Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SimYouLater


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Edit: RP unpaused, in case it wasn't obvious. Sorry for the delay.) --- The van jerked forward, its electric power source meant it didn't use a transmission like an internal combustion engine. It sped through the city streets, the strange siren wailing as people rushed out of the way. --- The Gadgeteer (Hits: N/A) Mk.II Armor PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: GamePlayer X+, 5 GamePlayer cartridges As the rail car sped along the tracks, the Gadgeteer noticed a switch in the track suddenly flick to the left into a dark, unlit tunnel. He cranked down the throttle, but was unable to determine where the brakes were. The rail car grinded along the rails and continued into the shadows. The Gadgeteer activated his goggles' night-vision, as the track wound back and forth in the darkness. Eventually it came to a dead end at a wall. "Uh oh." he said, frantically searching for the brakes. Fortunately, a mechanical noise was heard, and the wall separated to reveal more tracks leading into the darkness. The rail car slipped between the doors, which quickly closed behind them. They turned in a u-bend of tunnels and at the end of it all a light finally came into view. The rail car's breaks suddenly activated as a light on the control panel shone beside the words "emergency braking strip detected". The rail car finally came to a stop at a terminus where some sort of marketplace had been set up. A somewhat shady looking man was at the platform as if to meet them. He took a device out of his pocket and pointed it at them, and a beam of light swept over the two of them. When it stopped, he spoke into the device. Once he had finished a sentence, the device began speaking in english. "Welcome, fellow timeskippers! You've been invited to take a gander at the goods of the inter-timeline bazaar!" the device said in a computerized british voice. It repeated the same general phrases in the Privateer's variation of latin, in an accent most widely used in the area around Timeline 86's Rome. "Here, let us get you out of that cage first, ma'am!" the device repeated after the man, as a device descended from the ceiling, lifted the cage and placed it down on the platform. The cage, however, had been locked with a more secure method than was used for the usual prisoners. "Oh. I apologize. We didn't realize they had developed that technology yet..." the device said, and the man pointed it at the lock. It clicked open, and the Privateer was quick to kick the cage open. "Obviously you're wondering why we've brought you here. Well aside from it being good for business to save potential customers from certain death, we can't exactly have the locals knowing that there are timeskippers among them! Although judging by your situation, you must be new to this particular timeline! You may call me the Merchant, and as an incentive to use our services in this or any other timeline in the future, have these free Psychic Wallets!" the Merchant's device said. He tossed the Privateer and Gadgeteer each a small, unassuming fake-leather wallet. "Just put materials with high content of silicon, carbon, gold and/or silver into the main pocket, and the wallet will convert the materials into PsyCoins which can be used to purchase items from timeline locals in your travels! It uses all other elements found in the materials as nuclear fuel to create the PsyCoins, so it's very eco-friendly! And don't worry, the wallets will not degrade anything with high volumes of electricity including bioelectricity, so your fingers are safe from being taken off!" The Merchant then extended his arm as if to say "behold!" and spoke into the device again. "But don't think this little taste is all we have! Go! Sample some of our fine wares! Then when you have some Aether with which to purchase our exclusive products, come to any inter-timeline bazaar throughout the multiverse and shop to your heart's content... or wallet's bottom. Oh, I almost forgot to mention! Aether can be stored in the Psychic Wallet as well, but you'll have to figure out for yourself how to get ahold of it. It also doubles as "universal identification" in case anyone starts asking too many questions. Just flash it like so!" The Merchant pulled out his own Psychic Wallet and opened it up. Inside was a blank piece of paper behind a clear plastic sleeve, but the longer the Gadgeteer and Privateer stared at it, the more it looked like some sort of ID card was inside the sleeve instead. "And without further ado, I will leave you to your own devices!" the device translated for the Merchant one last time, turning away to return to his large shop which dominated the center of the strange marketplace. The Gadgeteer turned to the Privateer and spoke in her language. "So... Latin, eh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MisterEightySix


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

(We get PSYCHIC PAPER?! Damn.) The Privateer (Hits: N/A) Messor I PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Miniature Instant Camera, Flat Screwdriver, Psychic Wallet, ??? --- The Privateer stared at the blank paper in her new Psychic Wallet, trying to see if she could make out any sort of real picture or writing in it. It was one thing to go to new universes, but quite another for something like this to be happening to her. "Ita vero," she said to the Gadgeteer. Romans in Timelines 1 and 86 alike did not have a real word for "yes" or "no", but he could make out the majority of her speech clearly enough. "It seems I am the only navitempus... timeskipper?... to do so. What is your language? I have never heard it before."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SimYouLater


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Gadgeteer (Hits: N/A) Mk.II Armor PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: GamePlayer X+, 5 GamePlayer cartridges, Psychic Wallet "English. Despite what the British Empire thought of themselves, it's not that common. A lot of timelines diverge before it goes into widespread use, its linguistic ancestry barely resembles the form used in most worlds and so "Anglish" often takes its place, and there was a tipping point in which the descendants of the Germanic tribes wage war on the world. In the timelines where they win, German is more widely used than English, usually under penalty of death." he explained to the Privateer. "Thing is, I don't even come from a variation of the British empire. That tipping point I mentioned? In my home timeline the two sides of that war wiped each other out after the war dragged on for decades longer than usual among the multiverse." He sat down in the driver's seat of the rail car. "I come from a continent on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean from Europe. The British Empire colonized that continent and then lost control over it. We were calling it Canada when I left there, and in most timelines it's a nation known for being a peacekeeper." The Gadgeteer then looked downward sadly. "In my timeline it's known for being the "leader of the free world", which basically translates to attacking weaker nations for their resources at the behest of industrial interests, unfortunately. I should know, since I was mistakenly given this over-powered armor by the king of all industry moguls, who thought I was his dying son. The bastard wanted to make his heir superhuman, at the expense of everyone else. Instead he did so to the son of one of his employees, me, so when I was woken from a 10 year technology-assisted dream I'd been in since infancy I made sure he'd never again walk on the backs of others." The Gadgeteer sat up and looked at the inter-timeline bazaar. "Sorry, I don't usually have people to talk to. So do you want to take a look at this place or do you have places to be?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

The Traveler (Hits: N/A) Superhuman Ability PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Souvenirs from other timestreams The Traveler watched as The Solver bravely volunteered himself to their captors. "Hey, they were originally after me. You wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me. So don't get yourself into more trouble on my account. Besides, I promise you that I can get out of here in 24 hours... or probably less, actually," he told The Solver. Now, let's see if I have anything useful, he thought. The Traveler quickly began searching his pockets for anything useful that could get them out. After finding nothing interesting, he unslung his backpack and began scrounging through the disorganized contents. Finally, he found something interesting. He pulled out a device that resembled a laser pointer and presented it to The Solver. "So, I say we've got two options. Ride through this and see if we can get some answers on what's going on around here OR try to escape using this. I know it looks like a laser pointer, but it works basically like a blow torch so it should be able to cut through this cage. Anyway, I'm more inclined to escape, but I'll go with what you think is best."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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The Solver (Hits: N/A) The TEACUP (Timeline Emmigration Allowance Contraption Undermines Physics) PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Brass Knuckles Taser, SDGXL, SDGXL Charger, Various SDGXL Cartridges --- "Let's wait it out, at least for a bit. If things get bad, use that and I'll cover you." The Solver said, revealing his brass knuckles/taser once more. He sat back down on the floor, near the bars of the cage as his eyes were upon the driver and the guards. If he really wanted to, he could have paralyzed everyone in here, but it was best as to try and get information. An idea sprouted into his head, he looked back over to the Traveler before hatching his plan. "I have an idea...from in here, I can knock out all the guards after you get us out. Then we can force the driver to take us to our destination, I should have no trouble if he decides to struggle, ESPECIALLY in close quarters." He said once more. Sliding the brass knuckles/taser onto his right hand, he kept it readied, hiding his right hand inside his coat, as to prevent being spotted by the guards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SimYouLater


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The van, not exactly well-maintained in a "police" force that was paid in the equivalent of dollars a day, blew a tire and skidded in an arc to the right, smashing through a set of rusty iron bars meant to block off a large drainage pipe. The van rolled down the pipe, picking up speed as it descended into the darkness. Finally, and seemingly illogically or ominously, a light could be seen ahead. The van plopped out of the pipe and into the inter-timeline bazaar, landing nose-first which knocked out the driver. The unbalanced vehicle then rocked onto its back and was stuck upside down with the Traveler and Solver inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

The Traveler (Hits: N/A) Superhuman Ability PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Souvenirs from other timestreams The Traveler was the first to regain consciousness after the van crashed. He stood up and looked to the now open van door. He tapped The Solver on the shoulder before walking towards their only escape. The Traveler quickly took in his surroundings, admiring what the inter-timeline bazaar had to offer. "Whoa. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it," he said. "What about you?" he asked The Solver without even looking back to see if his fellow prisoner had even awoken yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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The Solver (Hits: N/A) The TEACUP (Timeline Emmigration Allowance Contraption Undermines Physics) PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Brass Knuckles Taser, SDGXL, SDGXL Charger, Various SDGXL Cartridges --- The Solver was awake, he rubbed his heas as he was amazingly untouched. Seeing as the driver was knocked out, and they were upside down, he lookee over at the Traveler. "Now would be a good to explore, eh?" He said to the Traveler following him out the van. He tucked the brass knuckles back inside his coat pocket. He checked to make sure his handheld console was okay, which it was, otherwise he wasn't going to be very happy. He explored his surroundings looking around the bazaar in curiosity, where he looked at the shops in curiosity, before spotting the Gadgeteer and the Privateer, he did not walk forward, nor greet them, but kept his vigilant state on, ready for a battle whenever needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MisterEightySix


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Privateer (Hits: N/A) Messor I PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Miniature Instant Camera, Flat Screwdriver, Psychic Wallet (other souvenirs unknown) --- Before the Privateer had a chance to answer the Gadgeteer, she fell over backward as the ground rattled from the van's dramatic entrance. Soon afterward, the Solver and the Traveler had exited the van. Now they were all in one place, and it was a strange place indeed. But again, the Privateer's mind was not on logical things. She ignored the Solver's battle stance, making her way to the cabin of the van. With some difficulty, she hauled the unconscious driver out of the van and, in a fashion that would come to be the usual in the others' eyes, she looted everything she could off of him. She'd always wanted a utility belt. On the belt was a pneumatic arrow launcher, similar in size and shape to a handgun. It was still nearly fully loaded. There was also a pair of handcuffs. Odd how these guys never seemed to use those. Lastly, a truncheon. Self-explanatory. She was about to go root through the van, when a voice said from behind her, "Uh, what are you doing?" (So, who said it? You decide!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

"Uh, what are you doing?" The Traveler asked The Privateer in English. He had forgotten that The Solver was the only one he had met so far that spoke the same language as him. "I know that guy was trying to throw the two of us in prison just a few minutes ago, but I don't think we should just take his stuff and leave him. Especially if we don't know the extent of his injuries." When no one immediately reacted to his suggestion, The Traveler approached the unconscious driver and took a knee next to him. He then leaned over and tried to feel for the man's heartbeat, and as soon he found it, he tried to closely listen for the man's breathing. "Well he's alive at least, but uh... I don't know how to check if he's got a concussion. Any of you guys know?" he asked the three.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SimYouLater


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Gadgeteer (Hits: N/A) Mk.II Armor PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: GamePlayer X+, 5 GamePlayer cartridges, Psychic Wallet The Gadgeteer approached in a hurry when he heard the word concussion. "Okay, someone carry this guy to that rail cart over there. You want to know if he's got a concussion?" he said, pinching the guard's arm. "He's unconscious. Definitely a concussion. He's gonna need medical help." "I believe I can take care of that!" the Merchant said, arriving at the scene. He clapped his hands and two large brass automatons lifted the guard into a stretcher. They placed him in the back of the rail cart and put it in full reverse, disappearing into the dark tunnels. "They'll drop him off somewhere he can be quickly found by his co-workers. Now then, I believe I missed you two!" the Merchant said, turning to the Traveler and Solver. After going through the same sales pitch as he did with the Privateer and Gadgeteer, the Merchant tossed a Psychic Wallet each to the Solver and Traveler, invited them to look around, and swiftly returned to his store. "So I guess you two are timeskippers too?" the Gadgeteer said to the Traveller and Solver.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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The Solver (Hits: N/A) The TEACUP (Timeline Emmigration Allowance Contraption Undermines Physics) PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Brass Knuckles Taser, SDGXL, SDGXL Charger, Various SDGXL Cartridges --- The Solver caught the Psychic Wallet in his hands and opened it, looking inside it to find the Psychic Paper and the pockets as to store PsyCoins. He closed the wallet and placed it in his pocket before looking over at the Gadgeteer. "Timeskippers Bazaar, eh? Nice to meet you, I'm the Solver." The Solver said, slipping his brass knuckles back inside his coat pocket before taking his SDGXL from his other pocket and holding it in his hand. He slipped the Data Card back in and turned it on, before checking the time, he nodded before turning off the system and slipping it back in his pocket. "Right then. It's afternoon and we have a few hours, no? Might as well get going, best to not waste daylight.....I'm not exactly fond of what's going on here, confiscation seems to be a joke to the guards, their attitude, a helicopter to catch two people....I'm not quite amused, really " He said, before letting his eyes trail around the Bazaar while waiting for a response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SimYouLater


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Gadgeteer (Hits: N/A) Mk.II Armor PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: GamePlayer X+, 5 GamePlayer cartridges, Psychic Wallet "I'm the Gadgeteer." he responded. "She hasn't gotten the chance to say her name..." the Gadgeteer motioned towards the Privateer "...but she comes from a timeline without the English language, so I guess I'll have to translate for her? Also I think they were after you for the same reason they were after us. They want to know how we got here, and they're willing to take extreme measures to do so. There's security cameras everywhere in this timeline." He watched as the Solver put the Data Card into the device. "Wait, you've been to that timeline?" the Gadgeteer asked, taking out the GamePlayer X+. "I got this from a timeline where the DualGear exists! It was new when I got it, apparently the John Hails guy I gave it to wanted to reverse engineer a pair of Augmented Reality goggles I had so his company could outdo a rival game developer?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MisterEightySix


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Privateer (Hits: N/A) Messor I PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Miniature Instant Camera, Flat Screwdriver, Monocular, Psychic Wallet (other souvenirs unknown) --- The Privateer produced a device like a small telescope out of her pocket. She too had noticed the seeming absence of security cameras. Placing it next to her eye, she rotated the end pointing away from her to focus it, then started looking around. Nothing. Whoever the Merchant was, he'd certainly covered his bases. A thought came back into her head. The Messor was still out there on the streets somewhere! She tapped the Gadgeteer on the shoulder to get his attention. "We can't stay. We need to find my chronosphere before those men dismantle it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SimYouLater


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Gadgeteer (Hits: N/A) Mk.II Armor PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: GamePlayer X+, 5 GamePlayer cartridges, Psychic Wallet "Wait, so you use a vehicle?" the Gadgeteer asked her in Latin. "Where did you leave it?" He turned to the Traveller and Solver. "You two do know that once one timeskipper leaves a timeline, the timeline locks onto heir destination and forced anyone who leaves after them to arrive at the same timeline for about one month afterwards, right?" he explained in English. "So for better or worse we're stuck with each other. Is there any chance that you can join us and help us recover this woman's timeskipping machine, or are you going to try and stay here for a month and pretend we never existed?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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The Solver (Hits: N/A) The TEACUP (Timeline Emmigration Allowance Contraption Undermines Physics) PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Brass Knuckles Taser, SDGXL, SDGXL Charger, Various SDGXL Cartridges --- The Solver raised an eyebrow at the Gadgeteer when he said he gave John Hails the Augmented Reality goggles. "Ah, thus the two companies eventually worked together to create Virtual Reality, a step up from what you gave them. Now it makes sense as to why Father and Mr. Hails managed to work together to create it, everyone else thought it would be a long while until we would see VR. If it wasn't for Father's ingenuity and your Timeskipping, we wouldn't be where we are today." He said before shrugging and answering his second statement. "Well then, it seems we have to work together...I'm willing to do so. Not sure about you, though." He looked over at the Traveller before looking back down at at his coat pocket, taking out a small cartridge, probably for the SDGXL as he twirled it around, looking at it. On the label of the cartridge you could faintly see a a white clothed assassin with daggers in his hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

The Traveler's first reaction to The Gadgeteer's obvious deduction of what he was to feign ignorance. "T-timeskipper? W-what's that?" he lied, a lie that could be seen through by a toddler. The three other timeskippers continued talking, not even trying to hide their true nature from each other. This was a bit surprising for The Traveler, not only because they were so open with each other but because he had never met another timeskipper before, let alone four, if you count the The Merchant. Not wanting to miss the chance to be with people that he could actually relate to, he said, "Truth be told, I don't know how I've made it this. I'm sure if I were to leave you guys it wouldn't be too long before I find a dagger in my back or a laser beam to the face. So yeah, I'm with you guys. So, uh, which way to your chrono-thingy, miss?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SimYouLater


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Gadgeteer (Hits: N/A) Mk.II Armor PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: GamePlayer X+, 5 GamePlayer cartridges, Psychic Wallet The Gadgeteer put away the GamePlayer X+ as he scanned the area for cameras using his goggles. Somehow the Merchant had managed to construct this place without attracting the attention of the locals, and even managed to ensure no cameras were in place here. "We'll help you recover the craft, but do you have a way of locating it Miss..." the Gadgeteer trailed off in Latin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MisterEightySix


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Privateer (Hits: N/A) Messor I PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Miniature Instant Camera, Flat Screwdriver, Monocular, Chronosphere Locator, Psychic Wallet (other souvenirs unknown) --- "They call me the Privateer. I shouldn't tell you my real name. Now, I can locate my chronosphere as long as its beacon is still active, but..." She produced the Messor's locator and waved her arm around. "These constructs are so dense that they're obscuring the signal. I need something to boost it." Without another word, she wandered off toward the bazaar. Not only would she be able to boost her locator's signal, it would be a good place to acquire more supplies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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The Solver (Hits: N/A) The TEACUP (Timeline Emmigration Allowance Contraption Undermines Physics) PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Brass Knuckles Taser, SDGXL, SDGXL Charger, Various SDGXL Cartridges --- The Solver raised an eyebrow as the Traveler attempted to lie to him, looking at him with a 'seriously?' expression before walking off after the Privateer, deciding to accompany her, he assumed the others would do the same. He was a bit awestruck as began to walk after her, his eyes trailing off to examine the bazaar as best as possible, taking in all the details down to the very last pebble on the ground. His left hand was in his coat pocket, tucking the SDGXL in his hand whence his right hand went to the collar of his shirt, grabbing the glasses which were hung on his shirt before slipping them on, as to do his best as to stay incognito. The Solver began to look for any sort of supplies he could use as to make PsyCoins for his recently acquired Psychic Wallet. "Silicon..carbon...and gold or silver...." he said, looking around the area as to see what he could take as to convert the materials into PsyCoins. Of course, he didn't plan on STEALING anything, he was mostly looking for something on the ground, or something that didn't belong to anyone.
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