Synopsis: You are one of the infamous 'Torn Envelopes' of the Runic Letters delivery service guild. In a world rife with war, where toxic war machines obliterate entire cities and mutate the land, you are one of the brave few who still navigate this land to pick-up and deliver letters and parcels for the denizens of the remaining holds. Tasked with delivering important intelligence to various parties of the on going war campaigns from time to time, the guild has even drawn the ire of certain military figures.
With twisted creatures nesting in your path, covert military agents trying to steal letters in the hopes for important information and dark magics corrupting the land, only the strong excel in the world of mail delivery. Do you have what it takes to survive in this world? More importantly, do you have what it takes to deliver the mail?
This is going to be primarily a Shonen type, action oriented RP. There are currently no plans for romantic pairings, I am instead looking for someone who wishes to work together in a combat setting. I'm open to suggestions in this regard, so if you have an ideal pairing you hope to play, put your suggestion forward.
Additional Information: This is still on the drawing board, but I have some plot arc ideas. As for capabilities in regards to combat and fighting style, magic/power abilities are valid. I'd like to express an emphasis on detail in regards to combat, I'll detail rules in this regard more clearly in an OOC if there is interest, but I am not looking for one-liners or too many simple sentences in regards to combat.
Pairing Concepts Available: (Underlined halves are roles I wish to fill; Suggest your own if you wish)
Rival x Rival
Mailer x Refugee/Exile
Brother x Brother/Sister
Mailer x Soldier
Torn Envelopes; Runic Letters
Synopsis: You are one of the infamous 'Torn Envelopes' of the Runic Letters delivery service guild. In a world rife with war, where toxic war machines obliterate entire cities and mutate the land, you are one of the brave few who still navigate this land to pick-up and deliver letters and parcels for the denizens of the remaining holds. Tasked with delivering important intelligence to various parties of the on going war campaigns from time to time, the guild has even drawn the ire of certain military figures.
With twisted creatures nesting in your path, covert military agents trying to steal letters in the hopes for important information and dark magics corrupting the land, only the strong excel in the world of mail delivery. Do you have what it takes to survive in this world? More importantly, do you have what it takes to deliver the mail?
Looking for anyone
This is going to be primarily a Shonen type, action oriented RP. There are currently no plans for romantic pairings, I am instead looking for someone who wishes to work together in a combat setting. I'm open to suggestions in this regard, so if you have an ideal pairing you hope to play, put your suggestion forward.
Additional Information: This is still on the drawing board, but I have some plot arc ideas. As for capabilities in regards to combat and fighting style, magic/power abilities are valid. I'd like to express an emphasis on detail in regards to combat, I'll detail rules in this regard more clearly in an OOC if there is interest, but I am not looking for one-liners or too many simple sentences in regards to combat.
Pairing Concepts Available: (Underlined halves are roles I wish to fill; Suggest your own if you wish)
Rival x Rival
Mailer x Refugee/Exile
Brother x Brother/Sister
Mailer x Soldier