You know how they say that most stories start with once upon a time? Well, this one does too. Kinda.
Once upon a fucking time, our government thought they could easily cure the problem that years and years of messing with Earth and treating her like trash had done. Leave it to our leaders to try to put a band-aid on things that need real attention.
Water filters? Nope- that will hurt our poor fish!
Windmills? Nope- that will hurt our defenseless birds!
Nuclear implosions? Sure! That can't possibly go wrong.
Nuclear test after nuclear test to clean up the smog invading us had proven to be actually working (holy shit!) and people were quite excited for the progress! It was almost like the human race weren't as dumb as we thought. It wasn't until N10 (the 10th round of "cleansing") that things started to become clear that this was not as great as things appeared. These creatures- no, monsters began appearing by the nuclear sites. They came from the ground, popping out like daisies at every vibration on the ground!
Scientist after scientist began disappearing.
Then the people that went looking for those scientists began vanishing.
Once all those people were gone, and people stopped looking for them any more- the monsters began to get hungry for flesh again. They traveled into the cities, they multiplied, they took our parents, they took our children, they took our civilizations.
It had been 30 years since N10 and all this madness began. Not many people remember a time before what our world was. Not many people live that long anymore, at least none that we've seen lately. We can only hope there is someone out there with the answers we need. There had only been rumors of a save haven in Maine where the people had ridden the place of those creatures..
All we can do now is keep alive and hope we get our happily ever after.

The "langue" is the monster that has been terrorizing us for 30 some years now. We're not sure who came up with it but a guy once told us it meant tongue in french. He might have been just a pervert, but it kind of make sense. The thing has a tongue that is long and uses it just like a snake to taste the things in the air
It's body resembles something between a human, lizard, and bird. Nothing humans had seen before. It's teeth are sharp and tears through flesh and any other material that it can sink into it. Recommended that you don't try to go to battle with it from close combat, you'll lose.
They seem to only feast during the night time but can be seen traveling during the day. They are never not active. If you feel the ground under you rumbling you better head the other fucking way, or get to high stable ground. We witnessed a guy trapped in a hole one of these monsters dug and he had to wait there until nightfall until the creature could come and eat him. It was sickening. They are smart and crafty, do not be fooled.
We don't know much about killing these things, but we managed to shoot the eye out of one of them. It seemed to slow him down a bit, but also made him angrier. No gun can penetrate his armor skin, his weak spots are his eyes and his mouth when it's open- but by then it's probably too late for you.
Maybe someone will find a way to delete the world of them.