How did they get away with this? Did no one realise while they were destroying it?They are not getting away with it. They are definitely getting punished. But yeah, no one could stop them non-violently.
Dutch more like rubbish
I'm blaming you, @Hank You're somehow responsible for this.Quick, let's all tag/reference Hank because he's the only Dutch person we know.
<Snipped quote by Larfleeze> Quick, let's all tag/reference Hank because he's the only Dutch person we know.not just the ONLY Dutch person we know, but also our least favorite.
<Snipped quote by Larfleeze> Quick, let's all tag/reference Hank because he's the only Dutch person we know.Well, duh? He's our token Dutchman. Do you have a list of online Dutchmen I could borrow?