"When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things."
You graduated school long ago or perhaps only last year from Hogwarts, Durmstang Institute, Beauxbatons Academy or even the Salem Institute but you are now an adult, a Wizard or Witch. Time to put away those things of childhood and join the Magical World where you're free to fly or fail by your abilities.
Welcome to
Hello everyone who took time to read this and welcome to my little Interest Thread.
First off I am as I hope are you a Fan of Harry Potter and the stories but they've been done and done again so I began wondering how to make things interesting again. I thought what's it like to be an Adult in the Wizarding World after all you see glimpse it in the movies and the books. Trouble is I'm not sure if I'm in a minority or what.
I was hoping that a bulk of the story could begin in a Tavern / Inn near Kings Cross. I suggest the Inn setting because it's a little like Hogwarts for Adults; a place to start our stories.
I toyed with the Idea of running a Tavern/Inn not Far from Kings Cross Station
I thought it'd be a nice change because people could play characters who's restrictions were morality imposed and not by age.
I could see an Artificer who's come to London to try and find buyers for his/her wares
A Champion Quidditch Player active or retired in town to visit family or some odd reason
A dark wizard/witch up to some nefarious scheme
An Auror looking for a Dark wizard or witch or who knows because they won't say
Maybe someone on Ministry business from a far away land
Let's face it the INN could hold all sorts of secrets
I'll try and provide a good base plot but in this setting if any of the other gamers come up with a short run plot or even a big one they could present it to the group an see how it flies.
Rather than go with the retreading of the rise of some great Dark Lord or Lady I'd love to delve into the criminal element of the Wizarding world, well at least in the beginning LOL
So come on in and let's see if we can get this started