Does anyone else want to re-live some of their childhood?
Let's go back to 2007~~~
I'm probably posting this at an awkward time, but later if we can get a group together I think fun could be had.
Sure. Haven't played Runescape much, but I'm up for it.I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE but fine. I'm downloading newest Java rn and then I imagine I'll be doing the tutorial in world 394 soon
I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU AREOh, you will. I'm making a thread about it.
Oh god, I'm too tired for this. I went to the other Runescape, not the old school one.Ew. You're account might still work at least.
I was playing oldschool a month or two ago. I think Jagex as they are now are pure unadulterated evil, and the only reason I subbed was to play Oldschool with a friend. Stopped pretty much immediately after my friend's membership ran out. Nice to hear it's F2P now. May actually continue my character. Gotta slay dat dragon, bruh.Well I mean... it's partially F2P. Like it was back in the day. If we actually get a group going it would be nice to have you, on account of you having played this thing recently and me barely knowing what I am doing. I was hoping I would see someone else before getting off, but alas... Add AwsonRew when you get the chance, people.
I've never played RuneScape before but I heard it was pretty cool. Anything I need to know that isn't in the tutorial?Loads of stuff. You'll have to ask questions and Google as things come up. @Mahz that's pretty great. If I played regular runescape I would probably beg you for some hats as well
Well of Goodwill, huh? Time to fish the fuck out of lobsters.this guy knows where the money's at