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Full Name: Elizabeth Grace Fontaine Age: 16 Blood: Muggleborn Alignment: Good House: Hufflepuff Personality: Beth has unshakeable loyalty to the people she truly cares for. You can usually find her with a bright smile on her face and a caring hand to give to those who need it. Some say her optimism is childish and naive, but Beth pays them no mind. She knows they would change their minds in time. Despite growing up in riches, Beth has been taught the virtue of hard work and tolerance, so you can always count on her to help. She trusts easily despite having been manipulated so many times before. This outlook that everyone has a good side might become her downfall in the future. Bio\History: Beth was orphaned when she was just a baby. No one knows who her biological parents are, so there's a small chance that she might have a wizard's blood inside her. This has yet to be proven though so she's been recorded as a muggleborn. Beth's adoptive father was a drummer in a French band, while her adoptive mother was a music teacher for a high school. As such, Beth grew up with music guiding her in life. She lived a relatively normal muggle life until her eleventh birthday when she received a letter of admittance to Beauxbaton Academy of Magic. Her parents were surprised at this revelation, but did not shun Beth away. Instead, they urged her to enter Beauxbaton and to own her destiny, much like they had done before to get where they were then. Beth's time at Beauxbaton had been short. A group of Beauxbaton students, the menace of their fine academy, had taken advantage of Beth's kind nature and used her to steal a powerful artifact from their Headmistress. Of course they had been apprehended and they were all expelled. Still, the Headmistress knew of the trickery so she gave Beth another chance. Beth was sent to Hogwarts to start again. She was sorted into Hufflepuff and found that she fit perfectly. Beth is currently in her sixth year and a chaser for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Appearance:
Notable skills: » Exceptional at Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Care of Magical Creatures » She's also quite good at charms » She has a great singing voice and can play almost any instrument. Patronus Charm: Lion Pet:
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Full Name: Jordan Devin Latner-Mason Age: 19 Blood: Pureblood Alignment: Neutral House: Ravenclaw Personality: Jordan is smart, cunning, determined, and easily approachable. While not exactly a genius, Jordan can hold her own amongst the brightest wizards. She's book-smart and has a constant hunger for more knowledge. She's the kind of person who knows what she wants and will do all she can to get it, although she can take on a tunnel vision when it comes to that. She's friendly enough, though wary of unfamiliar people, and can offer a hand when you need it. Despite everything she's achieved, Jordan's ego can be easily destroyed by a few choice words. She's not exactly the bravest witch either, and is not a risk taker. She's a person who looks before she leaps, even if it means not leaping at all, especially if she deems the reward not worth the effort. She wants to get over this particular flaw because she knows it would hinder her in her climb to greatness. Bio\History: Jordan was the youngest, born into a family of Slytherins. They valued greatness and tradition, so when young Jordan came to earth, her fate to follow the footsteps of everyone in her family had been set in stone. So when Jordan turned eleven and received her letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, her father saw her off with the words, "Show them the best Latner Slytherin," ringing behind her. So of course her parents had been devastated when they received a mail from her the next day with the news of which house she was sorted into. Their daughter was a Ravenclaw, the very first in their ancestry. They could not have that. Jordan was pulled out of school and taught a lesson, the hard way - which was the only way in the Latner clan. Still, they couldn't hold her for long. Disowned by her own parents and shunned by her former siblings, she retured to Hogwarts two years later than normal. That fact, added to rumours about why she'd been held back, became a reason for Jordan to become ostracized during her freshman year. Despite how much she attempted to excel in classes, there would always be mockery meeting her in every corner.The Latners couldn't have their name being soiled by the wimpy face Jordan was showing, so her two older brothers were tasked to shake away all the depression inside her. They built her up and helped her find a circle to join amongst the freshmen, and once she was set, they ripped away the right to the Latner name from her. She took on the name of Mason, the surname of a secret muggle friend from her childhood, and took on life with the force that the Latners would be proud of. Now in her seventh year at Hogwarts, Jordan is determined to show that her parents were wrong. Appearance:
Notable skills: » Exceptional at Potions, Charms, and Study of Ancient Runes. » She's also quite good with some magical creatures. » She can play the cello quite well. Patronus Charm: Black Panther Pet:
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Name: Kyrie Axesurge Age: 21 Gender: Female Race: Human Appearance: She has wavy, sunset red hair that falls just below her shoulders. Her eyes are almond-shaped, almost like a cat's, and is a bright green. Her body is petite, but she's formed a bit of muscle around her arms and legs, but they aren't that apparent. She is average in height, with a tanned skin tone. She has a tattoo of a rune depicting wrath on her right arm. She also has a number of scars all over her body, varying in shapes and sizes. On the middle of her chest is the binding rune between her and Rozena. Abilities:
  • Street-smarts – Kyrie grew up in the slums and surrounded by people who taught her the ins and outs of the entire city. She knows its layout like the back of her hand and often uses this knowledge to her advantage by staging ambushes on her enemies.
  • Extremely Agile – Kyrie is fast on her feet and can outrun almost anybody. Her naturally petite body, and her years of practice allows her to move swiftly even whilst carrying heavy loads or being stuck in tight places. Parkour is also something that she utilizes.
  • Thievery – Kyrie may not be called a master thief, but her skills are damn close. Kyrie's hands are swift as she passes by you – already leagues away when you notice that your wallet is missing.
  • Observation – Every time Kyrie enters a place, her first thought is of an exit. She's not a master tactician, but her observation skills allow her to anticipate an opponent's move to a certain extent. She's also well-versed in people's body language.
  • Languages – During her years as a thief in the busiest market in the world, she's picked up on the various languages used by the people there. She's far from fluent, but she can understand her fair share of words.
  • Rozena – Kyrie can call upon the help of Rozena to enchant her weapons, heal her, and provide her with a boost of strength. It requires a charge period of ten seconds, which opens her and Rozena up for attack. Kyrie doesn't often use this, as Rozena's death would also result in her death and calling upon the goddess is far too risky.
  • Others – She has a deathly accurate aim. Her eyes are also well adjusted to dark areas.
  • Rozena – Rozena is her number one weakness. While the goddess often hides from a fight, there are times when she can be targeted. As Rozena's fate is tied to Kyrie's, her death would result in Kyrie's death as well.
  • Strength – Kyrie isn't very physically strong, and should an opponent grab a hold of her, it would be difficult for her to escape.
  • A scar on the lower left of her ribs – Kyrie's scar there is a long gash that she received during a battle. It wasn't healed properly. A direct hit to the area surrounding it is extremely painful for Kyrie, sometimes even rendering her unconscious.
  • Foul mouth – Kyrie isn't one to filter the words she says and often blurts out expletives that angers authoritative figures around her. Her lack of filter also often gets her into skirmishes with fellow thieves.
  • Pride – Often, Kyrie can't stop herself from showing off. It sometimes allows her opponent to strike her with her guard down, or easily counter her sloppy movements. She's also not one to concede defeat easily, especially when it's against someone she hates or looks down on.
  • Lack of formal training – Kyrie learned from what she saw and adapted as she grew up on the street. As such, she is unaware of various techniques used by those with formal training.
  • Head: A dark grey hood that hides most of her face while still allowing her full sight of her opponents.
  • Body: A dark grey sleeveless tunic that is form-fitting.
  • Hands: Her hands and arms are wrapped in slightly dirty bandages.
  • Feet: She wears dark boots with light soles.
Weapon(s): A dagger. She also uses a couple of throwing knives for long-range combat. Item(s): A tiny bottle of clear blue liquid that she took from a magical fountain. It is said to completely revitalize any who drink it. Backstory: Kyrie grew up as a typical street-rat, abandoned by her parents at birth and left to fend for herself. She grew up surrounded by chaos, filth, and death. Her meals came from scraps that she fought the other street-rats for. She'd never had anyone to depend on, just people she watched from afar and attempted to mimic. Kyrie often got into skirmishes that sometimes came very close to costing her her life. She always came out alive, one way or another. When she was twenty and was already one of the big names in the city's underground – despite still being a street-rat – one of the people she pissed off had her ambushed and killed. Luckily for her, a goddess – Rozena – had just been ripped of her immortality. As per usual when a god is deemed unworthy, they are bound to a mortal so that if the mortal dies, so do they. Kyrie was Rozena's mortal. Both of them didn't want to die, so Rozena used the last of her powers then to heal Kyrie. A year has passed since then and the bond between the two has grown stronger than ever. Kyrie still wishes for nothing more than to merely survive.
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Name: Kimiko Tetsume Age: 19 Sex: Female Team: Raven Eagles Role: Firebender Appearance:
Kimiko has light blonde hair and hazel eyes. She's a bit muscular, but short for her age. A pair of goggles can always be seen atop her head. Personality: Kimiko is feisty and confident. She's someone who knows what she wants, and will do everything that she can to get it. Her charm and wit can usually get things to flow her way, but if they fail, Kimiko can still rely on life-long friends she's made. They always have her back, just like she has theirs. She's undeniably loyal, even to the point of overlooking people's faults and defending them even if they're in the wrong. Kimiko is also a tad forgetful and flippant. Details never stay for too long in Kimiko's mind, which is why she always keeps a notebook with her where she'll write down important things. Kimiko's vigor also causes her to speak too fast for people to fully understand what she's saying, and she never stays still for too long, which can irritate the people around her. If you choose to harm any of the people Kimiko cares about, you must be prepared to face her wrath as she can be extremely ruthless and violent. Kimiko is a huge fan of birds and really wants to ride a flying bison one day. When fighting, she prioritizes agility over strength. She hates losing and can be pretty childish about it. She also hates bitter things. Background: Kimiko was born to an average couple living in Ba Sing Se. Her father was a firebender working as a blacksmith in the city and her mother mostly stayed at home. When Kimiko was born, her family decided to move to Republic City thinking that they'd find better opportunities there. Her father got a job as an engineer for Future Industries and her mother set up a small clothes' shop in the ground floor of their new home. The Tetsume family isn't rich, but they hardly suffer from financial problems. Kimiko discovered that she was a firebender when she was five years old, around the time that her mother became pregnant with her younger brother. She began to train with her father, who happily showed her his moves whenever he got a break from work. Kimiko grew up training around the city, watching the other firebenders in the Pro-Bending Tournaments and attempting to mimic their styles. Since she was young, she always loved the game. When Kimiko reached the age of sixteen, she asked her parents to allow her to enter and they did, but the team she joined was weak and didn't last long in the tournament. She continued to hone her skills and created a new team with Yang and [insert waterbender's name here]. She named their team the Raven Eagles, after her favourite species of bird. She has a pet Raven Eagle named Anana.
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Name: Felicity "Liss" Mason Age: 22 Equipment:
  • A hunting knife.
  • Standard issue sniper rifle.
Profession: Soldier? (idk what to call it but she sometimes helps with security and doing rounds around the city) Personality: Liss is confident and exuberant, someone who is often described by other people as childish because of her little antics. She is someone who's always prepared to offer a helping hand, especially around the city where she feels that people need to do more. She's not particularly book-smart, but Liss knows how to handle people. She can determine their emotions and feelings with just a simple look, and knows the perfect words to say to influence someone's emotions. Liss' innocence sometimes turns into naivety, to the point that she can't determined which is good for her and which isn't. She's also honest to the point of being tactless, often hurting people's feelings without knowing it. She's also quite possessive, especially when it comes to her relationships with people. She gets jealous real easily, and hates how clingy she becomes during times like that. Bio: Before the infection, Liss never really cared about politics and whatnot. She simply enjoyed her life as a student in Minnesota, studying computer engineering and doing her duty as a member of a Greek athletic organization. She was failing, but despite it, she still attempted to put up a positive attitude. Her roommate then had been an activist rallying against the government, but Liss never really paid attention to what her reason had been. She often heard words like 'revelation' and 'vampires', which she just put down as metaphors, because really? Vampires? Liss had been in the middle of an exam when the infection happened, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She had been scared out of her wits, and had come close to being a zombie happy meal when she met Diana, the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen. She watched as Diana ripped the zombies apart with her bare hands, and Liss was in awe. She quickly learned that Diana was a vampire when Diana changed in front of her from being a goddess into a monster. But, Liss found that she wasn't afraid. She offered her blood and asked for Diana to take her in. She didn't know why she did, but Diana made Liss her familiar and led her to Los Angeles, where they found a sanctuary. Ever since then, Diana has trained Liss into protecting herself from the zombies. Liss' natural strength and agility had helped for when she was learning to use meelee weapons. Learning to fire a gun, on the other hand, had been something that Liss never grasped. Liss contributes to the city by helping out with the guards when they do rounds, but usually she just acts as Diana's familiar.
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Name: Eilis Aurore Lucan Age: 19 Sex: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Appearance:
Height: 5'5 Weight: 130 lbs. Personality: Adaptable, Dynamic, Protective, Abrasive, Ruthless, Volatile Eilis is a person who's always actively changing her style. Her attitude and movements greatly vary according to the people she's with and the situation they're in, which can make her seem a bit manipulative but she prefers to call it adaptability. She's also extremely protective of those that she values the most - be it things, people, or even simply ideals that she believes in. If she thinks they're being threatened by whatever force, Eilis will do all that she can to protect them no matter the cost. If she deems that you're not to be trusted, she will actively do all that she can to hurt you. But get on her good side and she'll put you up a pedestal and treat you like a diamond. Her sometimes cold demeanor often puts off people who attempt to socialize with her. History: Eilis was born in a small country to the east of Andria. Her father was a gladiator in Andria, one of the very skilled fighters there, who left the country to seek adventure and fame in other parts of the world. He was an ambitious man didn't think he could be tied down by a simple maiden from a foreign country, but he was. Together, they lived a happy life with each other and their only child, Eilis. Eilis first showed signs of being like her father - a wielder of yellow magic - when she was around the age of seven. A wild beast had attacked their town and caused havoc, and Eilis found herself in the midst of it all. The young girl panicked, and it caused her power to burst forth. Ever since then, Eilis' father began to train her in the art of fighting. She continued to hone her skills as she grew up, wanting to protect their town all the more now that she found that she could. When Eilis reached the age of sixteen, she left the country she grew up in and traveled to Andria, as per her father's request. There she met Akauta, who knew of her father and took her in. Akauta began to mentor Eilis and made her a member of the military faction when she saw how fiercely protective Eilis was. The two of them quickly became very good friends. So far, Eilis has been working for the military, settling matters of publis relations and offering her skills as a bodyguard. Likes:
  • Training
  • Nature
  • Reading
  • Sweet things
  • Heights
  • Vulgar people
Starting Faction: Military Magic Shade: Yellow Magic Manifestation: Naginata Musical Theme(s): Will I be the strong hand keeping you safe Or will I break you in half Other: N/A
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Briar Peyre Age: 17 Appearance:
She has a small tattoo of a thorny rose on her right hip. Attire: Clothes that are typically punk-rock; A lot of band shirts; Studded boots; Bio: Briar is a rebel at heart, always causing trouble for the teachers and her fellow students. She's abrasive, but honest to the point of being tactless. Briar can also be manipulative, but her explosive personality often gets the best of her. She can also be extremely violent and ruthless, especially when you hurt people she cares for because she is extremely loyal. She's friends with all the wrong people and is a bit reckless. Briar usually scrapes by with her studies, not because she isn't smart, but because she doesn't make an effort in school.
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