Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Iris Jane Barret

Age: 25


+ Reliable
+ Energetic
+ Loyal
+ Takes Care Of Her Own
+ Not Afraid To Dive Into Things

- Dirty
- Anger issues
- Close Minded
- Speaks Before She Thinks
- Doesn't Give Second Chances

Biography: Everyone had told Iris' mom (Jane) that she had been idiotic and selfish to bring a child into the world at a time like this. "You're no better than the langue for doing this to not only our group, but that thing!" her husband (Bryan) yelled at her, like he hadn't added to the making of this child. News flash, he had. The two fought and fought, making the morale of their original Alabama raised rag tag group of survivors tired and their morale lower. "If you don't want this child, you don't want me!" Jane screamed at the group, as they had to stop for the eighteenth time that night traveling for her to relieve her bladder. The group nodded,

"You're right. We don't."

Jane was left on the side of the road as the group and her once beloved husband left her to die. Jane found refuge in another group traveling by many weeks later. She had been close to death, surviving by scrounging for food and water off the floors of abandoned trailer homes. She found comfort with another mother of this group that had rescued her, This woman had been carrying a child who was no more than 2 years old at the time of their meeting.

Iris was born on a November night on the floor of a gas station. Her mother gagged to stop the screaming to not cause too much attention from the langue that lurked under the ground waiting for their next victim. "Come on Jane"! the woman whispered harshly, her hand gripping tightly in encouragement. The rest of the group looked on, gathering what supplies they could as well as keeping an eye out for other people that might cause trouble. After about 30 minutes Iris was born, her cries met with different reaction than most children. "Shut her up!" a man growled, and the woman took action. Taking Iris and trying to quiet her.

The almond eyed baby looked up at this woman with a sense of comfort and the woman smiled, "Oh Jane, she's beautiful." she whispered, looking down at the friend she had made in the six months they had been together. "Jane?" the woman asked when she had no response. Jane was unresponsive. "Help!" the woman called out to her group, and was responded with the words she did not expect. "We have to go!" another man called, "They are coming, they are here!" A cracking in the tile gas station floor revealed a gaping hole.

A langue reached out it's tongue and rolled around Jane's lifeless face. The woman stared in horror, unable to move. It then sunk it's teeth into Jane's face, quickly, returning back into it's hole. "There will be more! HURRY!" another woman of the group grabbed Iris and the arm of the shocked woman.

They began to move up onto the roof of the building as quickly as they could. All they could do was watch as the langue fed off anything and anyone that was down on the ground. "I'm so sorry" the young woman said to Iris as she held her own child in one arm and the new born baby in the other. "We'll take care of you" she said, her young son exploring the infant himself.

She kept her promise.

The woman raised Iris as best as she could for as long as she could. Iris had her mother's stubbornness and her father's temper. She was a handful for the woman, but she would never give up. She would not let a few tantrums and a few given whoopings' break her.

The boy would be raised right along side Iris, the two became close and thought of one another as brother and sister. He was protective of Iris, even though she would never admit it, she'd tell everyone she took care of him- if anything. By the time Iris was 10, they had made their way to South Carolina, losing all of their group including the woman and man that had raised her in a day that would only be referred to as "the day".

Together the two remaining souls of the group made their way up to Virginia before they would be met with the group they would now join- for who knows how long, and if they would make it to Maine- where the rumored safe land was.

"Don't count on it assholes."

  • Len Sclera:
    • Len is Iris' best friend and "brother" by all means. He watches her back, and in turn she watches his. She doesn't remember any time within her life that Len wasn't around- besides when he was hanging with Michael. They have a close bond, but it won't be a big surprise to see the two fighting both verbally and physically time to time. Especially when Iris thinks Len is being 'stupid'.

      Current Mood: I'm glad we're a team- we can do this!

  • Corbin Verrone:
    • Iris has not been properly introduced to this person yet, but he is making a lot of noise and is coming at them yelling, so she is quite worried about what will happen next. It also appears he brought the rain with him- perhaps he has been cursed by a superior being in this life.

      Current Mood: This guy is crazy!

  • Kara Roberts:
    • Despite their very rough start, Kara has decided to come a long with the group and even has been trusted with Len's favorite crossbow. Iris is weary now of Kara because of her outburst at the campfire, but honestly feels bad for her (sorta). The woman seems distraught and quite emotional, let's hope it doesn't cause problems.

      Current Mood: She seems really sorry, but I can't trust her yet.

  • Alex "Rocket" Jones:
    • Shit about that person goes here

  • Espen Holter:
    • Here we go again, another person with a gosh darn crossbow. This guy seems a bit more well trained in it though. He looks so very tired and stressed, a young demeanor but a very old spirit. Let's hope he's not too blood thirsty- but if he is, We can easily sacrifice Kara!

      Current Mood: Is that.. a teddy bear?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Len Sclera

*puts family first
*Always keeps his promises
*Stays calm under pressure

*Smart ass
*Loves a good fight (which can sometimes lead to trouble)
*Can sometimes be somewhat paranoid and doesn't trust easily
*Loves to smoke and drink (and occasionally do other drugs, mostly hallucinogenic)
*Can sometimes be childish


"We just head up them hills over yonder. And ifn' one of them goddamn earthworms try to eat us...well hell, we had a good run, ain't that right Iris?"

Len Sclera never knew the old world. There's probably not many left alive that do. He grew up in the time of the Langue, of horror beyond imagining. An era of giant underground creatures that rise up at night to feed--and humans are it's favorite food. Sclera was just a child when the colony he was with was slaughtered. He watched as his best friend, Jacob Ryan, was swallowed hole. Of course, he doesn't remember much because he was just 2 years old. Still, he knows he had a good friend, and he knows he lost him.

It was during that time his mother took in a young infant. It was chaos, people screaming, people dying. And his mother, through it all, kept her head and saved a child. That child was Iris, and Len would come to look at her like a sister. In fact, it wouldn't be too long, and she'd be all he had left.

Growing up in this new world, only his mother and newfound sister, would prove to be harsh. As Len got older, he grew more and more protective of both Mom and Iris. He grew up tough, haggard, willing to knock the crap out of anyone who even gave the women in his life a sideways glance. There was more than once he kept bandits away with a simple broken jaw or kick to the kneecap. Of course, it wasn't too long before they met another group. And then Len would learn to be civil. Or as civil as he could be, anyway. Being the "Man" of the house at a young age, Len learned to fight real fast. In fact, he came to enjoy it. Of course, he brought home his fair share of bloody noses, but in his case the adage "you should've seen the other guy" always rang true. Iris was always there, however, to keep him from getting into too much trouble. She was known to be reliable around camp, and she was always able to use her good reputation to keep Len from getting banished from the group on the occasion he took a fight -slightly- too far. As protective as he was of Iris, they took care of each other. Even if neither one wanted to admit to how much they relied on the other.

When his mother finally died, along with the rest of the group their group, Len was once again alone, save for Iris. He would never admit to it, but the loss of his home, and all those he held close, hit him hard. He'd had friends, damn good ones too. And this time, he was well old enough to have those haunting memories forever. Biting back the feelings, bottling them up somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew what he had to do. Whispers and rumors had long been in the air of some sort of possible weapon to use against the Langue. Len couldn't lose Iristo these things. If there was a chance to exterminate the bastards, he wanted to see it done. And he wanted to make sure Iris was safe. Virginia. That was a good starting point. Rumors pointed in that direction, and it was there he would follow. To his death? Maybe, but if it was his turn to die, long as he kept Iris safe, it was worth it to him.


Iris Barrett

The girl that he grew up with. Len's best friend, she's like family to him. He trusts her implicitly, and is willing to do *anything* for her--even if that means jumping into the gaping maw of a langue and ripping it's tongue out.

Current feelings towards Iris Worried about her safety. Forgot all about their argument earlier. God I hope this grain Silo's enough to keep us safe. Ifn' Iris becomes worm food, I'm jes' gonna let the damn things eat me. Fuck it.

Michael Sanders (deceased)

Used to be a good friend of Len's, when his mother found the camp of people after rescuing Iris. They met not long after joining the community, an became fast friends. On the rare occasion that Len couldn't be found with Iris, he was likely with Michael. And when he *was* with Iris, there was a good chance Michael was somewhere nearby as well.

When the Langue invaded camp, Michael pushed Len out of the way as the creature's tongue lashed out--it wrapped around him, pulling him into it's crushing jaws. Michael didn't stand a chance, but he did save Len's life--and that's something he will never forget.


Suspicious and resentful, especially since she caused a fight between he and Iris. And also led to the last of their squirrel being burnt.

Current Feelings towards Kara Well shit, this girl is prolly gonna be trouble, is what I'm thinkin.'

Espen Well I'll be damned. This guy, in this situation, asks about my talkin'?? Maybe he ain't so bad afterall. Could be Iris was right yet again. Sheeeiiiit. I'll be watchin' Mr. Everdeen up there pretty fuckin' close though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elvenoff
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name Corbin Verrone
Age 25

+Reliable- If asked to do something he will damn well give it his best shot.

+Cautious- Hell with being a hero, it won’t matter if you’re dead!

+Generous- Damn I’m hungry, holding his last candy bar, Small girl stares at him, yeah here you go.

+Sophisticated- Yes, I know it takes twelve turns of the chronometer, plug in the eradicator, then set the meter to three
thousand microtones and then fucking run! I wasn’t born yesterday!

+Tolerant- Okay now I’m going to explain this for the one-hundredth time and if you don’t get it, I shall tell you again for the one-hundredth
and one time.

-Suspicious- They were all standing there when the damn thing disappeared, One of those fuckers took it!
-Unselfish- sometimes gives too much away.
-Haughty- What do you mean you can’t tell me what ten thousand to the forth is without a calculator! Blah
-Compulsive- Langue…Kill them all! Fucking kill them all!
-Humorless- I don’t get it! That was lame!

BIO: NYC 1-432 was the colony name where Corbin was born and grew to the age of five when it was destroyed by the Langue. His parents were MIA that day, if it wasn’t for Karri’s parents Corbin himself would be on one of the two lists that were developed for the citizens of NYC 1-432. Karri was his neighbor friend that he would go and play with most of the time. They were of the same age when he lost his parents and from that time on, he had a new family, one that treated him as if he was one of their own.

As time went on, Karri and himself grew closer as friends and were reminded time after time that they were brother and sister, but to them that wasn’t so, they were friends whom under extreme circumstances forced them into one family but were not blood so they allowed the love between them to grow. Karri is the one to blame for the way that Corbin is today for if it weren’t for her, he would have grown up hating everyone and everything. But she was his savior, but he wasn’t hers for when they just turned eighteen, the newly formed colony NYC 2 -1 was overran by scavengers looking for a place to call their own, this was the day that Karri was lost to him as they were trying to stop these low-life people.

He had to flee the colony with just a few others but that was just for a few days as each member of the small group went their own way or died as the food ran low and the weak couldn’t handle the stress. So after a few weeks Corbin was traversing over the land by himself, trying to stay ahead of the game by keeping low and watching for a group of people that looked like they could handle themselves.

Relationships: None at this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Chocobo

Chocobo Overweight Bird

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Kara Roberts

Age: 23

+Kind hearted
+Strong willed
+Quick Thinker

-Bad with weapons
-Afraid of close quarters combat
-Haunted by memories
-Generally avoids combat

Biography: Kara was born into a survivor camp just north of Virginia, the camp welcomed anybody it could find. 16 years after her birth a power struggle began in the camp, it was split into two halves. One half consisted of those who wanted survival over all else, wanting to remove the weak from the camp. The other half being the opposite, keeping other people alive, able bodied or not.

Kara found herself as an ambassador between the two groups, helping to resolve the struggle. Fights broke out between the two groups and many people died, until eventually the strong left, leaving Kara in a group with the weak. Kara managed to keep this group going for 7 years, drawing in more and more members. At the age of 16 she met a girl called Anna, the two quickly became lovers.

Some of the more powerful members of the group heard about the relationship between Kara and Anna and urged that it be stopped, claiming "If the women get together, no children will be born and the future will be lost". Kara understood this but loved Anna too much to stop, they were quickly kicked out from the group and forced to survive on their own.

Kara and Anna began heading south towards Virginia, it was their only hope of survival, there must be something there for them. But as they entered Virginia tragedy struck. Kara and Anna were attacked by the langue, and Anna sacrificed herself to save Kara.
Now she wanders alone, hoping to find somebody, anybody.

Relationships: Anna (deceased): Kara's lover for 7 years, murdered by a langue
James and Sharon (deceased: Kara's parents, died shortly after her birth.
Lens and Iris: I don't like it but I have no choice but to stick with these two for now, chances are they're waiting for the opportunity to kill me. I may have to get them first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Alex "Rocket" Jones

Age: Fourteen



Perceptive: Being born and raised in a time where anything can and will kill you, she has a pretty good sense of sight and hearing.

Youthful: No fear of achey backs or tired legs here!

Adaptive: Alex is good at changing plans at the drop of a dime, and she is pretty good at hiding in small spaces.

Cooperative: Once she trusts you, she has no problem working with others or even taking orders from others.

Friendly: Most of the time, Alex seems to lack any mean bones in her body.


Uneducated: In a traditional sense. Alex's ability to count, spell and read are extremely limited.

Small: Alex is petite, meaning it's easier to pick her up and push her over.

Untrusting: She has no need to trust strangers, or even people she has known for a short amount of time. She will always assume these people are out to hurt her.

Thievish: Alex has a tendency to steal and horde. This could be anything from food and supplies to rocks. Having piles of stuff makes her feel secure.

Timid: Alex is a hard nut to crack when it comes to social interaction. She would rather keep quiet and hide then cling to people.

Biography: Alex's upbringing was anything but nurturing. She was born of an unfortunate woman and some unfortunate experiences with a man. It would have made sense for her to die before she was born, or maybe shortly after, but the pack of scavengers couldn't help but see the value in a newborn. It was easy, set down the crying child and let some good samaritans run over and try to save her. And then they get robbed, murdered and scattered and the cycle continues. And when Alex was old enough to walk and talk it was even easier. She would hobble over to a group of survivors, eyes all wide and sad, and beg for food. And then her much larger and more violent caretakers would seal the deal.

Alex's birth mother was allowed to do the feeding and cleaning of Alex while she was an infant, but as soon as Alex was old enough and capable enough to walk on her own the scavengers killed her mother. Right in front of Alex. As a way to show the difference between weakness and strength. A lesson, the first of many. Alex figured this was all there was to life, but it didn't seem all that bad. Any time she questioned her groups leader she would be given food or a shiny object to keep her mouth shut. And with this her hoarding problem began. While Alex struggled to learn the value of mercy, instead learning the value of 'What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine', she also learned skills vital to her survival. The world was a cruel place, and it was particularly cruel to a young girl, and her survival wouldn't be handed to her on a silver platter.

Once she was ten years old she really began her career as a scavenger. Having small hands and body was useful when it came to digging through piles of rubble. What she didn't like was the killing, at this point she was starting to understand what her group was doing, but questioned nothing. This was just the way life was meant to be lived. But nothing lasted forever, especially human life. One day, while scavenging through an old trailer park, a Langue got the jump on her group, snapping up and killing everyone, except for Alex who was able to wedge herself into a cupboard.

Alex stayed in that cupboard long after she knew the coast was clear. She wasn't sure what to do or how to feel. Her entire group was gone, killed. And while they were never gentle with each other it was the closest Alex had to a family. This was also the first time Alex was ever without a leader. Sure people had died in the past, but this was Alex's first time being completely alone. She had been left to make her own choices from now on. All of this new found freedom scared Alex, but she decided to continue in what her old group was doing. Traveling to Maine.


Iris Barret: Cool hair.

Len Sclera: Total Badass.

Kara Roberts Can't even hold a crossbow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Monotonous
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Monotonous Sock

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

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