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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chris McLean stood in position on what used to be called the Dock of Shame back in season one, smiling his hostly smile just as always. He straightened his shirt and fixed a strand of his hair one last time before the cameras started rolling. "Aaaaaand this season is a go! You're on, Chris." Said one of the cameramen, giving an obvious clue that Chris is okay to introduce the season and start the first episode. "Last season on Total Drama!" He said, then paused for a brief moment before continuing. "Fourteen campers duked it out on our brand new island, Pahkitew. In the season filled with some of the weirdest contestants yet, many weirdos fell short of the million. Beardo, the unpopular beatboxer. Leonard, the LARPer extraordinaire. Max, the living incarnation of cliché evil genius from movies. And Jasmine, Australian survivalist. But in the end, zombie conspiracy theorist Shaun walked away with the million dollars." Chris looked directly into the camera now. "This season, we return to where it all started. Again. Many thought Wawanakwa was blown up in season 5... And they're right. We rebuilt-slash-restored a slightly unstable rebirth of the island, and now contestants are in for a huge awakening. We're starting off this season with one wave of campers, then bringing in another wave shortly after. The frst wav of contestatnts is arriving right now. For viewers at home, the camera switched over to a boat that just stopped ar the dock. "First up, Ned DeRosario!" Chris exclaimed, as a scraggly blonde-headed teen stepped off the boat. Ned stepped off the boat and spoke after standing next to Chris. "Y'all get ready to see my crazy wicked talents!" "Can't wait Ned. Next up, Violet Miklos! And boy, look at her hair!" Chris chuckled as a girl with blue hair stepped out of the boat, blushing with embarassment. "It's not too bad, is it?!" She said nervously. As Chris continued to laugh, Vi walked over and stood quietly next to Ned. "Up next, Sam Woodward and Eilif Markham!" Chris announced dramatically, then waited for the two to come out. He chuckled in anticipation of today's challenges.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam stepped carefully off the boat; glad to be on dry land and followed the blue haired girl up towards what he could only guess was the show host. Why was he near the front?! At least if he had been near the back he’d have an idea of what he was doing. Strolling over to the man he looked round lazily, grimacing as he saw what was going to be his ‘new home’. Vaulting over the side of the boat Eilif completely ignored the short gangway and instead just jumped straight to the dock. The boy ahead of her was taking his time wandering up the dock, drinking in the scenery. That was frustrating, Eil hated being slow, but right now she was going to try and hold emotions in, at least for the first day. The boy ahead, stopped next to the girl with blue hair and Eil stopped right next to him, brushing her own red hair out of her crystal blue eyes. She grinned wildly, she was out, and this was going to be fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Heloise listened as others were introduced. The young girl let her hair fall over her eyes, silent, watching everyone through her hair. Studying them. One of the things she liked to do. People were just so...fascinating. And when you knew how to just simply be there, people just didn't see you. Yet you could see them. Ned, Violet, Sam and Eilif. she memorized the names, putting them to the faces they belonged to. When she was called, she walked off the gangway, hands in pockets, and shook her head, moving her hair out of her face. She looked to Chris, the other contestants, and said softly "I'm going to win this" Before moving aside, deliberately to the back of the others. Watchful, again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chris smiled even wider as he saw his new cast of torturees step onto the dock. "Next up... Helloise Silverton!" He exclaimed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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Oliver took a deep breath, waiting impatiently for his moment, watching the others disembark before him. Finally, he heard his name. “Showtime,” he mumbled, puffing out his chest and giving his best tough-guy impression before quickly strolling off the boat. He glanced around at the other contestants, memorizing their faces, and positioned himself next to Heloise, sending a not-so-subtle wink her way as he did so. “THE WINNER HAS ARRIVED!!” Autumn announced, striking a pose. She sashayed off the boat, smiling brightly, and high-fiving all of the other contestants as she passed. “Hello, hello, hello, and good luck to you all – not that it'll do you any good!” Behind Autumn, Parade poked her head out of the boat and looked around. Her expression was a little inquisitive, and a lot excited – she didn't fully understand what was happening, but everyone seemed happy to be here, and she sure was, too. She ambled off the boat, taking everything in as she walked: the beach, the water, the other folks lined up before her. Was that... was that bird wearing a plastic necklace? Everything was so exotic and strange, and Parade couldn't wait to get out there and explore this crazy new place. She looked again to the lineup of faces, and picked out the one that seemed the most friendly – Ned, was it? She flashed a friendly smile and then turned her attention back to the boat, because that seemed to be the place where everyone was looking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nylic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Veronica grinned as she stepped off the boat, flashing a pretty suggestive smile at the camera. She blew a flying kiss towards the camera and gave a playful wink. She struts down the docks confidently, and possibly sending flirty waves to the male contestants. "I'm winning this thing, got that?" She stated, not exactly in a snobby and overconfident way, just keeping her eye in the prize. Adrian smiled as he waves to the camera cheerfully, stepping off the boat and eyeing some of the contestants. There were so many different kinds of people there, and he can't wait to witness the things that will go down this season, and he will be able to see it live. He ran a hand through his flamboyant pink-dyed hair, grinning. "Can't wait any longer here," he jokingly said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Since everyone has just decided to not get off the boat as they're called... Please give a very warm welcome to Overconfident Autumn, bashful Parade, Vexatious Veronica attempts to woo the audience, and Eager Adrian! Don't worry, Adrian. I can't wait either." He said with his signature laugh. "Oh, and Oliver." He said, inteoducing him last, despite the fact that he exited the boat before most of the others. Ned smiled and spoke confidently to Parade. "Hello there. I can tell you're already impressed by my skills as a-" "Quiet, Ned!" Chris interjected. "I'm still introducing people here!" He shouted, then cleared his throat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Toqir Fogg’s heart skipped a beat as Chris called his name next, the camera panning to face him as he stood and disembarked the boat as quickly as he could. Already he was nervous and whilst he was waiting he had wanted nothing more to browse the web on his phone as he usually did whenever he wanted to distract himself. As quickly as he could he made his way towards the others, hesitating briefly as he wondered what he could say that would be clever or memorable like they had. “Eh... hey!” he half mumbled “this year’s season is mine!” Satisfied he blushed slightly before he made his way and stood beside the others, gazing at them as he realised that they all looked more determined than he did at this stage – also noticing that this year there were quite the number of pretty girls amongst the contestants. He averted his eyes as the next contestant was called, his heart still pounding from the excitement of it all. As Renée Windsor’s name was called she smirked and quickly made sure her hair was still perfect before she hopped off the boat concentrating on looking her best, as she walked slowly towards the others looking at each of them. As her gaze settled on their host Chris she winked and blew him a seductive kiss before she said to the camera “I’m just here to do my best!” she said with a giggle before she made her way to the front of the group, everything she did had been carefully considered beforehand. Looking back briefly she tried to smile at the others, first impressions and all. In reality she was sizing up the competition as she did so, disguising it as nothing more than happy curiosity as she examined everything within eyesight with her best innocent face the entire time. Lastly there was Delilah Green who hopped off the boat with a genuine look of amazement and excitement as she rushed over to Chris. She hesitated without knowing what to say and so just gave her best smile and waved awkwardly before she went to stand towards the back of the now quite sizable group. She felt a little overwhelmed but definitely excited. This was all so strange and she really didn’t know what to expect as out of habit she fiddle and twirled with the ends of her hair as she listened to Chris.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chris smiled as the next three contestants stepped off the boat. "Toqir, Reneé, and... Uh, Delilah. Those three conclude our first wave of victims- er, I mean contestants! We'll have another several arriving soon. For now, a couple of heads up. You'd better do your best if you want to stick around for a while, whether you want to win the million or not. ___________________________________ The camera for viewers at home instantly changed to view Chris in the Confessional stall. "That's right, and the Confessional is back!" ___________________________________ "You can use the Confessional at any given point to have a one-sided conversation with the audience, and you can reveal your plans, vent, and so on. You can say anything! Oh, and everyone has to use it." Chris chuckled as he went on to explain the challenge. "Now, for your first challenge, you have to make it to the cabin grounds. Good luck!" Chris shouted. He shouted because Chef Hatchet had arrived in a helicopter, and he picked Chris up. "Wait! Don't we get a... A map, or compass, or directions or something?!" Vi yelled over the helicopter. "What?! I can't hear anything you're saying!" McLean responded, then laughed as the helicopter took off. "Don't we- ugh..." She sighed. Ned watched the helicopter fly off over the trees, then decided to help out any of his fellow campers who decided to listen. "Hey guys, just head this way. That's the direction the helicopter went, so that's got to be where the cabins are." Whether or not anyone decided to listen, he marched off into the woods. __________________________________ Ned sat in the confessional stall. "Everyone will know I have skills after I guide them through the woods. I read an article on wilderness survival once." __________________________________
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Heloise studied Oliver when he deliberately it seemed, stood next to her, and gave an overly obvious wink. one of those play boy types, it seems. Would it be more amusing to play along, or put him down straight away? If I play along, I give the image of a love sick girl, who will then kick their butts in everything. If I dont, I maintain my self esteem. It wasn't a hard choice, at least not for her. She simply said, in a monotone voice "you should have got that tic checked out before coming on here. I imagine it must be terribly annoying to have that twitch in your eye" she gave a smile that could be considered sweet, and looked over when Ned talked. Didn't he consider the fact that the helicopter could be going that way to throw them off? She looked about, studying everything and watching the other contestants. If no one was going to speak up against this, should she? She debated that, and Ren said, her voice soft now, almost thoughtful "how do we know yet aren't trying to trick us, doing that with the helicopter?" But Ned had already headed off. She sighed heavily, deciding to label him a fool, for now. To her, the most important thing to find was water. They could dehydrate pretty quickly, and then where would that leave them? So looked at the contests still there and said, again in that same thoughtful tone "I think we need to find water, first. Drinkable water. And then we can follow it down stream. Camps, towns, cabins and such tend to be down the current, that way there's a supply of fresh water constsntly" while she knew this was a competition, she didn't want anyone to die. And right now it seemed like safety in numbers was important.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"I think we need to find water, first. Drinkable water. And then we can follow it down stream. Camps, towns, cabins and such tend to be down the current, that way there's a supply of fresh water constantly." Vi thought about her words for a minute. Her parents had mentioned that they were on an island campground that had no civilization whatsoever, aside from the camp itself. "Umm... But the contract said that this camp is supposed to be on an island that has no civilization aside from the campground." Vi responded. "Chris seems like the kind of guy to try to throw us off, so I think that heading off into the woods and hoping for the best is our best shot." She said, following with a smile. __________________________________ "I have no idea what I'm talking about, but if I know anything, it's how to read people." Violet said, in the Confessional outhouse. __________________________________ "See you all at the camp... Hopefully." She said, walking off in the direction opposite the Sun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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“Aw jeez, is my tic back?” Oliver not-so-subtly winked at Heloise again. “Damn. Thought I outgrew that.” He smirked as he walked passed her to join the group. --- “Hey, what can I say?” Oliver shrugged at the Confession Cam. “She's smooth. I'm smoother.” --- He watched as Ned walked off into the woods, and crossed his arms. “Well, that's one way to split the party. Are we just gonna let him wander off by himself?” He glanced to the rest of the group. No one else seemed to have any more of an idea than he did, and oh look, someone else was wandering off by herself. Well, whatever. He followed Vi, but didn't say anything to her just yet. Autumn shaded her eyes, watching the helicopter speed away. “Hunh?!” She pouted, and let out an exaggerated sigh. “Well, just standing here isn't going to do us any good. Does anyone have a -” She cut herself off as several people split off and went in different directions. “Oh. Good plan.” Parade was too dazzled by the sight of the helicopter to notice the group splintering off. Was that – a giant metal bird? But it has no wings! So bizarre, this place! Once she had recovered, she turned to notice the group had become smaller. “Oh... are we going, then?” The host man had said they needed to find camp. But he hadn't said in which direction camp was... Parade took note of the sun's position in the sky, and then watched the flow of the current; then she started observing the flora, looking for any sort of beaten path. --- Cut to the Confession Cam, where Parade was staring into the camera lens, making a small, curious noise. She tapped the lens several times before turning her attention to the rest of the booth, unsure of what to make of it. --- “That way.” Parade pointed toward what she thought looked like a lightly travelled path. “I think we should go that way.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Heloise sighed heavily. She walked over to the Confession Cam, entering it. She looked at the camera lens, then down at her hands. "I said I was doing this for you mum. I guess I'm doing it for myself, a bit too. I don't need anyone else. But I'm scsred of being alone. Like I have been, since you died. I'm going to win this. For you. For myself. And to prove that I can. I'm....just tired" she left the box ----- Instead of returning to the group, she entered the forest, and stood listening for a moment, eyes closed. There was always a sense of....silence in the forests. She drew in a deep breath and then drew it out, And then left the forest, looking about she sighed and followed Okiver and Vi. May as well be with people. Even if they were annoying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam watched as people headed off into the forest, wondering why they were here and what they wanted. He could follow the boy and the helicopter of course but the girl had said had also made sense. Used to being dragged round all his life, making decisions could be hard for Sam, especially as there probably something they hadn’t considered yet. He glanced around to see what the others were doing. Then he followed the small group into the forest, safety in numbers and all that, it also gave him someone to leave decision making to. Eil shrugged, this wasn’t gonna be too bad, strolling over to the edge of the woods, but still keeping the majority of the pack in sight, she started examining plants, seeing a few that she recognized she plucked some, tucking them safely in her pocket for later. Glancing around she made a small exclamation of surprise, not quite loud enough for the others to hear. She had spotted another plant she knew. Grinning she bent down and plucked a handful of sour sword leaves, plopping them in her mouth and chewing contentedly. The taste was sour, like the name would suggest, but not overpowering. It was a taste Eil liked and was used to. “That way, I think we should go that way.” Glancing round Eil saw a girl pointing towards a faint path, one Eil had not noticed till the girl pointed it out. “Yeah, sure, I’ll come with you.” Eil said than had a thought, “Actually, I might go round the island and check things out, dose anyone have any idea how big this place is?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ned sighed. Alone again, he thought. Not like he wasn't used to it. If any of these morons watched the show, they would realize that Chris wouldn't waste money on helicopter gas to divert them, since he was so invested in spending top dollar on himself. He smiled, hearing the flow of a creek. As he reached the creek he heard, he saw a berry bush, and deciding he was a bit peckish, decided to snack on them. He plucked one from the bush and plopped it into his mouth. Just as he started chewing, his eyes grew really wide. "Hot, hot, hot!" he yelled. He ran around madly for a few seconds before splashing water into his mouth like a madman. Chris sat and watched on his personal monitor, relaxed in a lawn chair along with Chef. He laughed and pointed at Ned in pain on the screen. "Oh, man. I had a few species implanted here from various countries. That's a Portugese Spicebush, more conmonly known as Little Hot Death." He laughed again, and Chef snickered. "He is pretty close already though. Think we should have made a diversion?" Chef thought for a second, then simply shrugged. "More money for the future challenges." "I like the way you think, Chef. I like the way you think." __________________________________ Ned, once again in the Confessional. "Okay, so I have no idea what some of these plants are. That article said nothing about pepper berries! Gosh!" __________________________________ Vi didn't let anyone know she was aware they followed her. She just kept walking. Hopefully she didn't disappoint the other players with her wild guessing. He didn't want to make enemies here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Heloise followed for a few moments, before deciding that if anything was going to happen it would have already. So she changed direction and followed the way Ned had gone, and found the creak. She saw the berries, and pursed her lips for a moment, crouching down to study them. While they didn't look posioness, she didn't want to risk trying them as they didn't look like anything she had come across before. She sated any thirst she had from the creek, studying it for a moment, wondering if there were any fish in it. Wary of any attacks from strange creatures, Heloise broke a tree branch off a tree, and decided it was better to have it then to have nothing as a weapon. She followed the creek down the river slightly, and because she felt alone, and felt lost, she began to sing softly, wanting to give some noise to the forest. She studied plants and any life she came across, trying to see if there was anything she recognised, anything that could be used as healing ingredients or even just for simple flavor in foods. How long would she have to go, until she found the camp site? For now, she had water and that was the main thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nylic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Veronica decided to just follow the blonde guy, since he looks smart and all. She doesn't really have any kind of plan, and everyone has their own opinions on what way they will go, and to be honest, they do make sense, but for now, she's going with this blonde nerd. What was his name...Ned? He seems to know what he was doing. Veronica followed him as discreetly as she can, debating wether following him was a good idea. She got her answer when the guy just eat this kind of plant then started yelling "Hot!" and splashing himself with the water. ----- Veronica stared at the Confession Cam, brushing some of her hair off her face. "Wow, and here I thought he was smart," she rolled her eyes. "He looks pretty stupid there, to be honest. Reminds me of myself when I decided to scrounge for food in the trash because I have no choice when I was ten. Results weren't pretty..." ----- Veronica regretted following this guy, but what the hell, it's just her and him right now, so she gotta make an alliance with him. Strength in numbers, right? You need someone who has your back if you're in a place where you have to survive by yourself. She decided to show herself. "Hey, you okay there?" She asked curiously, smirking in amusement. ----- Adrian, on the other hand, went with Heloise, Oliver and Vi, since they're many, and they seem okay. It doesn't look like they're going to bore him anytime soon anyway. He sighed as he noticed Heloise leaving the group, disappointed that nothing's happening, but still trudges down the path, following the Oliver and Vi. "Oh man, this is one bulky land to walk on," he complained. ----- Adrian shrugged and sighed, as if resigning himself to his fate. "Well,it's Total Drama, right? Should've expected it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mercenarius
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Parade had already started toward the path when she heard a voice - Eil's - agreeing to come along with her. She stopped, and waited patiently for her new companion. "How - big?" Parade tapped her cheek, thinking. "Euh... really big. Are you coming?" her tone and expression were not impatient; in fact, she smiled gently, giving Eil all the time she needed to make a decision. Oliver glanced over his shoulder at the sound of Adrian's voice - he had been unaware that the guy had been following them, and was more than a little startled to see him there. Oliver turned his gaze forward and crossed his arms. "Whatever," he mumbled. "You'll get used to it." --- "What?" Oliver crossed his arms defensively, scowling slightly at the confession cam. "The guy snuck up on me. Not cool, man." --- He turned his attention to Vi. "Any idea where we're going?" he asked softly, flipping his hair. Seeing the group split up even more, Autumn made the arbitrary decision to follow Ned. "Hey! Wait up!" She shouted after him, running in the direction he had disappeared. She ran at full speed until he came into view, suddenly doubled over in pain and splashing himself. "Hey -" she hardly had time to stop before smashing into him at full-speed, tumbling headfirst over him and knocking them both into the creek. "S-sorry!" she stammered, trying to stand but struggling to get a solid footing on the slippery rocks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nylic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adrian raised an eyebrow at the guy's dismissive attitude. "Yeah, yeah, and how well are you doing? Why decide to go this way, anyway?" He asked curiously, eyeing the grounds with obvious disdain and disapproval. ----- Adrian crossed his arms and demanded, "Okaaay, what's this guy's problem?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ned stopped and sat up to turn and answer Veronica, when suddenly one of the other girls- Autumn, specifically- slammed into him. The force of her hitting him slammed his face down into the creek.he immediately pushed himself up, choming on the creek water. "Egh... I think I swallowed a fish!" He yelled. __________________________________ Ned sat and stared at the Confessional camera, the only message given being his face. It obviously read "Are you freaking kidding me?" __________________________________ He pushed himself up onto his feet, coughed a few more times, then spoke. "Whatever. Let's just get moving." He ran his finger down the creek until he got to a specific spot. "There. This direction, come on. I'm winning this challenge." And with that, he took one quick glance back at those who chose to follow him, then kept going. __________________________________ "Figures the ladies wanted to follow me. If I was a girl, not only would I not blame them, but I'd follow myself as well." Ned said, then flexed his little arms. __________________________________ Violet kept walking, without turning around to face the person talking to her. "I haven't got any more of a clue than the two of you combined. I'm just trusting my gut." She answered. __________________________________ Violet tapped the camera of the Confessional outhouse. "Are they going to film me using the bathroom? Where's the off switch on this thing? I have a hard enough time talking to one or two people, but to the whole world?" __________________________________
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