(One of these days, I'll remember to save my IC so I don't have to start from scratch each time...)
Hey all! It's been some time since I've been on the guild, but I can't stop myself from coming back here. I've been wanting some new RPs/RP partners (or to reconnect with some old partners I've lost touch with.)
Who I'm looking for: While I'm looking for something fun, I would really like to also find someone who will help challenge me in my writing. I've been rather lazy with my writing of late, and so would like someone to help me exercise and expand my writing muscle. This means someone who likes to write longer posts, and likes longer posts in return (though who won't get upset if I do end up posting a shorter reply.) However, anyone who is casual/high-casual who wants to RP with me is more than welcome to see if we click as well. ^^ I don't bite... hard. At the moment, I am looking for someone in the more casual/high-casual realm, with posts at least a couple of times a week - though if life happens, I totally understand. Just let me know.
Types of RPs I'm interested in: While romance doesn't have to be the main point of the RP, it is an important part of an RP for me. I tend to be drawn to fantasy RPs - more 'traditional' ones rather than urban fantasy - the most, though if you have a really good idea for a non-fantasy, I'd be open to hearing it. I'm looking for someone to play a male character to my female. I'd be willing to try to play a male, but I feel like I write them too cliched.
Craving right now:
I am really wanting a partner to play a male bard character that's sensitive and kind but also rather flirty. He's also likely to be bi or pansexual. (I loved the character(s) of a couple partners I had, but the RPs didn't work out due to life. I'd like a chance to RP with the same type of character again.)
I'm thinking perhaps a rather short RP, perhaps something on the fluffy side. Just something to pass the time and test if we'd be good partners for longer RPs.
Nobility/Commoner Normal Person/Fey Nobility/Guard Nobility/Thief Paladin/Necromancer Normal/Thief 'Hero'/'Villain' Any/Bard
Admittedly, I have few formed ideas at the moment. The one formed idea I've posted below. However, I am always up for a fairy tale retelling. Also, I've been mulling something over based on Dragon's Bait - in which one character is a Dragon (that can turn human) and the other is a sacrifice to said dragon. I like working with people to come up with ideas for RPs, too. ^^ I have a bit of a craving for something dark and gothic-y with heavy romance. Some Plot prompts that I think would make good RPs: (without the modern setting) -The Land of Sleep-For twenty years, the Kingdom of Calday has prospered under the rule of King Aecalos and his queen. In recent years, trouble has risen due to the aging couple's lack of an heir. But then, miraculously, the couple was blessed with a daughter- an heir to the throne at last! There is to be a naming ceremony on the Autumn Equinox, along with the festival held every year in the capital. Along with this joyous occasion, the King has also announced his intent to find the next potential court Seer. Though the Sight is common enough in the kingdom, it isn’t much respected. Many hide their talents, or go away for training in hopes of becoming the next Seer in the king’s court. But it is a perilous position to be the court Seer- many go mad or are murdered for what they have seen. <Your Character> has grown up in the capital. You have always been successful in hiding your Sight, and the fact the king is looking for a new Seer doesn't bother you- it has never been a problem. Until that suddenly changes, and it is now your problem... and now you must try to reverse the threat you Saw to the new princess... Or it will be your life that is on the line...
I'd rather RP over PMs, as it is easier for me to keep track of things. While I don't mind mature things, I'd rather not go into heavily detailed mature scenes. Making out, leading up to the 'main event' is fine, but then glossing over the rest or fade to black is my preference. As the RPers, we might discuss what happens between the characters in the bedroom if we feel comfortable with it and if anything happens, but as I said, I'd rather not fully RP it out. As for language/violence, go for it, I have no problems with it.
Other information: I'm sure there are many things I am missing at the moment, but for now this will do until I update things.
Any Tamora Pierce novel Seraphina The Lunar Chronicles Dragons Bait Throne of Glass Fairytale retellings Doctor Who Stardust The Princess Bride The Hunger Games
Kella grit her teeth as she marched along, hearing the man follow behind her. The way he spoke of the king rubbed her the wrong way. Who was he to speak of the king so? And what did he know of her mission? He was so infuriating! Why he couldn't have just left her alone, she didn't know. But he followed her - and forced her to walk, damn him, as she would not mount in front of him in this condition - and so Kella's mood soured with each footstep. She did not talk to him, or give him any indication that she wanted his company. Or that she didn't want it. Kella steadfastly ignored him as the sun slipped lower and lower on the horizon. Had she not lost time by being forced to walk, she would have made it to town and an inn. But no. Kella sniffed. She was going to have to camp out in the open, now, and it was this man's fault.
She stiffened as he drew nearer, telling her she should rest. As he was done with his little speech, she sniffed. "I doubt you are morally obligated to do anything. And you do not know me - do not act as if you know what I can bear." She tossed her head, sending her hair fluttering, the red color of it taking on a deep, fiery tone in the dying light of day. Her gait was shortened, the movement of her injured leg stiff. Kella knew she had reached her limit, or near it, but there was no way that she would admit it to this insufferable man.
She leaned on her mount, hoping he would not notice. Notice, and then force her to rest. As if she couldn't take care of herself! Starlight tossed her head and let out a snort, seemingly not liking this from her mistress. Kella frowned. Now even her mount was telling her it was time to rest! How entirely frustrating. She ignored the fact and strode onwards... until her injured leg finally gave out, not ten steps further. She let out a colorful swear as her knees buckled and hit the ground, dust and dirt scattering up around her. - - - - - - It was an honor, they said.
With her hair plastered to her face from the quick summer storm that had raced through the countryside a half hour before, Astrid let out a cry of anger. She could do without this so-called honor. Last night, she had went to bed dreaming sweet dreams and planning her dress for the harvest festival. This morning, she had eaten her porridge not even realizing it was to be her last meal. Then everyone had been called to the town square, and the mayor had said the dragon had demanded a sacrifice of a maiden to keep away from the town and its farms.
Astrid wanted to spit at the thought of the sniveling mayor, with his portly stomach and his pasty face, but she had not had anything to drink since noon, and her mouth was dry. She leaned against the roughly made stake that she was tied to, every inch of her body aching. How did the mayor know what the dragon demanded? Did the mayor speak dragon-ese? The thought of the mayor knowing what the dragon wanted was laughable, if Astrid felt like laughing. More than likely, they had no idea what was going on, and the dragon would just eat her then turn on the town. After all, the mayor had so much more meat on his bones than Astrid did. Perhaps she should make a point to tell the dragon that.
The light was slowly creeping away, and Astrid stared up at the sky. Maybe the dragon would eat her quickly, and she wouldn't even notice she had died. The girl – not so much of a girl but rather a maiden just over the cusp of womanhood, seventeen and dreamy-eyed, though those eyes were now empty of dreams – swallowed. Maybe dragons were like cats, and played with their food. What a horrible notion. - - - - Amaya laughed, skipping away from one of her suitors. "I don't think I gave you permission to touch me quite there, Johnathan. For shame- you didn't even ask me to the dance tomorrow night." She faked a pout, "And I had so wanted to dance with you too."
The sun shone brightly with the golden light of the harvest time, washing everything with a gentle warmth. A cool breeze swept through the town, carrying with it the promise of winter. It ruffled the skirt of her dress, and tugged at her hair as it passed by them. The sounds of preparation for the big night drifted through on the wind as well, along with the murmur of of merchants selling their goods, the chatter of the excited townsfolk... Amaya loved the harvest festival.
She blew a kiss at the youth before her. "I must be off. Try and find me at the dance tomorrow night... If you're lucky, I'll still have a dance left for such a lovely boy as yourself!" She picked up her lute that she had set to the side when she had met up with the boy and decided a little kissing in an alcove never hurt anyone. But she was about to be late, and she had promised that she would play in the square for a while... and if it happened that the merchants were a bit more free with their wares, so be it.
She near danced into the town square, almost as lithe on her feet as dancer. She spun, a smile on her lips as she started to play a tune, her fingers merrily skipping over the strings of the lute.
And if you don't want to RP, but are interested in chatting, go ahead and send me a pm.
Will pm you. ^^ (Though it'll be later tonight after I get out of work; limited on time atm. Or you can pm me if you don't want to wait. :P )
* * *
Still looking for some more partners. ^^
Updated with a craving about my partner's character that I would really like to RP.
Only searching for one person right now for this particular RP; I don't have much of a plot in mind, but would be willing to go straight up romance or romance as part of a larger plot.
Looking for one or two partners to rp with; I'm thinking a rather short RP, perhaps something on the fluffy side. Just something to pass the time and test if we'd be good partners for longer RPs. ^^