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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: Cyanak Thoraak Race: Rock Gnome Age: 72 Gender: Female Appearance: Short, of course, with brown skin and blond braided hair. Her clothing's relatively light - a plain tan shirt and vest, a grey skirt, and black boots and gloves. Class: Sorcerer Alignment: Neutral Bio: Cyanak was born in Tinkertown, though her affinity for magic over technology resulted in her leaving as soon as she could, at age 40. She skipped over the Northern continent, opting for the less-stable Western continent and its constantly shifting map for a few reasons. For one, she was quite fond of the chaos - as long as she kept her head low and didn't openly support any regime, she was regarded as useful by more than a handful of people over the years. She sold her brewed items to whoever was willing to pay her cheap prices and, if things got too exciting, she packed up shop and moved to another kingdom. When things began to grow relatively stable, she found herself becoming bored and finding new ways to keep herself amused - offering her services as a utility mage to adventurers wanting to explore the desert, studying alchemical recipes, kidnapping people's pets, all sorts of things. The last one ended up getting her arrested eventually and she would have been beheaded had an adventurer's group not bailed her out - they needed a magic-user to support them, and they'd be keeping her around for the long run. Cyanak agreed since, sure, she needed something to do anyhow if she wasn't going to be executed. The last time she saw them, the barbarian and rogue threw the halfling fighter into the dragon's mouth at his request and were hoping he'd be able to cut through as he promised. She still has no idea if he ever did. Personality: Cyanak is, at a glance, extremely sweet and kind. She'll gladly chat you up if you're interested, will not bother you if you aren't, will volunteer for raids without demanding compensation beyond healing and supplies used, and will likely gush over your animal companions. She seems content to use her magic for support as opposed to front-line fighting, and she barely seems capable of lying. She believes in honoring any promises she made and that she should be as upfront as is comfortable. That all said, she also seems to have an intense love for fighting and killing, and her love of magic tends to emphasize how she can turn a fight around with a flick of her wrist and a word. It also cannot be emphasized enough she should not be left alone with small animals. While promises are important, she doesn't hold any particular loyalty to anyone, considering herself a drifter. A good teammate if you can put up with her rather inconsistent personality, a villain if you cannot. Equipment: Alchemist's crafting kit, crowbar, one set of caltrops, two flasks of oil, four empty flasks, four sets of rations, a waterskin, a bedroll, a sling, sling bullets, spell component pouch, and of course a backpack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Toshiro Mizu, Honorary Paladin of the Sapphire Guard Race: Human Age: 56 Gender: Male Appearance: Very average looking fellow, only details that make him stand out are his green eyes and a light blue lock of hair amidst his now gray hair that's cut relatively short. He wears the white and blue outfit of the Sapphire guard. Class: Monk Alignment: Lawful good, damnit! Bio: Toshiro had a rather uneventful childhood - apart from his father dying when he was 7 years old and him surviving two weeks in the wilds all on his own with seemingly divine assistance alone. Toshiro grew up to be a bit of an odd fellow - he could just stare to the distance for several minutes before springing in to action, be it eating or watering plants or the occasional fight. Fighting seemed to come naturally to Toshiro - more often than not he'd be the one getting his friends out of trouble they had managed to get themselves in, first with diplomacy and then with his fists. He ended up training in a monastery soon after the death of his father and held the Sapphire Guard paladins of Azure city as the very pinnacle of warriors. He had however made his choice - if you become a monk you stay a monk, none of that phony Prestige Classing! - thus he could only emulate the ideals of the Sapphire Guard so far. As luck would have it Toshiro ended up befriending several paladins of the Sapphire Guard - even going on a few adventures with some of them. His friends - due to quite a strike of luck - ended up in high positions in the Sapphire guard and granted their monk friend a honorary title of Paladin. Though it did not come with all the perks of a full member of the Azure Guard - namely it lacked the excellent dental plan - it was enough to satisfy Toshiro's dream of being a paladin. Some months ago he departed Azure City to travel the world - in his own words he had "Seen too little to truly know the 12." Some of his friends wondered if they'd ever see Toshiro again as they had waved goodbye to him from the city's walls. Personality: Toshiro really really really tries to be a paladin - not one of those overzealous, downright foolishly lawful people, but noble, honorable, kind and all that. He seems a bit slow at times - even his friends were not quite sure if he really had an intelligence score of 9 or if he really is talking with the 12 Gods. He has the air of a kindly old man about him, but if he for instance catches someone stealing his purse and hasn't gotten it back after a diplomacy check or two he just might teach you a thing or two about the wrongs of stealing someone else's property - most likely with his fist. Equipment: Improved Ring of Sustenance, Ring of the Horse, Several feet of rope, bedroll, a backpack
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name:Bozidar Greencrown Race:Human Age:24 Gender:Male Appearance:Not a particularly tall young man, standing at 5'6, he has pale Caucasian skin, Silvery-blonde hair and pale blue eyes. His high charisma gives him a smooth, pretty face and complexion. He has a thin, willowy build that makes him quite graceful for a human. His appearance has recently however caused problems, in that he has a bad habit for being mistaken for a young woman (his soft voice does not help his case either.) This, coupled with his robes and laurel of leaves and flowers, has caused a few problems since his leaving the grove Class:Cleric (Freya) Alignment:Neutral good Bio:Unsure of his birth, Bozidar was found by the circle of as a baby. Unsure of what to do at first the eventual consensus was that all the druids would help to raise the boy together alongside nature. As he grew the druids taught him much about nature, and the ways of the wild. Unfortunately, the boy did not have a strong enough connection to nature to draw power from it, despite having the perfect pc setup for it. High wisdom, high charisma AND high dexterity with a partially neutral alignment! But, the circle did find that he had a connection to a different force of natural divine magic, the goddess Freya. Unbeknownst to Bozidar, the lead druid had known he was marked from the start, which was why he was not trained to be a druid when he was old enough. Instead, the lead druid trained him as a cleric of Freyja (since the old druid was multiclassed) and Bozidar took to it like a duck to water. But now, having taught the willowy (and somewhat feminine) lad all he could, the lead druid saw the recently stolen artifact as the perfect opportunity for the boy to set off from the grove for the first time. And so he set off, to recruit much needed allies to his cause... hopefully they won't mistake him for a young lady... Equipment Hide armor Clerical robes (green) (worn under chest armor so it covers his leg armor) Laurel of nature's blessing (+2 Cha) Sickle Light wooden shield Wooden holy symbol (Amulet of Freyja) water skin
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