Name: Jake Daniels
Age: 16
Attire: Solid color t-shirts, band merch, jeans, and converse.
Grade: Junior
Schedule: 1st: Contemporary US Studies Honors
2nd: Conceptual math
3rd:English 11 Honors
4th: Strings
5th: Lunch
6th:Select Choir
7th:Student aide
8th: Chem 1 Honors
Bio: Jake lived in Lino Lakes, Minnesota since he was a child. At seven years old, he started to learn how to play guitar. Music, school, and video games were Jake's life, until he turned 15. His mother developed a terminal brain disorder, and his father took a turn for the worse. As a product of abuse from him, Jake went into a deep depression. His friend Devin became a light in the darkness to for Jake. When his mother was moved to New York for better treatment, Jake took the opportunity to escape the hell that was Minnesota. It was by chance that a relative of Devin's that lived in New York recently passed away, so the two moved to Albany County, and the two have lived there since.
Notes: Jake has been a rhythm guitarist since he was 9.
Jake is rather introverted at first, but tends to be talkative when he gets to know you. And once you're friends, he places you first. He fights for his friends, and feels nothing when he headbutt a prick that's been messing with any of his friends.