All positions filled!
Welcome to the ZOMBIE(post-)APOCALYPSE:All Your Dead Are Belong To Us Edition! where your goal isn't only to survive in this barren world, but to become king of it!
Disconnected and alone, a part of you has always observed society from afar, so far in fact that when people turned on each other as a new food source when a ram pit zombie virus out-break flooded the world, you could find little difference between the zombie trying to munch your face and the person she was two weeks ago, chatting to her friends about her favourite brand of expensive crap she wore as a vanity badge that her friends applauded to as if acquiring something so uselessly expensive was an amazing feat. The screams of hunger and death lust were a soothing replacement to the current top-ten list of shallow songs who's sole message is 'consume, procreate and repeat'.
But despite this out-look, you are only human and so your survival instincts eventually kicked in and they kicked in hard! You found it easy to bludgeon a corpse to re-death and abandon the screams of those grasping for a last chance at life that could never be reached, with your survival instincts also came a sense of acceptance to the world around you, fear wasn't something that grasped you like it did the others, after all you have avoided the sights and gaze of the mindless all your life and now that they were truly mindless, it only became much easier.
It wasn't until they appeared that you truly felt fear build within your heart! Those hideous, vile monsters that regurgitate their own brand of sick and twisted medicine, feeding it to their young to breed a twisted, mindless society of themselves. They came in great numbers, scattered groups of survivors who use faith or law to hold themselves together and abandon anyone who doesn't fit within their parameters of 'lawfulness', 'piety' or 'morally right'. No matter what they called it, you understood the primitive motive of their actions, to breed their own society of zealots who have abandoned their sense of individuality in exchange for a cheap pay-off from their group mentality.
Fighting the dead and each other, these groups could only find common ground in their xenophobic nature towards everything Zombie. This is when it occurred to you, the greatest of all your ideas since the zombie out-break, the moment you stopped thinking of zombies as a dangerous annoyance and starting thinking of them as a resource.
Filled: Allel
Weird and scary where two adjectives that labelled all of your work and contributions towards science, two rotten adjectives that helped to earn you your identity as the sole laughing stock among the worlds brightest minds. In your youth you were always gifted, thinking in a frame of mind that your peers or the mentors of your peers could not comprehend, they stared at you as if something were wrong with you, as if by your very nature you are flawed. But you would come to show them, you would come to earn the title; young genius and be placed on a pedestal as the shining beacon of medical science, at a young age you had perfected cloning and laid the foundation for perfected gene manipulation, you even started planning a rough draft for a machine that could achieve immortality, that could change your every physical feature in real time, a machine that could make the old young again and the weak strong but then they entered your life.
As a prodigy you were encouraged to study abroad in a boarding school that the royal academy of science deemed to house your only true peers, however, all you found were spoiled children from wealthy families who were manipulated into science under the vain of a false destiny to suddenly end world hunger or cure cancer. Two goals that were destine to be yours had the academies strict policies not forbid you from conducting human experiments, even several of the experiments you had submitted for approval involving lab animals seemed too controversial for the academy, who sought only to look after their spoiled scientists and their own neck.
For years the place you had come to earn with your amazing intellect, was nothing more than a prison of prestige, your ideas, your experiments and your curiosity were forced to lay dormant as you twiddled away at minor experiments in an attempt to approach your Pandora in such a way that the academy could not restrict you. As you tried desperately to realise your goals, time and time again you'd only be left with tiny steps of progress that submit next to nothing to your ultimate ideas.
Even worse, your experiments were often considered a waste of time, un-tasteful or sometimes, even out right laughed at and so, eventually you stopped showing them. In the darkness of your room you housed your experiments, some where of mice, completely devoid of any cognitive ability and yet their bodies grew pregnant and gave birth without any interference, like an automated machine that turned unrefined paste and water it was fed through tubes into living, breathing life. In another tank, snake and mouse alike feasted on the defrosted pink flesh of their dinner, seeing each other only as peers as they feast hungrily on their prey. Each labelled box, jar and enclosure served as proof of your mastery over each and every aspect of biology and yet they were all specks of dust in comparison to the true potential you knew was waiting within you to be shed on the world.
For years this thought consumed you, the thought that your perfection, your Pandora was so close and yet so far away and eventually, it drove you mad. Soon your thoughts were fixated on biological manipulation and it wasn't long before your... secret side experiment that you had been working on was found out in the worse way possible for the academy.
A press conference had been arranged at your request to reveal to the world your next, super discovery. Only very few people came, most of whom had heard of your 'wacky' nature from other, more well spoken scientific figures and were hoping to cash in on a 'Where are they now?' type article based around the science prodigy becoming an incompetent lack lustre scientist. Instead what they were treated to was far worse, at the conference you pushed out a wheelchair bearing a humanoid figure, limp and covered in bandages. With a smile so large it garnered odd looks from those attending the conference, you explained that this most recent experiment was merely a step, nay, a leap into the future that you had planned for humanity.
Like a child unwrapping a present you tore at the bandages of your experiment to reveal a drooling, decaying mound of flesh resembling a human. Despite appearing as a corpse the... thing, seemed able to move somewhat freely. As the thing moved in its chair, appearing completely unaware of it's surroundings and lacking any precise motor control you took proud strides to the podium and announced the first in your experiments designed at constructing organic tools. Your last words because the police and ambulance arrived hinted at these experiments being a means to an end.
What followed was a public spanking and shaming of the academy of science, a sentencing to a mental hospital and several leaked autopsy reports revealing in horrific detail the mechanics and pieces of the what came to be dubbed the worlds first zombie.
Two years of nothing but straight jackets and white walls send you further into madness until finally, a new colour appeared. Red, red covered the walls, the furniture, the staff and others at the hospital and in the chaos you found your escape, but more importantly, you found them. The successors to your Organic Slave project, you were torn with feelings of pride and anger, to see your work put to such effective use almost bought a tear to you eye, however, it was clear that the intended use of this new form of Organic Slave served only as a weapon, such a barbaric waste of your genius you thought. But it was not too late to continue your work...
Filled: Ankhone
You are about to enter a world of Zombies, treated somewhat differently to the traditional style of Zombie Survival stories. In RTS Zombie your goal is to build an empire and your materials are the living dead, featuring a dice roll mechanic for NPC's, band together with other NPC survivors and send them out to help scavenge items that'll lay the foundation of your empire and roll to see how well they do.
The goal of RTS Zombie is simple, as time flows the other survivor groups will fluctuate between strength, resources and holding, some may form alliances while others may be crushed entirely with-out your interaction, but their ambition is clear. They want to destroy or cure the zombie plague and unite the land under their chosen banner and as mindless whelps, the zombies don't stand a chance, that is until our dynamic duo comes along. Using cunning, manipulation and zombies, work together to design, breed and strength your own kinds of zombies and lead attacks against the human survivor groups.
There are many different arcs that can be explored including origins to the current zombies, investigation into the dark origins of several major enemy groups. Campaigns to take hold of certain facilities that'll allow for the creation of different kinds of zombies and even arcs that explore the boundaries of zombie and human.
Character Sheet-
Rank: (honestly a made up nick-name that denotes your standing in the empire)
Personality Type: (Defining aspects primarily)
Goal in Life:
Vile Blight Empire
More Soon . . .
Unnamed Groups
Info: Many unnamed survivor groups exist that are too small to have a name worth remembering. Considered to have a low survivability chance, these groups often have no structured hierarchy and are likely to suffer from *Sentimental-Syndrome.
*Sentimental-Syndrome is when a person or group make a detrimental and dangerous decision involving the infected due to a moral, emotional or sentimental reason.
Trade-Hub Groups
Info: A handful of small but powerful groups exist that hold key locations, these groups often take advantage of these locations by opening avenues of trade and discussion between the larger, more developed groups that exist in the surrounding area. This is what earns a group the name of 'Trade-Hub Group', these groups often develop their diplomatic power over others and have been known as 'neutral' zones for rival groups to discuss treaties or demands.
More Soon . . .
I'll expand a lil' on the dice mechanic! It's a simple one done through PM. When a new survivor is recruited, most tasks that you request them to do or that you do to them that have one of two or three definite results, can be resolved through a die roll! Say you've just recruited Rick the Brick! Now Rick wants to bash some heads in, so you send him off to bring back some corpses, now depending on the task and the survivor you do one of three different types of rolls!
D12 (Default Roll) - Do this roll if the task is pretty simple for your character. In the case of Rick the Brick, it'd be a D12 roll! - If you get 2-4 then you fail and come home empty handed but relatively undamaged. 5-10 is a moderate success, you've done what's been asked, time to relax. 11-12 great success! You rock so hard you smashed a few extra Z on your way making the surroundings a little safer, or maybe you got double what you were asked to grab! If you roll a 1 on the D12, the character is never heard from again. Whether they died, fled, where kidnapped or switched teams, it's unclear but who cares?
D4 (Odds n' Evens) - If the task presents no risk what so ever, you might as well flip a coin. Odds and they fail the job, their undamaged but need a bit of a rest. Evens the job is done and we can all move on.
DZ (?????? ????) - ???? ???? ??????? ???? ???????
This baby comes into play later!NOTE: The bulk of the information is presented above, more will be added momentarily.
It feels good to be posting again. I'll try to use the OOC and Skype a bit more instead of wasting yours and my credit.
Sounds good, you still planning on taking that symbiotic approach with your character? Also, I'll send you a text whenever I'm in the RP zone so we can back and forth a little easier in the OOC.
Ok. I am keeping that approach, why are you going to mention it in your next post? Because I'd prefer to list the details first, so that I don't have to remember and implement any extras you might put in. I'm still not planning on tackling it for awhile too.
Ok. I am keeping that approach, why are you going to mention it in your next post? Because I'd prefer to list the details first, so that I don't have to remember and implement any extras you might put in. I'm still not planning on tackling it for awhile too.
Don't worry, I'm only going to elude to the fact that there will be some development in the future, I won't be mentioning any details. I was assuming we'd stick to the plan anyway. I'll be leaving all that sciency stuff to you, don't worry... until you give Leigh some toys to play with that is!