I remember quite a long time ago finding an RP themed around torture. The general idea was that you'd fill a roll of a different type of victim undergoing different types of pain and you would try and escape anyway you could, which presented a different challenge for each player as some of these methods of torture involved amputation.
Now I never read further into the RP but I remember it having a lot of interest and back then I don't remember if it fell within RPG's standards on violence.
I'm here now to inquire on this topic, I fully understand that any pictures would be a big, no-go! But I wonder is there a limit to violence and gore detailed in an rp? I know any form of sexual violence would be a no-go, but I am more wondering if there is a line you don't want users to cross in this regard specifically or if there is a context to avoid, such as detailed re-creation of actual murders or attacks. I'd honestly hate to one day post one of my gruesome, creepypasta styled short stories and then have it looked at as a tarnish on the RPG forums.
Thank you in advance!