Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Makashi Ayane
Nickname/Alias: None.
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bi.
Village: Sunagakure no sato (Village hidden in the sand)
Rank: Chuunin.
Chakra Nature: Unknown.
Appearance Ayane has long, black hair and alert, purple eyes. Her skin is a bit pale despite the fact that she lives in a desert. She’s pretty and quite slim, not one of the thin big-boobed kunoichis who always wants to appear as sexy (she thinks they are exaggerated and highly over-rated as most of them aren’t worth their boobs in jutsus). As for clothes, she wears an armless top that’s black with a front-zipper over the chest and white over the stomach. The white part is made from an elastic fabric, so it’s easy to dress and undress and at the same time, it looks good while on. She uses her foreheadprotector as a belt, and below it she has a short black skirt, not even reaching halfway down her thighs. She also has black gloves and black open-toe ninja boots.

Personality: Ayane is an easygoing young woman who likes to have fun. She was a late bloomer and has just now begun to get a real interest in boys, although she is very careful about that sort of thing. She is very interested in mechanics and ninja dolls of all sorts, but doesn’t use poison as much as other puppeteers. She is also very observant, as attention to detail is key to making a good ninja doll.

Other: Ayane owns a total of four dolls, but will only use a maximum of two at the time. She believes that perfect control over one puppet is better than barely any control at all over ten. Each puppet is built using collapsable joints. This means that Ayane has purposefully built in weak parts that should break before anything important does. This cuts down on repair time and material cost as 90% of repairs will be a simple case of “change the weak part”.





Special Traits
Not only an expert puppeteer, ayane is a sneaky bastard whose forte is espionage. She has limited experience with taijutsu fighting, and prefers to ambush and assassinate. Her puppeteering skills are at least jounin-leveled and she can control her puppets from quite a distance thanks to a few microphones and cameras that has been installed in each of her puppets. These devices transmit to a special pair of goggles that Ayane wears.

Kekkei Genkai: None.


Fighting style: Sujite Ryuu. (Stringhand style)
As Ayane is weak in taijutsu, she has developed a style to counter it.
When in hand-to-hand combat she will use her Kugutsu no Jutsu to disrupt her opponent’s movements by attaching the strings to arms, legs or weapons and pulling at the right time. At her peak, and given the right chance, she may make an enemy kill himself with his own weapon.


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Character Sheet
Name: Haruhi Hikari
Nickname/Alias: None
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Rank: Chunin
Chakra Nature:


Personality: Haruhi has a personality that is unlike the stereotypical gloomy Hidden Mist personalities one would assume to find. She has been faced with death, lost a few of those most close to her, and has speant many nights crying herself to sleep. Despite it all, Haru has managed to keep her same bubbly personality that keeps people wanting to know her. She is tough at heart, determined, and stubborn, If she dosent get what she wants right away, she will fight and fight, never letting up until she gets it. She hates few things and loves alot of things. Though it once was easy to upset her, or get her to cry, it is much more difficult now. After years of trying to learn patience and control over her emotions, she had finally suceeded in such and is more laid back than she used to be. Within her are a perfect molded together combination of Mika Hayashi's fierce fighting style, and Takeshi Shun's casual and fun personality. (Those two are her NPC sensei's.) Haruhi is a quick thinker, unpredictable, and she hits hard everytime, never letting up when faced with tough challenges. She refuses to ever let down her teammates, villiage, sensei's, etc. and is extremely loyal. She can be trusted to follow through with tasks without hesitation, and no longer does she second guess herself. When she is not training, sleeping, or on missions, she can be found dragging often unwilling close ones out to eat before using her adorable charm to get them to pay. Not once has she failed with that.






Special Traits:
  • Advanced Chakra Control
  • Above Average Chakra Reserve
  • Out of the Box Fighting Style
  • Good in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu
  • Good Speed and Agility
  • Good Multitasking Skills
  • Unpredictable
  • Manipulative
  • Doesn't Give Up Easily
  • Jinchuriki Chakra
  • Quick Thinker

Kekkei Genkai: None




The Five Tailed Beast
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Ikazuchi, Zee

Nickname/Alias: Kaminari

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Sexuality: Hetero for the most part, might be willing to change that in the future.

Village: Kumogakure, The Village Hidden In The Clouds.

Rank: Chuunin

Chakra Nature:
  • Fire Release
  • Wind Release
  • Scorch Release

Personality: There's something about Zee that just doesn't make it seem right. Quiet and reserved most times, even to the point of seeming aloof and uninterested, is in reality a cover, a front if you will, for the actual person that she is inside. Zee has a mode in which she is quiet, analytical and aloof, where her eyes move back and forward, a mode that only activates in three kinds of situations. When meeting someone knew, when a battle is starting and when she is the assigned leader of a squad. She'll analyze everything and come up with six or so solutions for it, and she'll try to put them into action. Then, there's the other side to her personality, which makes the other one seem like a joke.

Zee is able to follow the rules and commands of others, yes, but then again, she will bend the words of what is in them to do as she likes. A hotheaded person, even if she has a plan, she'll rush through it, and most of her plans include lots of dangerous steps and several all-or-nothing gambles. She loves fighting, and is always up for a good duel, but, and while her fuse isn't as short as many think it is, in fact, it is really hard to make her really mad, she still will stop any kind of pointless fights that would only stall people off and hurt people without need. A regulated, official duel, though, she won't hold anyone back, nor will she hold anything back, if the one fighting is her.

A person who really cares about others, Zee cannot even let the idea of her teammates getting hurt pass by the minds of their enemies. She'd slice them up first before they can try to do something like that. She is often told that she is like a nagging old woman because of this, and even a paranoid at times. She makes sure everyone eats balanced diets and will supervise them in order to make sure they don't take anything poisonous while on the wilds. It sometimes can get annoying for people when she is like this, but she has confidence that they will, eventually, thank her.

Other: Her teammates mostly used weapons and as so, she now owns and keeps both weapons with her and uses them into her taijutsu techniques. They were given to her by her teammates, and allowed to keep them by their families. It seems one of them, the blade, is really famous, and she has been offered great sums of money in exchange for it. Her surname, Ikazuchi (霆) is written the same way as Kaminari (霆), though Ikazuchi is a more poetic way of reading the character. So, her nickname and other things as well make for a lot of confusion.





Special Traits:

  • Large chakra pool
  • Excellent chakra nature conversion
  • Swift movements
  • Really flexible
  • Her taijutsu takes full advantage of her flexibility
  • Can use three chakra natures, Fire, Wind and Scorch, that is a combination of the two others.
  • Terrible at genjutsu, and its effects, but in turn, she is really good with ninjutsu and taijutsu.

Kekkei Genkai: The Ikazuchi family Kekkei Genkai allows them to use Scorch release, but nothing more.



Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keanto
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Hōzuki Shingetsu
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Sexuality: Hetero
Village: Kirigakure no Sato
Rank: Chuunin
Chakra Nature: Water Release & Lightning Release
Appearance Shingetsu has short silver hair, blue like sapphire eyes. He is quite tall around 186 cm and weigh about 80. Shingetsu believe in keeping the body in shape, so he has quite an athletic body. Shingetsu wears an armless shirt with a zipper in the middle, on it he is wearing the Kirigakures thick armored flak jacket. Black pants, Shingetsu wears also a belt with 4 water bottles, 2 bottles at each side of his hips. At his back hang his 2 handed sword Mooncutter.

Personality: You know there is a always a really loud person at a party? Yea, Shingetsu is that person. Although he is loud, his heart is at the right place. Shingetsu hate everything that is injustice in the world, and fight with everything he have to make the world to a better place. Shingetsu also believe what people are saying real easy, that make him quite a target for practical jokes.
History: Shingetsu was born in the famous clan Hōzuki. At young age Shingetsu receive combat training from his parents. Although he never like it at the beginning and was more interesting to play with the other kids than training(As expected from a kid). His parents were always able to find him and brings him back for more harder training. It was the first time that he held a sword in his hands that made Shingetsu really interesting in his ninja training. His parents begun to teach him about the history of his clan and his clan ultimate goal: To find all the legendary swords that was once belong to The Seven Swordsmen of The Mist. At that moment Shingetsu wowed to find all swords and resurrect The Seven Swordsmen once again.

Shingetsu enter academy and made a fast progress. Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Kenjutsu was his best strengths. He graduated from academy at 9 with top grades and began to do missions in his three man team. Although he considering his teammates his comrades, he never feel like he bonded with them. For Shingetsu is was always duty to his clan and to his village. His search for the legendary swords slowed down his progress in rank so Shingetsu became Chuunin at age 15. His father told him that he should join the SETU because he believe that will make Shingetsu even stronger. The young Hozuki set his mind on the SETU exam.
Other: Shingetsu is from the famous Hōzuki clan, like every other Hōzuki members. Shingetsu has the ability to turn his body to a liquefied form. But it is required that they have to stay hydrated. That is why Shingetsu always brings with him 4 water bottles. Shingetsu has also a big two handed sword strapped on his back. He has forge the sword himself after the teaching of his father. He named the sword Mooncutter


Weapons/Items: A two handed sword named Mooncutter

Special Traits
Shingetsu is a very skilled at guerilla warfare. Although he prefer to get close and personal with his enemies.

Kekkei Genkai: None


[hider=Canon Jutsu]
Name of Technique: Suika no Jutsu(Hydrification Technique )
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary
Rank: -
Range: -
Nature Type: Water release
Description: This technique makes it impossible to receive damage from physical attacks. From a single hair, to the skin and muscles, everything can be liquefied and solidified at will. Be it to evade an enemy's attack during a short range battle, to infiltrate a structure, or to launch a surprise attack in a liquefied state, this technique boasts a high strategic value. Applying this technique, the user can also modify their body parts for suitable situations. In this form the user can also draw upon and control nearby water by immersing himself amongst the liquid.
Weakness: Boasting high strategic value, the only way to contain a user of this technique is to lock them up in an airtight container so they cannot move about.[2] When the user passes out, they turn into a jelly-like state.[3] Since this technique turns the body into water, the Hōzuki are extremely vulnerable to Lightning Release techniques.

Name of Technique: Suirou no Jutsu - Water Prison Technique
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Close
Nature Type: Water Release
Description: is a Ninjutsu that utilizes water to imprison an opponent. The ninja forms the necessary hand seals which causes the water to form around the target into a spherical prison which only allows for limited movement.
Weakness: The ninja must keep their body touching the water prison to maintain its existence. If the contact is broken, the water falls away and their target is released

Name of Technique: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu - Water Clone Technique
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Clone Techniques
Rank: C
Range: -
Nature Type: Water release
Description: The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original person's power.[2] Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water
Weakness: Short range.

Name of Technique: Mizudeppō: Nichō - Water Gun: Two Guns
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Clan Secret technique, Offensive
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Nature Type: Water Release
Description: A more lethal version of the Water Gun Technique, this technique is used by members of the Hōzuki clan. After liquifying their hands, the user mimics a gun with their hands and fires two powerful jets of water from their index fingers.

Name of Technique: Suiton: Gōsuiwan no Jutsu - Water Release: Great Water Arm Technique
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: -
Nature Type: Water Release
Description: By putting the Hydrification Technique into practical use, the muscles of the arm are temporarily enlarged and strengthened. Moisture is gathered from the whole body and compressed into the entire arm, like an instant pump-up. However, because it is essential to properly control the moisture balance inside the body, this technique's degree of difficulty is very high. The technique gives the user superhuman strength, capable of breaking through both rock walls and steel doors with ease.

Name of Technique: Suijinheki - Water Encampment Wall
Type of Jutsu: Defense
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Nature Type: Water Release
Description: is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Water Element. The ninja will first do a string of hand seals and then proceed to blow out a jet of water from their mouth to act as a water barrier from incoming attack.

Name of Technique: Mizurappa - Water Trumpet
Type of Jutsu: Attack
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Nature Type: Water Release
Description: is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, the Ninja will expel a strong jet of water at his/her opponent.

Name of Technique: Iaigiri - Draw And Slice
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Rank: -
Range: Close
Nature Type: Kenjutsu
Description: Adhering to the principles of Iaidō, the user performs a quick and powerful slash with their sword in order to cut the intended target, before immediately resheathing the blade afterwards. As for Shingetsu, his sword doesnt have a shealth. Therefore he simply strap back his sword on his back.

Name of Technique: Kiri-Ryuu Uragiri - Mist Style: Reverse Beheading
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Rank: -
Range: Close
Nature Type: Kenjutsu
Description: The user does a powerful spin, generating the momentum needed to slash at any opponents behind them. The user can also utilise this spinning motion to trick an enemy that's in front of them. The enemy is fooled into thinking the user will attack them, but instead the user attacks the targets behind the user.

Name of Technique: Kiri-Ryuu Mikazukigiri - Mist Style: Crescent Moon Slice
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Rank: -
Range: Close
Nature Type: Kenjutsu
Description: The user swings their sword in a single, large, crescent moon-shaped arc, which occurs with such ferocious velocity that the technique can be employed in situations where only a very limited time to react is available. The swing can be used to counter attacks from multiple opponents simultaneously

Name of Technique: Suiton: Tate Eboshi - Water Release: Bury Crow Hat Child
Type of Jutsu: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Close
Nature Type: Water Release
Description: After using the Hydrification Technique to merge with a water source, the user can form a giant wave that looks like a demon-like fish. The user can use this form to battle larger opponents, or he can use it to shield allies from attack.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

WIP - k
Name: Nathaniel (called him Nathan through out the character sheet as a shorting of his name) Moyasu
Nickname/Alias: The Tamer
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Village: Kumogakure (Village hidden by the clouds
Rank: Chunnin
Chakra Nature: Earth, (although he is also attempting practice with the element of Wind (with marginal success meaning he can use low level techniques but they drain him more due to his control over them being less then par))


well theirs also the introvert and Nathan is one of them, he doesn't really responded much to order's given to him but will carry them out to the best of his capability's while in general meetings or in the company with other's this is where the introverted part of his personality come's out but alone or incredibly determined his old personality reveals itself, this personality is one that will not hesitate to punch you in the face if you so as dare insult someone he has respect for but this personality trait is quite rare in its reveal that you might think hes a totally different persona. this personality is also incredibly eager to fight. and is less caring about the drawbacks of chakra overuse...

"He's just a kid what do you plan on doing with our son Yurn?" Nathans mother asked his father, they had just moved a few year back to Kumogakure yet Nathanial's father had big plans for his son "I am going to make him grow up, Kaji, you have spoiled the boy to much he's gone soft" Yurn said in retort,

So Nathanial sitting outside messing with blocks of wood trying to built a small tower out of them was pulled up to his feet, his eyes level with his father's he was 7 years old and he still never forgot those pivotal words "Son I am going to train you to become a ninja, no excuses you will need to protect yourself someday, now go pack your things we are going to take a trip my father's place".

thats how Nathanial began learning to become a ninja, yet thats only a small importance, see when they got their Nathanials father began sending him through a rigorous training, yet Nathanials father knew nothing of his wife linage's genes that made those that are descended from that clan psychically weak, sure the boy learnt to run quite fast but his punches had no power which pissed off his father and he was constantly made to punch a tree till it showed a dent no matter how small, yet the tree showed no dents even after days of hammering the same spot, and even when his knuckles began to bleed, his father eventually gave up on his son's ninja training, yet Nathanial who had just begun learning ninjutsu didn't want to stop...

Eventually as Nathanial became more and more adapt at using ninjutsu a important person showed up, a ex Anbu member but he didn't brag or tell anyone so nobody really distinguished him from any other ninja but this Anbu member named Leton met Nathanial by chance, see Leton in his early retirement (for reasons he never said) had taken up a job as a delivery man, delivering supply's via the body flicker technique, and Nathanial had watched him suddenly appear at the door...

"Hey? how did you do that" Nathanial asked curious as to how the man had suddenly appeared at the door without walking up the path. Leton just turned and said slowly "Kid do you not know what ninjas are?" "I do I do sir my father was training me to become one but then gave up and citified me as a failure sir" Nathanial said. "And do you really want to be a ninja kid?" Leton asked questioning the boys knowledge "I do sir ninjas can do amazing things like this" Nathanial said gesturing a explosion and then pretending to throw kunai
Leton laughed "Oh okay kid your funny you know that I can teach you to be a ninja" Leton said to which nathanial began to smile then salute "Yes sir!"

That's how Nathanial began training with a ex Anbu member in the art of ninjutsu and genjutsu. he learnt a few techniques from Leton like the hiding like a mole technique and earth corridor, then at age 13 Nathanial made a surprising discovery when visited by his mother Kaji she told him that she hated the fact he was becoming a ninja since everyone she had ever loved in her clan (this doesn't mean the clan is dead) died because of fighting as a ninja, yet she still loved him enough to tell him about what he could do about what his kekki genki was and the fact that she would help him garner his first summon.

A few days later and the preparations where complete for their little voyage to the great reef, they spent days on that boat battled storms and giant fish, but eventually they arrived at a small rocky island with no foliage surrounded by a magnificent reef on the island, his mother guided him a small pool and told him to channel his chakra into the small pool to which he did so then a shape began appearing in the depth and Kaji watched it with a smile her son was gonna get a eel a medium sized eel good for protection and it would help him. but no the shadow kept getting bigger until Kaji began frowning and told her son to stop that's when Gurētoōshan no sandā no unagi burst through the ocean water, nobody really understood its motive's since it didn't speak the language of man but Kaji guided her son to sign the contract on the great eel's side to which Nathanial did so... only to be electrocuted and knocked unconscious straight afterwards.

After this first summon Nathanial decided to try and gain as many contracts as he could which is how he came to have 7 of them, while also honing his Ninjutsu and Genjutsu this voyage encompassed a entire 3 years of his life its the only life he ever really knows.

But then something happened that made him introverted he didn't want to speak about it he just wanted to get the missions over with and go back to being isolated. His mother never spoke to him and Laton had gone missing, nobody really knew why he was introverted they just shrugged and got on with their lives.

But while alone and asleep one can still hear Nathaniel's mutterings "i didn't do it I didn't kill him" "I didn't want to kill him "he tried killing me first "its my fault "its my fault..." "its my fault"




Summons -


Special Traits:
- Although his Taijustu skills are horribly weak which is shown throughout his clan, his Chakra reserve's are large (larger then most chunnin but less then some)
- He has very quick reflex's but that doesn't mean he is fast enough to escape unharmed, just to turn a fatal blow into a less damaging one
- He has sharp eyesight but its acuity is nothing compared to the Sharingan or other Dojutsu
- He is commonly found carrying around scrolls (albeit they are quite small as he cannot carry large weight again due to his clan's genetic's
- He is quite skilled when it comes to Ninjutsu, and slightly less skilled in Genjutsu
- He can hold his breath for up to 6 minutes - Important in one of his technique's
- He has very fine Chakra control.

Kekkei Genkai:
Multiple Summons technique - allows a person to have a contract with multiple summon's (the latters must be summoned with scroll's because if said User used their own hand to try and summon it they would only summon the First creature that made a contract with on that hand which gives a limit of 2 summons not requiring scroll's) and summon different species at the same time, during combat but this kekkei genkai rarely see's use because of how bothersome it is to contract with different specie's as it requires a lot of traveling

(think animal path but still requires scroll's and cannot move during the duration of the summons (if doing more then one)


Jutsus: Nathans jutsu's revolve around changing the battle field or being defensive, to revolve around his main strategy of summoning

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Name:Hīringu Raito
Nickname/Alias:Pesuto ishi (Plague Doctor)
Age: 18
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Village: Konohagakure
Chakra Nature:Water Release
Poison Release


Personality: Raito is a somewhat reserved person who tries to apply logic to everything he does while trying to keep his emotions out of the decision making process. He is not an emotionless drone by any means, but emotions tend to be rather tricky things for him to handle properly. He is someone who if asked how many friends he has will only list a few names, but those few friends he will treasure until the day he dies.

History: Hīringu Raito was born to the relatively young Hiringu clan a few months after the clan officially joined Konohagakure, making him the first member of the clan to be born as a member of Konoha. Being the first member of the clan born within Konoha's walls, the clan gave Raito a lot more importance then he would have otherwise have gotten due to the fact that he would be the bar in which future Hiringu members would be judged by their peers.

Raito was never a social butterfly and didn't really have the natural charisma that other clans might have felt the need to install in their members, but he never did anything that reflected poorly on the clan and while he had only a few friends he largely avoided being considered anti-social. As time passed and the Hiringu bloodline started to develop in Raito during his years at the academy, Raito himself was granted the right to wear one of the clan's outfits in order to get used to it for extended periods of time while sparing his classmates the sight (and smell) that came with the bloodline.

Graduating near the top of his class, Raito was assigned to a fairly balanced genin team with a fairly experienced teacher. After two years of training and missions Raito managed to pass the Chuunin exams, earning the rank of Chuunin and starting to enhance the training of his bloodline while also continuing his training in medical jutsu. After several years of training as a Chuunin and reaching the age of 18, Raito made the decision to test himself by signing up for the SETU exams in order to see if he was good enough to join.

Other: The outfit that all Hiringu have adopted to wearing since joining Konoha is something of a masterpiece of design; Offering the wearer a surprising amount of protection and maneuverability, it's real genius lays with the filtering system that is found through out the whole suit. At the first sign of charka being channeled, the filters turn off and allow the user to unleash the full range of their poisonous abilities without hindrance while out of combat blocking out the wearer's horrific scent.

This also has the unexpected benefit of aiding in the detection of genjutsu; The invading charka also triggers the filters and turns them off. More then once has Raito alerted his team of genjutsu (And sometimes broken them out of it) because of his painfully foul stench of rotting corpse.



Special Traits:
-Raito's training in genjutsu is limited to the detection and dispelling of genjutsu.
-Raito's Taijustu is definitely his strongest attribute, even when used alone it is at high chuunin levels. When enhanced by his threaded cane and his Kekkei Genkai he can fight above his weight surprisingly easily.
-Raito is trained in medical ninjutsu.

Kekkei Genkai:
The Hiringu clan appeared 75 years ago and is still considered a somewhat young clan. Rumors abound to how they came about, but one of the more popular ones was that the founder of the Hiringu clan fulfilled some kind of pact with some breed of decay demon in order to secure their Kekkei Genkai.

The Hiringu clan is blessed with an immunity to harmful substances; Be it poison, venom, virus, disease or plague it does not seem to do them any harm. In fact, they actively seek such things out in order to absorb it into their bodies. The Hiringu clan absorbs harmful substances or illnesses and influences their bodies with its harmful properties, giving them a source to draw their clan jutsus from and naturally making their bodily fluids toxic to those outside of the clan.

There is a price to be paid for these benefits however; As the given Hiringu member starts to absorb illnesses and poisons, their body starts to decay and rot until they are to look (And smell) like a bloated, pus filled, sore covered corpse that has been given the chance to rot in a dump environment for a while. While this transformation doesn't harm or hamper the Hiringu physically (And often times gives them an edge in melee combat. It's hard for a shinobi to keep their head and cough up a fireball when they are being attacked by what appears to be a real life zombie and trying to keep their lunch down due to the horrific smell) they take a major hit socially. There is a reason that they are almost never seen outside of their clan compound outside of their suits.


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

Member Seen 3 days ago


Nami Tsubasa – 波翼 – [Nami = lit. Wave. Tsubasa = unisex name that translates to Wing]

Chiyuu, (pron. “chuu”) – ちゅう - [A kissing sound]
Ryoushi - 猟師 – [lit. Hunter, huntsman]
Funuke – 腑抜け – [lit. Coward, fool]

Male ♂

Twenty-two (22)


Iwagakure no Sato (Village Hidden by Rocks - Hidden Rock Village)

Tokubetsu Jounin (Special Jounin)

Chakra Nature:
[Primary] Suiton (Water Release)
[Secondary]Doton - (Earth Release)

Tsubasa is a tall and slender young man, with long, feminine limbs and lean muscle. His facial features are rather round, despite the fact that his jaw is rather narrow. He has sleek, almond shaped eyes with golden irises and long, dark lashes and a slightly narrow mouth, with plumb lips. He has long, shiny, black hair that he usually collects in a lazy ponytail, letting whatever escapes just hang loose. Whenever he eels like being pretty, he pins it up in an elegant bun.
On missions, he wears black leggings with a red tunic with dark gray trims and tall, steel-toed ninja sandals with a small heel. When off duty, he wears flowy, female yukutas with wide , feminine obis and flip flops. All of this coupled with the fact that his voice is utterly androgynous and his feminine mannerisms usually has people assuming him to be a woman; perhaps because he introduces himself as one.

Tsubasa is a kind and warm person, always with a friendly smile on his lips and plenty of friendly advice to pass around. He is also a giant flirt and will, despite being exclusively into women, gladly flirt with anyone that will let him.
Despite the fact that it comes naturally for him to socailize, Tsubasa actually spends most of his time alone by himself; both on missions and by choice on his days in the village.
Tsubasa is very feminine in his mannerisms, tending to move his hands fluidly in small motions as he speaks and using a lot of “girly” terms - “That was so~ cute!”
He is extremely hard to anger, although he is rather easily annoyed and is very unlike to act on his annoyance or even let people see that he is annoyed.

Nami Ren was always a rather wild one. She climbed trees and threw mud when she was a child; with the knees on her pants always torn and her long hair always filled with leaves and dirt. It was so bad that her mother even had to cut it short one time, when she was eight. She was truly one of the boys, which also meant tormenting the other girls.
In her teen years, she got even wilder. She always acted right on the edge of the law, but never did anything really illegal. No amount of reprimanding could put her straight. She failed the genin exam three times, simply because she had skipped too many classes to be able to follow the others.
She was fifteen when she announced that she had no intention of becoming a ninja. Protecting and serving was not really her style.
She was sixteen when she got pregnant with her first daughter. That forced her to settle down.
Her baby daddy, Kiyoshi, was nowhere near her wild, untamed personality. He was calm, warm and protective. And a ninja. He helped her calm down, as well. They were happy.
When their first daughter, Reiki, was two, they got pregnant again. Then when Sora, their second daughter, was almost one, they got pregnant with their third daughter, Kairi. About two years later they had their fourth daughter, Yuki. Three years later, their fifth girl came to the world and they named her Harue. Daughter number six, Michi, was born only little more than a year later. Then, four years later, they had their first boy, who would also be their last child. They named him Tsubasa.

Tsubasa was born on a warm summer day, while the sun stood high on the sky and the birds were singing happily. You would think that after giving birth six times, Ren would have gotten used to it. The screams that pierced the tranquil afternoon spoke a different story.
By the time Ren and Kiyoshi became the parents of a baby boy, their eldest was already a teenager and all but swept the baby boy out of her mother's arms. Although Ren had become a warm and caring woman, she did not have the strength to oppose her daughters when they stuffed her only boy in dresses. As a result, Tsubasa spent the first few years thinking that it was normal for boys to wear dresses and pigtails.
He was five years old before he realized that this was not the case.
Despite the fact that he now knew that it was not normal, Tsubasa loved being pretty. He loved playing with dolls with the younger ones and when the older ones smeared makeup all over his face. He even loved getting his nails done and was very careful not to ruin them once he started at the Academy.
His mother had tried to make him wear boy's clothing for his first day at the Academy, but he had thrown a huge hissy fit and refused to go until he was allowed to wear a dress. He even demanded that his sisters do his hair for him and make him look real pretty.

For the most part, Tsubasa had a different childhood, but he was always loved and cared for. He was never alone, with so much family always around, and he never wanted to be. He was a happy child and although his mother was very reluctant about him becoming a ninja, his father was beyond proud. None of his sisters had chosen to become ninja, mostly due to their mother's influence and the fact that their father was rarely around to speak nicely of the ninja life.
His father's pride did not last long, though. When Tsubasa was nine, his father died on a mission. He was gone for over a month before Ren and the kids were informed. It broke something inside of Ren and, before long, she fell back into old habits and began drinking. A lot.
Luckily, most of the kids were ready to take care of themselves at that point; Reiki had even moved out of her parents' house and in with her boyfriend. Tsubasa, being the youngest by four entire years, could still not quite care for himself. Reiki asked if he wanted to live with her, but he refused. Even Michi, the second youngest, had already entered her teen years. He felt he would be abandoning her.

For the next few years of his life, Tsubasa took care of his mother. She would drink too much, the barkeep would call him and he would go get her; supporting her as she stumbled along the streets with her arm slung over his slender shoulders and telling him just how much he looked like his father, which was not the case at all. Except for the color of his hair, Tsubasa was the splitting image of his mother, with only a slight resemblance to his father.
During the days, Tsubasa would go to the Academy and pay close attention to everything he was taught, determined not to become like his mother. Especially when they were taught how to deal with death did he take notes and even attempted to get his mother to do the exercises with him. That never went well.
By the time Tsubasa was to graduate, he was one of the best in his class. His chakra control was incredible, his alertness was beyond amazing and he had learned to control his bloodline limit with a precision that was formerly unheard of in the Nami clan. He was the best at transformation, his clones were perfect and he had mastered the art of the replacement technique.
His genin team was nice. Both were boys. Tsubasa introduced himself as Nami Tsubasa, the seventh daughter of Nami Ren and Hagane Kiyoshi. Nobody questioned him. Even after seven years, his classmates had no clue that he was a boy.

Genin missions were boring and useless. He absolutely hated it. Collecting thrash and catching cats was daily routine. But he soldiered through, handing ever little bit of cash that he earned to his mother, who drank it all up.
He only left the village a few times and spent all of that time worrying about his mother, his own safety and whether or not he left enough money for both food and alcohol.
Tsubasa and his team were genin for three years before they took the chuunin exam. Afterwards, they wished they had not. One of the teammates died and all Tsubasa could do was shake in utter horror as he was slashed down. As soon as the danger turned on him, he was a flurry of movement, though. Handseals were swift and precise, the amount of chakra used was exact and even his breathing was perfectly balanced. He drew in one big gulp of air and went underground, scurrying away like a coward and leaving his other teammate in the heat.
Needless to say, they failed.
Three days later, Tsubasa was promoted to Special Jounin and was assigned to always, always, work alone.

When Tsubasa was seventeen, his mother died as well, leaving the house to him. His sisters could not have cared less about her passing, it seemed, but Tsubasa took it rather hard. Sadly, he had no one to comfort him. That was when the sleeping around started.
It started out rather innocently. He would go out and start talking to girls. They would think he was another girl and as such did not see him as a suitor. He would woo them without them really knowing and eventually, he would reveal his identity and bring those who accepted to bed with him.
Flirting with guys was too much fun to miss. They were so olivious. All it really took for them to be pudding in his hands were a few innocent touches and a bit of swaying his hips.

The rest of his life was spent in a flurry of going on long, lonely missions to gather information, track escaped criminals and finding kidnapped children and taking strangers to bed to feel the void that a lack of friends, family and teammates left in his life.

Tsubasa smacks his lips a lot when he is in stressful situations and will constantly push his hair behind his ear when nervous.
He touches his own face a lot when speaking to someone he finds attractive.
Everyone born into the Nami clan has unisex names.
Tsubasa has a rather large collection of scrolls and books about everything from rare techniques to Herbs of the World. He finds these on his travels and reads them on his days off.


Tsubasa has a contract with Butterflies.


Special Traits:
  • Transvestite
    Contrary to popular beliefs, transvestites have to desire to actually become the opposite sex; they merely look and act like them. Tsubasa dresses and carries himself like a woman and will even introduce himself as one, but considers himself a man and is very comfortable with his own body.
  • Heartbreaker
    Tsubasa is blatantly flirtatious enough to make sailors blush and cares very little whetehr he is actually attracted to the object of his affections or not. He is, however, strictly interested in women and will only take a member of the fairer sex to bed. He loves the ladies and knows how to get them to love him back
  • ”The Hunter”
    Tsubasa earned his nickname and title as “The Hunter” because of his outstanding ability to track, find and uncover whatever he is hired for.
  • ”The Coward”
    Tsubasa earned this nickname due to the fact that he spends more time hiding underground, underwater or just hiding in general than he does actually fighting if facing resistance.
  • Intelligence Gathering Specialist
    It really is just a fancy way of saying “spy”. With his advanced skills in henge, his various concealing techniques and his abilities to completely mask his own presence, Tsubasa can infiltrate almost any place he needs to.
  • Sensory Type
    Due to his Kekkei Genkai, Tsubasa is able to feel the presence of other ninja by sensing their chakra. If it is a chakra he has sensed before, he might even recognize it. The area in which he can sense chakra is limited to about two and a half miles.
  • Scentless
    Obviously, even Tsubasa's farts still smell like rotting foods, he still stinks like a wet horse when he sweats and morning breath can still make your eyes water. However, he has, unlike most people, a way to completely conceal these scents, as well as any other scents he might emit.
  • Terrible Taijutsu
    Tsubasa was never a very physically able person. He was always long, lean and limber, so despite the fact that he may be able to kick high enough to hit a person in the face, he hardly packs enough punch behind it to swat a fly.
  • Graceful as a Cat
    Many years of training in the arts of dancing has granted Tsubasa a feather light footing that is not easily unbalanced. Like a cat, he always lands on his feet.
  • Pinpoint Chakra Control
    When you do not have heaps of chakra to work with, you learn to use just the right amount. That one little “drop” of chakra may be the thing saving your life.

Kekkei Genkai:
Himeru – 秘める – [lit. To conceal, hide, obscure]
Those of the Nami clan possess a unique ability to completely conceal their chakra; both from prying sensory-types and from the eyes of the Hyuuga. They are able to compress their chakra reserves to the point where it is undetectable, unless you know exactly where the user actually is.
Because the Nami can supress their own chakra so far, all other sources of chakra burn like lanterns to them. The vary footsteps of a person can be sensed hours after rain or wind has erased them.


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