Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The arena was a large cavern, lit by torches and candles, with many tunnels which lead into it. Many boys, and a few girls, lined the walls, some sitting in crevices and some in the higher tunnels, their legs dangling down. They chattered and shouted, calling to friends and rivals alike. The noise was like that of a large crowd, but in this place it echoed. The largest hole was taken up by 5 figures, 2 standing either side of the one sitting. They were different ages, ranging from 6 to 14, one female with hair in scruffy pigtails and a pretty smile, the other boys, one with a bald head, one stick thin and lanky and the last red hairs and missing his from teeth. Their clothes ranged from clothes from the "old world" to skins of animals. The one sat was wearing full face paint of a skull, making it look like he might be smiling. Those on the platform didn't move, didn't say a sound, though as soon as the seated boy raised a hand, the noise died away and the silence was that of apprehension and excitement. "Welcome my lost boys," said the painted faced figure, gazing around at the masses who were there. "We have new recruits to our ranks." There was no sound, not a murmur, all eyes fixed upon the figure. "Bring them in," he said, his voice clear but not a shout, though it carried perfectly in the room. Several lost boys and girls moved to the side as a large boy walked through a tunnel, leading several boys and girls in the range of 5 to 12 into the cavern. Some looked nervous, others confident, as they were led before the masses. At the back of them was another boy. Clearly the first and last were some kind of honor guard. They were lined up so that they faced the seated boy. They had been well treated, fed and shown the island from the air, but now they were being shepherded into the room. The seated boy stood and raised his hands. "Welcome, my boys," he said, which was a common welcome by him. He didn't distinguish between boys and girls as such. They were all boys, but it was like saying "guys" when he said it. "I am Pan." He was almost a head taller than most of the others who were stood beside him. But instead of making him look small, it made him look powerful. All these children were listening to him, every word. He guestured to the boys and girls below. "You wish to join our merry band?" he said with clear happiness in his voice. "Well, you will have to prove yourselves worthy of this great honor." There was a cheer from all those around him. "Bring in the wheel!" he called, gesturing to another tunnel. Those that blocked it stepped aside to expose another tunnel, through which a large construction was pushed by 8 children. It was clear, once it was in the light of the cavern, that it was a wheel as Pan had said, but the first thing many would notice was the pirate attached to it. He was skewered into place with a knife through the hand of an outstretched hand, the other by his side, but pinned the same. He was tied to the wheel and gagged, his eyes wide and staring at all the figures around the room. Once past the shock, or maybe interest, it was clear there was some strange writing around the edges. Not English, but strange squiggles it was impossible to read. They must have meant something because Pan shouted to spin the wheel. Round and round the pirate went, his hand passing over the categories. When it slowed, everyone seemed to lean forward, waiting with bated breath, but when it became still all heads turned to Pan. "The challenge has been set," he announced as everyone waited. "To join the Lost Boys, your first test will be......" Everyone in the cavern was silent. "To retrieve a tooth!" he shouted. The noise in the cavern was explosive. There were shouts and howls. The challenge was announced. The candidates, when led from the cavern, were explained about the task. Their job was to go out onto the island with small packs provided by the Lost Boys and find a tooth for Pan. They would have a canister of water and a knife and would be expected to complete the task with no assistance. There would be creatures that would be watching them. Once they found one, they would be led back. "Any questions?" asked the large boys who hand led them out, looking at those assembled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Smoke, smoke and fire were the first two things that Arthur sensed as he was led into the giant cave that seemed to house multitudes of boys and some girls of varying age. Arthur had been impressed with the size of the island and when he was offered a chance to see it from the air he jumped at the chance instantly. The feeling of weightlessness while diving and ducking around tree's was absolutely fantastic.

Focusing on the boy in front of him Arthur gazed at hi closely taking in the mask and way of speaking. He commanded respect and Arthur was sure that he was also deserving of said respect. For some reason Arthur felt a pull to only want to please him and do as he commanded, Pan talked about something like a tooth needing to be retrieved, he like all the rest of the lost boys giggled a bit as the man went round and round. When it had stopped madness ensued and Arthur loved every second of it. He felt empowered and drunk on the moment totally ready to run all over the island if he needed to.

Following the large boy through some tunnels Arthur was given a knife and some water. He tore off his shirt since he no longer wanted or needed it, and folded his pants back to allow easier running and so that it wouldn't make to much noise. He shook his head when asked if he himself had any questions and cracked his neck ready to start the task. A few other new boys looked him over almost like they were sizing him up and Arthur wondered if they were going to try and stop him, he should have asked... Oh well, he'd just have to be on guard more now than before. He returned to once over and didn't think either boy would prove to much of a challenge alone, together though... He forced the thought out of his mind and started thinking of what kind of tooth he wanted to get. He wanted to impress Pan and even the other lost boys so it had to be something big, but what...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lullyn
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The older boy seemed somewhat impressed by the eagerness shown, the competitiveness clear already.
"If there are no questions, then yo will be taken out to find your treasure. There are no rules and no time limit, but you will not be able to return without your treasure."
He said this very serously, before guesturing to the other boys who were not new recruits. They blind folded each of the new recruits and they were hoisted into the air, carried out without ceremony.
The air was warm and it was still day as the boys emereged, carrying their perspective kin into the forest, where they put them down and removed their blindfolds.
"You must go to complete your task now," said the first boy. "You will recieve no assistance and will only be collected upon finding your treasure."
He guestured to the woods.
"You must seek your prize and then call out that you have. You will be watched and no one will come to you unless they know you have the agreed prize."
He clapped.
"Go, boys," he said, and allowed them to depart.
Some of the new boys ran off singularily, others in pairs and groups. Some seemed keen, others confused.
The boy who had taken them simply smiled. These boys didn't yet know that the "flight" they had taken on their arrival had put pixie dust in their system. So long as they had more within 5 days, they would notice nothing, but those who did not would suffer extremely. If they were not done with their task by then, they may not be able to complete the task and would fall prey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TurbulentSky


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

She wondered if they could tell she was a girl. She did, after all, have girl parts that had not exactly been easy to hide. Climbing down from the high tunnel where she sat, cutting her foot on the jagged tock. She hissed. Hobbling over to the cave entrance, she realized this was going to be much harder than she had anticipated moments ago. Her foot was now leaving a red trail of blood behind her, and stretched out in front of her was nothing but beach. Sand, which would surely sting terribly. She began to reconsider why she had even decided to come here, but then shook the thought out of her head. This was something she had to do. Making sure her jacket covered anything and everything that could get her caught, she ran out into the night.

Momentarily, she forgot about the fact that she was breaking the rules, and focused instead on the seething pain that was writhing through her foot. She swore she could feel each individual grain of sand as it lodged itself into her skin. She ran until she was sure that none of the other boys were around. She knew exactly where to find a tooth.
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