Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You can put your Lost Boys here. I would like a couple of "New" Boys, so we can do the initiation that you have to go through before you can be one. Character Sheet Name You can put here their actual name, the name they go by or both Age There is no aging in Neverland, put what age they appear/ the age they were when they arrived in Neverland Appearance Hair, eyes, built, height, distinguishing characteristics etc. You can include a picture, but give some description too. BackgroundTell us about them, including how they ended up in Neverland. Did they arrive with the Pirates? Were they brought by a fairy or lost boy? Were they born here? Did they wash up on shore? Bit of detail about their previous live would be good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

New Lost boy Name: Arthur Wesley Corinths Age: 11 Appearance:
Brown curly hair, Sapphire Blue eyes, rather tone build with tanned skin, stands about 4'7" , Background/Personality: Arthur Corinths, a British boy born into the stressful and annoying Royal line of England. No, he's nothing like a Prince or even a Duke, rather he was a Viscount since he was the oldest son of Baron Henry Corinths. Being raised by such a family was not bad and Arthur never really wanted for anything except adventure. That he hungered for desperately but was never granted since his father told him that it was dangerous and that he was his heir apparent. Whatever that was. Other than that Arthur's "raising" was done by his personal caregiver whom he called Nan. Nan was in charge of everything since both of his parents were away quite a bit for business. Sometimes they would take Arthur if the other family had a child of their own, but mostly he was left at the estate to amuse himself with schoolwork. When he was 5 his father thought that he should learn a sport. Alarmed that he was going to have to do something he wouldn't want to do Arthur informed his father that he wanted to learn to fence. Happy that his son was so interested in a fine physical activity such as fencing he agreed and left the schedule with Nan. Arthur took to fencing well, and progressed much faster than other kids his own age, having no real hesitation. His instructor knowing he was working with a child of British royalty went much harder on him but it didn't matter and even his instructor had to admit that by the time the boy was 10 he could beat any other student in the class which went up to 21 year olds! At home, all Arthur did was practice and practice and practice, then read on the theory of fencing, and write amazing adventures filled with sword fighting. Five weeks before he turned 11 he was approached by another boy who asked him if he was interested in having a never ending adventure, a chance to go to a place called Neverland where he could have literally all the adventures he wanted! Of course Arthur agreed, such an offer was to good to pass up! The other boy smiled and nodded before jumping up at him and covering his mouth with a handkerchief, which after a few seconds caused the 10 year old Viscount to fall unconscious... When he awoke he was surrounded by other children, then he realized he must be at Neverland and he smiled. He was ready, ready to spend the rest of his life exploring the island and following the mysterious Peter Pan who appeared to lead the lost boys. Even when first arriving, Arthur felt himself willing to follow any such orders Pan gave him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Great character. I'm going to be doing the first lost boy post shortly. He will do nicely.... ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 4weekcoma
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4weekcoma dick cheney made money off the iraq war

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Anastasia (Ana) Bird
Age: 14
Faction: Lost Boys
Appearance: Ana stands at about 5'3 and weighs 91 pounds. She's very petite, but she has hidden strength.
Background: Ana doesn't remember much about her life before Neverland. She had no siblings and lived with both of her parents in a big house, but that's all she can recall. She has been in Neverland for longer than she can remember. All she knows was that she always longed for other children to play with, and she finally got her wish.
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