Says you cam squeeze in one more. Am I worthy enough to meet the requirements O' Wise GM?
Oh, wha-- Sorry there. I was prepping for some tests and having to go through a few real-life events. Uh, no. The guy we squeezed in, Ahmed, makes this game have quite the roster, and we don't need another voice, thanks. I really need to change that already.
(Also, everyone else, I've been basically busy with real life. Sorry for the hiatus.)
Pretty much. Work is piling on me and I lost motivation to continue. The RP just doesn't transition well to Play By Post with you guys waiting and me having to keep track of it and rolls and... *sighs* It's just a lot manageable, and less boring, when you play with a "real" group, that is.
Perhaps when the time comes, I'll open a new Roleplay working under the same ideas but has new rules that fit PBPRP.