Iris Jane Barret
Age: 25
+ Reliable
+ Energetic
+ Loyal
+ Takes Care Of Her Own
+ Not Afraid To Dive Into Things
- Dirty
- Anger issues
- Close Minded
- Speaks Before She Thinks
- Doesn't Give Second Chances
Biography: Everyone had told Iris' mom (Jane) that she had been idiotic and selfish to bring a child into the world at a time like this. "You're no better than the langue for doing this to not only our group, but that thing!" her husband (Bryan) yelled at her, like he hadn't added to the making of this child. News flash, he had. The two fought and fought, making the morale of their original Alabama raised rag tag group of survivors tired and their morale lower. "If you don't want this child, you don't want me!" Jane screamed at the group, as they had to stop for the eighteenth time that night traveling for her to relieve her bladder. The group nodded,
"You're right. We don't."
Jane was left on the side of the road as the group and her once beloved husband left her to die. Jane found refuge in another group traveling by many weeks later. She had been close to death, surviving by scrounging for food and water off the floors of abandoned trailer homes. She found comfort with another mother of this group that had rescued her, This woman had been carrying a child who was no more than 2 years old at the time of their meeting.
Iris was born on a November night on the floor of a gas station. Her mother gagged to stop the screaming to not cause too much attention from the langue that lurked under the ground waiting for their next victim. "Come on Jane"! the woman whispered harshly, her hand gripping tightly in encouragement. The rest of the group looked on, gathering what supplies they could as well as keeping an eye out for other people that might cause trouble. After about 30 minutes Iris was born, her cries met with different reaction than most children. "Shut her up!" a man growled, and the woman took action. Taking Iris and trying to quiet her.
The almond eyed baby looked up at this woman with a sense of comfort and the woman smiled, "Oh Jane, she's beautiful." she whispered, looking down at the friend she had made in the six months they had been together. "Jane?" the woman asked when she had no response. Jane was unresponsive. "Help!" the woman called out to her group, and was responded with the words she did not expect. "We have to go!" another man called, "They are coming, they are here!" A cracking in the tile gas station floor revealed a gaping hole.
A langue reached out it's tongue and rolled around Jane's lifeless face. The woman stared in horror, unable to move. It then sunk it's teeth into Jane's face, quickly, returning back into it's hole. "There will be more! HURRY!" another woman of the group grabbed Iris and the arm of the shocked woman.
They began to move up onto the roof of the building as quickly as they could. All they could do was watch as the langue fed off anything and anyone that was down on the ground. "I'm so sorry" the young woman said to Iris as she held her own child in one arm and the new born baby in the other. "We'll take care of you" she said, her young son exploring the infant himself.
She kept her promise.
The woman raised Iris as best as she could for as long as she could. Iris had her mother's stubbornness and her father's temper. She was a handful for the woman, but she would never give up. She would not let a few tantrums and a few given whoopings' break her.
The boy would be raised right along side Iris, the two became close and thought of one another as brother and sister. He was protective of Iris, even though she would never admit it, she'd tell everyone she took care of him- if anything. By the time Iris was 10, they had made their way to South Carolina, losing all of their group including the woman and man that had raised her in a day that would only be referred to as "the day".
Together the two remaining souls of the group made their way up to Virginia before they would be met with the group they would now join- for who knows how long, and if they would make it to Maine- where the rumored safe land was.
"Don't count on it assholes."
- Len Sclera:
- Len is Iris' best friend and "brother" by all means. He watches her back, and in turn she watches his. She doesn't remember any time within her life that Len wasn't around- besides when he was hanging with Michael. They have a close bond, but it won't be a big surprise to see the two fighting both verbally and physically time to time. Especially when Iris thinks Len is being 'stupid'.
Current Mood: I'm glad we're a team- we can do this!
- Len is Iris' best friend and "brother" by all means. He watches her back, and in turn she watches his. She doesn't remember any time within her life that Len wasn't around- besides when he was hanging with Michael. They have a close bond, but it won't be a big surprise to see the two fighting both verbally and physically time to time. Especially when Iris thinks Len is being 'stupid'.
- Corbin Verrone:
- Iris has not been properly introduced to this person yet, but he is making a lot of noise and is coming at them yelling, so she is quite worried about what will happen next. It also appears he brought the rain with him- perhaps he has been cursed by a superior being in this life.
Current Mood: This guy is crazy!
- Iris has not been properly introduced to this person yet, but he is making a lot of noise and is coming at them yelling, so she is quite worried about what will happen next. It also appears he brought the rain with him- perhaps he has been cursed by a superior being in this life.
- Kara Roberts:
- Despite their very rough start, Kara has decided to come a long with the group and even has been trusted with Len's favorite crossbow. Iris is weary now of Kara because of her outburst at the campfire, but honestly feels bad for her (sorta). The woman seems distraught and quite emotional, let's hope it doesn't cause problems.
Current Mood: She seems really sorry, but I can't trust her yet.
- Despite their very rough start, Kara has decided to come a long with the group and even has been trusted with Len's favorite crossbow. Iris is weary now of Kara because of her outburst at the campfire, but honestly feels bad for her (sorta). The woman seems distraught and quite emotional, let's hope it doesn't cause problems.
- Alex "Rocket" Jones:
- Shit about that person goes here
- Espen Holter:
- Here we go again, another person with a gosh darn crossbow. This guy seems a bit more well trained in it though. He looks so very tired and stressed, a young demeanor but a very old spirit. Let's hope he's not too blood thirsty- but if he is, We can easily sacrifice Kara!
Current Mood: Is that.. a teddy bear?
- Here we go again, another person with a gosh darn crossbow. This guy seems a bit more well trained in it though. He looks so very tired and stressed, a young demeanor but a very old spirit. Let's hope he's not too blood thirsty- but if he is, We can easily sacrifice Kara!