I have been toying with writing a short story lately but an RP would be way better. My idea goes something like this.... In a world that is much like our own, there is a God who looks down on the world he has created with regret. He sees the corruption, pollution, and general hate for fellow man. He decides it is time for something new. So he takes all the people off of earth except 2, one man and one woman (I thought it'd be poetic if their names were Adam and Eve). They are both Americans who live on separate ends of the country. After everyone disappears, soon electricity ceases, the world becomes quiet and peaceful... The story begins with Adam searching social media, phone calls, tvs ect and trying to find someone else alive on earth, eve does the same. Thats all I have so far... But I was going to take it into a "Simple Living" type thing so a Harvest Moon-esque theme would be cool.