is at stake. He's not the strongest physical competitor, but when you can get past his vast overconfidence and start listening to him instead of ignoring him (which people tend to do), he can be a great brain to have in many challenges. Misc: He's got a hoarse voice. He also has many awkward quirks, one of which is his fear of crunchy peanut butter. Highly irrational, yes, but to him, its crunchiness is just terrifyingly unnatural. He's also very clumsy, but claims to have a "sexy bod" and "wicked talents".
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Violet "Vi" Miklos Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Motivation: Her parents wanted to get her out of the house so that she could be independent of them as soon as possible. They found a camp for her to go to and made her sign the suspiciously long contract. They all thought it was a genuine summer camp, and Vi still thinks that. She's in for a rude awakening, however. But while she's here, may as well try to become a hundred-thousand-aire, right? Backstory: Vi faced depression through most of her life. Her heterochromia always made her the butt of many jokes, and she's gone through most of her life without any friends. Another one of her goals, while she is here, is to hopefully make some friends and get to know some people. Personality: Vi is a genuinely sweet and caring girl. Sometimes, she may need some reminding that they are in a competition, because it is her nature to help anyone and everyone. If she happens to make any friends, though, then you'd better not mess with them. It's always the quiet ones... And Vi is REALLY shy. Misc: Vi has a fear of burning to death, drowning, or being buried alive. She used to have nightmares involving those three things frequently, but they're much less common now... Doesn't mean she's any less afraid, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Oliver Prior Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Motivation: Oliver sees reality TV as a gateway to his one true dream: becoming an A-list acting powerhouse. He figures that with the $100,000 grand prize, he can afford to move to Hollywood and hire an agent – and with the fame that comes with winning, landing roles would be a piece of cake. At the same time, he sees this particular reality show as an opportunity to show off how masculine he can be, something that has as of late become very important to him. Backstory: Oliver grew up in a small, rural town. Since he was a child, he only had one dream: to one day go to Hollywood and see himself on the big screen. As a young teen, he found himself to be quite popular with the girls in his class, and while he wasn't quite as interested in them as they were in him, he figured he might as well take advantage of the attention and began dating serially. At 16 though, Oliver made a world-shattering realization: he was actually gay. Afraid of this revelation, he kept it to himself and actually stepped up his dating game with the ladies, suddenly terrified that others had somehow discovered it in him as well. Personality: To those who don't know him, Oliver appears to be a regular bro: handsomely aggressive, aggressively handsome, and a merciless flirt to any pretty girl who will put up with it. Behind his façade though, lies a soft-spoken, confused young man whose real passion is method acting. He tends to avert his eyes when talking to guys he finds particularly attractive. Misc: Oliver is an avid reader of poetry. He would kill for a nice... significant other with whom he can stay up until sunrise talking about favourite poems and poets. He particularly enjoys Emily Dickinson. He also recently broke up with his latest girlfriend, just hours after being picked for this show. His biggest fear is having his sexuality revealed to the world, especially on national television... oh, and spiders. Oliver is terrified of spiders. ----- Parade Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: Motivation: … You know, she's not sure. Parade doesn't really know which direction life is taking her – and that is just the way she likes it. Backstory: Parade spent most of her childhood in a small commune. Although she was happy there, at 16 she left the commune, guided by a vision that told her to go out into the world and find her true purpose. She hitchhiked across the country for nearly a year, living off the kindness of strangers, before finally being arrested for starting a campfire in a city park. While in lockup she befriended a fellow drifter, and after they were both released they toured the country together in his rickety caravan. Eventually she was recruited for this show, and while she doesn't entirely understand what that means, she sure is excited to be a part of it. Personality: Parade is very laid back and care free. She doesn't quite understand the outside world yet, but she is curious and eager to learn. She especially has gotten herself in trouble when it comes to monogamy – she finds the idea not only pointless, but completely alien, having grown up in a community where free love reigned. She works well with others, but can be incredibly naïve, not always recognising when she is being taken for a fool. Misc: Parade is literate, but just barely. Her drifter friend has been kind enough to teach her during their travels. She likes to smoke trees, shoot the breeze and even occasionally spend some quality time with Lucy. She plays mandolin. Making love is one of her favourite things to do. She fears true love - a concept entirely new, introduced to her through pillow talks with her drifter friend - and, to a certain extent, monogamy in general. Or maybe she just fears the incompatibility of her own values and morals with the outside world. She occasionally has nightmares of her future self, a woman entirely different, completely adapted - married, settled down, having completely forgotten the names and faces of those who raised her. ----- Autumn Bailey Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: Motivation: Fame and fortune, of course! Well, that and the fact that $100,000 will really help get her music career off the ground. Nothing quite like the publicity that comes with winning a reality show to get Autumn Bailey on the map! Backstory: Autumn grew up in the suburbs of a major city. She got involved with the underground music scene from a young age, going to shows with her much older brother, and after watching an underground band she was familiar with get signed to a major label, she decided that she was going to one day do the same. She formed a band with two close friends, booked a few shows, and learned to sing and play guitar, in that order. After a year and a half of “touring” (which in reality was just playing the same handful of underground venues for $25 a show, over and over) the band split, and Autumn decided to pursue a solo career, which has seen similar success... or lack thereof. Personality: Autumn is perky, happy, and confident. She puts her mind to something, and then she does it. And then she keeps doing it until she succeeds. She's a social butterfly and loves to meet new people, but doesn't always work well in groups – that same drive to succeed sometimes gets in the way of her ability to think beyond what she personally has set out to do. Misc: Autumn's confidence, as well as a deep-seated fear of failure and rejection, tends to blind her to her own shortcomings. She's convinced that her lack of success as a musician is a result of not having the proper exposure – not playing the right venues at the right time, not inviting the right people to see her shows. It has never once occurred to her that perhaps her lack of success has something to do with her lack of real musical talent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nylic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Veronica Willis Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Motivation: The money, of course! She's winning this thing and she won't let anyone stop her. She doesn't care about fame and all, she just wants to live a stable life where you don't have to steal and fight to survive in the streets. Backstory: Veronica grew up in the poorest part of town, and where she and her family live in the squatters' area. Of course, in the end they were got rid of from their homes and that's when Veronica decided to leave her parents and face the world alone. She was ten years old then, so she doesn't really know what she was talking about but she kept her word. She grew up on the streets and learned how to look out for herself. Personality: Veronica is a VERY determined person. When she puts her mind onto something, she will do everything to get it. However, she's also tad playful at times, often sending out double entendres and innuendos, but that's only because watching people's reaction are very amusing. She's confident on her abilities and and won't hesitate to play dirty to achieve her goal. Misc: Veronica fears that she'll someday die in the streets without even having progress in her life. She's also scared of spiders for some reason, and has always avoided them since she was little. Name: Adrian Ross Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Motivation: Well, the prize is actually a second motivation, he was in because of the publicity mostly, but his main goal for joining the show is to witness the drama that is about to happen in the island, and he will enjoy every second watching it, being the casual observer and the son of a paparazzi slash celebrity blogger and gossiper. Backstory: Adrian grew up in the orphanage until he was five, wherein he was adopted by Ashton Ross, a flamboyant and openly gay paparazzi who is famous for blogging celebrity gossips and secrets. Of course, Adrian soon began to inherit his adopted father's traits, like the flashy clothing and annoying nosiness. They were well-off, and Adrian doesn't have any problems with his father. Personality: Adrian is aspiring to be like his adopted father and tries to follow his footsteps. He has no sense of privacy and doesn't know the meaning of no, and will stick his nose into your business if he's interested whether you like it or not. He's blunt and rude at times, but he has a soft side somewhere...probably. He's flamboyant and flashy, like his father, and dyed his hair pink because he thinks it's fabulous. He acts and talks quite femininely, but he's straight, that he's sure of. Misc: Despite wanting to be like his father, he's also scared that people will compare him to his father, ruining originality. He's also claustrophobic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Eilif Markham Age: 16 Gender: Female Motivation: Having signed up to spite her family, Eil is gonna see this through to the end, the money is a good second, but really she had never believed she could be picked anyway. The adrenalin rush she may or may not get is another reason. Backstory: For the most part Eil was a normal girl, the differences being that she was pulled out of school and home schooled from the age of ten. Instead of proper schooling it was just letting her run wild, learning what she wanted to learn. This mostly included running lose and causing havoc, tagging random signs also turned into a hobby. Now that she’s sixteen her parents want to send her off to a pretty, prim, girlish, all-girls boarding school. The sort of place Eil would never go. So she signed up for the show as a way out. She had been told she had to buckle down and do something, so she did something, just not what her parents were hoping. Personality: Eil is a wild girl who always preferred being outdoors. Except when she had a good book and then she wanted to be where no one can find her. Wild and carefree, Eil has a slight anger management problem, but for the most part she is really to kind for her own good. Her mood swings are sudden and shocking, and very obvious as well. She is not an idiot; she just can’t be bothered to learn normal things. Also a bit of a daredevil adrenalin junkie, she will take unnecessary risks just for the sake of it. Misc: She is claustrophobic and any feeling of being trapped makes her go berserk, lashing out at anything nearby, especially if it will get her out. She is also scared of most spiders and doesn’t like touching some bugs, though she is fine with most. Ants disgust her with the way they swarm, and the smell of oranges or similar fruits makes her want to puke. She both loves and is a little afraid of the dark, but if there is even a tiny bit of light she is fine, blindfolds however don’t affect her the same way. To counter her fear of dark she wears a glow in the dark pendant for cloudy nights, or being inside. Her only really calm state is when she sing to the stars, however she doesn’t really like others hearing her sing to often. Name: Sam Woodward Age: 16 Gender: Male Motivation: None. Nope. Nil. Nada. Nicht. Zip. Zill. (You get the picture) Not even for the money. Sure it’d be great if he did win, that money would keep him happy for a long time, but really? Moneys not all that great. At least, not in Sam’s opinion. Backstory: Sam, having little motivation in his life for anything, grew up being dragged off to things by his dad, in an attempt to interest him in something. Other than books. He has been dragged to sport games, to music concerts, workshops, rallies, and recitals. The latest, and most drastic thing his dad has done is sign him up for this reality show thing. Sam has only a vague idea of what he’s getting into, and is in for a pretty nasty surprise. Personality: Sam is a fairly simple person, he doesn’t want much from life Quite unmotivated most of the time, he will stick to things through and through, if they perk his interest. Books are one thing Sam likes, that and a bit of good music. Good food is also another thing. Quiet for the most part, Sam can be quite smart but nearly never shows it. He actually quite enjoys many of the things he gets dragged to, (except for the often-present loud noises,) but that doesn’t motivate him to participate in anything else. Misc: Loud, excessive, or constant noises, being left behind, huge crowds, large amounts of water; these are things Sam fears. Bad food is even worse. However if Sam can find a reason to be bothered with anything he will stick it out; through thick, thin, and dog poop (if he has to).
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Heloise Silverton Age: 18 Gender:female Appearance: Motivation: To get enough money to write, and publish her book, while funding herself for college. For her mother. Backstory: Heloise was raised by her mother. Her father left before Heloise could even form any memories of him, and her mother worked hard to give her a good life. Heloise was always interested in stories, and writing them, and her mother encouraged that, giving her everything she needed, even if it was mostly second hand. When her mother got sick, Heloise took over a lot of responsibility, juggling school work, and a part time job, as well as caring for her mother. Her mother died just before her graduation, and Heloise struggled for a few months, but vowed to do her best, to honor her mothers memory. Personality: Heloise is a kind and caring young woman. She is quite, prefering to keep to herself then to being in a group. She likes solitude, and uses the time she is with other people to observe them. She is a strong, determined young woman, and dedicated to her dream of becoming a writer. Misc: She is afraid of spiders, snakes and failing. Her lack of confidence sometimes makes her second guess herself, and as a result, she is constatnly worrying about what she writes, and if she will be good enough.
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